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TV: 43, OVA: 0, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 1, Eps: 91, Days: 1.33, Mean Score: 4.6, Score Dev.: -1.85 More stats
#Image Anime Title Score Type Progress Genres Demogr. Studios Air Start Air End Rated
1 Boku no Kanojo ga Majimesugiru Sho-bitch na Ken
5 TV
2 / 10
Comedy, Romance, Ecchi Diomedéa, Studio Blanc. 10-12-17 12-14-17 PG-13
2 Chou Futsuu Toshi Kashiwa Densetsu R
2 TV
1 / 10
Comedy, Fantasy Super Normal Studio 07-06-20 09-28-20
3 Choujin Koukousei-tachi wa Isekai demo Yoyuu de Ikinuku you desu!
5 TV
1 / 12
Action, Adventure, Fantasy Project No.9 10-03-19 12-19-19 PG-13
4 Deca-Dence
6 TV
2 / 12
Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi Nut 07-08-20 09-23-20 PG-13
5 Fairy Gone
4 TV
4 / 12
Action, Fantasy P.A. Works 04-08-19 06-24-19 PG-13
6 Fuuka
6 TV
2 / 12
Drama, Romance, Ecchi Shounen Diomedéa 01-06-17 03-24-17 R+
7 Garugaku.: Sei Girls Square Gakuin
3 TV
1 / 50
OLM, Wit Studio 04-06-20 03-29-21 PG-13
8 Golden Time
5 TV
12 / 24
Drama, Romance J.C.Staff 10-04-13 03-28-14 PG-13
9 Guraburu!
3 TV
1 / 12
Adventure, Fantasy W-Toon Studio, DMM.futureworks 10-08-20 12-24-20 PG-13
10 Hakozume: Kouban Joshi no Gyakushuu
5 TV
1 / 13
Comedy Seinen Madhouse 01-05-22 03-30-22 PG-13
11 Hentatsu (TV)
2 TV
1 / 12
Adventure, Mystery Yaoyorozu 01-04-20 03-21-20 G
12 Idol Memories
6 TV
1 / 12
Seven Arcs Pictures 10-03-16 12-19-16 PG-13
13 IS: Infinite Stratos
6 TV
2 / 12
Action, Comedy, Romance, Sci-Fi, Ecchi 8bit 01-07-11 04-01-11 PG-13
14 Isekai Cheat Magician
3 TV
3 / 12
Action, Adventure, Fantasy Encourage Films 07-10-19 09-25-19 PG-13
15 Isekai wa Smartphone to Tomo ni.
4 TV
1 / 12
Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Romance Production Reed 07-11-17 09-26-17 PG-13
16 Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun
7 TV
4 / 12
Drama, Romance Project No.9 01-08-21 03-26-21 PG-13
17 Jimihen!!: Jimiko wo Kaechau Jun Isei Kouyuu!!
4 / 8
Hentai Studio Hokiboshi 01-04-21 02-22-21 Rx
18 Kawaii dake ja Nai Shikimori-san
6 TV
3 / 12
Comedy, Romance Doga Kobo 04-10-22 07-10-22 PG-13
19 Kenja no Mago
4 TV
4 / 12
Action, Comedy, Fantasy, Romance SILVER LINK. 04-10-19 06-26-19 PG-13
20 Kono Yo no Hate de Koi wo Utau Shoujo YU-NO
3 TV
2 / 26
Drama, Sci-Fi feel. 04-02-19 10-01-19 PG-13
21 Kuzu no Honkai
5 TV
1 / 12
Drama, Romance Seinen Lerche 01-13-17 03-31-17 R+
22 Lord El-Melloi II-sei no Jikenbo: Rail Zeppelin Grace Note
5 TV
2 / 13
Fantasy, Mystery TROYCA 07-07-19 09-29-19 R
23 Love Live! School Idol Project: μ's →NEXT LoveLive! 2014 - Endless Parade Makuai Drama
- Special
1 / 3
Comedy Sunrise 07-23-14 07-23-14 PG-13
24 Maken-Ki!
5 TV
2 / 12
Action, Ecchi Shounen AIC Spirits 10-05-11 12-21-11 R+
25 Ninja Collection
3 TV
1 / 13
Horror, Supernatural ILCA, DRAWIZ, Toho Interactive Animation 07-13-20 10-26-20 PG-13
26 Norimono Man: Mobile Land no Car-kun
3 TV
1 / 104
Comedy Kids CloverWorks 04-02-20 03-24-22 PG
27 Nourin
4 TV
2 / 12
Comedy, Romance, Ecchi SILVER LINK. 01-11-14 03-29-14 PG-13
28 Oshi ga Budoukan Ittekuretara Shinu
7 TV
1 / 12
Comedy Seinen 8bit 01-10-20 03-27-20 PG-13
29 Pastel Memories
6 TV
1 / 12
Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi Project No.9 01-08-19 03-26-19 PG-13
30 Punch Line
5 TV
1 / 12
Comedy, Sci-Fi, Supernatural, Ecchi MAPPA 04-10-15 06-26-15 PG-13
31 Renai Boukun
3 TV
4 / 12
Comedy, Romance, Supernatural EMT Squared 04-07-17 06-23-17 PG-13
32 Rifle Is Beautiful
5 TV
2 / 12
Comedy, Sports Seinen Studio 3Hz 10-13-19 01-18-20 PG-13
33 Sarazanmai
2 TV
1 / 11
Action, Supernatural MAPPA, Lapin Track 04-12-19 06-21-19 PG-13
34 Shikkakumon no Saikyou Kenja
5 TV
2 / 12
Action, Adventure, Fantasy J.C.Staff 01-08-22 03-26-22 PG-13
35 Strike Witches
4 TV
1 / 12
Action, Sci-Fi, Ecchi Gonzo 07-04-08 09-19-08 R+
36 Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge
5 TV
1 / 12
Slice of Life SILVER LINK. 04-09-16 06-25-16 PG-13
37 The Marginal Service
- TV
2 / 12
Action, Sci-Fi Studio 3Hz 04-12-23 06-28-23 PG-13
38 To LOVE-Ru
5 TV
1 / 26
Comedy, Romance, Sci-Fi, Ecchi Shounen Xebec 04-04-08 09-26-08 R+
39 Toutotsu ni Egypt Shin
1 / 10
Comedy, Fantasy Typhoon Graphics 12-07-20 02-08-21 G
40 Tsuujou Kougeki ga Zentai Kougeki de Ni-kai Kougeki no Okaasan wa Suki desu ka?
4 TV
2 / 12
Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Ecchi J.C.Staff 07-13-19 09-28-19 R+
41 Val x Love
4 TV
1 / 12
Comedy, Romance, Supernatural, Ecchi Shounen Hoods Entertainment 10-05-19 12-21-19 R
42 Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!
6 TV
1 / 12
Comedy SILVER LINK. 07-09-13 09-24-13 PG-13
43 Witch Craft Works
6 TV
2 / 12
Action, Supernatural Seinen J.C.Staff 01-05-14 03-23-14 PG-13
44 Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo
4 TV
2 / 12
Comedy, Mystery, Romance, Supernatural Shounen LIDENFILMS 04-12-15 06-28-15 PG-13
45 Yami Shibai 14
3 TV
1 / 13
Avant Garde, Horror, Supernatural ILCA 01-05-25 03-30-25 PG-13
46 Zero no Tsukaima
6 TV
2 / 13
Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, Ecchi J.C.Staff 07-03-06 09-25-06 PG-13