For those who are planning to take a go at this title, at least skim through the first 3 sections of my review aside from this paragraph before you even attempt to watch this as it may not be for you. I'm not surprised to see the show receive low ratings for what it is but it does bug me when people who attempt to watch it and end up scoring it a 1 ~ 3 without even completing it or even dropping it after simply seeing Ayana appear with her ridiculously large breasts within the first minute of the OVA.
Kagaku na Yatsura is
a comedy borderline-hentai/ecchi anime based on the manga of the same name which consists of abnormally large breasts, loads of lactation and tentacles. This OVA is an adaption of chapter 5 and 6. There is only just single OVA which was released on February 20, 2013, a year after its announcement and was produced by Hoods Entertainment who also worked on other high tier ecchi/borderline-h titles such as Aki-Sora, Seikon no Qwaser and Manyuu Hikenchou.
Length : 1 OVA, 25 mins.
Rated : Rx - Extreme Nudity, Tons of Sexual Content, Borderline-H
Sub-genres (View tags on my profile for more information) : Big Breasts, Comedy, Demon/Monsters, Lactation, Loli, Monster Girls, Android, School, Small Breasts, Students, Teachers, Tentacles, Yuri
As of now, the time of its release, I would personally have to say that Kagaku na Yatsura has raised the bar for all future borderline-h anime to be with its incredibly explicit scenes and quite fantastic quality. I'll get a bit more into detail later but that's enough on the intro, let's get onto this review.
Story - 5/10 - Kagaku na Yatsura revolves around Komaba Haruki, the main male protagonist and his two female friends who are trying to get him to join their club. Although this is irrelevant in the OVA as you won't get much into it. The entire episode consist of him and the girls getting into several erotic and problematic situations which are all solved through the girls climaxing.
When you think 'good story', you usually think of 'plot' which leads to thinking something along the lines of conflict and progression the characters go through. Well Kagaku na Yatsura doesn't provide this, it's a single OVA, so of course it won't provide any deep meaning or any sort of spectacular plot and development. The fact that it's a ecchi romance comedy should be enough to know you shouldn't be expecting much out of it in terms of plot.
Also to think about, would you rate an anime title lower simply because it was a single OVA adaption of a manga and didn't get much adapted because of its length or would you rate it higher because of how it managed to adapt what it could for its duration of a single episode? I feel Kagaku na Yatsura provided a very good amount of an adaption for the single OVA and although it didn't adapt it from the first chapters of the manga, for the chapter it did, it adapted it panel by panel, page by page. So because of this, I am giving this anime a neutral score in this category.
Art - 8/10 - When it comes to hentai, you usually get a few h-scenes which are looped over and over while some even repeat and are reused again. Kagaku na Yatsura isn't too different but at the same time it does it so much better. When the show does decide to loop a erotic scene, it doesn't loop very long before moving to another point of view or angle, providing a new animation and thus providing even more variety of the erotic scenes nor does it bother to ever bother to reuse old scenes. The color quality of the episode was simply spectacular for a show of its kind, full of vibrant colors and just a little extra to mention, since this is not an actual hentai, you don't have to even worry about censorship!
Sound - 5/10 - There was nothing notable about the music for this show but it wasn't as if it was bad or anything.
Characters - 7/10 - The characters were one of the best parts of this show next to the art. The show does jumped in with a rushed start as it doesn't provide anything in-depth about the characters where it simply shows the characters being themselves without any sort of explanation as to their roles or who they are, although this can be solved ahead of time with a quick glance through the plot synopsis and the character details and honestly, it shouldn't be too hard to guess their roles in this genre of show. There clearly will be little to no character development of any sort because of the genre and length of the show. Each character do provides their own form of enjoyment and sense of humor which can increase your overall enjoyment and what makes this category get extra points in.
First off, to mention again, we have Komaba Haruki, who is the male main protagonist of the title. There isn't much to say about him from the OVA other than he's you're typical highchool boy lead stuck in-between a couple of girls who like him and tends to just be there for the sake of having a male character on the screen. He does provide some level of humor when the girls get into erotic situations and does get to be part of the fun during the last scene. Though heck, we all know its all about the girls which makes a ecchi anime what it is, so let's move onto the girls.
Next, with Haruki also we are shown Kuze Airi, a shorter blond twin tailed girl who is part cyborg as well as what I would consider a loli for her size. Her cyborg functions can range up from changing her arm into a chainsaw, her hands into gatling guns, her eyes include in-depth sensory vision and even her backpack provides quality fun with its many robotic arms and hands. She is a bit lacking in the chest department but I'm sure that won't bother many people, heck, I'm sure many will love her because of it, I sure as hell do.
Then we got Hizuki Ayana, the extremely big busty part dog girl. She ended up becoming part dog through her experiments and a side effect of it is that she now lactates milk from her breasts and they've become extremely sensitive. She is portrayed as the target of most problems that occur. She's constantly getting herself into some situation or being targeted by others into one and in some cases, getting others involved with her. If there was an obvious trap, she's the kind of character that would end up triggering it by accident. She's basically a ditz who isn't aware she is a ditz.
Lastly, there is Hidzuki Touko, who is Ayana's older sister and during second half, becomes the school nurse. Unlike Ayana, she's isn't part dog or anything but she is indeed just as busty as her and has the ability to turn invisible. Touko is more of a mischievous woman as you can guess with someone with the ability to turn invisible but her character truely shines from her ability as a chemist. She's concocted all kinds of strange potion with all sorts of effects, especially ones that make others obey whatever you say and ones that make you more sensitive. .
Enjoyment - 10/10 - I'm going all out fanboy on this category. I enjoyed this series to its fullest. I can't say I ever liked extremely huge breasts, heck, I'd say I detest them but somehow I wasn't bothered in the slightest bit from this show and just because of this title, I am willing to try open myself more to that genre. As a fan of tentacles genre hentai, I loved the tentacle related scenes used and the quality of the entire episode. It doesn't matter if there was no actual insertion or genitals showed, this level of ecchi surpasses just about any hentai I have enjoyed. The comedy was a great addition as well, especially considering the fact that I don't fluently understand Japanese and still managed to burst out a few laughs watching the RAWs. Hell, I even typed up this large review for its single OVA because I enjoyed it so much.
Overall - 35/50 -> 7.0 out of 10 - As you can see, my enjoyment score did bump the overall to a 7.0, if I had not include it, the score would have been a 6.5 out of 10, which still rounds up to a 7.
For you who love extremely huge breast that also include lots of lactation and tentacle hentai, if you run out of hentai or hardcore ecchi to watch, this is a great choice and you'll be thoroughly pleased. Although if your not very fond of extremely huge breasts, tentacles, or ecchi in general, I would recommend you avoid this title as it will not be something you will enjoy.
Alternative Titles
Japanese: カガクなヤツら
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Finished Airing
Feb 20, 2013
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Hoods Entertainment
25 min.
R+ - Mild Nudity
based on the top anime page. Please note that 'Not yet aired' and 'R18+' titles are excluded.
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Filtered Results: 9 / 9
Your Feelings Categories Mar 3, 2013
For those who are planning to take a go at this title, at least skim through the first 3 sections of my review aside from this paragraph before you even attempt to watch this as it may not be for you. I'm not surprised to see the show receive low ratings for what it is but it does bug me when people who attempt to watch it and end up scoring it a 1 ~ 3 without even completing it or even dropping it after simply seeing Ayana appear with her ridiculously large breasts within the first minute of the OVA.
Kagaku na Yatsura is ... Apr 12, 2013
Genre: Borderline Hentai.
Read the above. Read it again. If you don't want to experience extreme titillation (sorry, can't help myself), please avoid this anime. (Please don't vote it down just because it isn't what you were looking for!) For people like me, this tour de force of gigantic breasted ecchi with fluid animation (another pun, though you won't get it unless you watch Kagaku na Yatsura) combined with a few genuinely funny moments is definitely worth a watch. My rating is broken down as follows: ... Oct 7, 2013
Kagaku na Yatsura is a single episode borderline hentai OVA. To give an example of what that means, other borderline hentai are things like "Yosuga no Sora" and "Aki Sora." However, this goes even farther than those ones and gets about as close to being an actual hentai as you can without quite crossing the line. Kagaku na Yatsura features a plethora of fetishes including extremely large breasts, small breasts, tentacle rape, an android girl, aphrodisiacs, lactation, yuri, and an ox monster that only sticks around for about 10 seconds.
The story's plot is ridiculous and pointless as you would expect of something this close to ... Apr 4, 2018
This is my first review (be gentle please). Quickie Review.
This is a borderline hentai 25 minute OVA anime. This has lots of boobs, girls moaning, and plenty of sexualized moments. So if you're not into that this won't be for you. The story (if you want to call it that) is very bare bones (remember this is just an ecchi 25 minute OVA) with mostly super erotic boob scenes thrown over the course of 25 minutes. The fluid animation (boiiiiii) was dope and I personally really liked it. The comedy is hit or miss, I smirked a few times and laughed once (which is more ... Jul 27, 2021
Ok, cutting to the chase.
Oppai. I think people like that, because I am telling you now, there isn't anything else here other than abnormally large oppai. Makes me think what would happen if someone was like that in real life. Anyways, I can only talk about the enjoyment side of things, which leads me to say stuff like, this is fun and all, but it was just, you know, ecchi and that was it. I suppose for an ecchi it does the general stuff right, though this is more formatted like some hentai, it is still hot if that is what you are looking for though, ... Jul 20, 2017
You know if you're going to make a borderline hentai anime, just make it a hentai. Stop doing things halfway. If hentai is your goal just make it. That way people will at least enjoy it a bit more.
The story will still suck either way, but at the very least people will know it's a bad hentai instead of a bad show. I hate this anime due to the lack of effort on the part of the studio. This could have easily have two or more episode to help describe the setting. But it just dumps you right in the middle of the plot, the ... Nov 30, 2018
I've noticed that people tend to say Aki Sora is "borderline" hentai a lot, especially when it comes to comparing it to something like Kagaku na Yatsura. Sorry not sorry to say, you're wrong. Aki Sora, unlike Kagaku na Yatsura, is a full-blown hentai. Which actually makes me question why anime sites would post it for everyone to watch, including kids. A real borderline hentai anime that's up there with Kagaku na Yatsura is Sin Nanatsu no Taizai/The Seven Mortal Sins due to the extremely ecchi and yuri situations that happen between two of the main female characters. As for Kagaku na Yatsura, I'd like
Jan 10, 2018
Rate a 9
English subtitled plot Far too often are we laughed at by the writers. You know what i am referring too. When a scene unfolds and you think it is going to become steamy and it doesn't pan out that way. Not here, Thank Heavens! If something is suggested expect a good follow through. My main complaint however was the introduction. Yeah, it works but for some reason feels a bit off putting. Maybe this is why i prefer narration introductions. For it certainly beats what feels walking into a random conversation with a stranger. A narrator is like your friend for if done right a ... Jan 30, 2021
well,well,well.......................Kagaku no yatsura is a bordeline hentai (apparently,it's a goddamn hentai like how it isn't).
anyway, IT'S FUN. REALLY FUN. The character....well a good hentai quality,the story......hentai story pretty typical, BUT.....don't mind all that. It's FUN...not perfect(obviously) but GODDAMN it is fun. Just try it when you're bored on sunday with no one to go out with and thinking to yourself "huh, maybe I AM a degenerate!. Ummm.......what else to talk about......oh yeah it's better than some "hentai' that i have seen, like loads better. P.S.: the animation actually pretty good (welp MAL says my review is too short..................................WHAT OTHER THINGS TO TALK ABOUT THIS PIECE ... |