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Viewing Kiet's Anime List
TV: 16, OVA: 0, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 109, Days: 1.87, Mean Score: 4.0, Score Dev.: -3.42 More stats
#Image Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags
1 Another
- TV
- / 12
2 Casshern Sins
- TV
7 / 24
3 Daa! Daa! Daa!
- TV
73 / 78
4 Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou
- TV
4 / 12
5 Druaga no Tou: The Sword of Uruk
- TV
- / 12
6 Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
- TV
- / 26
7 Kimi to Boku. 2
- TV
7 / 13
8 Mawaru Penguindrum
- TV
1 / 24
9 Nazo no Kanojo X
- TV
- / 13
10 Rinne no Lagrange
- TV
- / 12
11 Sakamichi no Apollon
- TV
2 / 12
12 Sankarea
- TV
1 / 12
13 Shakugan no Shana III (Final)
- TV
1 / 24
14 Steins;Gate
- TV
6 / 24
15 Tsuritama
- TV
2 / 12
16 Upotte!!
3 / 10
17 Zero no Tsukaima F
4 TV
2 / 12