Another harem plot, basically of all the harem stories you have seen before, you have never seen anything quite like "Gotoubun no Hanayome.” The series has an overall harmony, where this lavishly designed comedy, which sometimes turns into a slightly unrequited romance involving a nerdy guy and five ignorant sisters who hate to study. I forgot to tell you those sisters are quintuplets.
The plot is easy to follow. A guy, Fuutarou Uesugi, nerdy, poor, solitary, gets a job as the tutor of a group of quintuplets who are near to fail the school. This group of girls, Ichika, Nino, Miku, Yotsuba, Itsuki, named in order
Alternative Titles
Synonyms: Gotoubun no Hanayome, The Five Wedded Brides
Japanese: 五等分の花嫁
English: The Quintessential Quintuplets
German: The Quintessential Quintuplets
Spanish: The Quintessential Quintuplets
French: The Quintessential Quintuplets
Finished Airing
Jan 11, 2019 to Mar 29, 2019
Winter 2019
Fridays at 01:28 (JST)
Tezuka Productions
24 min. per ep.
PG-13 - Teens 13 or older
based on the top anime page. Please note that 'Not yet aired' and 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Available AtResourcesStreaming Platforms | Reviews
Filtered Results: 168 / 230
Your Feelings Categories Jan 31, 2019 Recommended Preliminary
(4/12 eps)
Hi, welcome to the program! Now get ready for Japan’s favorite television series: the “Pick You Waifu Game.”
***Audience applause*** We have a beautiful cast of women up for selection today, plus get this — they are quintuplets! So no matter who you pick, you’ll receive the scorn of the other four for a lifetime; or, maybe if play your cards correctly, you’ll find yourself in one awesome harem. ***Audience, “oooohhhhhhh”*** Without further ado, let’s introduce the gorgeous women who “hope” to be chosen by Fuutarou (a prodigious student with excellent marks): Itsuki Nakano — While her proclivity to eat copious amounts of delicious food have ... led to pudgy “love handles,” she offsets the unsightliness with her formal demeanor and her adorable glasses. But be warned, if you betray her, she is one known to hold a grudge. Ichika Nakano — The “eldest” sister of the quintuplets, Ichika, is a frisky girl with a bold demeanor to match. Her room is habitually messy with her sexy lingerie (like a black nightgown) just casually lying on the floor. Also, she tends to sleep in the nude. She’s the sort of girl you sleep with once, and never call again (unless you’re desperate). Nino Nakano — A nefarious bitch who will drug without a second thought. Her coarse, domineering personality will certainly be daunting to handle, so best steer clear of this psycho nut-job. Miku Nakano — Best girl! Always go with the girl in headphones. There’s less of a chance they’ll nag you to death — certified fact. Her natural interests include video games (score!) and Japanese history (particularly warlords). She does, however, exhibit an aloof personality, and seems unwilling to ingratiate herself with other girls her age (double score!). Yotsuba Nakano — A cheerful girl, awash with positivity. Her over-the-top perkiness can be a bit of a turn off, but, well…yeah, it’s just a turn off. By the way, all five sisters are incredibly “stupid” and require a significant amount of tutelage to avoid being forced into a career position at a fast-food restaurant. But who cares when they’re all well-endowed with filthy rich parents, amirite? So, the question remains: which one will you chose?
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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![]() Show all Mar 28, 2019 Recommended
Quintessential Quintuplets quickly qualified for harem anime of the year for its great rendition of the cute girls + comedy combo. Now while this is a pretty cheap combo deal that you can find during practically every anime season, consumers still buy into it in droves. And after seeing how expertly this anime handled the combo, I know I for one will be coming back for more in the future!
Quandaries regarding education can really throw a wrench in your future life plans. Failing can leave you in some pretty dire straits, so it’s clearly optimal to succeed. Shocking, I know. Unfortunately for our well endowed ... quintuplets, their beauty is matched only by their incomprehensible stupidity in practically all forms of academics. Therefore it is up to financially disadvantaged genius student Fuutarou Uesugi to tutor these hopeless rich girls and save their futures. He makes a pretty penny out of this deal, plus he gets to spend quality time with these five lovely ladies. Bonus! Of course, these siblings start off more troublesome then our protagonist could have imagined. Quitting is not an option for Fuutarou, as he has a kawaii imouto to support, so he admirably never gives up on the girls when a lesser man would have quit ages ago…probably right after being drugged by one of them. Yes, this actually happens. The plot is pretty simplistic, yet charming. It is revealed from the beginning that Fuutarou is about to marry one of the quintuplets and is reminiscing about how they met and other sentimental mushy stuff. The whole story basically shows how each of the girls starts to fall in love with their charming tutor, while the viewer is left to ponder which one Fuutarou ends up with. I enjoyed how the anime portrayed the development of the characters’ feelings through many entertaining scenarios that left me really liking the cast. While the siblings start off pretty bratty and give Fuutarou the cold shoulder at first, the way in which this man thaws their hearts and unintentionally gets them to fall for him is very well done. And hey, they even start to improve academically! Of course they’re still failing, just…not as much! Quantity vs. Quality, which do you prefer when it comes to characters? Normally, anime like this tend to sacrifice one in favor of the other. Here, we thankfully get both. Not only are there five lovely ladies featured for you to waifu, but they each boast their own unique designs, personalities, struggles, and more! Quiet and bashful is Miku, the first of the siblings to really begin to connect with Fuutarou and actually start to study with him, though she still puts up quite the fight before eventually submitting. Based on what I’ve seen, Miku is the prime candidate for “best girl” in this anime, and it’s no secret why. She’s a beautiful, busty babe. She’s reserved and awkward. She isn’t too skilled in things like academics and cooking, but she always does her best. Plus she wears headphones, a fantastic fashion fad if I do say so myself. Queued in front of her sisters at birth, Ichika is the big sis of the group. She has a rather sloppy room with her underwear and the like lying around for all to see and likes to sleep in the nude. When you also take into account her fantastic character design, she immediately becomes the sexiest of the siblings. Even Fuutarou-kun gets embarrassed by this attractive girl on occasion. She’s also trying to pursue an acting career, which is pretty neat. Top that off with her job getting in the way of school and boom! Instant character arc. I like how she presents a levelheaded and strong exterior yet keeps many insecurities quelled within her. It really makes Ichika an interesting character and not just a pretty face. Queens are typically rich, pampered individuals who act dignified, but probably look down on the masses with contempt. Nino is sort of similar to a queen, with the one difference being that she isn’t afraid to degrade people with her words and actions straight to their faces. Especially Uesugi, who she even drugs at one point. Pretty hardcore. She’s a rebellious type who deep down is actually extremely loving and caring. Plus she’s a great cook and wouldn’t mind being the breadwinner of the family, so that should excite all the basement dwellers out there. Quirky girls are usually fun and interesting, and Yotsuba is no exception. She’s quite energetic, athletic, and seems to excel at every physical activity known to man. Unfortunately for Uesugi-san, she’s the biggest baka of the bunch, and probably has the highest chance of outright failing school. She’s always upbeat and happy though, which is endearing. Quizzically, there is a common rule in anime where the first girl the protagonist meets becomes the one that he ends up with. If that’s the case, then Itsuki has the best shot of ending up with Uesugi-kun. She’s a fine girl who likes to eat and looks good in glasses, but wasn’t really given any focus in the anime. She’s quite plain in the show and is overshadowed by her sisters. But who knows, maybe the manga gives her some much needed development. Question time. Who truly is best girl? Well the good thing is that you could make a case for all of them, because they’re all completely unique from each other in many ways despite being quintuplets and each add their own exquisite flavor to the anime. However, there is one noticeable predicament the arises because of this. Quite possibly the most glaring issue with this anime would be its visual representation of the heroines and the repercussions of this problem. So a major plot element of this show is the fact the the five girls are, well, quintuplets, and the anime makes a point of saying that it is hard to distinguish between the five of them. They occasionally wear the accessories of the others in order to trick people into thinking that they’re a different sibling. Fuutarou himself constantly struggles with determining which girl is which from time to time, which admittedly causes some humorous situations. But as I said, each girl is completely unique, which includes their voices and designs, which are easily distinguishable from each other. This makes these switcheroo scenarios not as authentic as they could be had the siblings actually resembled one another. These moments also occasionally make Fuutarou look like a complete idiot sometimes when it’s blatantly clear which sibling he’s taking to yet he thinks she’s a different one. Now I perfectly understand why the creators went with this artistic choice. It’s just more aesthetically pleasing to have a variety of designs as opposed to using the same one five times over. Plus the seiyuu are an all star bunch with a lot of talent and experience behind them, so once again, it’s just more entertaining this way as opposed to having all the girls sound the same. So in the end, I honestly can’t call this decision to make the girls so different from each other wrong because of how much it adds to the show and the characters themselves. But as I mentioned, there are some negatives that result from this too. Quality harem anime are probably considered to be nonexistent by many in the anime community. And while I’d disagree, I have to admit that there haven’t really been any at all in recent memory. The Quintessential Quintuplets ended up ceasing that drought for me. Yes, from a technical standpoint, the anime has many flaws in several departments. But damn it, I can be biased if I want to, and I enjoyed this anime thoroughly. Of course, labeling this show as a harem anime might be a bit of a stretch…And to all of those individuals out there who may write The Quintessential Quintuplets off as generic and bland, I would suggest taking a page out of Fuutarou’s book. For when Miku and Nino had a cooking competition, Nino’s dish was more aesthetically pleasing and filled with originality and flavor, whereas Miku’s was dull and plain in comparison. Yet to Fuutarou, they both were good. Like with this scenario, just because this anime may seem standard when compared to others, I wouldn’t recommend writing it off based on preconceptions. Give this anime a try, and you may end up liking it as much, if not more, than I did.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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![]() Show all Mar 28, 2019 Recommended
Gotoubun no Hanayome (also known as The Quintessential Quintuples) is well known for its character cast. It’s a harem and despite only been serialized since 2017, the series has proven to be popular enough for an anime adaptation. It even got licensed for Western release in June 2018 thanks to Kodansha USA. Being an open harem will raise some eyebrows. But rest assured, this show opens up for a lot of attractiveness beyond just these colored hair quintuples.
It seems that harem anime tend to attract certain audiences. Most often these days, they let the characters carry the show with less emphasis on the plot. Gotoubun ... no Hanayome is a little different even though it sticks to some generic formulas. The first episode opens up as we meet male protagonist Fuutarou Uesug, a poor yet intelligent student. His encounter with Itsuki Nakano, a rich girl almost seems like a destined chance meeting. After obtaining a tutoring job, he realizes that his work is a lot tougher than meets the eye. The catch is that not only does he have to tutor Itsuki, he also has to tutor her quintuplet sisters. What could go possibly go wrong? Dr. Seuss once said “only you can control your future”. Now it’s the chance for Fuutarou to make the most of his own life by taking control of it while also helping these quintuples. Tutoring seems easy enough for a Brainiac like him, right? Well, from the first few episodes, the show makes it very clear that when it comes to academics, they’re not exactly prodigies. Their scores alone are more than enough to give an impression to improve a lot. Yet the real question here is if Fuutarou can lead them to a better future. As a harem rom-com, this sets up a plot although it’s not the central focus. In fact, preceding episodes seems to concentrate more on the cast and their character relationships. And really, that’s a juicy meat of the show. Who are the Nakano quintuples? From the key visual, you can see there are five and their names are: Itsuki, Ichika, Nino, Miku, and Yotsuba. The anime actually makes them easier to distinguish with their different hair colors (note: in the manga, their hair colors are much more similar) Nonetheless, the show doesn’t waste much time to bring out the most of this harem cast. Starting with Itsuki, it doesn’t take long for her to get into a rocky relationship with Fuutarou. Even from day one, they don’t see eye to eye although as time progresses, she seems to tolerate him more. Nino, the girl with the least amount of emotions also begins to appreciate Fuutarou after understanding him more. With a quiet reserved personality, she even begins to open more although her shyness sometimes still prevents her from expressing herself at times. On the other hand, Yotsuba displays an immense amount of playful behavior and despite being perhaps the least intelligent, she easily fits with the crowd and has little trouble making friends. This is a somewhat contrast compared to Nino, the second sister who can be a bit aggressive towards anyone other than her sisters. Last but certainly not least, Ichika is the oldest member of the group and has the most mature personality. Out of anyone else, she displays a wise way of expressing her feelings. Yet, she can also be playful and often, we see her teasing Fuutarou with sexual related jokes. So there you have it, the quintuplets. As for most harem, each character fits some sort of different archetype. From what I experienced with this show, it has a very balanced harem. Every character gets their spotlight and no one is really left out to be jobbed and forgotten. Each of the sisters has a chance to be with Fuutarou and throughout the show, he seems to grow to understand them better on personal levels. Outside of the cast though, don’t expect any character development from the others. Only few characters even gets a chance to be on screen like Fuutarou’s little sister, Raiha. Even then, her existence doesn’t impact the show’s plot at all. Speaking of plot, what should you really expect out of this anime? I mentioned before how the cast is selling most of the appeal but the storytelling does have importance too. There’s romance development between the main character Fuutarou with the quintuplets and it makes you wonder which ship will set sail. Unfortunately, harems tends to often be double edged swords as there may not be a winner in the end. As a 1-cour show, you definitely won’t get the answer from this adaptation. However, do pay attention to the character chemistry as it will do its best to get you attracted to the cast. The comedy speaks for itself with the hilarious gags and gimmicks. In fact, you shouldn’t be surprised to see these sisters pull off stunts with their identities thanks to how similar they look when disguised. Colorful is probably an understatement if we’re talking about the character designs. Every quintuplet has her own unique look such as Miku’s headphones, Ichika’s short hair, Nino’s butterfly accessory, Itsuki’s ahoge, or Yotsuba’s ribbon. However, I think what the show does exceptionally well is being able to balance out the comedy and dramatic moments. Camera shots are cleverly shot to show how characters react. Comedic moments tends to be reactive such as the pouts while dramatic moments focuses more on more human emotions. When you have a balance like that, it really makes the show worth watching for. Of course, a harem comedy isn’t without fan service and thanks to Ichika, there’s more than where that came from. I must admit that after watching this anime, I may have some different impressions on how harem comedy stories are made. In the past, most of them felt like a dumpster fire that were easily forgotten. Yet, Gotoubun no Hanayome managed to attract me more than I realized thanks to its masterful performances of the characters. Even Fuutarou stood out as a tolerable protagonist with his cunning personality rather than being a “nice guy”. I also say with supreme confidence that the VA did an exceptional job at bringing these characters to life. It’s not every day you get to see a group of quintuplets altogether stuffed together in a harem comedy.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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![]() Show all Mar 28, 2019 Recommended
Please note this review is intended to be read by those that have finished watching Gotoubun no Hanayome and while care has been taken to minimize story related spoilers there may still be spoilers within character analysis. You have been warned.
Based off a popular manga of the same name Gotoubun no Hanayome which is also better known by its English title The Quintessential Quintuplets is a romance, comedy, school and harem genre anime that gives us the unique opportunity to see what will happen if one day a high school boy who as a result of trying to keep both his family and his ... life afloat and ahead of the many debts that his father has incurred which has created nothing but misfortune for his life that ensured that he has not just no friends but very few money is presented with a once in a lifetime golden opportunity to turn things around. An opportunity that will not only allow him to get a regular salary that will go a long way in helping keep his family afloat with its debt but also allow him to keep them happy as well. But what turned out to be a simple tutoring job for our hero Fuutarou Uesugi is that instead of teaching just one person he is rather teaching five of them and these five rather than being strangers from different families are instead sisters who are all related by blood. School-based romantic comedies are without a doubt one of the most popular genres within the anime world due largely to the fact that school itself presents a perfect environment in which to tell not just an interesting story but also provide its cast with numerous but easily relatable situations that many students can understand and relate too while still remaining light-hearted and comedic. Notable animes of this type that I found to have really enjoyed in the past included Yamada Kun and the Seven Witches and The World God only knows. However, what sets The Quintessential Quintuplets apart from other such anime however is the fact that not only is the main character one that is simultaneously trying to live the live of a high school boy while struggling with the unique financial demands of modern-day family life, but he’s also presented with a unique opportunity that will help alleviate it if he accepts. The catch here is rather than merely teach one person as would be expected of a typical tutor he instead will be teaching five girls who are not only sisters by blood but are all averse to studying which presents to Fuutarou a bit of a dilemma since his job is to ensure that all of the girls pass all their exams. The first episode of the series while certainly an enjoyable one also did well not just in introducing Fuutarou and the five sisters but also in showing just how different the five of them are not just physically but in attitude as well as well as showing just how hard this supposedly easy job will be for Fuutarou. As a result of this episode, I have to say that I become curious to see how this story would actually turn out and whether or not the sisters and Fuutarou would as they learn together not only end up passing their exams but also develop as people as well. The overall story for The Quintessential Quintuplets is set in a modern day Japan that’s not dissimilar to the one that we see with our very eyes and follows the life of Fuutarou Uesugi a high school student who despite being in the midst of his teenage years in which normally he will be surrounded by caring and understanding friends and enjoying the time that high school kids get to bask in but alas for Fuutarou this is nothing but an unachievable dream. For as a result of the large financial debt that his father had incurred Fuutarou despite being a mere high school boy has to not just work hard at managing the family’s finances but at the same time work hard at finding a part-time job that will allow him to better support his family a goal that until now was nothing but a dream. However, this sense of seeing this as a dream is soon shattered when Fuutarou on a seemingly average day has an encounter with Itsuki Nakano a beautiful but seemingly quiet girl who had recently transferred to his school who tries to hire him as her tutor to which he promptly refused much to her shock due to the low salary usually involved. However, this is a decision that Fuutarou soon learns to regret for the job in question not only offered a substantial salary but also one that will enable him to pay off the majority of the debt that they had incurred. Desperate to make amends and try and get back the opportunity of a lifetime that he had seemingly threw away Fuutarou after much effort manages to do so but finds to his surprise that rather than teach only one person he was in fact going to teach five of them who coincidentally are sisters by blood. In this wacky romantic comedy that Fuutarou finds himself in he must not only contend with the most difficult task of not just convincing each of the five sisters to overcome their dislike of studying but also impart within them all the knowledge that they will need in order to pass their exams and earn him the salary that he so much desires. But as Fuutarou works at trying to make the sisters realize the importance of studying he as a result of getting to know them not just as students but as individuals also starts to find himself changing as for the first time in a long time he was not only interacting with people his age but also in the process discovering that while it was certainly frustrating in trying to convince the girls to study it was also oddly fun and satisfying as well. This serves to create a question. Who really is the teacher here? Fuutarou Fuutarou Uesugi portrayed by veteran voice actor Yoshitsugu Matsuoka of Sword Art Online and Food Wars fame is one of the main characters of the series and is the main protagonist of the series. A high school student that attends the local high school to which the Nakano sisters also attend Fuutarou on initial appearances is seen to be a quiet, calm and intelligent person by nature that was noted early on to have a rather curious talent for money management. While certainly a quiet person that preferred to keep his eyes in his books than at people Fuutarou was also shown to be a perceptive, determined and fast thinking person that can at times show unexpected kindness and care to others when he can. However, despite living the life of a high school student which normally would mean that you will be having the time of your lives with your friends and enjoy the time that youth brings you it can be said that this is something that sounds almost as alien to Fuutarou as not studying would to him. Indeed while Fuutarou despite clearly possessing excellent levels of intelligence that have enabled him to score high test scores in tests rather than make use of this as a means to forge deep friendships with his fellow students is instead seen to do the opposite in that he not just stays away from them but actively tries to stop others from approaching him as well as shown in his first encounters with Itsuki. Despite the apparent loneliness that can come from having no friends that he can mingle with and have fun with both at school and outside of it can be seen rather curiously that rather than feel despair as some would Fuutarou instead is seen to not mind this at all seemingly preferring the sense of peace that came about as a result. As the series goes on however it can be seen that this unique attitude of his is due to the large financial debt that his family had inherited from their father. This debt due largely to how large it is can be seen to be one of the major reasons for Fuutarou’s attitude towards life. While its easy to imagine that the reason for Fuutarou’s aloof nature towards friendships is due largely to his quiet nature and his love of studying when put alongside the debt it can be seen that rather than this the reason for Fuutarou’s nature is due to his desire of safeguarding his families finances first and ensure that both him and his sister Raiha are able to both live comfortably and safely. As a result of this underlying desire it can be seen that rather than him being a loner the opposite is instead true for Fuutarou is instead prioritising the safety and well-being of his sister at the cost of his own fleeting social life something that I felt while sad was also something deserving of admiration and a great indication of just how much Fuutarou cares about family. As the series goes on however and Fuutarou gets to not just meet the five sisters and get to know them not just as students but also as friends as well his personality gradually starts to expand. At the beginning of the series largely due to his desire to study and do well in his exams in order to attain a better future for both himself and his family Fuutarou was noted to have a curious sense of disdain towards relationships with others both in terms of social relationships like friendships and romantic relationships. However, rather than being scared of it as some would assume it can be seen that this is largely a result of the belief that anything that distracts him from studying is, in essence, wasting his time. However, this belief of his while certainly giving him plenty of time and opportunity to allow him to study to his hearts content and attain the grades that he was aiming for can also be said to have an unfortunate side effect as this meant that in addition to having a non-existent social life Fuutarou also had a distinct lack of experience in speaking to others and to girls in particular. This aspect while certainly comical due to both the comical reactions that it has on the sisters and the many misunderstandings that it causes to both Fuutarou and the sisters also serves to illustrate just how lacking Fuutarou was in his comprehension of what friendship and bonds are to a human being and how important they are to one’s life. At the beginning of the series it can be seen that the primary reason that Fuutarou took up the job of being a tutor was due largely due to the large salary that was promised and as a result he while seeking to fulfill his primary mission of raising the grades of the sisters can be seen to only see it as a job and conversely only saw the sisters as his students and nothing more. However, this attitude of his gradually starts to change as a result of not just interacting with the girls but also coming to understand that despite their great wealth each of the girls to have their own unique struggles and problems that they not only want to keep from both their friends but also from each other as well. As a result of the ever-increasing bonds that are forged between the sisters and Fuutarou and the gradual opening of their inner hearts to him Fuutarou though at first hesitant in trying to get involved in the affairs of others gradually starts to break free of his hesitation and try to understand the unique problems that each girl had. While each of the girl’s problems were unique ones that ended up posing quite the challenge for Fuutarou due to both his limited experience in social life and his blunt attitude it can be said that these experiences while certainly allowing Fuutarou to help each sister resolve their personal struggles and in the process increasing the bond that exists between them also serve to change Fuutarou’s personality as well. While still remaining quiet to a degree Fuutarou as a result of both getting to know the inner selves of the sisters and also coming to understand the unique struggles that each hid within them slowly began to realize just how important it was to not just forge bonds with others but also maintain them as well for within society even if you have top tier grades in every required subject and exam you wouldn’t get far if you distance yourself from others and make no attempt to establish a social life of your own. As a result of this realization Fuutarou while still somewhat direct with his words also starts to show more consideration towards others both in terms of his words and in the actions that he takes in helping others which is shown well in his attempts to help each of the girls solve their problems as the series progresses despite his initial reluctance to get involved with them. This development in Fuutarou’s character I felt was an interesting one as while allowing Fuutarou to meet five unique girls who despite being sisters all have differing personality’s that required some effort to get used too also made Fuutarou realize that even if he had continued on with his path on continuous study he would not only not get the result that he wanted but also become more and more distant from society than he was now. Though he can initially be seen to treat the tutor role as nothing but a job as the series progresses and Fuutarou’s bond with the girls improve this can be seen to change as he begins to see not just the value of friendship and bonds and how useful it can be to him in terms of his future. At the same time seeing this realization also manifest on a personal level with regards to Fuutarou’s realization of just how much fun and brightness friendship can bring to ones social life was also fun to see as it highlighted the fact that while Fuutarou was indeed the tutor the girls too were in their own way teaching him what he was missing in his life as well which is that of friendship and bonds. Itsuki Nakano Itsuki Nakano portrayed by veteran seiyuu singer Inori Minase of Re Zero and A Place Further Than The Universe fame is one of the main characters of the series and is one of the Nakano Sisters that Fuutarou teaches within the series. The fifth and the youngest of the sisters within the family and the first sister that Fuutarou meets within the series Itsuki on initial appearances is seen to be a quiet, confident, stubborn and curious person by nature that while friendly to all that she meets is also shown to get angered quite easily which when paired with the fact that she can get embarrassed easily serves to contrast her personality quite well. While a diligent, serious and determined person by nature that somewhat mirrors Fuutarou’s base nature unlike Fuutarou Itsuki is also someone that can show kindness and care to others when needed and indeed is also shown to be surprisingly perceptive to the inner struggles of others as shown when she determined the true reason for Fuutarou wanting to do well in his role despite the opposition that he faces. In the beginning of the series due largely to Fuutarou’s personality Itsuki’s first impression of Fuutarou was seen to be a rather bad one and as a result, their relationship was seen to be a rather frosty one. As a result, it’s no small surprise that upon the reveal that Fuutarou was not just going to be showing up more around her but also that he was taking the role as their tutor that Itsuki’s relationship with him become antagonist. However, despite this sense of antagonism towards him, it can be seen Itsuki true to her curious nature is also someone that is logical by nature that can be relied upon to determine the actual truth behind a circumstance before making a decision herself. This aspect of hers when paired with her honest and fair nature I felt matched really well with both her personality and her role as the mediator within the sisters that can be trusted to be impartial with her judgment. As the series goes on however and Itsuki gets to understand Fuutarou as both as a person and as a tutor her personality gradually starts to change. As noted previously Itsuki’s first impression of Fuutarou was seen to be a rather bad one and as a result, the relationship that existed between them on their first meeting as student and tutor was seen to be a rather frosty one. Indeed, for this reason, Itsuki along with her sister Nino served as the focal opponents to Fuutarou’s early attempts at getting the sisters to be serious at studying with her notably showing a rare physical display of opposition to him. However, as the series goes on and Itsuki gets to see both Fuutarou’s efforts to teach her and her sisters and the efforts that he puts in to help them solve the personal struggles that are preventing them from studying effectively this attitude of hers begins to change. While still wary of Fuutarou to a degree Itsuki however was shown to be willing to place her trust in him in his plans and at times willing to assist him if the particulars of the plan are explained properly to her. While becoming visibly kinder and more considerate of the feelings that Fuutarou may be hiding beneath the surface however Itsuki was also shown to be wary of the distance that is between her and Fuutarou seemingly mindful of the teacher-student relationship that exists between them perhaps hinting that her feelings are developing into something more. Of all the sisters of the Nakano family, Itsuki can be seen to be perhaps the closest to Fuutarou in terms of personality due largely to the fact that both are seen to be stubborn in their beliefs and liable to be triggered by the most trivial of subjects. Indeed this aspect of hers that she shared with Fuutarou while serving to cause often comical quarrels between the two also served as an excellent indicator of the change that Fuutarou was imparting within her as it was only with the quarrels that she was able to realize that while some changes may be unpleasant and hard to get used too if she doesn’t make the effort to understand the benefits of it then she will never be able to advance in life. In a way, it can be said that the stubbornness that both Itsuki and Fuutarou possess though often causing them to quarrel with each other was at the same time causing them to realize this flaw of theirs and contributing in advancing both of their respective personalities for the better. The character of Itsuki I felt was an interesting character due to the contrasts that exist between her personality and her role within the series and the stormy relationship that she has with Fuutarou. Ichika Nakano Ichika Nakano portrayed by veteran seiyuu singer Kana Hanazawa of 3 Gatsu No Lion and Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei fame is one of the main characters of the series and is one of the Nakano sisters that Fuutarou teaches within the series. The first sister and within the family the acknowledged elder of them Ichika from initial appearances is seen to be a confident, teasing and playful person by nature that true to her personality is someone that loves to play pranks on others for her own amusement and indeed she is bold enough to try that on males her age as well. Unlike most high school girls her age Ichika is someone that can be said to rather unique in that while she understands the importance of studying and getting good grades she also believes that you shouldn’t spend all your youth studying and that you should take the time to enjoy the time that being a teenager brings you. As a result of this attitude of hers while Ichika was certainly not against meeting Fuutarou and having him as her tutor she didn’t necessarily support his existence within their family either preferring to instead wait and see what happens. Coincidentally upon meeting her for the first time, Fuutarou was also of the belief that Ichika was someone that had the ability to see through him and can either be a powerful ally or a powerful enemy and was someone to be wary of. While a confident and teasing person by nature Ichika was also noted to be someone that cared deeply about the bonds that she has with her sisters and indeed she was shown to be someone that always put the happiness of her own sisters before her own a trait that I felt matched well with her role as the leader and eldest sister of the family. As the series goes on however and Ichika’s bond with Fuutarou starts to improve her personality gradually begins to change. While noted from the onset to be a positive, teasing and a calm and composed person by nature that seemed to be able to handle anything it can be seen that in reality the positive and teasing smile that she shows on her face can be seen to be a mask of sorts that serves to both hide her own struggles and failures that have occurred in her life while at the same time converting it into a sense of calmness that she projects to her sisters to reassure them. While this dual nature of hers served to reinforce the fact the Ichika is someone that always puts the happiness of others first it also served to reveal just how lonely she was with her struggles as well as in order to protect her sisters by not just revealing her own failures but to keep at it until she succeeds in her task she was not just putting more pressure on herself but also essentially walking on a tightrope as things can potentially get dangerous if her sisters found out what she really was doing behind their backs. This hidden nature of Ichika felt was an interesting one as while it showed Ichika’s determination to protect her sisters by always being cheerful around them it also served to show the kind of struggles that elder sisters had within the family as well. In the beginning of the series as noted earlier Itsuki’s attitude towards Fuutarou was seen to be a neutral one and while not against the idea of learning from him unlike her sister Nino she was seen to be someone that wasn’t that interested in the idea seemingly preferring to be out than studying. Rather than being a sense of laziness as some would assume it can be seen that this attitude rather is a result of her belief that the learning capabilities of she and her sisters just isn’t good enough for them to be able to pass every exam. However, as the series goes on and Ichika got to understand Fuutarou as a person and at the same time see the lengths to which he will go to help them solve the problems that were preventing them from studying effectively Ichika’s attitude towards him began to visibly soften. While still reluctant to waste her youth studying it can be seen that after this revelation that her previously pessimistic attitude towards it have largely vanished and she has become somewhat determined to do well in her studies. Due largely to the increased bond that has been forged between Ichika and Fuutarou it can be seen that after the revelation that led to this bond that Ichika has become somewhat more open with her feelings willing to express both her wishes and worries to Fuutarou while at the same time willing to listen to his own thoughts as well which is a far cry of how she was before. While becoming more open with her feelings Ichika largely as a result of seeing how much Fuutarou is willing to go to help them solve their problems is also seen to have a developed a desire to assist Fuutarou in not just helping each of her sisters but also ensure that each of them will be able to pass their exams as per Fuutarou’s job. While this can be seen to be a result of both the gratitude that she feels towards him and a desire to see it be used to save her sisters as well the fact that Ichika was not just more caring and helpful towards him while at the same time not being above using cunning to force his hand at something perhaps hints that her feelings towards him have developed into something much deeper. The character of Ichika I felt was an interesting character whose dual nature mask of hers served well to show not just the kind of pain and struggles that people could be hiding under their default natures but at the same time demonstrate well just how much burdens one is also willing to shoulder and sacrifice if it meant that the happiness of those that she cares about is satisfied. Miku Miku Nakano portrayed by Miku Itou is one of the main characters of the series and is one of the Nakano sisters that Fuutarou teaches within the series. The third sister of the family Miku on initial appearance is seen to be somewhat of a direct contrast to the rest of her sisters in that she’s a quiet, calm, composed and passive person by nature that prefers to keep her own thoughts hidden, unlike her sisters. However, despite her quiet nature and her low self-esteem, it can be seen that Miku is also someone that can be somewhat bold at times as shown in the fact that she doesn’t mince words when she is stating her true opinion of something an aspect that I felt contrasted well with her quiet nature. Due largely to her quiet nature Miku was also seen to be someone that was wary of outsiders and was someone that didn’t trust easily. This combined with her quiet nature made Miku a formidable foe for Fuutarou as she served as one of the first obstacles in his quest to unite the sisters. However, while certainly wary of outsiders and unwilling to trust others easily it can be seen that Miku is also capable of showing kindness and understanding to those that have earned her trust and while her quiet nature often hamstrings her Miku will try her best help them with their problems. As a result of Miku’s personality, it's perhaps unsurprising that she will have few if any friends at school which combined with the fact that she along with her sisters were recent transfer students ensured that her life at school was a lonely one. However, while this sense of isolation may have been too much for some for Miku this can be said to be the opposite as it is in isolation that Miku can be said to be in her element for this allows her to indulge in her interest in ancient history. While interest in ancient history was not something that can be said to be weird to a high school girl of Miku’s age an interest in it was certainly unusual. However, to Miku the tales of ancient warlords who fight bravely on a thousand battlefields in the name of justice, vengeance and conquest can be seen to be something that is very dear to her as to her they present an interesting and intriguing world that she can use to hide herself in and slip out of the hustle and bustle that comes from living in modern day society. While shown to become easily become embarrassed if her little interest was found out it can be seen that this interest of hers rather than being a mere pastime as some would suggest Miku’s knowledge of warlords is instead something that is both dear to her and at the same time something that she takes pride in a fact that is shown well in her desire to prove this by using knowledge quiz’s. This aspect of hers I felt was interesting as considering Miku’s personality it can be seen that her interest in ancient warlords rather than being a mere pastime can be said to be closer to a protective measure that she uses to not just shield herself from society but also create something that she can take pride in. The fact that she is seen to take any challenges to her knowledge of warlords as seriously as she did within the series and ably demonstrating her competitive nature more than reinforced this belief. As the series goes on and Miku’s bond with Fuutarou gradually improves her personality slowly begins to change. At the beginning of the series, Miku like her fellow sisters were seen to have a mixed reception upon receiving the news that Fuutarou will not just be seeing them more often but also be taking on the role as their tutor. However, unlike the likes of Itsuki and Nino who vehemently denied the need for a tutor and Yotsuba who clearly wanted him Miku was seen to be somewhat neutral in this regard with her views mirroring that of her elder sister Ichika. However, as a result of not just seeing just how much Fuutarou was willing to go to help them solve their problems and at the same time how far he will go to understanding them as people Miku’s impression on Fuutarou began to gradually change. Largely due the fact that Fuutarou was able to not just match her in terms of intelligence but also because he shown that unlike others that she had met before he was not willing to leave her after finding out about her interest Miku become convinced that perhaps Fuutarou unlike the other tutors before her was not the same and was capable of not just teaching them how to pass their exams but at the same time able to also heal the hearts of each of them by solving each of their individual struggles. As a result of this belief of hers Miku not just become the first of the sisters to open her heart to him but also in the process discover all of the wonderful feelings and emotions that can come from modern day society that she had until now been hiding from. After her awakening while still remaining quiet and passive to a degree Miku was seen to have become much more talkative and at the same time was also shown to have developed an increased level of confidence within herself as demonstrated in her willingness to express her own views and opinions on both people and events which is a far cry from how she was previously. At the same time Miku was also shown to have developed a certain level of fondness for Fuutarou which is shown in both her increased levels of interaction with him and the fact that she was willing to listen to his advice in order to improve her skills both in terms of studying and in other life skills like cooking. At the same time, it can be seen that this level of fondness that she has with him also created within Miku a strong desire to not only pick up studying once more but also add in an additional focus on a subject that’s closer to her heart more than anything. The character of Miku I felt was an interesting character whose development from a quiet girl who largely showed few expressions of obvious feelings while trusting no one to someone that was not just more positive but talkative and trusting as well was well done. While the level of fondness that she developed for Fuutarou was certainly sweet to see the level of effectiveness of this was reinforced significantly by Miku’s desire to answer challenges to this as well as the often-comical results that would come about. Nino Nakano Nino Nakano portrayed by veteran seiyuu singer Ayana Taketatsu of Sword Art Online and Youkoso fame is one of the main characters of the series and is one of the Nakano sisters that Fuutarou teaches within the series. The second sister within the family and arguably the one that acts as the role that’s closest to a mother within the family Nino from initial appearances is seen to be a friendly, caring and intelligent person by nature that treats her friends and acquaintances with both care and kindness. However, it can be seen that this side of her personality is the side that she reserves for her friends for when dealing with either new arrivals or interlopers who seek to interfere in the unity within her family it can be seen that Nino has another side of her personality that she unleashes on them. Due largely to the fact that Nino views the unity within the family to be of paramount importance to her it can be seen that Nino is someone that views people that will potentially have an effect on it with some might argue an excessive amount of aggression for rather than adopt a wait and see approach as some would have Nino adapts an attitude that’s more akin to getting rid of a threat before it can cause any lasting damage. As a result of this at the beginning of the series along with Itsuki Nino formed the core of the group that opposed Fuutarou’s appointment as their tutor a role that she stubbornly held on to for quite some time within the series even when her fellow ally Itsuki decided to accept the truth much to her dismay. While Nino within this sub-personality of hers mostly retains her calm and friendly nature it can be seen that in addition to this she also developed a significant amount of aggression which when combined with her other newfound traits of cunning and maliciousness served to ensure that Nino was a powerful opponent to Fuutarou’s attempt to unite the sisters and making her a de facto villain within the series. While noted to be a cunning and stubborn person by nature Nino was also noted to be someone that was of the belief that as long as the threat to her family was gone then any tactics that she uses is justified a fact that ensured that she wasn’t above using theatrics and tactics that are a tad underhanded for a girl her age to use. However despite her preference of using such tactics it can be seen that Nino while certainly prideful was not to the extent of not being able to realize it when she goes too far and indeed is one that is willing to own up to her mistakes something that I felt contrasted well with the aggressive tactics that she used in her attempts to safeguard her family. As the series goes on however and Nino gets to see first hand the kind of change that Fuutarou was having not just on her sisters but also herself as well Nino’s personality gradually starts to change. While still retaining her confident and haughty nature it can be seen that as a result of the change Nino has learned to be somewhat more forgiving of others and more willing to try and open up her own feelings to them in order to both lessen the risk of misunderstandings and at the same time allow her to get a much better view on the true nature of someone rather than go by her usual aggressive side as she had done so in the past. While still possessing a degree of stubbornness it can be seen that after the change Nino has become somewhat more understanding of the circumstances of others and willing to lend them her help even if the said person was a sworn enemy of hers in the past a development that I felt was an interesting one as it served to show just how much of an impact Fuutarou’s teachings had on dispelling Nino’s ingrained aggressive nature that she used to protect her family. This within the series is shown well in the way that she interacts with Fuutarou as while still cold to him to a degree her attitude towards him no longer rests on that of sworn enemy number one and indeed she is shown to be willing to help him solve any problems that he has and not in the process see him as the source of it which is a far cry of what she was like before. The character of Nino I felt was an interesting character whose development from a grumpy and aggressive young girl who was not just against the introduction of strangers into the family but at the same time not above using aggressive and sometimes borderline illegal tactics to send them packing in the name of family unity to someone that was not just more understanding and honest with her feelings but also willing to give the benefit of the doubt to strangers I felt was well done. In particular, I feel that this combination of traits was matched really well with Nino’s central focus of ensuring family unity as if this was instead focused entirely on her I felt that the effects that it would have had would have been lessened. Yotsuba Yotsuba Nakano portrayed by veteran seiyuu Ayane Sakura of Charlotte and Boarding School Juliet fame is one of the main characters of the series and is one of the Nakano sisters that Fuutarou teaches within the series. The fourth sister of the sisters Yotsuba on initial appearance is seen to be a bright, cheerful and friendly person in nature that approaches each day with a smile on her face traits that serve her well in acting as the one that tries hard to manage the mood within the series. A kind, friendly and honest person by nature Yotsuba along with Nino can be seen to be among the sisters that can be said to be enjoying what a genuine high school life should be which within Yotsuba’s case is aided greatly by her honest and loyal nature that ensured that she will have no shortage of friends within the school. While noted to be a positive and friendly person by nature it can be seen that Yotsuba was also someone that was both persistent and perceptive in nature qualities that allowed her to not just notice when something was off with her many friends but also allow her to close in and try and help them if she can a fact that I felt matched her base nature really well. At the beginning of the series due largely to the fact that Yotsuba was the first of the sisters to make contact with Fuutarou, she was seen to be the one that had the closest bond with him a bond that as the series progressed was only seen to improve as the story went on. Despite the fact that Fuutarou was within the school seen to be somewhat of an outcast that would have deterred most people it can be said this aspect is something that proves to be no obstacle to Yotsuba for she despite her scatter-brained nature is someone that is shown to be not just perceptive but also a good judge of character that when used in conjunction with her core belief of someone that just cannot leave those that are in need behind served to create an instant bond between the two that served to create one of his first and strongest allies within the sisters. As the series progresses and Yotsuba was able to bear witness to not just the improvement in her and her sisters’ grades and at the same time see their personalities Yotsuba’s personality also begins to gradually change. While still remaining her positive, friendly and innocent nature Yotsuba was also shown to have developed a certain degree of cunning within her with a desire to spend more time with Fuutarou in an effort to learn more about him. While this cunning is not on the level of Nino’s aggressive variant that is used to repel intruders it was still an interesting development as it indicated that while Yotsuba was shown to have a very high opinion of Fuutarou due to both his high grades and his personal struggles that mixed well with the problems of her and her fellow sisters that maybe her feelings towards him as a result of seeing the effect that he had on them had developed to a point that’s above that of a student and teacher. AMV In terms of animation, I felt that the character designs for the series main characters were both well designed and developed and featured a great deal of variety that served well to enhance each character. This I felt was shown especially well in the character designs for the five sisters as the five being sisters were almost identical to each other and were thus difficult to tell apart without some kind of visual representation besides that of hairstyle which can easily be changed. In this case, I felt the use of both hair accessories and other miscellaneous items like headphones, stars and hairclips served well to allow us, viewers, to easily see which sister is which. In terms of location settings while the series did not feature a large variety of locations the locations that it feature however which while relatively simple ones served well to show how relevant they are to both the personal circumstances of the characters as well as the venues that served to show the effects of the advancement of each of the main casts personalities within the series. Within the series this was shown in the form of Fuutarou’s apartment which demonstrated Fuutarou’s humble but determined reason to earn money by doing well in his role as a tutor, the Nakano apartment which served as both the girls sanctuary and the girls and Fuutarou’s place of work that allowed both to learn about each other’s problems and start the process of solving them and the camp venue that the cast visit near the end of the series that served to not just allow the girls and Fuutarou to have a memorable time with the schools camping trip but at the same time allow the sisters to show just how much their bond with Fuutarou has advanced as a result of his hard work. In terms of music I felt that the series OST was a strong one that while providing an excellent background to the many common scenes within the series also served well to provide a strong backing for the many bonding scenes within the series that served to illustrate well the kind of feelings and emotions the cast felt as they interacted with and gradually bonded with each other. One of my favorites was when Fuutarou managed to save Nino from a dangerous fall that contributed to her advancement in her feelings towards him and the moment when Itsuki and Fuutarou finally came to an understanding after their fight. In terms of opening and ending themes the series made use of one opening and ending theme which was Gotoubun no Kimochi that was sung by the seiyuu’s that voiced the five sisters which was Inori Minase, Miku Itou, Kana Hanazawa, Ayana Taketatsu and Ayane Sakura respectively and Sign that was performed by veteran seiyuu singer Aya Uchida. While both of these songs I felt were excellent ones I also felt that the emotions that both gave off was markedly different from each other with the former due largely to the cheerful and upbeat nature of the lyrics serving to invoke within you that you were going to start a new day tutoring the girls and having fun at the same time while the latter gave off the feeling that the day of tutoring is over and that its time to sit back and relax with the girls and wait for tomorrow to come sentiments that I felt matched well with the series main theme. In terms of voice acting, I felt that the series main voice cast all did an excellent job at portraying their assigned characters whether they were main or support ones. In particular, I felt that Yoshitsugu Matsuoka, Inori Minase, Kana Hanazawa, Miku Itou, Ayana Taketatsu and Ayane Sakura who portrayed the characters of Fuutarou, Itsuki, Ichika, Miku, Nino and Yotsuba all did an excellent job at portraying their assigned characters. Miku Itou’s portrayal of Miku I felt was also a surprise as she is someone that despite having amassed an impressive resume of roles is someone that I never encountered before and as such, this is indeed my first time hearing her despite her resume. Overall conclusion In overall Gotoubun no Hanayome was an excellent anime that I felt was definitely one of this season's best ones with its main strong points, in my opinion, being its unique premise both in terms of romantic comedy’s and in the harem genre, its strong story that emphasised on the act of bonding and solving problems together, well designed and developed characters, music and excellent voice acting by a talented voice cast. The overall story for the series along with the series premise I felt was definitely one of the series main strong points. While the idea of school-based romantic comedies are nothing especially new within the anime world as seen in examples like the excellent Yamada and the Seven witches series the premise that Gotoubun no Hanayome makes use of can be said to be a relatively fresh one as it pairs a student that while possessing high grades is essentially a social outcast within the school and five girls who despite their wealth are shown to be seriously lacking in education with the relationship of that of a student and teacher. While the struggles that erupt between the Nakano sisters and Fuutarou served to make up the core of the series overall story I felt that the story also did well to combine this with not just the chemistry that is established between the sisters and Fuutarou but also with the characters eventual development both in terms of educational skills and in the bonds that they managed to forge with both each other and Fuutarou. While the series overall story did well in showing the kind of changes that came about as a result of Fuutarou’s hard work it must also be said that the opposite is also true as well for while Fuutarou may have contributed significantly in helping each sister overcome their problems they in turn also helped in changing his own as well and show him the benefits that friendship and bonds can bring to his life. This aspect of trying to change other people for the better while being changed in turn I felt was an interesting aspect that matched well with the teacher-student relationship that lies between the Nakano sisters and Fuutarou. As a final score, I would say that Gotoubun no Hanayome easily deserves a final score of 10/10. The combination of an excellent premise, story, characters and their development with the chemistry of the cast as well as backed by a star straddled voice cast more than ensured that this series was one that I really enjoyed as everything meshed so well together.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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![]() Show all Jan 31, 2019 Recommended Preliminary
(4/12 eps)
Having five twin brothers I can't imagine how it will be. Hanayome tells of five twins who have different backgrounds but have one strange habit of lazy learning, as you know learning is an obligation for a student but keep in mind that doesn't mean you continuous learning sometimes we also need to rest.
The storyline is divided into chapters and of course the chapter has different playing heroines. The storyline that is not convoluted and full of comedy makes this anime popular among teenagers considering that the anime is also harem themed where the condition of men / women are surrounded by their gender opponents. For ... the part of my own voice I was very surprised by this, they were very solid in choosing the voice in each character even they invited Hanazawa Kana in their series the harmony between the voice actors and characters was very fitting. they collaborate to create an interesting theme. On the other hand they are also quite good in the quality of the art and character, the animations they offer are not rigid at all and their character designs are also very good, even though they are twins it turns out they have a background character and background, therefore from some serial harems I really like the characters in this series. Harem is the most popular genre for men especially wrapped with ecchi spices, making the audience unable to do more. As a spectator I really like this series and recommend it to you because this series is suitable to fill your spare time.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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![]() Show all Mar 28, 2019 Recommended
I discovered the manga before the anime was announced but after seeing the 'Harem' tag i decided to not get into it and i was pretty hesitant getting into the anime as well.Needless to say, watching this was a great decision.
Story/Plot Its the same old story every time smh. Futaro the mc is asked to tutor 5 girls who are all sisters. All 5 of the girls end up developing feelings for futaro and face their own challenges in trying to take him for themselves. Id rather not spoil the story since it woukd be better pt watch and enjoy for youreself. Unlike most Harem animes ... the characters are pretty amazing, lovable and cute, even the mc has his strong points and isnt trash like most harem anime protagonists. All the charachters have their own specil charachteristics and and are funny and cute in their own way The plot may be very cliche but its better than most harem animes. Art/Sound the art is pretty consistent and pleasing to loom at, all the chr-arcters are designed well enough to make u absolutely fall in love with them (Miku ofcourse). The OST goes pretty well with the anime and i personally really liked the Ending. WAIFU RANKS 1.Miku 2.Yotsuba 3.Raiha 4.chika 5.Itsuki 6.Nino Overall: 9 Id reccomend watching this since it was a great and enjoyable experiance and it was good enough to make me catch up to the manga.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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![]() Show all Feb 8, 2019 Recommended Preliminary
(5/12 eps)
Everything I find in this anime is very unexpectedly unique. Especially because the opening of this anime tends to get me excited for this anime. I have never been so happy to see this finally getting an anime. I’ve known this manga for almost two years now, and something like this could never ever bring tears of joy to my eyes as a person that enjoys and going off watching anime. I love every each and every individual in the anime. Something that could change your life as you want to become the tutor you sought to wish for, and now here’s your chance to
redeem yourself as the tutor.
Story: 10 It tends to get a little bit messy, but in the meantime, you expect it to get way better. It does get better, trust me on this. I love the story so much, it brings happiness and love to me as I watch this anime with my sibglings, knowing that there will be much more to come as I experience the two tsunderes, kuuderes, danderes, and then there’s a deredere. How much could this anime improve? I can tell you this. Anything that makes the story so special, is that Fuutarou goes off on his own time to help the five girls (that he should marry.) I suggest for Nino to marry him the most cause she’s the most adorably beautiful Tsundere that I have seen in a long time. Too bad the girls try to dominate their powers to make themselves one with Fuutarou. There’s no turning back on an anime so good. Art: 10 Yes the art made me think, wow this anime is gonna be something beautiful. Turns out, I was right about that. I would be lying if I didn’t say it was good be good. The anime has made me think about tutoring 5 different girls. If that were to be possible. Something in the back of mind told me that, an anime as underrated as this should’ve been at the top. The art is very stunningly exquisite, as it fills my eyes with pure bliss, shining through the beautiful skies as I skim through the anime, knowing that there’s nothing wrong with the art. There is much more to come than just art! Sound: 9 Okay, the opening of this is amazing. Just hearing the 5 girls harmonize the opening at the start is sex to my ears because it’s just that good. The voice acting and everything is on point, but I wish they could be slightly a bit better. The ending of this anime is great, but not as good as the opening. I suggest listening to both of the official soundtracks of this anime. Character: 10 What else is there to say when you have a whole group of waifus to tutor? I think I’d die on the first day as soon as I meet a flock of beautiful girls who’s IQ’s are literally 50. Though, they are the cutest thing I have seen in a long time. I love all of the characters, they are changing a lot. Uesugi Fuutarou: A plain MC, that isn’t your typical and horny harem character. He takes part of tutoring the 5 girls to make sure they pass their exams. He is a very serious person whenever it comes to things like this. A person who will take charge, and is straightforward. He only tutors for money. He tends to get annoyed by the girls. What other things can you ask for? For financial reasons, he is told to tutor them. Itsuki Nakano: (AKA THE SEXIEST GIRL IN THE ANIME) The girl who will be the one who seems to be talking down to you, but deep inside, she’s a girl with a beautiful yet compassionate personality. This girl will be the girl that will satisfy your dreams. The queen of gluttony, and seems to eat a lot. Don’t say that to her or she’ll kick your ass pretty hard. She’s a serious one, but she seems to break easily and weep her sorrows to you. Nino Nakano: (BEST TSUNDERE) A chef, a person that works in the kitchen, the girl that will make sure you’re in good shape, the nurse and the so-called mother of the family. Despite her savage personality, she seems to be the Tsundere towards Fuutarou, though she seems to change a lot towards him, but what in her current situation? Miku Nakano: (TALK MORE) Yes, the Kuudere of the anime is someone to protect. She’s really quiet, yet she has many things to share to you. She may seem to have no confidence, though she hides her true feelings. A silent girl couldn’t be more beautiful. Much like other quiet but cool character, Miku is quiet but after knowing Fuutarou, she became abit more talkative(especially about Japan's old histories). Although she ain't good at cooking, she's trying her hardest to be the perfect one for Fuutarou. She's definitely one of the girls that you'd like to have as a waifu Ichika Nakano: (Best big sister???) She is a big sister figure, she will be there whenever you’re on your knees begging for help. Highly trusted, and the leader of confidence. She likes to tease, and she’s an actress! A person you’ll love a lot. Lastly, but not least! The most energetic girl in the anime! Yotsuba Nakano: The deredere of the series, she tends to have been supporting Fuutarou whenever he needs help the most. The only girl that will accept Fuutarou is her. She is far by the best energetic girlfriend that you’d want! Enjoyment: 10 I watch this anime with my friends, and or/siblings. I love this anime to the extent where I would love to see more of it. I have caught up with the manga in less than a few days. The anime overall, is something I’d love to watch again. I am currently re-reading the manga from scratch. I recommend this anime to all anime lovers. Overall: 10 This anime has some flaws, but it’s an amazing anime, an amazing story, an amazing soundtrack, and amazing art! There is so much to this anime that you have to find out for yourself.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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![]() Show all Mar 2, 2019 Recommended Preliminary
(8/12 eps)
A lot of people believe that the road had ended for harem anime after Cancer..... I mean, MORBOE, was released. But even so, Negi Haruba has truly done an epic job at re-instilling my faith in the genre with this series. It is seriously fun. Bottom-line, if you’re searching for good plot structure, compelling character motivations and deep philosophical questions..... Go watch something else. If you’re looking for great, wholesome, enjoyable content, Congratulations, You just hit the Jackpot.
Goutobun no Hanayome is a light-hearted, sweet, heartwarming romantic comedy. But instead of this being a regular romantic comedy, this is simultaneously a harem. WAIT, WAIT! DON’T ... BRING OUT THE PITCHFORKS! It is..... (beginning drumroll)..... a great harem. (Cue shocked gasps and requisite eye rolls) We have a pretty normal story, which I won’t bother explaining here because you’ve probably read the summary. Even so, it’s fun, and it serves its purpose of giving the characters an actual reason to meet, rather then fate conveniently putting their desks next to each other or causing the accidental pervert scene. The art is good. It’s crisp and clean, with Fuutarou looking dumb, the handsome people looking handsome and the Girls all looking hella, HELLA cute. Sound..... too subjective. I liked it, but it’s not Again by Yui. So.... yeah, 6.5-7/10. Now. Characters. The most important part. 6 main characters. 1 dense protagonist. 3 contestants for best girl. (And 2 who are just, kinda, there). Let’s begin. Fuutarou: Protagonist. Tutor to The Quintuplets. Book-smart. Family in debt. Dense AF. Completely indifferent to anything except his studies and his finances (at least at the start of the series). He’s the perfect, Quintessential (See what I did there?) Romance protagonist. Now, the quintuplets. Ichika: Oldest. Somewhat more mature than the others. Quick to hide her emotions. In love with Fuutarou (I’m just going to copy that line real quick, cause I’ll be using it A LOT). Affectionate inside, yet not tsundere either. Enjoys teasing Fuutarou to hide her own love for him. One of the three competitors for best girl Miku: Quiet. Kuudere. Somewhat loyal to Fuutarou. In love with Fuutarou. Slightly more open about her affections than Ichika. Not a true kuudere as she does show emotions (her face when saying, “commit sepukku” was so KAWAII!!!). Terrible at cooking. Loves Sengoku Era warlords (oh, wait, that’s a secret, Shhh.....). One of the three competitors for best girl. Yotsuba: Cheerful. The girl who can’t say no to anybody. Her character is being developed in the manga RN, so not much is known. Nino: Brash. Aggressive. Fuutarou’s worst enemy in the anime’s beginning. Tsundere. Her hatred for studies is so deep that she..... oh, wait, spoiler. She and Miku are currently tied for best girl in my heart, so.... yeah.... she’s annoying in the anime, but later on gets amazing. Itsuki: Simliar to Yotsuba, not much is known about her deeper character. Her dislike for Fuutarou runs deep after she was rejected after offering a job as her tutor. Later on, this changes to goodwill. I enjoyed this series a lot. I watched two episodes and realised, I need the manga! But I’ve also caught up, so this wholesome harem is really, really worth the watch. Overall: Recommended. Very, very recommended to anyone with some spare time.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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![]() Show all Mar 28, 2019 Recommended
All these years we wanted a good harem series where all characters acted like real people not like some sluts thirsty for that precious heavenly water. And it looks our prayers have been answered.
Its delightful to see a main characters of harem series acting like a real human being for once, because I am sick of seeing aloof harem character or the ones who never get in any relationship from the dozens of girls available at his service. Futaro our main guy is more focused on getting rid of his debt then getting in any relationship but that does not mean he is insensitive to ... any of the girls because of that, he really tries his best to help all the girls, be at studies or anything else, he respects their choices and recognizes their differences. Even all girls are Quintuplets but each have their own personalty and unique quirks which separates them from other. Like how Miku likes japanese history and Ichika has like acting and so on . Mine favorite is Miku no doubt. This series only suffers from low quality animation which is weird because its done by studio Tezuka Productions, and studios Tezuka Productions is well known for the quality animation, so I do not what went wrong here in the animation department. You have to bare with some bad animation for that good story and character interactions. Give it try its a really good anime in my opinion.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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![]() Show all Feb 17, 2019 Recommended Preliminary
(6/12 eps)
*** The best I can say about this anime is this is very decent in Seiyuu and Art stuff:
- Let see about Seiyuu: 1> Our main boy character( Matsuoka Yoshitsugu ): Kirito in SAO, Sora in No game No life, . . . => The best Man Seiyuu right now when coming for seak both comedy and drama moment. Fitting with character: 10/10. 2> Let find out our 5 main girls: ... ** A) The 1st sister AKA Ichika( Hanazawa Kana ): Kanade in Angel Beats, Charlotte in IS, Mayuri in Steins;Gate, . . . and even more that I couldn't choose. => Outstanding Josei Seiyuu. Her voice is so characteristic that you can know right away as soon as you hear it. But personally, as far as I watch right now up to ep 6 I kinda feel although she is one of the best seiyuu her voice not really fit with that kind of character that Ichika. Maybe it for the future how Ichika change. Fitting with character: 7/10. ** B) The 2nd sister AKA Nino( Taketatsu Ayana ): Hotaru in Dagashi Kashi, Kotori in Date A Live, Azusa in K-On, Kirino in OreImo, . . . => I would say that this is one of best that can fit our Nino character when coming up for a character that always complains, make a harsh thing, or just simply a tsundere. I really look for when will we have the drama moment which Nino. Fitting with character: 10/10. ** C) The 3rd sister AKA Miku( Itou Miku ): => New seiyuu to me cause I haven't watched any anime that she works in. But you can say she is doing her best in Kuudere character and most likely Miku is now the top character that earns community love. Fitting with character: 9/10. ** D) The 4th sister AKA Yotsuba( Sakura Ayane ): Tomori Nao in Charlotte, Iroha in Oregairu 2, Musashi and Chiyome for FGO, . . . => Somehow I still can feel like: "Oh, it's Iroha-chan but less dark side." for how enthusiastic Yotsuba character is. Fitting with character: 10/10. ** E) The 5th sister AKA Itsuki( Minase Inori ): Eddelrittuo in Aldnoah.Zero, Hestia in DanMachi, Rem in Re:Zero, . . . => A seiyuu that work for sup pos. Still a new seiyuu to me to see her work in the main position. Not so bad but not so impressive. When in Ep 4 have a little bit screen for her to show up but it somehow it doesn't remain any emotion left for me when other characters show up. Compare to Nino who easily earn the attention through hate from people, she surely lost. Fitting with character: 6/10. *** Overall *** To be fair, I think the plot is nothing special overall. Nothing new about harem thing I would say. 5+/10( This may go up if we have more drama or comedy ). The art is very good 10/10, nothing to complain about. The sound is ok, still, have some moment doesn't really fit with. 7+/10 If I have to say it right I would say it's acceptable anime if you don't get into about seiyuu stuff. But it is so rare to see so much good Seiyuu assemble in 1 anime, so if you looking for an anime cause you like more than just 1 of these Seiyuu. This is the right one for you.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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![]() Show all Mar 28, 2019 Recommended
I personally am not a huge fan of Romance / Harem animes but Gotoubun no Hanayome is an overall quite enjoyable watch. The anime is filled with good vibes, happy and funny moments, that make me wish I was the main male protagonist of this anime, just to be around with those quintuplets (especially Miku whom is best grill) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
The story is pretty simple, some guy wants to help some quintuplets study so that they could graduate and so that he could get paid, that's the gist of it. It is feeled with cute and quality comedy moments that I really enjoyed, ... pretty flawless nonetheless. The Art is also pretty flawless, the animations are nice and all the quintuplets are so damn cute! (Miku will always be the best grill though) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). I also really enjoyed the soundtrack, especially the ending. Not much else to say about it though. All the characters have their own unique personalities, that just simply makes you fall in love with them. (Miku is still best grill though) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Overall, I'm giving this anime a solid 7/10. It's a good watch that will put a smile on your face and is bound to give you a good time. <3 And remember #MikuBestGrill
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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![]() Show all May 20, 2019 Recommended
All my life I've watched many harem anime and I must say this one is the BEST like literally the best one out of all of them. The story as well as the characters are great. Every girl has this best girl potential which makes it very hard to pick a waifu LOL.
Either way this is by far my most favorite anime this season. LOL It's been so long since I got addicted to stuff like this lmao I even made a review because its just that good. I'm still waiting for S2 and the next chapters, cant wait <3.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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![]() Show all Apr 22, 2019 Recommended
The Quintessential Quintuplets, Go-Tōbun no Hanayome, Quintuplet Brides seriously how many names does this anime have gosh... Anyways, this anime is one of the most hyped anime pre-release along with Mob Psycho 100 II, Kaguya-Sama: Love is War, The Promised Neverland and many more.
I watched some of the hyped anime when they were still airing and the other anime like Kaguya-Sama, I left it till it has finished airing. The Quintessential Quintuplets is one of them. - So now, first thoughts. After watching the first episode I already came to a general conclusion of what the anime will potentially be like. My first impressions were that this ... is a generic harem anime with, of course pretty girls that make perfect waifus, anti-social male protagonist and the pretty girls all having different personalities but have a common goal which leads them to meet and acquaint themselves with the male protagonist. The first episode showed some insights to our characters and an introduction of them meeting each other along with some information of their backgrounds and personalities. Like many other anime, the first episode of the anime used the ‘Teaser Approach’ where we get a glance at the future of our main character and then the episode continues with whatever it’s about. I have no problems with that kind of introduction and no complaints, genericity in my opinion is never bad. Nothing has to be original to be good but of course, being original would definitely improve first impressions. With that said, episode one introduces the male protagonist, Uesugi Fuutarou being an underprivileged, anti-social and dense character. Pretty generic. Then he meets our first female protagonist, Itsuki Nakano whom had their first fateful encounter. And well, of course! Uesugi’s dense character comes into play as their first fateful encounter features him rejecting her when she casually asks him to tutor her after she caught a glimpse of his results and realised he was smart. Uesugi then offended her a second time by saying that she eats too much and may get *fat*! The episode then continues with more fateful encounters firstly by introducing Uesugi’s background of being poor and needing a job, Uesugi then found a job to teach a rich person’s daughter or so he thought. The rich person was offering to pay 5 times the price which Uesugi thought was sketchy well, of course he’d think that and it turns out to be as true as it can be! On that same fateful day, Itsuki Nakano was revealed to be a transfer student and of course she would end up in Uesugi’s class. Afterwards our male protagonist then realised he fucked up and that she was the transfer student that was the one about to go under his tutelage. Yes, that’s a very generic way to develop an anime. (Not a bad way though, A offends B and plot twist, A realised he/she shouldn’t have done that) this easily creates chances for character development and gives an anime direction depending on how the characters approach the problem. Continuing, Uesugi tries to get an opportunity to apologise to Itsuki. As he looks for an opportunity, we get introduced to the other girls hanging around Itsuki that Uesugi assumed were her friends. A few of those girls approached Itsuki which gave us a rough idea of their personality (the Opening already somewhat did though) Then he went to Itsuki’s house to begin his first day on the job and that was when he realised... his job isn’t to tutor a rich man’s daughter, it was to tutor a rich man’s daughters! - The episode then follows with a small series of fan service and snippets to our waifus personalities, I mean I have to say they all make perfect waifu materials just by looks alone. We also learn that all the girls are failures in academics and the only thing they have in common other than being identical in looks is their hatred for studying So from the first episode I drew some conclusions. Nakano Itsuki: first girl to get to know our boy, if anime wants to be generic she will also be the last girl to get with our boy, either that or boy will get together with all the sisters or even better, NTR to remove genericity jk, I hate NTR despite the many development opportunities it gives :P Prolly a tsundere, maybe first girl best girl because she’s pretty hot, wait isn’t that most of the girls? I like her tho coz I like tsunderes anyways, she seems to be the ‘maturer’ one among the rest but little is known about the rest yet since I’m only at episode 1 Nakano Ichika: Second girl to know our boy, seems to be a bit of a tease but also seems to be the most forthcoming along with Nakano Yotsuba, by that I mean she is really easy going with Uesugi and even teases him for having a thing for Itsuki Nakano Yotsuba: Third girl introduced, immediately anyone can tell (if they watch a lot of anime) that she’s the cheery, easy going, ditzy girl of the group which generically has a clumsy trait which idk if she does in this anime (yet). She’s the one that helped introduce the other sisters when Nakano Itsuki rejected him as a tutor since she apparently bares a grudge now after Uesugi and her first encounter. Nakano Nino: Very little information from episode 1 but seems to be a tsundere too, maybe not as much as Itsuki but idk (yet). She drugged Uesugi on his first day. talk about extreme. Baited him by giving him tasty cookies but drugged the glass of water just so that they didn’t have to study. dafuq man She’s very pretty though. Pretty edgy too, who the fuck drugs their tutor, afterwards Itsuki was the one that takes Uesugi back so u can pretty much tell who the main heroine of the first episode was. Still, for Nino I still don’t have any/much info about her (yet) and I wouldn’t want to draw ANY conclusions (yet) apart from the fact she DRUGGED HIM Nakano Miku: quiet, soft spoken seemingly the antisocial girl of the group and according to my experience in anime, normally this is the one that gets the most love because anime fans don’t wanna be generic and like the girl that clearly is the prettiest and the most generic waifu material. She’s probably the most ‘different’ from the group since the rest seem to be very loud and sociable. My first impressions of Miku is that I can tell she’s the one all you fans out there will wanna protecc. Those are my feelings from episode one and hell was I wron- correct. - It seems the anime has a episode-by-episode approach as I like to call it. Meaning it features one character per arc like one character being the focus for 1 or more episodes straight and changing to a new character afterward, so on so forth. A very typical approach for harem anime with many characters. Either way, that’s what I thought but what particularly interested me was that many other harem anime that supposedly focuses one girl usually has that girl clearly shown to be the main heroine appearing in every arc etc like Bunny Girl Senpai, we have Mai appearing in every girl’s arc but in this anime, the girls have a pretty equal amount of air time in each episode to allow us to understand all of them better while giving more insight on the main heroine of the arc. Uesugi apparently does end up with one of the girl according to teasers but I mean it’s also possible he marries all or something. But I like the fact that no one is left out giving viewers the chance to guess who ends up marrying Uesugi or letting viewers pick the best girl of their choice! After watching like the first episode and telling my friends I started watching the anime I heard that many people like Miku which hopefully I will learn why. I mean currently my first impressions makes me fall for Itsuki first. But it’s sort of dedicated to Itsuki in the first episode however the anime is still in introductory phase. - As of now, episode 4 I realise that I like the anime even more because its approach is great. I said that each episode or two has a main heroine but that may very well not be the case since the girls all get quite abit of airtime each. Sometimes, 2 girls can be the main focus in one episode, sometimes all the girls. This makes it more casual and enjoyable to watch in my opinion. Because each episode has a problem that arises and with all the sisters having airtime, we get to see how each of them have their own unique methods to approach problems and attempt to resolve them allowing us to understand their character and personalities better! This then allows for further development of character backstory or personal affairs which ultimately will get revealed and potentially solved by our Male lead. - I’m at episode 8 and I would just like to address the art style. It must’ve been difficult to actually come to a conclusion for the character design of the girls, since they’re quintuplets, they have to look the same but then as viewers we can’t really tell the difference so they gave the girls different hair colours, different voice actors and different looks. I’m actually pretty happy with the character designs, I mean sure even if they had the same hair colour you can tell the difference by their signature accessories and the way they talk but to prevent any confusion at all, I really prefer this art style! The animation is also very well done to be honest. In the manga it was much easier for them because there isn’t any colour so this approach was perfectly fine. Another added measure which I am totally fine with, in fact I compliment the anime for is that they animated certain scenes where you aren’t supposed to tell the girls apart differently by making the girls in question look the same for example Nino letting down her hair and looking like Miku until she puts on her signature hair bands. Another approach they did for the girls with different hair colours was just to maintain character, that was also a great touch in my opinion. An example would be Fuutarō mistaking Miku (Pinkish Red hair) for Yotsuba (Blonde) that scene emphasised that we are supposed to assume the girls all had the same hair colour and looks exactly the same. It was probably extremely difficult to come to such a conclusion and the artists really did a fantastic job! I love the character design of all the girls making them unique in their own way! The art style also consistently provides fan service because no matter how well dressed they are like Itsuki for example wearing a neat look with non-revealing clothes can still be seen as sexy and lewd or even Miku who wears a very casual and easy look can still be lewded. Well, it’s probably because of their spectacular figure or could be that the way they dress despite being casual or prim it still just brings out the sexy/cute/pretty look idk Either way they are all unique in their own way like Itsuki with her signature star hair pins and I really love her hair style and colour. The red long hair with those cute bangs really look good on her. In school, she wears a white collared shirt with a red vest underneath a dark blue sweater or jacket (let’s just assume it’s the school uniform). The red vest pairs very well with the white collared shirt and it blends very well with her hair making her look extremely pretty. She has the same blue eyes as her sisters and her figure is just ~damn she also looks cute wearing glasses!!! The colour blend of Itsuki’s uniform is just so good and makes her look very fashionable and beautiful. Her casual dressing, at home or outside also portrays a very prim and proper look being very fashionable. That makes her look very mature and pretty AND LETS NOT FORGET THAT CUTE LITTLE AHOGE ON HER HEAD OMG Get me an Itsuki body pillow now!! Then we have Miku, she has the most insouciant appearance out of the 5 and because of that, unintentionally displayed a lack of modesty at times for example casually taking off her stockings in front of Fuutarō and thinking that being half naked ain’t a big deal. She, like the other girls also has a different hair colour and hair style. She has long reddish brown hair with long bangs shifted to the right, she has a very nice figure too like her sisters and her signature accessory is a pair of headphones which I’m pretty sure is Audio Technica (brand) headphones but I’m not too sure. Either way, the headphones really suit her personality in my opinion as she has a very introverted personality and well, music takes people places (idk if that’s a legit quote) I wouldn’t be surprised if the quiet people are the ones that indulge in the larger assortment of music despite how ironic that may sound. Being an introvert, Miku also rarely has expression except the occasional pouty face WHICH OMGGGG I NEED HER IN MY LIFE despite rarely showing expression, she doesn’t look dull at all as her figure and dressing really fits her. She is usually seen in a light blue turtle neck sweater with a white collared top along with the school uniform on the outside and well, that just makes her look hot because I mean lighter colours can make someone more lewd (I hope people reading this get me) not to mention Miku wears kinda tight clothing and is also seen with short skirt and stockings making her look MORE lewd :3 But she’s a very innocent girl so pls (slap myself for trying to lewd Miku) Nino is next, Nino like her other four sisters also has a relatively large oppai size (fan service is important in harems) I’d argue hers is the biggest but maybe it’s the way she dresses. She wears a very cute look, even more than Itsuki. Itsuki to be honest dresses very kempt and mature. Nino on the other hand dresses very cute. She has long straight pink hair and wears a whitish-purplish long sleeve collared shirt with a long sleeved purple sweater. Honestly I think she looks very lewd too fml her clothing similarly to the other girls also looks very thin. Nino has her signature butterfly ribbons that I feel pairs very well with her cute look, yea Nino is undeniably one of the cutest of the five with the other being Miku and maybe Yotsuba Now we have of course, Yotsuba. Well, clearly she’s the cheery one and with her signature accessory being an ear shaped ribbon that somehow also helps give out a cheerful vibe! Yotsuba’s dressing is also very fashionable, in a cute and childish way :3 She’s the open and happy individual of the group and the most easy going. I have a few people telling me they don’t like characters like these because they are ‘annoying’ but fuck them. Yotsuba is as praise worthy as all the other girls! She also has an awesome figure like her sisters and she has a cute style like I mentioned. Cute not like Nino but cute as in kiddy-like. However, despite what people think and say about her, she still asserts self-confidence which I like so much about her! She has light orange hair and I must say the ribbon though doesn’t seem fashionable, suits her very well not to mention it changes shape when she’s doing certain expressions!!! YOTSUBA IS CUTE IN HER OWN WAY AND NO ONE CAN SAY OTHERWISE Last but DEFINITELY not the least, we have Ichika. Big sis. The maturest. On first encounter we can already tell she’s the most mature out of all since she’s very forthcoming and sociable. She doesn’t hold petty grudges or anything and of course dresses like a mature young woman too. Being the seductive teaser she is, she dresses with a little more revealing look showing her cleavage etc But it does suit her very well, not to mention she’s also the one with the shortest hair in the anime and it’s nice and pink :) What I like about her fashion sense is in school, she has a thin jacket tied at her waist She also wears relatively short but hers isn’t a short skirt and more like a mini skirt with slightly more length. She’s also the only one that doesn’t wear high socks or stockings and her dressing is pretty casual too She wears pretty much the same top/collared shirt as Nino but with the dark blue school uniform instead and of course, her collar is not fully buttoned up to reveal her cleavage. Yea maybe her oppai is bigger than Nino but who knows mmm She also has her signature single earring which is part of her signature appearance for a reason :) - Now my final conclusion of the girls after watching the entire anime and also the revelation of my best girl. I really like all of them, they make perfect waifus but there has to be one best girl and that is Nakano ~ Here are my thoughts of the girls and their personalities after watching and also how I feel compared to when I first started. Itsuki Nakano: I really liked Itsuki the first time I saw her, she’s a beautiful young girl and to me she’s the prettiest among the 5, the others are also EXTREMELY pretty but I felt Itsuki has the prettiest character design. Obviously when I said she’s pretty I meant her character design in the anime since the manga they were made to look more similar. I love that Itsuki is a well mannered individual (well at least in table manners maybe because I really emphasise on table manners too) she’s also one of the maturer ones among the 5 with the other being Ichika and the best part is she’s mild tsundere :3 As I said above, I really love her sense of style and fashion throughout the entire series and personally, I like a girl that knows her manners, dresses well, eats well, plus points if she’s Super cute and pretty and a tsundere One of the episodes (the fireworks arc) really made me fall for her even more because I realised that despite her being all well-mannered and mature, she cries pretty easily (when she got lost) and to be honest that part was very cute, it’s ironic how a mature girl would cry when she gets lost so I for personal reasons found that to be pretty attractive ehh. The only thing I don’t like about her is that she’s too petty (at least with Uesugi) and she holds a grudge against him from when she first met him and got rejected when she asked him to tutor her. But I mean despite that being a lousy reason to dislike someone, it still helped with Itsuki’s development as a mild tsundere so no complaints :) Itsuki also seems to be very sensitive (well no shit) and I love that side of her because I personally am also a very sensitive person and I feel that I can understand Itsuki’s feelings very well and that it’s very relatable. She easily gets hurt and because of her stubborn nature, she tends to not forgive the other party so a particular episode REAAALLLY HIT ME HARDDD, it was the make up episode where Uesugi tries to make up with Itsuki damnnn that was sooo cute the way Uesugi approached the apology and the way Itsuki played along!!! Basically Uesugi offended Itsuki and wanted to apologise so he pretends to mistake Itsuki for Miku and ‘accidentally’ says sorry to her then Itsuki plays along by asking why he’d say sorry to her then she continues to also apologise back while assuming the role of Miku and they just made up that way. Some might feel it ain’t proper or genuine but with Itsuki’s pride, it’s the only way and the best approach Uesugi could’ve thought of! NICE ONE! Like Ichika said to Fuutarō that he has to be kind to deal with Itsuki and be firm when dealing with Nino She loves to eat and I can kind of relate her to Saber from Fate because of that haha come to think of it, she draws so many resemblance to Saber, her ahoge, her appetite, her cute expression when eating KAWAII Nino Nakano: This one’s interesting, at about episode 4 I came to believe she was the most extreme tsundere among the quintuplet and also has the bossy girl attitude, the famous bossy girl attitude whereby the character would be bossing others around and being proud etc. But that isn’t bad, it’s cute in its own aspect. Honestly it all comes down to perspective and preferences, some may find the proud girl attitude bitchy, some may like it. The most typical proud girl attitude in anime would be where the bossy girl would boss people around but when you embarrass her, she’s gonna start blushing and go cray-cray on you I know some, if not most of you actually like that. Personally I’m totally fine with that, that’s the cute aspect I notice, that and also her tsundere trait is drawn pretty clearly where she keeps on trying to get in Uesugi’s way at the start and begins to accept him. And P.S I like tsundere (not ashamed btw) Nino also to me, has a pretty childish nature seeing that in the first few episodes she gets in Uesugi’s way alot however, slowly she warms up to him and even compliments him when he went out of his way for them, obviously she was blushing alot (classic tsundere trait) Because of her ‘cunning’ nature, Ichika said that Fuutarō has to be firm when dealing with Nino, makes perfect sense. Nino is actually VERYYY cute when she warms up to you or shows her tsundere side and ofc I love watching that! It feels heart warming when a hard core tsundere does something nice for you despite her ‘hating’ you and all that She also seems to be kinda stubborn but in a good way as she actually works hard to prove herself right or at least try her best to. She’s also precise in her timings and I myself can relate to that since I always complete everything on the dot either that or I don’t even bother accepting to do whatever. Throughout the series we notice she’s always watching Uesugi from the background and when she lied to her Father in order for Uesugi to continue tutoring them, we slowly come to know that Nino is warming up to him, even before that at the fireworks festival, Nino compliments him which felt good because Nino is coming to acknowledge him despite how much she hates him. This means there is development though very mild but I like it. Miku Nakano: Yes we have none other than best girl (according to everyone I know). I mean I understand why she’s best girl to so many people and I grew to like her too. Even at the later part of the anime I liked her for the same exact reason I mentioned when I first watched the anime. She is the most ‘different’ from the sisters, the most unique. Unlike her fashionable, posh and proud sisters that seem to be able to gain popularity at any place they’re at, Miku is introverted and very unlike her extrovert sisters with their many cliques of friends. Miku is soft-spoken, she’s cute and even more so when she’s being quiet and expresses her ‘anger’ through making that SUPER CUTE pouty face with her cheeks puffed out!!!! GOSH *flutter flutter* my heart goes each time she does that (ACTUALLY ALL OF THEM DO THAT AND IT’S SOOOO KAWAIIII) Miku is so precious and she’s one of the few that really lightened up to Uesugi first!! She also doesn’t care about superficial things like fashion or needing to have lots of friends etc. However, what’s superficial can only be looked at face value in my opinion because not everyone share the same opinions of what is superficial and what is not. Some may think makeup is superficial however others may think of makeup as something sentimental something genuine, deep and comprehensive. I think makeup, looking exquisite and beautiful isn’t necessary (unless you’re a very well mannered individual then u’ll need a set of personal dress codes etc etc). However, if someone does or does not dress nice but has a very nice personality, that’s good enough. Miku is that, she’s the shy girl that warms up to Uesugi and gets closer to Uesugi through the most genuine means and methods. She’s also in my opinion one of the most innocent among the 5 which makes me like her even more But if you want to know whether Miku is best girl, read on. Yotsuba Nakano: She’s the ditzy one of the group! The cheerful happy girl that everyone loves, well maybe not everyone. To be frank, I never liked this type of girls. I never liked them because I relate them to much to real life and personal incidents. Remember the red head from Toradora! ? Minori or something like that? Minori related too much to someone in real life and Minori portrayed the same type of ditzy girl attitude being cheerful all the time and truly caring about people she loves. But guess what, she ends up fucking up her love life because she just couldn’t bring herself to face fucking reality. Minori broke down and cried so hard. And I cried too, because I feel her. Because I too saw the same thing happen in that anime in real life. And I don’t want it to happen in this anime too. I don’t hate this type of character I think what suits more would be to say I’m scared of this type of character. I’m scared because they conceal their truest feelings behind a smile. However Yotsuba she really changed that, I hated that character style so much because of Toradora! Yotsuba reminded me how much I enjoyed that personality before watching Toradora. Reminded me of the countless other anime with a character like Yotsuba, easygoing, loud, spontaneous and occasionally absent-minded, the kind girl that doesn’t know how to say ‘no’ or very much prefers not to say that. The girl that is brimming with positivity trying to help others despite it costing her time and effort, still happy when getting scolded, and wishing for the other's happiness earnestly. That kind of girl. Ichika Nakano: I love the fact that she’s the most mature and teases Uesugi a lot, she also shows many other signs of maturity throughout the anime like having a job, not bothered by petty details and doesn’t really bother if indecency is committed if she trusts the other party. That’s really mature and I really like it. She’s a carefree individual and like the other girls, has her own little secret. What I really like about all the girls is that they really help develop Uesugi more for example when Ichika was accidentally revealed to be an actress, during that episode thanks to Ichika, Uesugi learnt how to read situations better and understand other’s feelings better which I felt was good development for him. Ichika clearly knows her figure is extremely sugei because of the way she dresses. She dresses pretty simply but you can clearly tell she is a pretty seductive individual through the way she dresses and teases Uesugi. That shows her maturity in a way too as she also teases her sisters and tends to be more understanding toward them. She also has shown maturity when she told Uesugi how to deal with the other 4 and openly conveys her feelings towards him unlike the others which kept quiet because she knows that he’s dense and all. In generic anime where male MC normally has a flaw, in this case it’s being antisocial and eccentric then, whether the anime is a success will depend on how the anime develops the MC to improve on his flaws. The only thing I really disliked was that each episode was pretty ‘rushed’ in the sense that everything was too coincidental and fast in a sense. - I really liked the Opening used, it was actually sung by the girls themselves which made it very fun to listen to! It used the cheerful cute tune with very happy singing which felt very uplifting!!! Another of my favourite anime that had the Voice actors/the girls in the anime sing was Bunny Girl Senpai where the characters would sing the outro but it was a solo song with the same lyrics but sung by different girls depending on who the main heroine of the arc was. The OP’s last scene showed all of the girls wearing wedding dresses and the lyrics was all of the girls singing ‘We are the brides!’ And before that last scene the ‘ending’ lyrics were ‘あなたが好きよ’ meaning ‘I like you’ well, I mean it’s a harem anime so the girls will all eventually fall for him but who will he choose? They play you so well :P But despite that, the OP was in my opinion still really well done because the lyrics didn’t break character for any of our waifus and provided a form of fan service for us! Like the OP showing many teasers like the scene where all the girls were wearing a wedding dress? Why u gotta do me like that that opens up sooo many possibilities for viewers haha but I’m actually very happy with that to be honest since I honestly don’t want him to choose one since they’re all so good! Did you know the full length OP has more lyrics inside and the last part of the OP actually has all the girls singing ‘私は時とあなたに愛を誓います’ before singing ‘We are the Brides’ meaning ‘I will always love you’ and the girls were singing that together signifying that all of them will always love him!!! The TV Edit Opening didn’t include all these so I highly recommend listening to the full length one plus, there’s no harm and the OP is actually VERY WELL DONE and nice to listen to with an extremely cute style and features meaningful lyrics which just sounds great! - The anime also threw in lots of ‘ship scenes’ whereby Uesugi would end up alone with one of the girls and there’ll be a glittery scene where the two of them would be exchanging glances or looking at each other something like that. Like an example would be when Uesugi was trying to take Miku back from someone that mistook Miku for Ichika and was dragging Miku away then you’d see Miku shocked and begins to look at Uesugi with a glittery scene with flowers and brights colours HAHA Very classic method to portray admiration or affection and I don’t know why but I find this hilarious and also enjoyable! Hilarious probably because I don’t believe that when you meet someone you like/love you’ll envision them with a flowery pretty background, maybe because it hasn’t happened to me? Idk it just feels far fetched :) Also, I’d like to commend the seiyus for doing such an amazing job fitting the roles for all the characters and bringing the most out of them! Not to mention the Seiyū are coincidentally ALL my favourite Seiyūs!!!! Inori Minase voicing Itsuki, it really brings out the cute yet mature side of Itsuki! She is also the voice of many lolis and for everyone’s favourite girl, Rem from Re:Zero! though Rem may or may not be my favourite :P Itou Miku coincidentally voicing Miku!! Maybe the name was planned but it was perfect! The soft voice with little expression was Very Well Done!!! Miku is not exactly famous and voicing Miku Nakano is probably her most notable roles by far but she did voice Mori from Hande-Kun and Mori similarly to Miku is a shy girl type of character oh and Miku also voices Kokoro from BanG Dream, I got you BD fans though not many of you will know her :/ But what’s pretty dope is that Itou Miku likes the colour light blue!!! And well, Miku Nakano from the way she dresses (light blue shirt, blue headphones) just suit each other very well! The next Seiyū is probably famous for way more notable roles. It’s none other than Taketatsu Ayana, the voice of Nino and also her other notable roles are, remember that loli Koneko from High School DxD? Kirino, the loli from Ore no Imouto? Kayano Kaede the green haired girl from Korosensei that could definitely pass off as a loli? Hotaru from Dagashi Kashi? Itsuka from Date A Live? Tsugumi from Guilty Crown (how’d I remember this wtf), Nakano from K-On (best girl jk), even the imouto of Kiritoc Suguha from SAO yea that’s all her!!! And if you watch Poputepipiku HAHA YEA!!! This is probably her first tsundere role though but she meets my expectations, very well done bringing out the bossy girl aspect to its fullest!!! Here’s another famous one, the voice of big sis Ichika being none other than Hanazawa Kana but I just go by her as HanaKana ;) She has a very long history of voicing many notable characters as well but I don’t know a lot of them so I’ll name those that particularly interested me and got me to know HanaKana. They are, Hinata from March comes in like a Lion :) And well, everyone will know her, Tenshi from Angel Beats which can be related to Ichika. Shy girl Shiemi from Blue Exorcist, Nanami? From Danganronpa XD, Saegusa from one of my favourite anime Irregular at Magic High even voicing countless lolis from all over the SEKKAI (if you know what I mean) she definitely did a good job voicing Ichika with so much experience! Alright, here’s another Super well-known and talented Seiyu that voiced our ditzy Yotsuba! Sakura Ayane or her stage name Ayaneru voicing MANY notable characters like Isshiki from Oregairu, one of my favourite ‘harem’ with dense male protagonist similar to Bunny Girl Senpai. Levi from Trinity Seven, Solution from Overlord and coincidentally she also worked with Ayana voicing in the same anime High School DxD as Gasper the trap Yo! If y’all didn’t know, she voices Ururaka too! And well, Ururaka from BNHA is another cheery ditzy character that understands her faults like Yotsuba and wants to improve As for our boy, if you say you know a lot about Seiyuus but you don’t know who is Yoshitsugu I’d say you’re jack shit. I don’t think I even need to name some of his notable roles since he can voice just about any type of character. Good job Seiyuus - I’m quite happy with the fact that the girl that started it all is someone among the quintuplets and Uesugi doesn’t know and the fact that it’s contradictory how the girl that changed him to what he became actually became the complete opposite. It’s also ironic how the girl that helped change him for the better ends up getting the favour returned as he changes her for the better One/all of the girls started it and one/all of the girls will end up with him, the best part is we are left with our own opinions and that’s what I like. The anime allowed us to choose. Yes when Fuutaro was revealed to be a wild boy and when that picture that was extremely precious to Fuutaro was revealed, that episode ‘The Photo That Started It All’ took me by surprise and hit me real hard that episode really played out very well like all the other episodes before it! Like I said before, the anime is ‘too coincidental’ but that isn’t bad at all!!! I also missed out on another thing I like, the comedy!!! Seriously, I laughed and smiled so much watching this, smiled because the girls were being wayyy to cute, laughed because the girls were being too funny or Uesugi being very cheesy and densely hilarious haha, it was very fun watching the anime! And as I said previously each girl got their own share of romance development which I felt was blended very well. Despite using a lot of coincidences to bring them together, I still felt it was a great touch and that it ended spice, humour and development for both the girl’s feelings and Uesugi’s So with 5 waifus to choose from who did I pick as best girl ? I mean it’s so hard, all of them are perfect waifu materials after all, they’re the *Quintessential Quintuplets*!!!! Miku’s cute pouty face, all of the quints do that but hers is the best! Itsuki’s cute appetite and getting embarrassed easily or being too sensitive at times! Yotsuba, well Yotsuba just being Yotsuba is cute enough! Ichika’s cute teasing And Nino’s cute blushing and her mildly sadistic personality! I’m not sure if I should be happy that the last few episodes, the camping arc which was where majority of the development for all the characters happened and the arc where the girls finally came true to their feelings and finally confessed as they contributed to a memorable and important scene Or be sad that there was a major time skip with no explanation whatsoever and just jump straight back to where we started, the marriage scene with the bride, one of the five girls standing happily with Uesugi as the anime then ends. That was when I recalled, the beginning of the anime where the marriage scene happened was the present. It wasn’t a time skip, Uesugi was reminiscing his past and how much fun her had with the girls, how he met them to the point where they conveyed their true feelings to him then we were brought back to the present and we are left to decide who he marries for ourself. Personally I’d like to say he married them all and I wished that the anime would show a bride walking in followed by another but polygamy is against the law in Japan. So I came to my own conclusion. The most perfect in my opinion The most perfect one I choose Is Nakano-san After all, they can’t be the Quintessential Quintuplets without each other, they each fill each other’s flaws to make them perfect. The last episode really touched my heart, having to pick one was very painful for me. I’d rather he migrate and marry all of them to be honest but it can’t be helped. The campfire scene, I highly predicted exactly what would have happened, that all of them will hold his hand at the last second that the legend will happen where those that hold hands when the campfire just ends will end up together forever. That scene was the part that made me tear up when I realised that it was already decided who he’d be with before everything even began. That I totally forgot about the 1st episode. The last episode where all the girls confessed together. I really disliked the way the last part was also very misleading and gave off so many weird hints like the attendants being shocked and saying ‘It must be some kind of mistake and how did this happen?’ Also, the multitude of wedding dresses in the closet, the campfire legend and even their Mother saying they should share everything. Also, the girls believed that they can tell each other apart because of love. Assuming he at that point could tell them apart well it’d mean that well, he loves them all. I would love for it to be a harem ending and I even had no choice but to read the manga thinking it would be revealed but I guess I give up since I don’t really enjoy reading still, I completed over 30 chapters that happened after the anime including the chapters the anime covered. Then thinking back, maybe the anime teasing us viewers isn’t that unexpected considering how much the manga teases us!!! You can find sooo many short lines that teases us readers like ‘Who’s this cute girl’ or when I read till volume 2, ‘And in volume 2 too... You won’t be able to advert your eye from the quintuplets cuteness’ etc. Come one man... I already know they’re extremely cute alright, no need to tell me that! I feel emptiness in my heart But I think my role is over. I love all 5 of the girls and Fūtaro too but will stop here. Thank you Itsuki, Nino, Ichika, Yotsuba, Miku. I’ll miss you, all of you P.S to the bride, you looked so beautiful I hope you don’t forget your sisters and that you and Uesugi will love each other till the end of time. And to the sisters, I’m sure you can find happiness be it through a harem or anything. I wish all of you happiness. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to find a corner to cry out the emptiness I feel This review was written on 04-22-19 and may be outdated. I may have changed my rating due to various reasons.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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![]() Show all Mar 20, 2019 Recommended Preliminary
(10/12 eps)
This will be a short review ( I am not that fond of writing long reviews for the sake of over-critiquing anime, let's just have some fun talking about this).
Quintessential quintuplets can be described as a rather simplistic anime. A simplistic anime that I do believe that simple anime viewers may wholeheartedly enjoy. The art is fun and the story is entertaining as well. Delving onto the characters, each of the five sisters have unique personalities and characteristics - perhaps I can say that they are not bland or dull in a sense. This makes it exciting to actually watch the quintuplets on screen and ... how they would interact with the main lead character (Futaro). The said anime is not that complex in terms of its story-telling. It ain't complicated but it's definitely enjoyable (for me atleast). What I like the most about the anime is that, despite of it being a harem, it is not an ecchi-driven anime. Values can be learned and the characters can certainly impact the viewers - long story short, it is WHOLESOME. If you definitely want to unwind after watching countless complex story arcs, I do recommend that you watch this anime. A simple for show for a simple mind that can certainly bring forth amusement. (My overall rating for this anime is 8/10 considering various critiquing factors)
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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![]() Show all Jun 1, 2019 Recommended
A perfect harmony of personalities that cause humorous and interesting conversation between the characters. A not clueless male protagonist that doesn't fail to acknowledge the girl’s affection toward him. A female cast that doesn't instantly throw themselves at the male protagonist. These traits set 5-toubun no Hanayome (The Quintessential Quintuplets) apart from the generic harem.
What is a generic harem? The two that come to mind are High School DxD and Nisekoi. High School DxD, without spoiling much, embodies the generic harem concept with high sex appeal in its female cast and a clueless male protagonist (Issei) who fails to realize the obvious hints the ... females are showing. This provides boring interactions as the female cast actively throws themselves toward Issei which ends up with the same result every time, Issei left face red and oblivious of the affection toward him. This repetitiveness only slows down the show and hinders the progression of the plot. Although some might find these pointless interactions funny or entertaining, they only serve to frustrate me as I scream into my computer screen "GROW A BRAIN DUMBASS". Nisekoi suffers from the same problems. However, I would say the character interactions are a bit more meaningful compared to DxD, but still hinder plot progression. Enough with the criticism of other shows. As stated before, 5-toubun on Hanayome sets itself apart due to its brilliant writing of character interactions that always serve to be entertaining. I've never been so entertained just hearing two characters converse. Here is broad explanation for each of the girls without spoiling too much... Itsuki and Nino both serve the tsundere role in the show. However, they show different degrees of the tsundere trait. Nino showed a sharp distrust in Fuutarou which allowed the beginning of the show to really feel as if Fuutarou needed to earn her trust to succeed. The writers knew this and made Fuutarou's journey more difficult with a few unexpected mishaps. This served primarily as comic relief and were a joy to watch as these scenes were beautifully crafted and they all made sense in the scheme of the story. Itsuki was much less harsh and served as the gateway between the quintuplets and Fuutarou. Her interactions with Fuutarou were very relatable, concise and slightly humorous. One of the primary highlights of her character was her process of finally beginning to trust and develop mild affection for Fuutarou. It was beautiful and unexpected. Miku stands out with her personality, she is the stand alone dandere in the beginning of the show and her interactions with Fuutarou only serve to further enhance her trait. These interactions can only be described as pure, wholesome innocence with a hint of humor. *SPOILERS AHEAD* (until the end of the paragraph) Throughout the show we get to see Miku develop into a more eager and upfront individual, breaking her dundere trait by the end of the first season and vowing to the other four sisters that she will take Fuutarou for herself. Although this transformation is not groundbreaking, the well written dialogue allows for the contrast in character to be more meaningful. Yotsuba and Ichika both play a similar role with their deredere like personalities. Although these two characters could have been boring and one dimensional, they weren't kept that way. Instead, tied with their personality trait of being friendly and energetic, came their moments of adversity and seriousness which really helped make them more meaningful characters as well has enhance their character development. Furthermore, their interactions bring a sense of light heartedness to the overall story as they are generally always energetic and positive outside of their moments of adversity. However, so many positives come some flaws. Based off the score that I chose to give this; the flaws are present. However, the positives still far outweigh the flaws. The main gripe that I have with the show is the plot sequence. In the OP the main end goal was established as which girl, out the five quintuplets, was Fuutarou going to be married to. It was then shown that Fuutarou was going to be their tutor and that, we assumed, would allow their relationships to blossom. This was just not a strong enough motive for them to eventually get married. Most likely, the writers also realized this when writing the source material and added a much more convincing motive. But, this was added far too late, toward the last 1/3 of the first season, this made the beginning feel lacking as the plot just didn't have complete harmony like the character interactions. Even though this may seem like a major issue, it wasn't a big deal in the long run as it was eventually amended. Overall, this show was phenomenal with its brilliant character interactions that not only bring humor, but also beautifully promote character development that is both exciting and shocking. I highly recommend it!
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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![]() Show all Jan 9, 2020 Recommended
I didnt expect much of this show, because the harem genre doesn't really appeal to me, but this was really something else, and I'm glad that I took the time to watch this anime. And I'll explain why.
_____________ Story: solid 8 - The concept is pretty simple, and the series take the time to introduce to you all of the characters. The concept idea was pretty good, and this series executed it well. Each girl has their own personality, and other harem anime sometimes lack that. The bond between the MC and the girls strengthened through natural events, so the girls didn't fall in love at first ... sight like some of the harem anime do, which isn't good in my opinion. Art: 9 - I really liked the art, the girls all looked a little bit different from eachother which makes it easier to tell them apart. The character designs were also very good, the MC looks like an average guy, which makes it easier for the most of us to emphatize with him. Sound: 8 - I don't really pay attention to the sounds and music, but I feel like each of the background music that was playing in various events that happened in the anime did make an impact of the atmosphere, and makes this series enjoyable to watch. Character: 10 - I like non-complicated characters. Each character has their own personality and things they like. All of the girls have different personalities so each person can spot their own type in there, making it their waifu (Miku is my favourite). The girls can be divided into various 'deres' (Like Tsundere or Dandere), and the difference between them makes it sometimes funny. The MC himself also has a good personality, but it isn't shown a lot which is reasonable, it made it easier for me to feel like I was there with them. Enjoyment: 10 - As I've already said, I didnt expect too much of this series, but gave it a shot because it was really popular. Im glad that I made that decision. The series was really enjoyable from the start till the very end. Overall: 9 - The anime is really nice, it's great if you want something to humor you up if you feel down. Watching this series was like a long awaited warm hug from a friend. :)
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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![]() Show all Jul 15, 2019 Recommended
So it's been almost 6 months since I picked up this series and I have to say it's amazing and didn't expect much less from it. The art is beautiful and I believe that it personally has a more mysterious vibe to it than Nisekoi. In the first season he has to make these five beautiful quintuplets pass their final year and graduate. He decided to work on the girls that needed the most help first. To Fuutarou-kun's surprise, they are all in great need of help. Yet, they don't want help. Especially Nino and Itsuki. Later on he realizes one of those ... girls is a past friend who guided him to where he is now. Which is Miku (who is also best girl). But before this all happens Fuutarou-kun encounters two problems, he is sacrificing his grades for these girls and there's another test coming up if they fail he's fired. It's about a beautiful story of a man trying to help all these girls graduate and save his family, all while we figure out which girl he ends up with. I rate the story a 9/10 OST 8/10 Animation 10/10 sound 8/10 and enjoyment a 10/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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![]() Show all Jun 25, 2019 Recommended
This anime caught some hype with the quintuplets war. I got curious and decided to give this anime a shot. I'll be completely honest, I was surprised at how good it was compared to how I thought it would be. Let's take a deeper look into this wholesome harem.
Story : 7 The starting was incredibly hilarious, who would have thought out of everyone Uesugi had to tutor, it had to be not only one, but five girls who are horrible in their studies. I felt like if they emphasized and strengthened more on the debt part and not use it like it is there to be ... used, it might of made Uesugi's story more interesting. With that aside, the story overall is still not too bad, every girl had their fair share of screen time which clearly is important for a Harem. Art : 8 The art is pretty well thought out. Miku's headphones represent her quietness and her reserved personality. Nino's butterfly shaped ribbons represents her outgoing personality. Itsuki's star-shaped hairpins represents her hardworking personality. Ichika's single earring represents her bold personality and Yotsuba's ear shaped ribbons represent her easygoing personality. I personally like this factor a lot as them having these accessories allows one to tell what their personality roughly is. Sound : 9 The OP was honestly a good one, it's a pretty hard one to forget for me. It really is catchy for me. The lyrics were well established as well as they summarized the story in one song. Same goes for the ED. Character : 8 Well, totally my own personally opinion here, Miku is the best girl. Now the non-biased review. All the girls have a different personality from each other, despite being quintuplets. Miku, the quiet one. Nino, the outgoing one. Itsuki, the earnest one. Ichika, the bold one. Yotsuba, the easygoing one. They all show distinct personalities from each another which I really like. They all also progress at different rates, we can see how much more character development Ichika had compared to another girl like Yotsuba. On the surface they are quintuplets, but they act so differently from each another it doesn't feel like they are anymore. Enjoyment : 8 I typically would enjoy anything rom-com anime as long it is not horribly animated. This show is wholesome and easy to enjoy. With 5 girls ready to entertain you right off the start in the OP, it only gets better from there once the anime itself starts. The different personalities blend in incredible well with each other. Plus the writing that makes this all possible. It is one heck of a show to watch. Definitely enjoyed it. Overall : 8 As long as you don't have a grudge with harem anime or romance, I will highly recommend it. If you haven't watched any harem anime before, you should actually try this one, it might make you like the harem genre more than you ever did. Highly recommended
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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![]() Show all Nov 3, 2021 Recommended
Tldr: this show is amazing and well worth your time
This is my first review, so don't be too harsh with me :) I saw many reviews with very low and seemingly unjust scores, so I decided to add my grain of salt. I came here because I kept on being recommended this show on my social media, and I wasn't disappointed at all. This holy grail of waifus is the dream of every hikikomori, yet this isn't actually what made me like this series, but more of a consequence of everything the author put into this story. This not-so-typical harem, which puts to shame the generic ... harems I've previously watched, starts off great and ends in similar fashion. To be honest, I didn't expect much from this anime, I just expected it to be a stereotypical harem with an annoying main character and empty girls around him: boy was I wrong. This wholesome, heart-warming show has made it in my top 5, with its great art, sound and characters. Unlike other harems though, you shouldn't expect lots of lewd scenes and nip-slips, but more profound, deep, complex relationships between the characters (which sets it apart from other anime of the same genre). It should be noted that this is a romance anime, and so don't expect some battles and beasts. I like this genre so I don't mind but if this isn't your style of anime, maybe this isn't for you. This show is aimed for a somewhat broad audience (no weird scenes unlike other harems...) but not for everyone. OK so how did I rate this? Story: 8 The story is simple yet easy to attach to, and the author keeps adding in more and more elements to make it interesting. No fillers, no time wasting just great arcs that keep following one another. No unrealistic events or anything, just good content. The gift that keeps on giving. Friendly reminder: the story is character-driven not plot-driven. Art: 9 I didn't see any flaws in the art, and the characters are well-drawn (which is important judging by the genre of The Quintessential Quintuplets). The female characters are good-looking, the MC isn't hateable just by his looks (quite an accomplishment for a harem). Some landscapes are nice to look at but not quite a 10/10 either I'd say. Sound: 10 The opening and ending songs are great, so are the sound effects, the voice acting... Top-tier for sure. Characters: 10 The characters get more and more complex, and it's easy to attach yourself to each and every one of them. They evolve over time which make them interesting, they're funny, they're kind, they're relatable and not over-the-top or acting "fake". One of the main assets of this show is the quality of the characters and how the author builds on this. I think it's fair to say everyone can like at least 2 quintuplets judging by how different their personalities are. Enjoyment: 10 Once again, no debate here. The characters, mixed in with the sound, the art and the plot make this an extremely enjoyable show to watch. Binged it really quickly, which is usually not something I like to do or have time for. Overall: 10 I would definitely recommend watching this show. I came here with low hopes, and I was stunned by the quality of this show, I hope you'll be too.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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