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TV: 857, OVA: 40, Movies: 22, Spcl.: 28, Eps: 14421, Days: 239.83, Mean Score: 7.5, Score Dev.: 0.01 More stats
#Image Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags
1 Akazukin Chacha
Rough estimate on the start time. This will be a slow burn and it is likely I won't finish it...
- TV
3 / 74
2 Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season Part 2
- TV
6 / 12
3 Tegamibachi
- TV
10 / 25
4 Yosuga no Sora
- TV
1 / 12
5 5-toubun no Hanayome
In many ways, this show isn't anything special. There have been many harems over the years. The main character is alright but kinda a jerk. However, everyone on the cast is very likable and each of them (at this time) have as much of a shot as the others.

The art-style used is very colorful and while the plot isn't exactly very deep (studying and going to school) it still remains interesting.

I really enjoyed this show and am curious if the momentum can stay this strong in the second season!

EDIT: update 5/28/21 - still great a second time. Second season here we go!
EDIT: update 3/25/24 - three years after my last watch and my third time through! I was unfortunately spoiled, so I know who wins but I still thought this was enjoyable. And knowing the ending, allows me to see some things from a different perspective. But I can also see it from my original viewpoint and I know why I loved it. Not many shows have a harem where every girl is interesting and loveable (maybe Megami Terrace now?). Onward to S2.
9 TV
6 5-toubun no Hanayome ∬
Second season had some rocky moments but that drama was necessary. It was a lot of fun! The ending is so far away..

Probably Miku is my favorite, though I like Itsuki and Nino too. Ichika lost some points this season and while I think Yotsuba is the end-game, we've seen so little of her feelings for Fuutarou it is hard to root for them.

EDIT: 3/27/24 - rewatched again! I don't know if I knew who was truly the end game in my previous watch. However, I really enjoyed this season yet again. It's a little bitter-sweet, seeing how I know how it will end. However, it's such a fun ride. Nino's transformation is amazing. Yes, sometimes she's a little bit much (and she definitely was bad initially with the drugging) but it was great to watch. All the other girls too, you can see bits and pieces of their feelings. And it is tough because I really did want to root for them all at one point or time. The ending was really touching..

Anyway, time to see how this all unfolds..
9 TV
7 5-toubun no Hanayome Movie
Wow, it's over. What do I say? I feel a little empty inside.

Overall, the series was phenomenal. I was spoiled after my initial season two viewing on for who would be chosen. So, when I rewatched the first two seasons with her being the end-game in mind, I saw moments of why she made sense. I still think as a romance show, that part of it could have been stronger. But taking a step back, the romance part wasn't why I liked the show. I liked the show for its characters and their development. I liked the series for the variety of emotions presented (sister bonds, romantic feelings, pushing towards your dreams, etc). I also enjoyed early on how the show really made you think ANYONE could win.

This movie on its own, had its ups and downs. The animation and VA were of course fine but the direction overall just left a lot to be desired. I feel like the pacing was a bit odd and some characters had strange moments (why did Nino push Yots? did Miku really get over things that quickly? What happened with Itsuki toward the end being flustered? What was with the random characters? Why did Miku force push Fuutaro for a kiss...couldn't they have made it sweeter? Actually, all the kisses were kind of weak, they didn't really make sense here when Fuutaro had probably made a decision. Also, they felt rushed and not heartfelt). I was also disappointed that the best parts of the pool episode special was in this movie (albeit quickly) which diminished the special's value (the movie aired first so it does get a pass).

Ultimately this gave me the answers toward Fuutaro and Yotsuba's relationship and that's what I wanted. It was a bit long and I am not sure I'd rewatch it alone but I may rewatch it some day as part of the series. The whole show was a 5 year journey (!) and while I'm sad it is over, I enjoyed it very much.

Miku/Nino for me ;)

Here's hoping Megami Terrace continues in this show's footsteps...
7 Movie
8 5-toubun no Hanayome∽
The first episode was not bad. However, it was a little weaker coming off the excellent S2. The flashback ended up reducing some of the momentum that S2 had. However, the Nino scene was nice (in a prickly way) and the scene at the beach was too.

The second episode though. I didn't know what to expect with HER but wow did it really deliver and explained so much. While it ultimately is more impactful this way, I feel like it might have made me root for her a bit more if they had had those scenes flow naturally as they occurred and shown her hardships. Otherwise, the pool scene was lovely. Everyone was so cute and Itsuki's scene on the slide was hilarious. Overall an excellent episode.

If I were going to rewatch in a hurry, I'd probably skip the first episode. But overall I'm really happy with this little set of episodes and I'm looking forward to the conclusion in the movie (though also ready to be super sad for the girls that lose). I'd definitely rewatch this!
9 TV Special
9 86
I enjoyed this show. I thought the characters were interesting / endearing and the visuals were phenomenal. However, much of what makes this show interesting and wondering where it's going to go and how things will pan out. I am not sure if I would watch it again. To be fair, there aren't many strict military shows (ignoring FMP) that have this kind of quality.

Definitely somewhere between a 7 and a 8
8 TV
10 86 Part 2
While at first I found it difficult to enjoy just Shin's part of the story (as I enjoyed Lena's interactions and story more in S1), I did warm up after a while. The season was excellent overall. Hope there's a S2!
8 TV
11 Aa! Megami-sama! (TV)
8 TV
12 Aa! Megami-sama! (TV) Specials
- Special
13 Aa! Megami-sama! Sorezore no Tsubasa
8 TV
14 Aa! Megami-sama! Sorezore no Tsubasa Specials
- Special
15 Aa! Megami-sama! Tatakau Tsubasa
8 TV Special
16 Ai Tenshi Densetsu Wedding Peach
7 TV
17 Ai Yori Aoshi
8 TV
18 Ai Yori Aoshi: Enishi
7 TV
19 Air
8 TV
20 Air Gear
8 TV
21 Aishiteruze Baby★★
8 TV
22 Akagami no Shirayuki-hime
Likeable characters and a nice setting make this a fun show to watch. However, the show doesn't have much plot and I wonder how character progression will continue in season 2. I'd rewatch it, a low 8/10
8 TV
23 Akagami no Shirayuki-hime 2nd Season
I felt it was more enjoyable than the first season with the same great characters!
8 TV
24 Akatsuki no Yona
Awesome series. All the characters (even the bad-guys) were likeable. The progression of Yona was amazing and the mix of comedy/action was well done.

Rewatched in 2020, loved it just as much. Why isn't there more!?!
9 TV
25 Akatsuki no Yona OVA
Despite having forgotten the specifics of the yona series. The characterization of the yellow dragon was top-tier and it brought back memories of why I loved the Yona show so much. Totally would rewatch it!
26 Akudama Drive
I found this anime interesting but more in the "I need to watch this to find out what happens" way. I didn't really like the characters outside the main female lead and while the initial battles were very neat, the story dragged on and got tedious after some time. The ending was interesting but I can't see myself rewatching this now that I know what happens..
7 TV
27 Akuyaku Reijou Level 99: Watashi wa Ura-Boss desu ga Maou dewa Arimasen
The best part about this show was it gave me a lot of laughs which I wasn't expecting.

The characters were all likable, if a bit lacking in depth. But since most of the characters are shown to be part of game, this makes sense. Yumiella obviously carries the show but I also liked Patrick. The other side characters pushed the story along and weren't too bad.

Overall the show tried to show certain characteristics that were common to otome games and then seemed to subvert them. For instance, I would have expected the country to be really scared when a powerful 99-lvl being pops up but most everyone (save for the annoyed original heroes) were pretty calm.

It was these moments, plus a number of the comedy bits that kept the show entertaining. There was a small romance build-up but it kind of amounted to very little in the end (had it been given more time to shine, it may have been quite cute).

Yumiella's inner monloguing was fun to hear and you always wondered what wacky thing she was going to do. At least that's how it was initially. I found as things went along, while the show continued to throw "new" things, it felt very familiar. While it didn't reduce the enjoyment, it felt a bit disappointing.

I had fun with this show and because of the humor, I could see myself rewatching it. But this is definitely similar to "I'm taming the final boss", it's more of a 7.5 which I will mark an 8 to rewatch again in the future and see how I feel then.

In terms of otome shows, I enjoyed it for not going the normal route, but I did hope for a bit better. Once I've seen some more, I may come back to this and re-evaluate.
8 TV
28 Akuyaku Reijou nanode Last Boss wo Kattemimashita
This wasn't as strong as Raeliana but I had fun with it. Aileen is a likable lead and watching her interactions with Claude is great.

I did think more time could have been spent on fleshing out the characters, the show obviously rushed through 3 novels. However, the plot points presented were interesting.

The art and music were good and the antagonist was one of those that really get your blood boiling (perfect!).

I won't say that there was anything that stood out and it did have some poor execution at times but it gave enough enjoyment to warrant another watch sometime in the future.

Solid 7.5, will round to 8 and will tweak the score as needed when I rewatch in the future.
8 TV
29 Aldnoah.Zero
It didn't really have anything amazing to it, story was ok, characters had little depth and said/did stupid things, but somehow I still really enjoyed it. The art was solid, the soundtrack decent and the pacing kept me watching. I'd rewatch it.
8 TV
30 Aldnoah.Zero Part 2
Second half had good action but little character development and story was very nonsensical.
6 TV
31 Amaenaide yo!!
7 TV
32 Amaenaide yo!! Katsu!!
7 TV
33 Amaenaide yo!! Katsu!!: Damasarenaide yo!!
7 Special
34 Amaenaide yo!!: Yasumanaide yo!!
7 Special
35 Amagami SS
This had its issues but overall it was a fun watch. All the characters had their charm. I'd rewatch this again! Loved it.
9 TV
36 Amagami SS+ Plus
I really enjoyed this! My problem is that most of the arcs didn't really feel progressive at all compared to the first season. However, the characters were still as likeable and the arcs all had their interesting pull.

Additionally, it would have been better if this season was merged into the first.
8 TV
37 Amagi Brilliant Park
I loved all the character designs! The show had some funny parts and the visuals were really nice. I'd say it's worth a rewatch. I just didn't feel really drawn to the characters and there were a few too many for the length of the show..

It being from the same creator of FMP, it gave me a very FMP vibe and I really liked that!
7 TV
38 Angel Beats!
I didn't hate it but didn't really enjoy it very much either. Interesting concept though!
6 TV
39 Anitore! EX
Needed something to watch during some exercise one day. I'll never watch it again though :P
5 TV
40 Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai.
I enjoyed this but it never really went anywhere. Or rather, there was much fluff and the build-up was at the end.

The character interactions outside the main two also was very thin.

I did enjoy it but I'm not sure I'd watch it again..
7 TV
41 Ano Natsu de Matteru
7 TV
42 Ao Ashi
This was a really enjoyable show. It had moments of roughness (especially the first few episodes) but it quickly grew on me. Hana and Ashito were a blast to watch and the game matches stayed interesting. Very curious where the story would go from here and how the players would continue to improve. At this point no S2 in sight unfortunately.

Still a good show. I think I would rewatch this over Blue Lock.
8 TV
43 Ao Haru Ride
Loveable characters, nice pacing, good atmosphere (not too much drama and not too much comedic elements). Just too short. But would rewatch!
8 TV
44 Ao Haru Ride OVA
First episode was just ok (mostly reused scenes) but the second episode was fantastic! I wish there'd be a second season..
45 Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm
Neat idea, art is good with all the soaring and moving around. The characters fall a little flat but still have their charm.
7 TV
46 Area no Kishi
Weak love triangle, poorly paced improvement of character, brother thing could be better implemented :/
7 TV
47 Atri: My Dear Moments
I can't with a good conscious call this a romance. The romance aspect in the anime is very weak. Why? Because there's no impact, there's no weight (moments are very quick). I haven't seen the VN but apparently the adaptation isn't that great so maybe that is why?

However, I did enjoy the show overall. It was interesting to see Atri grow and I liked her, even if she was a bit childish. Natsuki was just ok. Emotion wise he sort of was all over the place and it was hard to watch at times. The rest of the cast was basically support and didn't really add too much. I liked Minamo but she never amounted to much except more of a guide for the rest of the cast.

The background of the show was quite interesting and there was enough there that things never felt slow. I feel like a little slowness might have made the show better and given time for characters to develop but I was never bored.

Visually, I found the show to look very nice. Music was decent too.

I barely recall Plastic Memories but I think that had a slightly better romance, whereas world-building/plot was better here. And Atri was a more enjoyable lead. I doubt I'd rewatch this but I did enjoy it. One of the better sci-fi shows I've watched in the last couple years!
7 TV
48 Ayashi no Ceres
A struggle for me to get through. I wanted to like this show going into it but I just couldn't find myself to care about the characters or the struggle they went through. In the end, it was just ok.
6 TV
49 B-gata H-kei
7 TV
50 Baby Steps
Excellent series with really likeable characters. The romance is not complicated but is little moments that make you smile. The tennis is smart and keeps you wanting to see more.
9 TV
51 Baby Steps 2nd Season
Amazing tennis, the Nat-chan scenes were not as strong as the first season though.
8 TV
52 Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu
Not sure where to place this show. It had some interesting moments and the characters were ok but they were somewhat one-note and never developed. The show attempted to do comedy but the jokes were only slightly amusing at times and the jokes were repetitive.

I struggled to find myself wanting to watch it more than an episode at a time unless there was a "war" going on. I'm a little curious where this goes but not sure if the next season will just be more of the same.
6 TV
53 Bakuman.
7 TV
54 Bamboo Blade
Originally watched Oct 11th 2007 and watched two episodes then dropped it.

Restarted watching Nov 12 2022!

I finished on the 18th. I had forgotten that I dropped the show originally. While the score I had chosen then (7) was valid, I did have a good time with this show. The characters were all very likable. The plot was ok. The biggest downside was how fast the show attempted to wrap up when it spent 24 episodes building things up. I also felt like the show had camera angles that made it feel like it wanted to be an ecchi show but it never went the full way (ex: the bath-house episode was very strange).

Overall pretty enjoyable but not sure I'd watch it again.
7 TV
55 Basquash!
7 TV
56 Battle Programmer Shirase
7 TV
57 Beck
8 TV
58 Ben-To
Amusing but average. Characters were fine but no development.
7 TV
59 Benriya Saitou-san, Isekai ni Iku
This show was pretty fun. I liked all the characters and most of the side characters. It was a little weird at times but not too much for my taste. The females were cute and fun to watch but the main character while not bad, didn't have much of a personality. While I always like to see romance in shows, this one felt a bit forced. Still entertaining but there just wasn't much chemistry (Morlock had to push Saitou to think about her in that way)

The fights were pretty good but were generally over quickly. I didn't think much of the music and the plot didn't seem to have much direction. Overall I still liked it but I think I like more "generic" isekai with a standard way of storytelling and less humor. But this was ok for a change of pace. I would still gladly watch a season 2, we'll see if that happens.
7 TV
60 Birdie Wing: Golf Girls' Story
I really like the characters in this and the show has been pretty entertaining. What I can say, is that I found the first half to be a little boring. I can't quite place it but I think it might be just the sport. There's not really a lot you can do with it. While some sports anime are predictable (you know the MC is going to blow past them), it still manages to be exciting. This show seemed to have less impact. I did enjoy the characters and I think the latter half of the show was fun with the main characters interacting and overall more interesting moments. Overall looking forward to S2!
7 TV
61 Black Cat
8 TV
62 Black Lagoon
7 TV
63 Blood Lad
Decent but it felt like as soon as it was over it was just picking up steam. Bell was a bit annoying but other than the characters were ok. The art was decent. Rewatchable if I'm really bored..
7 TV
64 Blue Lock
I generally like sports anime, unless they are very slow. This show was good, I liked that it kept things moving at a very quick pace and threw a lot at you.

I didn't love the characters but also didn't dislike them either.

All n all, I'd put this in the same group as something like My Hero Academia or the first season of Attack on Titan. There's enough there that keeps you wondering what happens next but it's not blowing you away with characters or writing or some other special thing. I had fun with this show and I'd rewatch it. I am looking forward to season 2.

EDIT: rewatched in 3/25. I still had fun with it and can now start season 2!
8 TV
65 Blue Lock vs. U-20 Japan
The first season had a lot of variation and the main character Isagi felt like he was steadily progressing. It had some really exciting moments / plays and each character had interesting details that made it fun to watch.

The second season had some new faces and their abilities were unique but the whole season felt very repetitive. Particularly from Isagi's standpoint, it felt like he was at a standstill the whole season and mostly was doing commentary. I get that was probably to allow the other characters time to shine but it just didn't didn't work for me.

Also, some of the moments were really silly, like the scary-looking Rin that destroys everyone's best move. I don't know, I just couldn't take it seriously.

This show is different from most sports shows, which generally focus on two or three characters and then have a lot of side characters that support them. This show feels like it is trying to make every character the main character and I don't feel like it really works.

I feel like I'm hating on this show but I went into this season really excited and I left just feeling ok. The show was still very entertaining and I did enjoy all the characters, plus the pace of the game, but it just fell flat a little bit.

I don't think I'd rewatch this in full but I did have a good time.
7 TV
66 Bocchi the Rock!
This was a nice show. I really liked watching Bocchi's progress and I empathize with her anxiety a little bit. The other characters were really likable and the music was great. The show was pretty silly at times but I do admit that it made me laugh out loud quite a bit. So I guess I'd say the comedy was pretty entertaining. I'd rewatch the show.
8 TV
67 Boku dake ga Inai Machi
While not a great "mystery", the pacing and feelings the show gave was pretty good. The last few episodes were not as interesting as the first 2/3rds. I also wish there was more Airi. Overall an entertaining show that ultimately I don't think I'd rewatch. Updated from 8/10 to 7/10 for that reason (7/3/2016)
7 TV
68 Boku no Hero Academia
Over the top action but likeable characters and good art.
8 TV
69 Boku no Hero Academia 2nd Season
Another good season. Looking forward to the next! Some characters had more growth than others but overall the show still had the same engaging draw to it that the first season had.
8 TV
70 Boku no Hero Academia 3rd Season
Still really enjoying this cast but I fear it might start to taper off in terms of plot. Highly rewatchable though!
8 TV
71 Boku no Hero Academia 4th Season
8 TV
72 Boku no Hero Academia 5th Season
This is a really tough one to rate. I really enjoyed it but not as much as past seasons. It's hard to say, I liked the first arc with the two classes sparring but didn't care as much for the second arc with the villains getting stronger (and some of their backstory). It was interesting but just didn't hold my attention as much. I'd probably rate this a 7.5. Technically rewatchable but not as strong as past seasons.

Still, can't wait for next season!
7 TV
73 Boku no Hero Academia 6th Season
Every scene in this season was impactful. Whether it was Deku fighting all alone and being some super-powered character, to Ochako's speech, to everything that happened during the liberation war arc. It was an absolutely crazy ride.

I did wish there was a bit more time with the students of 1A before jumping back into the fray but it's not too surprising. Looking forward to S7!

I don't think it's my favorite season of MHA (I enjoy the mix of student life + tension between league and students + All Might more) but it was really great. I'd definitely rewatch it.
8 TV
74 Boku no Hero Academia 7th Season
I'll reiterate what I've said before, I really prefer the version of the show in the school with casual talks and occasional thrills with every day super powers. However, this season WAS great, lots of serious moments and INTENSE moments.

This show does not fail to excite me or fill me with energy. There are many characters, honestly, maybe too many to give them all the time they deserve (I can think of a number of characters I wish had more background, more of a spotlight, etc) but most characters get a little bit of time to look cool. Ochako once again was my favorite but there really wasn't any bad character.

The villains too! I can say I've never been much of a fan of them (except for Toga to a degree) but they were fleshed out in the middle of this giant war and unlike p2 of S5, that made it fun to watch.

I can't say I'd rewatch this whole season over some of the earlier seasons. There are SOO many episodes for this series but some of these episodes are easily the best in the series thus far. And for that, I can say I'll throw it in my rewatch pile. Great season. Great series. Excited for the finale!
8 TV
75 Boku no Hero Academia: Ikinokore! Kesshi no Survival Kunren
Nothing special but it was enjoyable to watch!
76 Boku no Hero Academia: UA Heroes Battle
Silly episode with a few laughs. It was just ok.
6 Movie
77 Boku no Tsuma wa Kanjou ga Nai
This wasn't bad but was a bit strange. The romance element was there but with the show being human x robot, it obviously didn't go anywhere. I think the score it has on MAL (6.7) is maybe a little low but it's not far off. The cast is pretty likable in certain moments but it never goes past that.
7 TV
78 Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai
This show was ok. All the characters were likeable in an annoying sort of way. The thing is, it has a love-triangle where the guy doesn't really care too much about either of the love interests. Additionally, this also shows bits of a harem. The show is attractive looking but doesn't do anything too great. I hear some good things about season 2 but hear it comes with a cliffhanger. I'll wait for a season 3 announcement to watch it.
7 TV
79 Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai: Relay Shousetsu wa Ketsumatsu ga Hanpanai
Interesting story they told...but mostly pointless.
80 Bokura ga Ita
8 TV
81 Bokura wa Minna Kawai-sou
I'm a bit surprised, it was an enjoyable series. I though the SoL aspects and the zany characters would be too much, but the humor gave me a chuckle every now and then and all the characters were likable. The "romance" was subtle but still made me smile. Definitely worth a rewatch!

12/20/18 - rewatched recently and still enjoyed it a lot!
8 TV
82 Bokutachi no Remake
Somewhere between a 7 and a 8. Despite many despising it, I liked the MC's fix anything ability. It was very cheesy because it happened out of nowhere but still entertaining. With more time, I could see it being interesting if they fleshed out his thinking a bit more.

I also can say I liked all the female leads though only Nanako feels somewhat fleshed out.

My main problem lies in the main character's interaction with the girls. The first few episodes felt rather endearing where he generally had some interest or caring for them. Then in the middle, I felt like all that disappeared and he was focused on the game. Then in the end that mostly persisted. He had a good relationship with Eiko but it didn't seem like there was much romance.

All in all, I would watch it again. It was different and I had fun. I would also watch a second season or POSSIBLY read the manga when it is further along but I am not sure I can rate the show that highly due to its flaws.
7 TV
83 Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai
8 TV
84 Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai!
A fun, light hearted series. The characters were all nice and entertaining, though you only get small bits of details about them. I did like even though it had comedy, the story bits were still linked together.
8 TV
85 Boys Be...
8 TV
86 Btooom!
Plot was pretty dark but enjoyable show. Just left an open ending which was unfortunate
7 TV
87 Busou Renkin
7 TV
88 Byousoku 5 Centimeter
6 Movie
89 C: The Money of Soul and Possibility Control
An interesting series overall but it was very rushed and the ending left me with more questions than answers. I enjoyed it for its uniqueness but I wouldn't watch it again.
7 TV
90 Campione! Matsurowanu Kamigami to Kamigoroshi no Maou
I liked the emphasis on gods and mythology, the female characters were all very attractive, the story wasn't phenominal but kept you interested, the kisses were hot :D and there was some nice action. This teeters right on the edge of an 7 or 8, I went with a 7 but might rewatch at some point. I think the issue was the characters didn't grab me (like they did in say Oda Nobuna no Yabou) and that's important for this kind of show.
7 TV
91 Canvas 2: Nijiiro no Sketch
8 TV
92 Cardcaptor Sakura
Rewatched in 10/2023. I love this show!

Things I felt this watch:

* Eriol is too perfect and it annoyed me a bit more than past rewatches
* Syaoran and Sakura are so cute
* I do wish Syoran had a bit more personality? He gets better toward the end
* Side characters are ALL lovely
* Wish more was shown of Toya and the dad!
9 TV
93 Cardcaptor Sakura Movie 1
6 Movie
94 Cardcaptor Sakura Movie 2: Fuuin Sareta Card
8 Movie
95 Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card-hen
I did really enjoy this show (despite dragging out the watch). However, like most fans, I feel like they could have gone further with the development of the characters. Most of the cards felt too samesy which I guess was on purpose but it made things a little boring. Overall, I enjoyed the updated visuals, the outfit designs, and just a look into this world again.


Rewatch in 11/23 - I really enjoyed this a second time around! Finished in the matter of weeks this time. My main complaint is how there aren't as many interesting locations like there were in the first season. I admit that the mystery gets dragged out a bit much and the characters aren't as fleshed out as I would like but the plot is intriguing, the characters as likable as before, and the visuals are awesome. I still love all of Sakura's outfits. Can't wait for season 2. Who knows, maybe I'll even watch it as it airs.
8 TV
96 Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card-hen Prologue - Sakura to Futatsu no Kuma
It was cute but since it basically was a retelling (following the manga), it wasn't that exciting to watch.
97 Charlotte
Really good ideas that suffer from poor pacing and poor execution.
7 TV
98 Chicchana Yukitsukai Sugar
Cute little series but not a lot to it. The first half was kinda slow but the second half was a bit better.
7 TV
99 Chihayafuru
8 TV
100 Chihayafuru 2
8 TV
101 Chihayafuru 2: Waga Miyo ni Furu Nagame Shima ni
102 Chihayafuru 3
Good but I really feel like Taichi and Chihaya get distracted and get behind in kurata. I just want to see Arata get owned!

Anyway, I did like this season of course. I hope they eventually have a season 4 that ends it all..
8 TV
103 Chiyu Mahou no Machigatta Tsukaikata
A colorful world, a lovely (if not a bit strange at times) cast, and great music. The plot isn't anything special but it does keep your interest.

Suzune is a bit much at times is my only complaint. I wish they had showed more sides of her. I liked how much depth they gave Rose.

I do wonder if there's a second season if it will be able to hold the momentum with the cast either split or some of them missing.

I also wonder how much of the series can be realistically adapted if Rose's VA Tanaka, Atsuko is so old...

I really enjoyed this and would rewatch this. I would love a season 2 but not sure this will get one. Hope I'm wrong!
8 TV
104 Chobits
1/24 - originally gave this a 6 but on my second watch I did enjoy it. Given my current grade scale I'll bump it up to a 7.

The characters were all likeable though parts of the show did drag on a bit and the ending was rather lack luster.
7 TV
105 Chrno Crusade
7 TV
106 Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!
Good art, decent characters, strange plot that started off weak and got stronger toward the end.
7 TV
107 Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Kirameki no... Slapstick Noel
Now that the characters are established, I enjoyed this quite a bit!
8 Special
108 Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren
Like the first season, it was ok, somewhere between a 6.5 and a 7.5. I like the characters but there is a ton of fluff and the romance is just so-so. The comedy doesn't do much for me either but it's still an interesting story.
7 TV
109 Clannad
7 TV
110 Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch
8 TV
111 Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2
9 TV
112 Cowboy Bebop
6 TV
113 Cross Game
8 TV
114 D.C.: Da Capo
7 TV
115 D.C.S.S: Da Capo Second Season
7 TV
116 D.N.Angel
8 TV
117 Darling in the FranXX
It wasn't terrible? This show had some great moments but early on a lot of random drama (which would be reversed almost immediately), then after episode 15 it took an odd turn.

I did like the characters but the best ones were treated the worst (the two MC). I feel this is similar to Gurren Laggan. They are interesting to compare. Gurren is more stylish and the action moments a bit better. Meanwhile for this show, the drama bits were annoying but the characters and tone of the show made for a stronger impact when compared with Gurren.

Back on this show. I can say that in general, they tied it up decently well in the end, all the characters got closure. The problem is, for many of the characters, this was quite rushed (Gorou, Ikuno, etc) and so I can't completely say it was satisfying. Kokoro and her partner were handled oddly (again reversing something to bring it back), it made the final moments less impactful. I also felt like some of the last few episodes were really drawn out in general and that's never good for a show. All together, it was entertaining but I doubt I'll rewatch this.
7 TV
118 Dead Dead Demons Dededede Destruction (ONA)
It was quite different, I can give it that. I watched this show on a whim, as I saw it in a number of AOTY 2024. Maybe because of that I had too high of expectations? I'm not sure.

For me, I didn't really enjoy the characters that much. There were a lot of terrible people in the show and I understand that is what the show was going for but it wasn't very enjoyable for me to watch. The show introduced so many characters, jumping around between them, some even were highlighted in a single episode. Toward the end of the show I started to like the MCs (Ouran and Kadode), as well as Keita. But it kind of flipped things around there too and it really broke what enjoyment I had.

The strongest part was the alien and human storyline. It ended up being more basic and less interesting than I expected but it did keep the intrigue basically throughout the show because you weren't sure what would happen. So I guess you could say there was a strong mystery component.

Had the cast of the show been likable to me, I think the show would have been really great. But as is, it had moments of greatness, some parts where I was bored, and much that was just ok. I liked it because it WAS different but I'm not sure I'd bother to rewatch it. Still, this show is a reminder of why I like anime, there's a lot to offer!
119 Dead Dead Demons Dededede Destruction (ONA) Episode 0
I watched this in the right order (after episode 16). While it would have been interesting, I think it would have ruined things if I had watched it as the initial episode.

There was some interesting revelations in this episode but overall nothing too surprising (outside of the main revelation). This episode was just ok. The show has changed 'main characters' like 3 or more times now and I haven't really enjoyed that experience of the show.
120 DearS
8 TV
121 Death March kara Hajimaru Isekai Kyousoukyoku
A good slow show that has nothing special about it. Enjoyable to watch and I'd easily watch another season (that would be my complaint, too short) but it's not really something I'd rewatch.
7 TV
122 Deca-Dence
Great characters, unique story and art style. It surprised me!
8 TV
123 Dennou Coil
7 TV
124 Denshin Mamotte Shugogetten
125 DNA²
7 TV
126 DNA² OVA
127 Dosanko Gal wa Namara Menkoi
No idea why this is marked a 'comedy'. But anyway, this show gave me exactly what I expected and I loved every minute of it.

Minami wasn't an Akari or a Marin but she was still loveable. The rest of the cast didn't have as strong of a presence but they were still likeable. The show was mostly silly, with some light fanservice, and a male lead that while a bit bumbling, still managed to surprise me from time to time.

I do wish there were a few more serious moments in the show (without the drama) but otherwise I really had fun with it. Another show to hope for season2, though it seems unlikely we'll get it? Next season is supposedly more drama-y which I'm not sure I'd want. Still I'd easily rewatch this season and if we get S2, I'll be there!
8 TV
128 Dr. Rin ni Kiitemite!
Enjoyable but not as good as I was hoping. It doesn't help that the subs have been pretty abysmal. The monkey is the best part although I do like the main couple Asuka x Meirin! (Poor Tokiwa) The arc at the end was pretty good and the very end had a really nice mood to it. It's a shame they didn't expand on the idea for a bit longer.
6 TV
129 Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka
A fun series with likable characters, good art, solid music, and a fun (if typical) setting. Definitely rewatchable!
8 TV
130 Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka Gaiden: Sword Oratoria
Decent but I found Bell's story to be more enjoyable.
7 TV
131 Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka II
Enjoyable as always, looking forward to season 3. I do agree with some users, that season 1 had a better overall feeling of adventure. However, I did like the comradary in this one.
8 TV
132 Durarara!!
7 TV
133 Eden's Bowy
8 TV
134 ef: A Tale of Memories.
8 TV
135 Eikoku Koi Monogatari Emma
Had I seen this romance as it was airing, I think I would have been over the moon about it. Back during that time, there was a lot more drama and tender or sweet moments were quite rare. However, in the modern era of wholesome shows and other romantic endeavors, I think this is just ok as a romance. It's certainly different (for many reasons) and I see why it gets the praise it does.

However, from a perspective of an overall show. I think it is very good. It's a bit slow but that allows things to really sink in and I think it matches the mood of the Victorian era very well. I loved how they sprinkled in real things like the Crystal Palace and the King's Cross Station.

The other characters range from good (the mistress) to poor (some of the siblings). I'm still questioning how everyone knows that William was with a maid?

I did find some of William's actions (or maybe lack of actions) pretty frustrating but then you have to consider the time period they are in and such a decision can't be easy.

Emma herself was quite likable. But sometimes I didn't know what she was thinking (similar to Alice from Duke of Death!). That made her a bit mysterious but also would have liked some internal monologue, I imagine the source goes into more depth there.

It's hard to say if I would ever rewatch this but it is easy enough that I could see myself doing that. Onward to S2!
8 TV
136 Eikoku Koi Monogatari Emma: Molders-hen
Not sure how to score this, as I liked it overall but found many moments frustrating too.

I know in storytelling it is better to show rather than tell, but I really would have liked more internal monologue of the character's thoughts/feelings. I really liked Emma as a character but she was difficult to read at times throughout the series. In particular, in the latter half of this season, she had moments where she came across quite cold. William was more emotive and voiced his thoughts but the beginning of the season had him acting in surprising ways and while I could guess why that was, a little bit of his thoughts voiced would have been quite helpful. Both characters had the opportunity to voice their feelings to friends/coworkers but they didn't or their explanation was limited. It was frustrating! The first season had a little bit of that but it also had lots of cute moments and a very chill atmosphere.

I have heard people call this romantic and have even seen it said it's one of the better romances. Had the momentum continued from S1, I may have agreed with that but how S2 gets that praise (and has a higher score on MAL) I don't understand!

The ending was sweet but way too short. I was disappointed they didn't even hold hands in the end and not much was explained. S2 in general felt like it could have used some different pacing but the conclusion was over very quickly.

I did enjoy the music, the Victorian visuals were very detailed, I liked William's progression, and some of the side characters were great! Each kiss scene was beautiful and felt impactful. I appreciated how the show gave you time to enjoy them.

I will say, I am very curious to see how the manga was. Did it have more scenes between Will and Emma? More tender moments? What about internal monologue. I feel like all of that would have elevated this season. The good moments were really great and the flow wasn't bad but there was a lot of stress-inducing moments. I could guess the outcome but felt like the story was throwing drama just because. In that sense, it did feel like a 2000's show!

The series overall will remain positive in my mind but whether I ever rewatch this particular season, I cannot say.
7 TV
137 Elfen Lied
8 TV
138 Engage Kiss
An ok show. The predicament of the main character kept me invested. The action scenes were well done and fun to watch.

I didn't particularly like any of the characters (Kisara warmed up to me the last handful of episodes). The kisses were nice but outside of Kisara there weren't many other kisses that were memorable (so it didn't hit as hard as I remember as say Campione). The plot had enough substance to keep things intriguing.

I wouldn't rewatch this. It wasn't particularly bad but not as good as I hoped. A flat 7 (I do think the MAL score at 6.8 is pretty accurate). I will admit, I would be curious where the harem element would go but unfortunately since this was original and apparently sold horribly, we will never know..
7 TV
139 Erementar Gerad
8 TV
140 Fantastic Children
8 TV
141 Fate/stay night
8 TV
142 Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works
Rewatched early 2023. I liked it but mainly for the action scenes. Rin was cute but having seen so many romance shows, I felt like that part was pretty lackluster. I don't know if I'd watch this again.
8 TV
143 Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works 2nd Season
8 TV
144 Fate/Zero
7 TV
145 Fate/Zero 2nd Season
8 TV
146 Final Approach
7 TV
147 Fractale
This started off really interesting for me. The visuals gave that fairy-tale esque feeling with pastel tones. Watching this little boy in this small town and not understand anything. Meet one, then two girls and see some team rocket like team come around. It was captivating.

Then it took a new shape with the boy joining his captors. I was annoyed at first, like the boy but gradually was won over.

It was around that time when things teetered between being good to being ok. The futuristic city was a lovely setting and the moments between Nessa, Clain, and Phryne were enjoyable.

But toward the end, it just didn't keep things going. It didn't give me a reason to root for one thing or the other. I felt as confused as Clain. And while we get a happy ending in the end, very little was actually answered.

So I'm not sure what to say. I liked the cast, I found the story interesting, but I left feeling like it needed something more. Which is odd because it did end on a good note. But the show wasn't totally satisfying.

Could I watch this again? Maybe. I might have a different perspective if I did. But I don't plan to anytime soon. All that said, I am glad I watched it!
7 TV
148 Fruits Basket
8 TV
149 Full Metal Panic!
10 TV
150 Full Metal Panic! Invisible Victory
9 TV
151 Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid
10 TV
152 Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid: Wari to Hima na Sentaichou no Ichinichi
10 Special
153 Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu
10 TV
154 Full Moon wo Sagashite
9 TV
155 Full Moon wo Sagashite: Kawaii Kawaii Daibouken
8 Special
156 Fullmetal Alchemist
8 TV
157 Fumetsu no Anata e
Interesting premise but a bit too slow for me. I just can't find myself to care about the main character and most of the supporting ones die or go on their way.

It was tough to watch at times but the overall plot is interesting even if I didn't enjoy the moments to moments very much. I wouldn't rewatch this but I *may* watch season 2.
6 TV
158 Fushigi Yuugi
8 TV
159 Fushigi Yuugi OVA
160 Fushigi Yuugi: Dai Ni Bu
161 Fushigi Yuugi: Eikouden
162 Futakoi
7 TV
163 Futari Ecchi
164 Fuufu Ijou, Koibito Miman.
Ooof, hard to rate. I loved this up until the last few episodes. I didn't want to put it down. I really enjoyed the Akari/Jiro pairing and that's mostly due to how Akari carried it. The last few episodes had more of the love-triangle in it, with Jiro's feelings up in the air. I'm REALLY curious where a season 2 will go and I hope we find out. To me Akari is so precious, maybe even more than Marin who I really liked.

I'd definitely rewatch this, even considering rewatching it very soon (having a romance marathon).

EDIT: So uh...there's something wrong with me. I rewatched this three weeks later from my original watch date in A SINGLE NIGHT.

I just really like Akari's cute side. But yeah, this was just as great second time. I definitely see more faults this time but I still laughed, cried, and was smiling like supa crazy. S2 when!?
9 TV
165 Gaikotsu Kishi-sama, Tadaima Isekai e Odekakechuu
I would rank this in the same ballpark as Black Summoner. Hard to rate because it wasn't really doing anything new but I did find it enjoyable. This had some humor and the cast was all likable.

Definitely in the 7 and 8 range. It's easily rewatchable and yet another show I wouldn't be opposed to seeing more of!
8 TV
166 Gakuen Alice
7 TV
167 Gakusen Toshi Asterisk
Interesting characters and quite enjoyable but doesn't hold up to Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry. It's mostly action and while there is some background info and enjoyable scenes it could do more.
7 TV
168 Gakusen Toshi Asterisk 2nd Season
7 TV
169 Gankutsuou
8 TV
170 Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri
The plot is very interesting but the characters are just ok. The problem with them is there are so many of them and so for this first half the characters seem very lacking. Many areas of the show seem to lack depth and while there's a larger plot-point hiding in the shadows with the political portion, I don't really care about it too much.

The first 6 episodes were very solid and enjoyable and then it has dragged a bit since then. 7/10 though not completely un-re-watchable.
7 TV
171 Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri Part 2
Much more enjoyable than the first cour. Everything seemed to come together, there was some decent plot points, building of characters, and a fair amount of action. Overall, I'd watch it again 8/10
8 TV
172 Gekai Elise
I enjoyed this show, it was really entertaining. But as a romance, it had barely anything. I don't mind Elise being able to solve everything but the story just wasn't very interesting and threw a lot of medical issues at you, then quickly resolved them.

I think what was there was nice but I feel like the other shows (7th time loop, Raeliana, Taming the Final Boss, etc) were stronger. I feel like they could have shown more of Elise's multiple pasts. I also felt like there were too many side characters for the story being told in the time it was told.

I really did like the show and would gladly watch another season. But I also felt like other shows would be more worthy of a rewatch.
7 TV
173 Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun
It wasn't horrible but I only chuckled a few times. I didn't feel like the characters had much chemistry and most of the comedy felt very forced.
6 TV
174 Genjitsu Shugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki
A likable cast and some interesting plot development. I'd rewatch this!
8 TV
175 Genjitsu Shugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki Part 2
While I felt some episodes dragged on quite a bit with dialogue, I did like it overall and could always skip the boring parts in a rewatch.
8 TV
176 Ghost Hunt
Somewhere between a 7 and an 8. I loved Mai (and to an extent Naru) but couldn't get a very good feel for the other characters in such a short run.
7 TV
177 Giji Harem
This was an interesting take on a romance. The romantic element was a slow burn and wasn't intense even at its strongest moments. But it was consistently cute. Eiji and Rin had a strange dynamic, that while not my favorite, did ultimately work. Rin's laugh always brought a smile to my face. Both actors did a great job in their range of vocals/emotions that the characters displayed. I'd be open to rewatching this one some day.
8 TV
178 Gimai Seikatsu
This show felt really unique to me. It had a slow pace and didn't have much plot but somehow stayed really interesting. There was a bit of repetition from the character's thoughts but in general it felt very natural.

My main issue with the show is some of the animation/camera angles. Sometimes I felt like it was artistic and other times it came across as low-budget. Still not sure which it was. These moments would have conveyed more emotion if they were handled differently. Also, the pace of the show was very slow and steady so when it sped up a bit in the last two episodes, it felt out of place. Those were my main issues!

Outside of that, I really enjoyed the show. The show decided to mostly focus on the two MC which given the amount of content they wanted to adapt, I think that makes sense. The show managed to build up some strong emotions by the end. I am VERY curious where the show will go from here. I would happily rewatch this and really hope for a S2.
8 TV
179 Ginban Kaleidoscope
8 TV
180 Girls Bravo: First Season
6 TV
181 Girls Bravo: Second Season
6 TV
182 Girly Air Force
Nothing amazing but I liked the cast alright (mainly the male and female lead). The pacing was probably the best part of it. The art and music were also decent. I finished the series with a lot of questions but it was still pretty interesting overall.
8 TV
183 Glass no Kamen (2005)
Not an extraordinary series but it's a little surprising that the female lead in some ways never "lost" in acting compared to the other actors. Most of the plays were of things I had not heard before which kept things fresh. The romances were a little weak but you could argue that wasn't the point of the series.

The ending was horrible... :(
8 TV
184 Gokujou Seitokai
7 TV
185 Golden Time
Enjoyable series with fairly realistic characters. The ending was ridiculous but overall this series is highly worth a rewatch.

EDIT: (3/29/22) still think it was ridiculous but overall a good show. I have some issues with how some of the characters were resolved. Also, while I overall like Koko, I see issues in her character that I wish were resolved or at least developed more.
8 TV
186 Gosick
I liked the mysteries initially but the overarching plot got a bit convoluted and I didn't really like the chemistry between the two main characters. The ending felt a bit rushed (but that was ok by that point). Overall, I see the draw for some people but I don't think I'd rewatch this show.
7 TV
187 Granblue Fantasy The Animation
Decent watch but nothing special.
7 TV
188 Grancrest Senki
Likable cast but the plot went so fast, the characters had little time to develop. The battles were fun and the world was interesting. Rewatchable.
8 TV
189 Great Teacher Onizuka
8 TV
190 Green Green
6 TV
191 Grenadier: Hohoemi no Senshi
6 TV
192 Guilty Crown
Enjoyable but not great. I couldn't click with any of the characters and the story was rather odd. The presentation and music was great though.
7 TV
193 Gunparade March: Arata Naru Kougunka
8 TV
194 Gunsmith Cats
195 Hachimitsu to Clover
9 TV
196 Hachimitsu to Clover II
8 TV
197 Hai to Gensou no Grimgar
Not going to be everyone's cup of tea but I found the slower pace and the more realistic difficulty the characters faced to be rather refreshing. The characters were mostly (looking at your Ranta) likeable and the setting was interesting.

This is one of those "never going to get a season 2" which is a shame because while it doesn't sound like the quality of the LN continues, there are 17 volumes of content and it'd be interesting to see how it panned out.

I didn't love it but I would rewatch it if I was in the mood for a fantasy based show where the characters weren't all powerful.
8 TV
198 Hajime no Ippo
8 TV
199 Hajimete no Gal
I enjoy a lot of 'gal' shows and therefore I've been wanting to watch this for quite some time. Given the low score, I knew it wouldn't be anything special but I'm glad to finally have seen it.

The source material has been dragging on (sometimes not even showing the female lead) for years now. And a lot of the fanbase has given up on it. That just gives you an idea of what to expect!

The show however, diverges from the source material (for good or bad). The boys day dream about lots of sexual acts and the girls are pretty typical for an ecchi show. Almost all of the girls like the male lead because he is nice (of course!).

Yukana and Junichi are cute together but don't see much alone interaction or progress until the last few episodes. I don't usually use that as a negative because I do think the bashful interaction is quite normal and it can be cute. I just wish that we had seen things from Yukana's point of view. This is another show where I think there are just too many characters for its run time, because more time fleshing out the two main leads would have gone a long way.

Save for that one character (which I will ignore), the main show isn't that bad and I found myself entertained more than I expected. So I'll go against the low MAL score and give this a low 7. It was fun for being a little raunchy show with some cuteness. Outside of the ending with its forced drama, it was rather easy to watch but other gyaru shows would likely take precedence for a rewatch.
7 TV
200 Hakushaku to Yousei
It only took me 8 years! But I finished it. Uhh, yay? I just couldn't get into the characters. I do think there was some decent lore but overall it was hard to get invested into the show. Lots of cheesiness and the plot seemed weak at times. I thought the Fairy Doctor aspect would be explored more or more fleshed out.
6 TV
201 Hana yori Dango
8 TV
202 Hanaukyou Maid-tai: La Verite
6 TV
203 Hanbun no Tsuki ga Noboru Sora
7 TV
204 Hand Maid May
6 TV
205 Hand Maid May: Akiramemasen
6 Special
206 Happy☆Lesson (TV)
6 TV
207 Happy☆Lesson Advance
7 TV
208 Happy☆Lesson The Final
209 Harukana Receive
I liked this show but also felt like it doesn't have much depth. In a way that is part of its charm (simple to watch, easy to follow the plot, etc) but also leaves something to be desired. Still, had they tried to cram more in the pacing would have been horrible and I think they did a fantastic job with the time they had. It was visual eye candy of course but also had an interesting plot and likable cast.

While there are other similar shows I'd rewatch before this (ex: Keijo or Sport Climbing), hence my score of 7, I do think this was quite entertaining and could be worth a rewatch of at least some of the episodes on a rainy day.
7 TV
210 Hataraku Maou-sama!
8 TV
211 Healer Girl
I've never seen an anime that was a musical like show. That was definitely the strength of this show, its music. The art was quite good as well. However, the characters were just so-so (I kept expecting them to go somewhere) and the plot was pretty non-existent (not surprising). I would still rewatch this for the novelty of the music alone and I can say it brought a smile to my face quite a bit!
8 TV
212 Heroic Age
Originally dropped after 1st episode on July 1st 2007!

Decided to pick it back up on 12/2/2022, as there aren't as many space/mecha shows anymore...

Some of my dropped shows I was happy I watched in the end. This was not one of them.

While the show had a few interesting moments, in general the action was very repetitive, the characters lacked...character, and the plot was very thin. The visuals weren't very good either and the music was repetitive. It's sounding really bad but honestly it wasn't *bad* it just wasn't at all good. The thing I liked was a bit of the action and some of the themes presented (such as compassion, forgiveness, acceptance, etc).

That being said, I would never watch this again, even if you paid me!
6 TV
213 Higashi no Eden
9 TV
214 Hige wo Soru. Soshite Joshikousei wo Hirou.
The drama was a bit much at times but I really liked the main characters in this (even if somewhat unrealistic). There were lots of wholesome moments.

I wish there was more to the show (showing after the end) but it was enjoyable none the less! I'd rewatch it.

2/27/24 - rewatched and loved just as much as the first time. I would agree with everything I said almost two years ago. I wish there was more. I would have liked a few more early episodes with just Sayu/Yoshida and while the ending was probably perfect...I wish there would have been a bit more there too! There were a LOT of side characters and with a short run of 13 episodes they really crammed a lot in. It keeps things fast paced but again, feels like it detracts a bit from the main leads.

This show really has a great blend of elements. The material is sensitive without being overly dark or sad. All the main characters are likeable and there is an overall plot that keeps things moving. As said, i think things moved a bit too fast and that's my only complaint. Otherwise great and would watch again :)
8 TV
215 Hikaru no Go
8 TV
216 Hikaru no Go: Hokuto Hai e no Michi
8 Special
217 Hikaru no Go: New Year Special
8 Special
218 Hime-chan no Ribbon
8 TV
219 Hitsugi no Chaika
Likable characters but nothing too exciting, could be rewatchable
7 TV
220 Hitsugi no Chaika: Avenging Battle
7 TV
221 Honzuki no Gekokujou: Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen
Not much happens but the character interactions and the thirst for more story really keeps this one going. I think I could rewatch it too! Waiting on season 3 will be hard...
9 TV
222 Honzuki no Gekokujou: Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen 2nd Season
Loved it. It's interesting how they can take a premise "books" and then make it interesting with all these other bits and pieces. All the characters were fantastic!
9 TV
223 Honzuki no Gekokujou: Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen 3rd Season
Such an endearing series. I love each and every character and the story is very intriguing. I really hope it continues!
9 TV
224 Horimiya
Was really fun initially but it kinda tapered off toward the end. I did like the main couple but there are other romances that are a better rewatch.

EDIT: rewatched this in preparation for piece in 2024. My thoughts remain the same. A good show and overall entertaining but as a romance I feel like there are shows that tug at my heartstrings a bit more.
7 TV
225 Horimiya: Piece
This season felt more slice of life and comedy than romance. I will admit I laughed quite a bit in certain parts of the show. But, I also felt like the show dragged on a bit and not every episode was interesting.

I think I felt like the first season, had so many characters and couldn't really decide on focus. The romance between Hori and Miyamura was the main draw and while cute at times, it was a bit lackluster.

However, this season appealed to me more with its different focus (while still having some cute couple moments) but it's hard to say if I would rewatch in the future but I definitely think I enjoyed this more than Horimiya.
7 TV
226 Hoshi no Koe
227 Hoshiai no Sora
It wasn't clear whether it was a drama with a sports background or a sport show with a crazy amount of drama.

I felt like the drama was a bit forced, even if it was realistic, there was just SOoo much of it. I guess that is possible but it made it hard to watch. Even when watching the sports side, I kept wondering when the drama was going to come.

I see why people would like it but it wasn't for me. I did like the characters when they were on the court and _some_ of the drama was ok. If there is any silver lining, I was disappointed with the ending and not knowing how the heck they were going to really tie all the loose ends. Not really sure what happened with Maki's mom.
6 TV
228 Hoshifuru Oukoku no Nina
Really really liked this one. I saw the show visual and knew from the beginning that I'd love it and I did!

Nina was such a likable female lead. Firey, compassionate, kind, and funny. Really nothing to dislike, some cute blushes too. The male leads were both likable but in a different way. I see why Nina would struggle. While Sett did some crazy things to Nina in the beginning, their story felt a little more wholesome.

The animation isn't great but I found the art good enough to look past it. The music was fantastic too and the plot stayed interesting until the end. I felt like there was just enough chill moments where it wasn't too plot heavy but also not too chill, where the plot went very slow.

Ultimately, it semi-reminded me of Yona. Obviously not the same but I liked it just as much. Knowing my luck, this will never see a second season. Maybe I'll check out the manga at some point? I will definitely rewatch this. Great show.
8 TV
229 Houseki no Kuni
7 TV
230 Hungry Heart: Wild Striker
8 TV
231 Hyouka
I started off being incredibly bored by this show and it was a struggle to get through. The plot was random and there was a lot of talking. It was *very* slow. However, I liked Oreki and Chitanda. Also, I did like some of the mysteries as the show went along. I grew more and more to like the main duo, though I didn't care as much for the other two. This kept me watching and is ultimately why I stuck with it.

This is the rare case where a show got better over time. I can say that the visuals were beautiful. The character emotions got more interesting in the later half of the series and I may have finished it sooner if I hadn't had other shows I was generally more invested in. It became a background show to watch.

All n all, it was nice to watch something different. I didn't love it but it ended up having some enjoyable parts.

I would not rewatch it but if some day there's a conclusion to Chitanda and Oreki's story and I get to hear "I am curious" once more. I may just watch a second season!
7 TV
232 I My Me! Strawberry Eggs
7 TV
233 Ichigo 100%
8 TV
234 Ichigo 100% OVA
235 Ichigo 100% Special 2
7 Special
236 Ichigo 100%: Koi ga Hajimaru?! Satsuei Gasshuku - Yureru Kokoro ga Higashi e Nishi e
8 Special
237 Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san
I held off on this show for such a long time because I would see a number of comments about the negative words the female MC said to the male MC. In particular, the first episode did have what I'd consider bullying. And had it continued in that way, I probably wouldn't have liked the show very much (may have even dropped it). Luckily, the show evolves past that.

I can say I'm not sure how I'd handle being called creepy, ugly, useless, etc all the time in real life. But the show generally has a very positive, humorous vibe, and the viewer can tell that Nagatoro does not mean anything she is saying. She is quick to send positive comments when the MC is down, she looks for ways to get a bit intimate (even if she doesn't realize it), gets jealous, and she blushes like crazy. It is because of these moments that the show is fun to watch and the two leads do play well off each other over time. The side characters are nice too, though very minor in terms of characterization.

Like Uzaki-chan and other shows centered around a girl and a guy, it all depends on how well the characters mix. This isn't a style of relationship I'd want to see all the time but it does work. I enjoyed the show and would even say it has some good aww moments at times.

I need to go back and watch Uzaki-chan as I gave the initial season a 7 and I'm kinda curious how it compares to this. I'd give this an 7.5 to a low 8. I'd rewatch it.
8 TV
238 Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san 2nd Attack
There was a lot more blushing this season and I really liked that. I could use a bit more aww moments but it was still cute. The side characters were decent, the music ok, and the plot doesn't really exist. So I can say that this isn't the best romance but it is enjoyable in its own way. I would need to rewatch it to really see how it stacks up against some other series. I hope there's a season 3!
8 TV
239 Ima, Soko ni Iru Boku
8 TV
240 Imouto sae Ireba Ii.
I couldn't really get into this show very much. The plot and the cast were just ok. I really was watching to see if Itsuki would find out about his little sister. He never did which was a disappointment. I did enjoy a few moments with Nayuta, in particular she was pretty funny but I didn't really feel much chemistry between her and Itsuki. I found the showing of the board games unique, even though some of the games went on a little too long.

I see why people liked this show (it did have a good blend of humor and serious moments) but it didn't resonate with me.
6 TV
241 Innocent Venus
6 TV
242 Inukami!
It had its moments but I couldn't give it an 8.
7 TV
243 Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu
Really enjoyed this one. The characters were alll likable and the main character showed some growth. The ecchi added another layer (that mostly wasn't over-done) and the art was pretty good. The action was evenly paced so that things weren't ever boring. I'd rewatch it!
8 TV
244 Isekai no Seikishi Monogatari
I did enjoy the show but I felt like so many parts were average. The writing and the character development were really disappointing for how long the series was. While there was a lot of fanservice, it never seemed to last very long or be very satisfying. There was no romance and most of the harem elements consisted of the main character being chased around and showing him annoyed.

What I did enjoy was the MC's OPness early on. Not just in battle but other things as well. While the show wasn't laugh out loud, it had a lot of amusing moments early on. The action, again early on, was fantastic. As the show progressed, all elements of the show became less interesting and in particular I found that the fights just sort of dragged.

And I think that's the worst thing, the first 6 episodes were pretty entertaining but the show didn't really progress past that. They tried to add story to the last 4 or so episodes but at that point the character development and overall build up just wasn't there.

If I was in the mood for a action show with some harem and fanservice, it's not a bad pick. Especially if something mindless is desired. But in any of the categories, there's much better shows out there. I was hoping this would be another Vandread and while there are some things this show did better, Vandread it was not.

Overall, I rate it a 7 and probably won't be rewatching it any time soon. That being said, if I have a chance, I may someday try the original Tenchi Muyo because the characters are supposed to be much better there but the whole series is a bit of a mess so we'll see.
245 Isekai Shikkaku
Grew on me after a while. I wouldn't say it has the strongest cast but the main joke continues to provide some humorous moments. The story stays interesting enough to keep you watching. I'm mildly curious where it will go and what is going on with the female antagonist. I did enjoy it and would watch a season 2 but I don't expect it.
7 TV
246 Isekai Yakkyoku
While I didn't enjoy this as much as bookworm, it was really good. I feel like the show sped through the character development and plot. I wonder what else the show could do to keep the mystery of the show alive in future content. Supposedly this adapted only 2 out of 9 novels.

Still, I have to say this was very entertaining. The main character is very over-powered but the political and other plot lines they throw at you keeps the show interesting.

Lotte and Elen are both cute supporting characters but I feel like there wasn't as much detail for them over the season. So while cute, they feel a bit flat.

Overall, it would be an easy show to rewatch. It was very entertaining but went fast and could have used some time building things up (that's why I love bookworm). Still, it seems unlikely, but I really hope there would be a second season!
8 TV
247 Isshuukan Friends.
Wonderful show with a great cast of characters. I only wish it had gone a bit longer and built up the romantic portion between the two leads.

EDIT: A little weaker after a second watch, not sure if I'll rewatch it anytime soon.
8 TV
248 Itai no wa Iya nanode Bougyoryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu.
8 TV
249 Itazura na Kiss
7 TV
250 Iwa Kakeru! Sport Climbing Girls
Really liked this show. Similar feelings to Keijo (though less fan service). Likable characters, fun setting, etc. It's a mindless watch, so I could easily watch it again!
8 TV
251 Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun
My comments on the various episodes showed some of my thoughts on the show. The show definitely had interesting moments.

The female lead had a lot of spunk but instead of coming across as cute it came across as arrogant. I think this was because her emotions came across as non genuine. She was largely a "perfect" character in almost every way though she may have shown in some moments that the perfection stemmed from insanely hard work. The author also tried to give her "cute" moments like Hexactly but it ended up being weird instead of making me like her. Mostly, she rubbed me the wrong way and that's what kept me from loving the show. At the same time, I also did find the plot and her appearances very intriguing. So it was a strange feeling.

The male lead, our star, started off being ok but got more and more likable after each episode.

The side characters were likable but sometimes they came across as objectives. Even the warm moments with Kikuchi seemed to dissipate toward the end.

These sorts of shows are interesting from a genre perspective because it's mostly about character growth and in doing so, they find a romance. But the cute moments, as you would expect, are minimal. Still, it is a different experience from other romances and I can appreciate that.

I do really like the show but I can't say if i'd watch it again. I think I will have to wait and see how the characters grow and if it's worth seeing that whole journey from start to finish. Because, there's another season to experience!
7 TV
252 Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun 2nd Stage
I felt this show was about as good as the first season. The first season was more interesting, even though I felt like Aoi was a bit controlling and didn't always like her personality.

However, the second season lost some of that and instead focused on some of the other characters. Every emotion I wanted in the middle of S1 for Mimimi to show was shown. She was jealous, she was cute, she was funny, she was sad. Fuuka largely stayed the same in that regard but her story progressed and it was an interesting way they told it. I definitely grew to prefer Mimimi for that range of emotions she showed and found that story slightly more engaging.

The plot was reasonable but slowed up a bit in the latter half. The first half had impact as it showed off Aoi and gave some of the other characters time to shine.

All n all, I liked the show. As a romance, it's pretty weak. As a show it gives an interesting concept that largely doesn't continue in S2. But the characters are strong throughout and that kept me watching.

Would I rewatch it? Probably not. But I would watch a season 3.
7 TV
253 Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun Specials
Not much to say, just some other episodes for the show. Since they are side stories, they don't add much but they weren't bad.
7 Special
254 Jigokuraku
While I don't typically go for these shows with blood/gore, I have been trying to branch out a bit from my typical norm. I quite liked this show and that was due largely to how likable most of the characters were portrayed. There was plenty of action and the plot stayed intriguing. I'm very curious how far this can go, as the current plot (beat the main enemies on the island) seems like it could be wrapped up rather quickly (maybe off-island will be explored too?). But I have heard there are likely 24 more episodes of content that could be made. So we'll see.

Looking forward to season 2.
8 TV
255 Jiisan Baasan Wakagaeru
This was a good show. There were all sorts of moments and in this way it really reflected life itself (sweet moments, fanservice-y moments, humorous moments, serious moments, sad moments). I would say sometimes the humor was a bit repetitive or didn't really work for me and some times the format was too bite-sized for my liking. But it had some thought provoking moments and a very good message.

I admired the two characters for their love, their hard work, and the joy they tried to bring not just their family but the neighbors and locals around them. Of course the concept was quite funny and I like how it extended to other couples as well.

I'm undecided if I'd rewatch this. Maybe certain pieces? Maybe once I have a different perspective in life, as I'm sure I may see it differently in the future. But I did enjoy it and I'm happy that it was a full adaptation (even if it skipped a bit).
7 TV
256 Jijou wo Shiranai Tenkousei ga Guigui Kuru.
It surprised me how good this was! Very wholesome. I think this would be the perfect show to watch when you are feeling down. I thought the show would get a little boring with all the repetition but it stayed cute until the very end.

Every time I thought "Oh, they are just elementary school students, things won't go any further", the show surprised me again. I do think there is a bit of a ceiling due to the age (and it's a little strange to see little kids talking about kissing in earnest) but I still wouldn't mind seeing a season 2 to see where the story goes.

All in all, a great watch. Not quite a 9 (I considered it at one point) but still very strong. I will definitely rewatch this in the future.
8 TV
257 Junketsu no Maria
It was 'ok'. I just didn't get much reason to care about any of the characters, even if their actions were mostly realistic. The only saving grace was that the plot was interesting. The ending was horrible.
6 TV
258 Juu Ou Sei
8 TV
259 Juubee-chan: Lovely Gantai no Himitsu
7 TV
260 Juuni Kokuki
1/23: In the beginning of 2023, I watched roughly half of Twelve Kingdoms. I originally scored this show a 9 but I am lowering it because I didn't find it as enjoyable. I'm leaving it at an 8 for now because I do want to give another shot someday. The lore was interesting I didn't find the characters that compelling on my second watch..
8 TV
261 Kage kara Mamoru!
8 TV
262 Kageki Shoujo!!
I tend to stick with my normal genres but this looked interesting and I thought I would branch out.

Overall, I did enjoy it. Each character had their own worries and their own way to tackling the problems that arose. I found the energetic Sarasa to be fun to watch and there were some emotional moments with Ai early on.

The various portrayals of acting and singing were nice overall but didn't have much impact on its own. It was really the characters that made the show what it was. For me, I liked all the characters but also didn't really resonate with any of them. Since each character was given their time to shine, it gave each some depth, but made it difficult to really feel emotional about any of them. Sarasa had the strongest presence and I liked her the most out of all the cast.

I probably wouldn't rewatch this but it was enjoyable. I would recommend it to anyone wanting something a little different (I marked this as drama but it was pretty light hearted!).
7 TV
263 Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen
The show had some cute moments but often was too focused on the comedy for me to take it seriously or develop an interest in the characters. The main female character was scheming most of the time and it wasn't until later episodes that she suggested she had genuine interest in the main male lead. The male lead was often the butt of the jokes and while academically smart seemed to be kinda stupid. This frustrated me because the synopsis made it sound like there would be a more intelligent rivalry between them. I liked Fujiwara the most out of the side characters because of her cheerful demeanor.

My favorite episode would be the last episode because it actually had a balance - normal interactions followed by comedy toward the end.

It wasn't a bad watch, I did enjoy it somewhat and would watch a season 2 but I just expected it to be portrayed differently and was disappointed.

EDIT: now watching season 2 after rewatching season 1, I still feel like season 1 wasn't as strong. It was enjoyable but just wasn't something where each episode captivated me with its enjoyable characters. That being said, the humor (while not hitting me as much as say Science Fell In Love) is very well written. (02/2023)
7 TV
264 Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Ultra Romantic
Hmmm. It's hard to put into words my feeling here. Obviously the last episode or two were amazing. I did enjoy the show overall, I think the show hit a good balance of comedy and little romantic bits (matching season 2). I also think it started building other characters up. The only one who I feel like has stayed the same is Fujiwara.

I'm most curious what is going to happen next (if there is another reason).

I did enjoy my time with this season and I would wholeheartedly recommend this to others. I don't think I can put it as high as the averages on MAL... the show has been more of a slow build-up for me. However, I did thoroughly enjoy it.

Comparing it to other romance shows, I think it is unique due to the way it incorporates comedy intelligently. But it can be almost overbearing at times. And the romance is more subtle and that's neither good nor bad. I'd definitely rewatch the show in the future and as said, I hope for more soon!
8 TV
265 Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai? Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen
I gave season 1 a seven because I found that it lacked romance and focus on comedy, often which was so speedy, it lacked any substance. The stories were also very short (and didn't have much focus or relation) that I didn't really care. The mind games that are played between the two main characters I found more annoying generally than humorous or interesting.

Thankfully, I found this season had less of that (though still some) and more sweet moments. And it was that focus that raised my interest (and my score).

While I still don't think it's in my top listing of favorite romance shows, it certainly has some creativity and charm. And that gives me a reason to rewatch it in the future.
8 TV
266 Kaichou wa Maid-sama!
8 TV
267 Kaiko sareta Ankoku Heishi (30-dai) no Slow na Second Life
I liked most of the characters and the plot was never boring. However, they crammed so much in and yet, there not a lot of character development. The romance between Dariel and Marika was a lot weaker than I originally anticipated. It sped along but didn't have much substance.

I enjoyed the ending but it too felt like it was a bit rushed and wrapped things up very neatly. I like a happy ending of course but it did give the feeling "what was the point".

Random other thoughts:

* Not as much fanservice as I expected
* Music was very good

Overall, I could see myself rewatching this if there was a season 2 but otherwise probably not.
7 TV
268 Kaitou Saint Tail
8 TV
269 Kaizoku Oujo
7 TV
270 Kakkou no Iinazuke
I've mentioned my thoughts in a couple forum posts. Basically, I didn't really feel like rooting for any of the females.

Sachi was worthless.

I like Erika's character bu she had only a few moments where I went "Aww" with her and Nagi.

Hiro was really hard to read. She just seemed kinda fake? There was enough there to understand that she did like Nagi but I think she might have been jealous and fearful of Nagi's intentions with the other women. Thus she pushed the others to make some sort of move. I think I would have liked her a bit more if the show described what was going on in her head.

Nagi was ok. But nothing really happened and he was happy with how Hiro just sorta stringed him along.

I did find it interesting, that's why I kept watching but it just didn't have the character pull that this type of show needs. I might still watch a season 2 but there are much better romance shows to spend your time on.
7 TV
271 Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi
While I didn't dislike this show, I didn't really like it very much either. The characters all felt kind of flat, with not much personality I guess? Aoi gets abused so much but just learns to adapt and things continue on like nothing happened. There are bits of romance but they are so limited and things never progress. The master is the kind man and continues to be so until the end of the series. Aoi, I guess warms up to him but there's little progress made.

Overall, it was just ok, it wasn't THAT hard to watch but also wasn't very fun (originally gave this a 7 but after rethinking it probably deserves a 6). I wouldn't say it was boring but it did the bare minimum to be interesting. I won't ever rewatch this.
6 TV
272 Kaleido Star
9 TV
273 Kaleido Star: Aratanaru Tsubasa - Extra Stage
274 Kaleido Star: Good da yo! Goood!!
275 Kaleido Star: Legend of Phoenix - Layla Hamilton Monogatari
276 Kami no Tou
This wasn't the best but I found the world to be rather interesting. It felt "fresh", I'm not sure if that was its Korean roots or if I just don't watch enough action anime.

The cast was mostly likeable and only suffered from the fact that they were underdeveloped (what can you expect from a 13 episode series with that many characters)
8 TV
277 Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai
I liked the premise and I think this show will go somewhere but I felt like the actual characters in this season had little synergy with the MC and that most arcs played out in a repetitive fashion. They were enjoyable but they didn't leave a lasting impression. Some of the arcs were better than others.

From what I understand however, these characters will get there time to shine again (maybe?) so that might make them more likeable (most of these stories were just introductions). We will see how season 2 goes!
7 TV
278 Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai II
I found the female characters had more development with the main character and I enjoyed their interactions more. The plot got a bit more fleshed out and the characters were quite cute! I'd rewatch this. Onward to the manga before picking up S3.
8 TV
279 Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai: Megami-hen
The first two seasons, were largely 7 style shows. They were enjoyable but the arcs were over before they began and the main character largely didn't seem invested too much in the prospective love interests so it was hard to root for him (the second season had more "lovey-dovey" moments which made it more fun to watch though, hence my higher score).

This season is largely the same but the stakes are higher. Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to watch the Tenri arc but I read the manga of the in-between bits.

The whole season, I felt like Keima was a jerk, still treating the girls who now had very serious interest in him as nothing more than a video game character. of course he had no choice from a plot perspective (and that's really the only way he knew how to interact regardless) but it still made me feel bad for girls and to some degree him (at points you could see he felt a little bad).

Flash forward to the end of this season and things became more interesting. He came to face the consequences and it was really interesting.

My main disappointment now is knowing that so much build-up occurred but that the show will never complete. I will go read the manga but I think it will be interesting to see how things progress with his character progression that occur now and how he handles all the girls so clearly in love with him.

I can't recall another harem that had this sort of negative vibe throughout and that was very interesting but also difficult to watch at times. I do like all the characters though only a few are really standouts. I could see myself rewatching this but it really depends on how the series finishes things.

Overall, I've enjoyed the series. The plot is interesting, the characters endearing (to a degree) and the music solid.

Best girl is hard, maybe something like:

Haque = Chihiro > Shiori > Diana > Ayumi > Tenri > Kanon > Tsukiyo > Yui > rest of goddesses / other candidates

(Diana/Ayumi/Tenri are all relatively close though)
8 TV
280 Kamichama Karin
8 TV
281 Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne
8 TV
282 Kamisama Hajimemashita
A cute, easy going series, with likeable characters. Easy to rewatch.
8 TV
283 Kamisama Hajimemashita◎
I enjoyed the cast and characters moreso this time, this sequel seemed a bit more interesting than the first season. It is re-watchable but I'm not sure how likely it will be to do so.
8 TV
284 Kanata no Astra
A well balanced show. I do think the show aimed a bit high but it kept things interesting. The ending was very rushed but I didn't dislike it.

I'd watch it again!
8 TV
285 Kannazuki no Miko
7 TV
286 Kanojo ga Koushaku-tei ni Itta Riyuu
Despite some stupid moments displayed by Raeliana, I did like this show quite a bit. The other worldly setting kept things interesting, while the characters were entertaining to watch. The romance had enough sass while still having some cute moments. I do wish Raeliana showed a bit more kindness at times though. I loved the bright color palette the show used and the music was phenomenal.

I would likely rewatch this but I am really hoping for more seasons... if I don't hear anything this year, I might have to read the webtoon.
8 TV
287 Kanojo mo Kanojo
This was a pretty fun show. The comedy is outrageous while still not being impossible (nothing too zany). About what you'd expect from an ecchi harem. The show doesn't really avoid any territory, anything is fair and that leads for some interesting moments, even if it's generally not very serious.

I liked the cast. Naoya was cringey at first but grew on me and while he is still cringey, his straightforward and honest approach is oddly endearing. It's hard not to like him.

The girls are a mix. Rika stands out but is mostly used as the butt of jokes (never taken seriously). Nagisa and Saki are fairly fun to watch, though despite being girlfriends, there's little that happens between them and Naoya, the holding hands was pretty good though. Regardless, the two are likable enough to root for them. Finally Shino, who didn't get much development this season. Each girl feels unique and has their own set of problems to overcome.

I enjoyed the show and it is rewatchable but I'm not sure if I would do so. It is so silly and while I enjoy that as something new, I might prefer to rewatch a more serious show (like Temple). Onto S2!
7 TV
288 Kanojo mo Kanojo Season 2
I still am not sure what I think of this show. It was entertaining but also a bit ridiculous at the same time. Harem shows aren't exactly new but Naoya is just so straight forward in his thinking and the girls just go along with it. It's really silly. That is what makes the show fun but at the same time you can think back and go "what did I just watch?". I touched on that in the first season notes as well.

The cast is still great. And Shino certainly saw a LOT of development this season. Rika almost took ten steps back, despite supporting Shino in the end, I finally can say I don't really like her. The others were cute as usual and Naoya was about the same as you expect.

All n all, I did enjoy the series and I would love a conclusion (I have no idea how they'd end it) but still uncertain if I'd rewatch it. Other shows are more ecchi or provide a more serious interaction. But this was still a blast!
7 TV
289 Kanon
6 TV
290 Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou
9 TV
291 Karin
8 TV
292 Katsute Mahou Shoujo to Aku wa Tekitai shiteita.
The art was lovely. The character designs were pleasant. I also liked the opening. The character personalities were just ok. I did like the main couple but felt like the romance was so-so. The humor didn't really work for me (though I chuckled sometimes at Hibana despite knowing it was coming) and often felt like it detracted a bit from the cute moments. Overall I liked it but wouldn't rewatch it.
7 TV
293 Kawaii dake ja Nai Shikimori-san
This was a decent show. I did feel like much of the show, the two MCs just came across as trying too hard. I guess I'd call it a forced feeling? I'm not really sure what gave me that impression. But toward the end I started warming up more to the leads ever so slightly.

That being said, I have to comment that I was pretty disappointed with the 'backstory' segment. It wasn't even a full episode and certainly wasn't satisfying.

All-n-all, this show was not amazing and having been on my romance binge, there are much better options out there. But I did enjoy it and I'd watch a season 2 if it ever comes to fruition.
7 TV
294 Kawaikereba Hentai demo Suki ni Natte Kuremasu ka?
This one is quite puzzling to place. I liked most of the characters but not sure if I'd rewatch. Maybe? I certainly feel a bit strange saying I might rewatch this haha.

Overall, I can say I found this to be quite unique. I'm more curious what happens next. Shame we will never find out..
7 TV
295 Kaze no Stigma
8 TV
296 Keijo!!!!!!!!
Likeable characters, crazy concept, and short enough to not be boring. I'd watch it again!

8 TV
297 Keikenzumi na Kimi to, Keiken Zero na Ore ga, Otsukiai suru Hanashi.
The first half of the season I loved this show surprisingly. While the misunderstanding with Maria happened, I still was enjoying the couple a lot and the issues were resolved quickly.

The rest of the season was not _bad_ but really had a lot of negative aspects like what happened with the side characters, MCs random comment about a girl showing too much skin (!?), and of course how Runa handled some situations (despite her situation). Bad enough to where it was laughable or hard to sit through. These situations feel like they were just forcing drama instead of building stronger characters/relationships.

While not at all the same, I compare the show somewhat to More than a Married Couple due to the gyaru female. I think the highs in that show were much much better. When Akari cried, you really felt for her. But here, the writing just wasn't as strong and those moments weren't as impactful. While Runa was very cute, she didn't tease as much as Akari which is one thing that made me like that character so much. The MC here was definitely wimpy but did redeem himself at times so I'd say he was on par with Jirou.

I did enjoy the cute moments between the two leads and I liked how they really showed them interacting on various levels (unlike some other shows). There were quite a few parts I was laughing (and not at the cringey moments!). The premise of sex, apparently goes nowhere in the novels, and that's a bit of a shame. Not that I was expecting something like Scum's Wish but it would have been interesting if there was a bit more intimacy.

What's here is pretty good (some kisses, hand holding, squeezing, etc) but it's just unfortunate there are some moments that bring it down.

Overall, I did enjoy the show. I liked the couple and while it had huge spikes of drama, overall, it was a smoother ride than something like More Than A Married Couple which kept it going throughout. The aww moments were a mix of silly (that's so dorky!) and sweet and there was plenty of both.

It was tough to rate this and part of me would like to give it an 8. Maybe I will rewatch it in a few months and see if I still like it as much, as of right now I'm not sure. What I can say is that I would likely watch a S2, I did enjoy the main couple.
7 TV
298 Kekkaishi
8 TV
299 Kekkon suru tte, Hontou desu ka
Really enjoyed this one.

My biggest complaint was that the romance aspect felt quite rushed. But I still really enjoyed it!

It had some pretty humorous moments and there were some situations between the main couple that had me having second degree embarrassment. I found some of the episodes to be pretty insightful in their look on topics that are seldom explored in so much depth in anime (divorce, online dating). There was also some portrayal of that romantic high you get with a new partner, which was very cute.

I know the source continues, though more on a wholesome level, I can only hope there will be a season to wrap it up!

All n all, I enjoyed it and would gladly watch it again some time in the future to see if I enjoy it as much a second time.
8 TV
300 Kemono Jihen
Likable cast but not sure I'd ever want to rewatch this one. I would be interested if a season 2 were to come out as the plot itself was interesting and I am curious where the Kon x Kabane will go.
7 TV