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TV: 38, OVA: 6, Movies: 6, Spcl.: 8, Eps: 0, Days: , Mean Score: 0.0, Score Dev.: 0.00 More stats
#Image Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags
1 Aku no Hana
- TV
- / 13
2 Amaama to Inazuma
- TV
- / 12
3 Bokura wa Minna Kawai-sou
- TV
- / 12
4 Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Depth of Field: Ai to Nikushimi Gekijou
- Special
- / 7
5 Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren
- TV
- / 12
6 Dansai Bunri no Crime Edge
- TV
- / 13
7 Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko
- TV
- / 12
8 Durarara!!
- TV
- / 24
9 Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works 2nd Season
- TV
- / 13
10 Fate/Zero Cafe
- Movie
- / 2
- / 6
12 Gochuumon wa Usagi desu ka?
- TV
- / 12
13 Goku Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
- / 3
14 Ikoku Meiro no Croisée The Animation
- TV
- / 12
15 Ima, Soko ni Iru Boku
- TV
- / 13
16 Isshuukan Friends.
- TV
- / 12
17 Joshiraku OVA
- / 1
18 K-On!!
- TV
- / 26
19 Kill la Kill
- TV
- / 24
20 Kizumonogatari I: Tekketsu-hen
- Movie
- / 1
21 Kokoro Connect: Michi Random
- Special
- / 4
22 Kore wa Zombie desu ka?
- TV
- / 12
23 Kotoura-san: Haruka no Heya
- / 6
24 Koukaku no Pandora
- TV
- / 12
25 Kure-nai
- TV
- / 12
26 Kyoukai no Kanata
- TV
- / 12
27 Little Busters! EX
- Special
- / 8
28 Little Witch Academia
- Movie
- / 1
29 Love Lab
- TV
- / 13
30 Lyrical Magic: Suteki na Mahou
- Music
- / 1
31 Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha: Reflection
- Movie
- / 1
32 Mawaru Penguindrum
- TV
- / 24
33 Minami-ke
- TV
- / 13
34 Mirai Nikki (TV)
- TV
- / 26
35 Pupa
- TV
- / 12
36 Rinne no Lagrange
- TV
- / 12
37 Rokujouma no Shinryakusha!?
- TV
- / 12
38 Saki
- TV
- / 25
39 Seitokai Yakuindomo*
- TV
- / 13
40 Senyuu.
- TV
- / 13
41 Servant x Service
- TV
- / 13
42 Shingeki no Kyojin
- TV
- / 25
43 Shinseiki Evangelion
- TV
- / 26
44 Summer Wars
- Movie
- / 1
45 Takanashi Rikka Kai: Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Movie
- Movie
- / 1
46 Tales of Eternia The Animation
- TV
- / 13
47 Tales of Gekijou
- Special
- / 5
48 Tales of Phantasia The Animation
- / 4
49 Tales of Symphonia The Animation: Kaette Kita Kratos-sensei no Private Lesson
- Special
- / 1
50 Tales of Symphonia The Animation: Kratos-sensei no Private Lesson
- Special
- / 1
51 Tales of Symphonia The Animation: Sekai Tougou-hen
- / 3
52 Tales of Symphonia The Animation: Sekai Tougou-hen Specials
- Special
- / 3
53 Tales of Symphonia The Animation: Tethe'alla-hen Specials
- Special
- / 4
54 Tamako Market
- TV
- / 12
55 Toaru Kagaku no Railgun
- TV
- / 24
56 Tokyo Ravens
- TV
- / 24
57 Triangle Heart: Sweet Songs Forever
- / 4
58 Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari
- TV
- / 12
59 Yama no Susume
- TV
- / 12
60 Yuyushiki
- TV
- / 12