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TV: 5, OVA: 0, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 83, Days: 1.03, Mean Score: 8.6, Score Dev.: 1.13 More stats
#Image Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags
1 Ergo Proxy
10 TV
14 / 23
2 Gunslinger Girl: Il Teatrino
Triad stopped subbing this series as far as a I know, which is a shame because I was enjoying it. Funimation has it's release date set for 2009. This season was very, very cheaply done- music was awful, action scenes were simply shaking frames and movement lines... but the story was good. Somehow, I will finish this series.
7 TV
3 / 13
3 Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
8 TV
14 / 26
4 Persona: Trinity Soul
8 TV
4 / 26
5 School Rumble Ni Gakki
10 TV
22 / 26