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TV: 11, OVA: 2, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 1, Eps: 77, Days: 1.32, Mean Score: 6.0, Score Dev.: -1.55 More stats
#Image Anime Title Score Type Progress Premiered Air Start Air End Rated
1 Angel Beats! Specials
6 Special
1 / 2
Fall 2010 12-22-10 06-24-15 PG-13
2 Aoi Bungaku Series
- TV
3 / 12
Fall 2009 10-11-09 12-27-09 R
3 Bartender
- TV
5 / 11
Fall 2006 10-15-06 12-31-06 PG-13
4 Dallos
2 / 4
Fall 1983 12-21-83 07-05-84 PG-13
5 Giant Killing
- TV
13 / 26
Spring 2010 04-04-10 09-26-10 PG-13
6 Gintama
- TV
3 / 201
Spring 2006 04-04-06 03-25-10 PG-13
7 Golgo 13 (TV)
- TV
20 / 50
Spring 2008 04-12-08 03-28-09 R+
8 Gunslinger Girl: Il Teatrino
- TV
2 / 13
Winter 2008 01-08-08 04-01-08 R
9 Heppoko Jikken Animation Excel♥Saga
- TV
2 / 26
Fall 1999 10-08-99 03-31-00 R
10 Kidou Senshi Gundam SEED
- TV
12 / 50
Fall 2002 10-05-02 09-27-03 R
11 Log Horizon 2nd Season
- TV
3 / 25
Fall 2014 10-04-14 03-28-15 PG-13
12 Macross F
- TV
6 / 25
Spring 2008 04-04-08 09-26-08 PG-13
13 Macross Plus
1 / 4
Summer 1994 08-25-94 06-25-95 R
14 Mousou Dairinin
- TV
4 / 13
Winter 2004 02-03-04 05-18-04 R+