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TV: 9, OVA: 0, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 85, Days: 1.35, Mean Score: 5.3, Score Dev.: -0.12 More stats
#Image Anime Title Score Type Progress Premiered Tags Air Start Air End Rated
1 Atri: My Dear Moments
- TV
3 / 13
Summer 2024 07-14-24 10-06-24 PG-13
2 Bikini Warriors
4 TV
4 / 12
Summer 2015 07-08-15 09-23-15 R+
3 Gibiate
4 TV
6 / 12
Summer 2020 07-15-20 09-30-20 R
4 Jashin-chan Dropkick X
- TV
4 / 12
Summer 2022 07-06-22 09-21-22 PG-13
5 KanColle: Itsuka Ano Umi de
- TV
1 / 8
Fall 2022 11-04-22 03-25-23 PG-13
6 Ore no Nounai Sentakushi ga, Gakuen Love Comedy wo Zenryoku de Jama Shiteiru
- TV
2 / 10
Fall 2013
10-10-13 12-12-13 PG-13
7 Pokemon XY
After watching Pokemon Black & White, I decided to watch XY but I got tired of the filler episodes (Whatever you would call them) where they had pokemon competitions and such. I'm not really interested in 'Beauty' and 'Cute' nonsense.. I like the heat of the battles that Ash takes head on and the training montages and such. One morning, I overslept and missed a episode just to find out it was just a Pokemon Contest or whatever episode so right then I decided to drop it.
8 TV
58 / 93
Fall 2013 10-17-13 10-22-15 PG
8 Shingeki no Kyojin
Dropped after the first episode, because it was just a spur of the moment 'try' as I was trying to find something new on Netflix. I was quickly turned away by the 'gruesomeness' visible by the first episode alone. Not my type of anime.
- TV
1 / 25
Spring 2013 04-07-13 09-29-13 R
9 Spy x Family Season 2
- TV
4 / 12
Fall 2023 10-07-23 12-23-23 PG-13
10 Vlad Love
2 / 12
Fall 2020 12-18-20 03-14-21 PG-13