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TV: 245, OVA: 13, Movies: 28, Spcl.: 4, Eps: 3, Days: , Mean Score: 0.0, Score Dev.: 0.00 More stats
#Image Anime Title Score Type Progress Started Date Finished Date DaysPremiered Genres Air Start Air End Rated MAL Score
1 3-gatsu no Lion 2nd Season
- TV
- / 22
Fall 2017 Drama 10-14-17 03-31-18 PG-13 8.91
2 Aldnoah.Zero
- TV
- / 12
Summer 2014 Action, Sci-Fi 07-06-14 09-21-14 R 7.38
3 Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai. Movie
- Movie
- / 1
Summer 2013 Drama, Supernatural 08-31-13 08-31-13 PG-13 7.83
4 Answer (2016)
- Music
- / 1
Fall 2016 Drama 12-21-16 12-21-16 PG-13 7.25
5 Ao Haru Ride
- TV
- / 12
Summer 2014 Romance 07-08-14 09-23-14 PG-13 7.63
6 Ao no Exorcist
- TV
- / 25
Spring 2011 Action, Supernatural 04-17-11 10-02-11 PG-13 7.48
7 Aria the Natural
- TV
- / 26
Spring 2006 Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Slice of Life 04-03-06 09-25-06 G 8.16
8 Aria the Origination
- TV
- / 13
Winter 2008 Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Slice of Life 01-08-08 04-01-08 G 8.47
9 Arslan Senki (TV)
- TV
- / 25
Spring 2015 Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy 04-05-15 09-27-15 R 7.65
10 B: The Beginning Succession
- / 6
Winter 2021 Action, Mystery, Suspense 03-18-21 03-18-21 R+ 6.20
11 Bakuman.
- TV
- / 25
Fall 2010 Comedy, Drama, Romance 10-02-10 04-02-11 PG-13 8.17
12 Bakuman. 2nd Season
- TV
- / 25
Fall 2011 Comedy, Drama, Romance 10-01-11 03-24-12 PG-13 8.33
13 Bakuman. 3rd Season
- TV
- / 25
Fall 2012 Comedy, Drama, Romance 10-06-12 03-30-13 PG-13 8.52
14 Beelzebub
- TV
- / 60
Winter 2011 Action, Comedy, Supernatural 01-09-11 03-25-12 PG-13 7.84
15 Ben-To
- TV
- / 12
Fall 2011 Action, Comedy, Gourmet 10-09-11 12-25-11 PG-13 7.19
16 Berserk
- TV
- / 12
Summer 2016 Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Horror 07-01-16 09-16-16 R+ 6.33
17 Binbougami ga!
- TV
- / 13
Summer 2012 Comedy, Supernatural 07-05-12 09-27-12 PG-13 7.66
18 Black Bullet
- TV
- / 13
Spring 2014 Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi 04-08-14 07-01-14 R 7.07
19 Black Lagoon
- TV
- / 12
Spring 2006 Action 04-09-06 06-25-06 R 8.03
20 Black★Rock Shooter (TV)
- TV
- / 8
Winter 2012 Action, Drama, Fantasy 02-03-12 03-23-12 PG-13 6.79
21 Bleach
- TV
- / 366
Fall 2004 Action, Adventure, Supernatural 10-05-04 03-27-12 PG-13 7.97
22 Blue Giant
- Movie
- / 1
Winter 2023 02-17-23 02-17-23 PG-13 8.39
23 Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
- TV
- / 76
Fall 2003 Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi 11-08-03 10-15-05 PG-13 7.50
24 Boku no Hero Academia 2nd Season
- TV
- / 25
Spring 2017 Action 04-01-17 09-30-17 PG-13 8.06
25 Boku no Hero Academia 3rd Season
- TV
- / 25
Spring 2018 Action 04-07-18 09-29-18 PG-13 7.99
26 Boku no Hero Academia 4th Season
- TV
- / 25
Fall 2019 Action 10-12-19 04-04-20 PG-13 7.86
27 Boku no Hero Academia 5th Season
- TV
- / 25
Spring 2021 Action 03-27-21 09-25-21 PG-13 7.35
28 Boku no Hero Academia the Movie 2: Heroes:Rising
- Movie
- / 1
Fall 2019 Action 12-20-19 12-20-19 PG-13 7.93
29 Boku no Hero Academia: Training of the Dead
- / 1
Spring 2017 Action 06-02-17 06-02-17 PG-13 7.21
30 Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai
- TV
- / 12
Fall 2011 Comedy, Romance, Ecchi 10-07-11 12-23-11 R+ 7.14
31 Btooom!
- TV
- / 12
Fall 2012 Action, Sci-Fi, Suspense 10-04-12 12-20-12 R 7.27
32 Canaan
- TV
- / 13
Summer 2009 Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi 07-04-09 09-26-09 R 7.21
33 Carnival Phantasm
- / 12
Summer 2011 Comedy, Supernatural 08-14-11 12-31-11 PG-13 7.87
34 ChäoS;HEAd
- TV
- / 12
Fall 2008 Mystery, Sci-Fi, Supernatural, Suspense 10-09-08 12-25-08 R 6.28
35 Chi. Chikyuu no Undou ni Tsuite
- TV
- / 25
Fall 2024 Drama 10-05-24 03-15-25 R 8.69
36 Cider no You ni Kotoba ga Wakiagaru
- Movie
- / 1
Summer 2021 Romance 07-22-21 07-22-21 PG-13 7.38
37 Clannad
- TV
- / 23
Fall 2007 Drama, Romance 10-05-07 03-28-08 PG-13 7.99
38 Clannad: After Story
- TV
- / 24
Fall 2008 Drama, Romance 10-03-08 03-27-09 PG-13 8.93
39 Claymore
- TV
- / 26
Spring 2007 Action, Adventure, Fantasy 04-04-07 09-26-07 R+ 7.73
40 Code Geass: Fukkatsu no Lelouch
- Movie
- / 1
Winter 2019 Action, Drama, Sci-Fi 02-09-19 02-09-19 R 7.90
41 Cowboy Bebop
- TV
3 / 26
Spring 1998 Action, Award Winning, Sci-Fi 04-03-98 04-24-99 R 8.75
42 D.Gray-man
- TV
- / 103
Fall 2006 Action, Adventure, Fantasy 10-03-06 09-30-08 PG-13 8.00
43 Dagashi Kashi 2
- TV
- / 12
Winter 2018 Comedy, Gourmet 01-12-18 03-30-18 PG-13 6.82
44 Danganronpa: Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei The Animation
- TV
- / 13
Summer 2013 Horror, Mystery, Suspense 07-05-13 09-27-13 R 7.20
45 Darker than Black: Kuro no Keiyakusha
- TV
- / 25
Spring 2007 Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi 04-06-07 09-28-07 R 8.04
46 Darker than Black: Ryuusei no Gemini
- TV
- / 12
Fall 2009 Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi 10-09-09 12-25-09 R 7.42
47 Date A Live
- TV
- / 12
Spring 2013 Action, Fantasy, Romance, Sci-Fi 04-06-13 06-22-13 R 7.14
48 Death March kara Hajimaru Isekai Kyousoukyoku
- TV
- / 12
Winter 2018 Adventure, Fantasy 01-11-18 03-29-18 PG-13 6.44
49 Dimension W
- TV
- / 12
Winter 2016 Action, Sci-Fi 01-10-16 03-27-16 R 7.17
50 Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka
- TV
- / 13
Spring 2015 Action, Adventure, Fantasy 04-04-15 06-27-15 PG-13 7.53
51 Durarara!!x2 Ketsu
- TV
- / 12
Winter 2016 Action, Mystery, Supernatural 01-09-16 03-26-16 R 8.05
52 Durarara!!x2 Ten
- TV
- / 12
Summer 2015 Action, Mystery, Supernatural 07-04-15 09-26-15 R 7.96
53 Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na!
- TV
- / 12
Winter 2020 Adventure, Award Winning, Comedy 01-06-20 03-23-20 PG-13 8.13
54 Eromanga-sensei OVA
- / 2
Winter 2019 Comedy, Romance, Ecchi 01-16-19 01-16-19 PG-13 6.78
55 Evangelion Movie 2: Ha
- Movie
- / 1
Summer 2009 Action, Drama, Sci-Fi, Suspense 07-27-09 07-27-09 R+ 8.30
56 Fairy Tail
- TV
- / 175
Fall 2009 Action, Adventure, Fantasy 10-12-09 03-30-13 PG-13 7.57
57 Fairy Tail (2014)
- TV
- / 102
Spring 2014 Action, Adventure, Fantasy 04-05-14 03-26-16 PG-13 7.65
58 Fate/stay night
- TV
- / 24
Winter 2006 Action, Fantasy, Romance 01-07-06 06-17-06 R 7.27
59 Fate/Zero
- TV
- / 13
Fall 2011 Action, Fantasy 10-02-11 12-25-11 R 8.27
60 Fate/Zero 2nd Season
- TV
- / 12
Spring 2012 Action, Fantasy 04-08-12 06-24-12 R 8.54
- / 6
Spring 2000 Action, Avant Garde, Comedy, Sci-Fi, Suspense 04-26-00 03-16-01 PG-13 8.04
62 Flip Flappers
- TV
- / 13
Fall 2016 Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Sci-Fi 10-06-16 12-29-16 PG-13 7.62
63 Free!
- TV
- / 12
Summer 2013 Sports 07-04-13 09-26-13 PG-13 7.32
64 Fruits Basket 1st Season
- TV
- / 25
Spring 2019 Drama, Romance, Supernatural 04-06-19 09-21-19 PG-13 8.21
65 Full Metal Panic!
- TV
- / 24
Winter 2002 Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi 01-08-02 06-18-02 R 7.59
66 Ga-Rei: Zero
- TV
- / 12
Fall 2008 Action, Supernatural, Suspense 10-06-08 12-22-08 R 7.56
67 Gintama'
- TV
- / 51
Spring 2011 Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi 04-04-11 03-26-12 PG-13 9.02
68 Gintama.
- TV
- / 12
Winter 2017 Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi 01-09-17 03-27-17 PG-13 8.98
69 Gintama. Shirogane no Tamashii-hen
- TV
- / 12
Winter 2018 Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi 01-08-18 03-26-18 PG-13 8.81
70 Gintama°
- TV
- / 51
Spring 2015 Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi 04-08-15 03-30-16 PG-13 9.05
71 Goblin Slayer
- TV
- / 12
Fall 2018 Action, Adventure, Fantasy 10-07-18 12-30-18 R 7.42
72 Goblin Slayer: Goblin's Crown
- Movie
- / 1
Winter 2020 Action, Adventure, Fantasy 02-01-20 02-01-20 R 7.26
73 Golden Time
- TV
- / 24
Fall 2013 Drama, Romance 10-04-13 03-28-14 PG-13 7.74
74 Gosick
- TV
- / 24
Winter 2011 Drama, Mystery, Romance 01-08-11 07-02-11 R 8.04
75 Grand Blue
- TV
- / 12
Summer 2018 Comedy 07-14-18 09-29-18 PG-13 8.44
76 Great Teacher Onizuka
- TV
- / 43
Summer 1999 Comedy 06-30-99 09-17-00 R 8.68
77 Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor
- TV
- / 26
Fall 2007 Suspense 10-03-07 04-02-08 R 8.26
78 Gyakuten Saiban: Sono "Shinjitsu", Igi Ari!
- TV
- / 24
Spring 2016 Comedy, Drama, Mystery 04-02-16 09-24-16 PG-13 6.53
79 Hai to Gensou no Grimgar
- TV
- / 12
Winter 2016 Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy 01-11-16 03-28-16 R 7.66
80 Haikyuu!!
- TV
- / 25
Spring 2014 Sports 04-06-14 09-21-14 PG-13 8.44
81 Haikyuu!! Karasuno Koukou vs. Shiratorizawa Gakuen Koukou
- TV
- / 10
Fall 2016 Sports 10-08-16 12-10-16 PG-13 8.77
82 Haikyuu!! Second Season
- TV
- / 25
Fall 2015 Sports 10-04-15 03-27-16 PG-13 8.62
83 Haikyuu!! vs. "Akaten"
- / 1
Spring 2016 Sports 05-02-16 05-02-16 PG-13 7.78
84 Haiyore! Nyaruko-san
- TV
- / 12
Spring 2012 Comedy, Sci-Fi 04-10-12 06-26-12 PG-13 6.97
85 Hanamaru Youchien
- TV
- / 12
Winter 2010 Slice of Life 01-11-10 03-29-10 PG-13 7.26
86 Hanamonogatari
- TV Special
- / 5
Summer 2014 Comedy, Mystery, Supernatural 08-16-14 08-16-14 R 7.92
87 Hataraku Maou-sama!!
- TV
- / 12
Summer 2022 Comedy, Supernatural 07-14-22 09-29-22 PG-13 6.65
88 Hellsing
- TV
- / 13
Fall 2001 Action, Horror, Supernatural 10-11-01 01-17-02 R 7.49
89 Hellsing Ultimate
- / 10
Winter 2006 Action, Horror, Supernatural 02-10-06 12-26-12 R 8.35
90 Heya Camp△
- TV
- / 12
Winter 2020 Slice of Life 01-06-20 03-23-20 PG-13 7.36
91 Higashi no Eden
- TV
- / 11
Spring 2009 Award Winning, Mystery, Romance, Sci-Fi, Suspense 04-10-09 06-19-09 R 7.73
92 High School DxD
- TV
- / 12
Winter 2012 Action, Comedy, Romance, Supernatural, Ecchi 01-06-12 03-23-12 R+ 7.32
93 High School DxD Hero
- TV
- / 12
Spring 2018 Action, Comedy, Romance, Supernatural, Ecchi 04-17-18 07-03-18 R+ 7.23
94 High School DxD New
- TV
- / 12
Summer 2013 Action, Comedy, Romance, Supernatural, Ecchi 07-07-13 09-22-13 R+ 7.46
95 Highschool of the Dead
- TV
- / 12
Summer 2010 Action, Horror, Suspense, Ecchi 07-05-10 09-20-10 R+ 7.07
96 Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kaku: Outbreak
- / 1
Summer 2013 Horror, Mystery 08-15-13 08-15-13 R 7.20
97 Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Rei
- / 5
Winter 2009 Horror, Mystery, Suspense 02-25-09 08-21-09 PG-13 7.40
98 Hisone to Maso-tan
- TV
- / 12
Spring 2018 Award Winning, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy 04-13-18 06-29-18 PG-13 7.29
99 Honobono Log
- TV
- / 10
Spring 2016 Romance, Slice of Life 06-07-16 06-18-16 G 7.33
100 Hotarubi no Mori e
- Movie
- / 1
Summer 2011 Award Winning, Drama, Romance, Supernatural 09-17-11 09-17-11 G 8.27
101 Ichigo Mashimaro
- TV
- / 12
Summer 2005 Slice of Life 07-15-05 10-14-05 PG-13 7.62
102 InuYasha
- TV
- / 167
Fall 2000 Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Romance 10-16-00 09-13-04 PG-13 7.87
103 Isekai Quartet
- TV
- / 12
Spring 2019 Comedy, Fantasy 04-10-19 06-26-19 PG-13 7.37
104 Iya na Kao sare nagara Opantsu Misete Moraitai
- / 6
Summer 2018 Ecchi 07-14-18 08-13-18 PG-13 5.70
105 Iya na Kao sare nagara Opantsu Misete Moraitai 2
- / 6
Fall 2019 Ecchi 11-22-19 12-27-19 PG-13 5.86
106 Jigokuraku
- TV
- / 13
Spring 2023 Action, Adventure, Supernatural 04-01-23 07-01-23 R 8.09
107 Joshiraku
- TV
- / 13
Summer 2012 Comedy 07-06-12 09-28-12 PG-13 7.44
108 Jujutsu Kaisen
- TV
- / 24
Fall 2020 Action, Award Winning, Supernatural 10-03-20 03-27-21 R 8.56
109 Juuni Taisen
- TV
- / 12
Fall 2017 Action, Suspense 10-03-17 12-19-17 R 6.53
110 K-On!
- TV
- / 13
Spring 2009 Comedy 04-03-09 06-26-09 PG-13 7.86
111 K-On!!
- TV
- / 26
Spring 2010 Award Winning, Comedy 04-07-10 09-29-10 PG-13 8.18
112 Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen
- TV
- / 12
Winter 2019 Comedy, Romance 01-12-19 03-30-19 PG-13 8.40
113 Kaichou wa Maid-sama!
- TV
- / 26
Spring 2010 Comedy, Romance 04-02-10 09-24-10 PG-13 7.99
114 Kami no Tou
- TV
- / 13
Spring 2020 Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Mystery 04-02-20 06-25-20 PG-13 7.56
115 Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai
- TV
- / 12
Fall 2010 Comedy, Romance, Supernatural 10-07-10 12-23-10 PG-13 7.64
116 Kamisama Hajimemashita
- TV
- / 13
Fall 2012 Comedy, Romance, Supernatural 10-02-12 12-25-12 PG-13 8.12
117 Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san
- TV
- / 12
Winter 2018 Comedy, Romance 01-08-18 03-26-18 PG-13 7.68
118 Keijo!!!!!!!!
- TV
- / 12
Fall 2016 Sports, Ecchi 10-06-16 12-22-16 PG-13 6.90
119 Kenpuu Denki Berserk
- TV
- / 25
Fall 1997 Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Horror 10-08-97 04-01-98 R+ 8.60
120 Kimetsu no Yaiba
- TV
- / 26
Spring 2019 Action, Award Winning, Supernatural 04-06-19 09-28-19 R 8.44
121 Kimi ni Todoke
- TV
- / 25
Fall 2009 Drama, Romance 10-07-09 03-31-10 PG-13 8.01
122 Kimi no Na wa.
- Movie
- / 1
Summer 2016 Award Winning, Drama 08-26-16 08-26-16 PG-13 8.83
123 Kizumonogatari II: Nekketsu-hen
- Movie
- / 1
Summer 2016 Action, Mystery, Supernatural 08-19-16 08-19-16 R 8.56
124 Kizumonogatari III: Reiketsu-hen
- Movie
- / 1
Winter 2017 Action, Mystery, Supernatural 01-06-17 01-06-17 R 8.78
125 Koe no Katachi
- Movie
- / 1
Summer 2016 Award Winning, Drama 09-17-16 09-17-16 PG-13 8.93
126 Kokkoku
- TV
- / 12
Winter 2018 Drama, Mystery, Supernatural, Suspense 01-08-18 03-26-18 R 6.98
127 Kokoro Connect
- TV
- / 13
Summer 2012 Drama, Romance, Supernatural 07-08-12 09-30-12 PG-13 7.73
128 Kokoro ga Sakebitagatterunda.
- Movie
- / 1
Summer 2015 Drama, Romance 09-19-15 09-19-15 PG-13 7.80
129 Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! 2
- TV
- / 10
Winter 2017 Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy 01-12-17 03-16-17 PG-13 8.25
130 Koukaku Kidoutai
- Movie
- / 1
Fall 1995 Action, Award Winning, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Suspense 11-18-95 11-18-95 R+ 8.27
131 Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex
- TV
- / 26
Fall 2002 Action, Award Winning, Mystery, Sci-Fi 10-01-02 10-01-03 R 8.42
132 Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG
- TV
- / 26
Winter 2004 Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi 01-01-04 01-08-05 R 8.51
133 Koukyoushihen Eureka Seven
- TV
- / 50
Spring 2005 Action, Adventure, Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi 04-17-05 04-02-06 PG-13 8.05
134 Kuma Miko
- TV
- / 12
Spring 2016 Comedy 04-03-16 06-19-16 PG-13 6.31
135 Kuroko no Basket Movie 4: Last Game
- Movie
- / 1
Winter 2017 Sports 03-18-17 03-18-17 PG-13 8.07
136 Kuroko no Basket: Baka ja Katenai no yo!
- / 1
Fall 2013 Sports 12-04-13 12-04-13 PG-13 7.52
137 Kuroko no Basket: Last Game NG-shuu
- Special
- / 1
Summer 2017 Comedy, Sports 09-27-17 09-27-17 PG-13 7.74
138 Kuroshitsuji
- TV
- / 24
Fall 2008 Action, Mystery, Supernatural 10-03-08 03-27-09 R 7.65
139 Kusuriya no Hitorigoto 2nd Season
- TV
- / 24
Winter 2025 Drama, Mystery 01-10-25 PG-13 8.80
140 Kyoukai no Kanata: Shinonome
- Special
- / 1
Summer 2014 Action, Supernatural 07-02-14 07-02-14 PG-13 7.62
141 Little Busters!
- TV
- / 26
Fall 2012 Comedy, Drama 10-06-12 04-06-13 PG-13 7.48
142 Little Witch Academia (TV)
- TV
- / 25
Winter 2017 Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy 01-09-17 06-26-17 G 7.81
143 Love Live! School Idol Project
- TV
- / 13
Winter 2013 Slice of Life 01-06-13 03-31-13 PG-13 7.40
144 Love Live! School Idol Project 2nd Season
- TV
- / 13
Spring 2014 Award Winning, Slice of Life 04-06-14 06-29-14 PG-13 7.76
145 Love Live! Sunshine!!
- TV
- / 13
Summer 2016 Slice of Life 07-02-16 09-24-16 PG-13 7.39
146 Lycoris Recoil
- TV
- / 13
Summer 2022 Action 07-02-22 09-24-22 PG-13 8.15
147 Made in Abyss
- TV
- / 13
Summer 2017 Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, Sci-Fi 07-07-17 09-29-17 R 8.64
148 Made in Abyss Movie 3: Fukaki Tamashii no Reimei
- Movie
- / 1
Winter 2020 Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, Sci-Fi 01-17-20 01-17-20 R 8.61
149 Magi: The Kingdom of Magic
- TV
- / 25
Fall 2013 Action, Adventure, Fantasy 10-06-13 03-30-14 PG-13 8.20
150 Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
- TV
- / 25
Fall 2012 Action, Adventure, Fantasy 10-07-12 03-31-13 PG-13 8.01
151 Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica
- TV
- / 12
Winter 2011 Award Winning, Drama, Suspense 01-07-11 04-22-11 PG-13 8.37
152 Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei
- TV
- / 26
Spring 2014 Action, Fantasy, Romance, Sci-Fi 04-06-14 09-28-14 PG-13 7.38
153 Mahoutsukai no Yome
- TV
- / 24
Fall 2017 Drama, Fantasy, Romance 10-08-17 03-25-18 PG-13 8.05
154 Mangaka-san to Assistant-san to The Animation
- TV
- / 12
Spring 2014 Comedy, Ecchi 04-08-14 06-24-14 PG-13 7.08
155 Masou Gakuen HxH
- TV
- / 12
Summer 2016 Action, Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, Ecchi 07-06-16 09-21-16 R+ 6.11
156 Mawaru Penguindrum
- TV
- / 24
Summer 2011 Avant Garde, Drama, Mystery, Supernatural, Suspense 07-08-11 12-23-11 R 7.93
157 Miru Tights
- / 12
Spring 2019 Ecchi 05-11-19 07-27-19 PG-13 6.40
158 Mob Psycho 100 II
- TV
- / 13
Winter 2019 Action, Comedy, Supernatural 01-07-19 04-01-19 PG-13 8.78
159 Monogatari Series: Second Season
- TV
- / 26
Summer 2013 Comedy, Mystery, Romance, Supernatural 07-07-13 12-29-13 R 8.76
160 Mononoke
- TV
- / 12
Summer 2007 Horror, Mystery, Supernatural, Suspense 07-13-07 09-28-07 R 8.41
161 Mononoke Hime
- Movie
- / 1
Summer 1997 Action, Adventure, Award Winning, Fantasy 07-12-97 07-12-97 PG-13 8.66
162 Musaigen no Phantom World
- TV
- / 13
Winter 2016 Action, Comedy, Fantasy, Ecchi 01-07-16 03-31-16 PG-13 6.85
163 Mushishi
- TV
- / 26
Fall 2005 Adventure, Mystery, Slice of Life, Supernatural 10-23-05 06-19-06 PG-13 8.65
164 Mushishi Zoku Shou 2nd Season
- TV
- / 10
Fall 2014 Adventure, Mystery, Slice of Life, Supernatural 10-19-14 12-21-14 PG-13 8.72
165 Nanatsu no Taizai: Eiyuu-tachi wa Hashagu
- / 1
Fall 2018 Action, Adventure, Fantasy 11-16-18 11-16-18 PG-13 7.07
166 Nanatsu no Taizai: Imashime no Fukkatsu
- TV
- / 24
Winter 2018 Action, Adventure, Fantasy 01-13-18 06-30-18 PG-13 7.55
167 Naruto
- TV
- / 220
Fall 2002 Action, Adventure, Fantasy 10-03-02 02-08-07 PG-13 8.01
168 Naruto: Shippuuden
- TV
- / 500
Winter 2007 Action, Adventure, Fantasy 02-15-07 03-23-17 PG-13 8.28
169 Natsume Yuujinchou
- TV
- / 13
Summer 2008 Slice of Life, Supernatural 07-08-08 09-30-08 PG-13 8.30
170 Natsume Yuujinchou Go
- TV
- / 11
Fall 2016 Slice of Life, Supernatural 10-05-16 12-21-16 PG-13 8.56
171 Natsume Yuujinchou Roku
- TV
- / 11
Spring 2017 Slice of Life, Supernatural 04-12-17 06-21-17 PG-13 8.61
172 Natsume Yuujinchou San
- TV
- / 13
Summer 2011 Slice of Life, Supernatural 07-05-11 09-27-11 PG-13 8.56
173 Natsume Yuujinchou Shi
- TV
- / 13
Winter 2012 Slice of Life, Supernatural 01-03-12 03-27-12 PG-13 8.63
174 New Game!
- TV
- / 12
Summer 2016 Comedy 07-04-16 09-19-16 PG-13 7.55
175 NHK ni Youkoso!
- TV
- / 24
Summer 2006 Comedy, Drama, Romance, Suspense 07-10-06 12-18-06 R+ 8.31
176 Nichijou
- TV
- / 26
Spring 2011 Comedy 04-03-11 09-25-11 PG-13 8.47
177 NieR:Automata Ver1.1a
- TV
- / 12
Winter 2023 Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi 01-08-23 07-23-23 R 7.54
178 Nisekoi
- TV
- / 20
Winter 2014 Comedy, Romance 01-11-14 05-24-14 PG-13 7.56
179 Nisekoi:
- TV
- / 12
Spring 2015 Comedy, Romance 04-10-15 06-26-15 PG-13 7.34
180 Nisemonogatari
- TV
- / 11
Winter 2012 Comedy, Mystery, Supernatural, Ecchi 01-08-12 03-18-12 R 8.13
181 Non Non Biyori
- TV
- / 12
Fall 2013 Slice of Life 10-08-13 12-24-13 PG-13 7.94
182 One Punch Man 2nd Season
- TV
- / 12
Spring 2019 Action, Comedy 04-10-19 07-03-19 R 7.53
183 Ookami to Koushinryou
- TV
- / 13
Winter 2008 Adventure, Drama, Romance, Supernatural 01-09-08 03-26-08 PG-13 8.21
184 Ookami to Koushinryou II: Ookami to Kohakuiro no Yuuutsu
- / 1
Spring 2009 Adventure, Romance, Supernatural 04-30-09 04-30-09 PG-13 7.86
185 Orange
- TV
- / 13
Summer 2016 Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi 07-04-16 09-26-16 PG-13 7.63
186 Ore dake Level Up na Ken Season 2: Arise from the Shadow
- TV
- / 13
Winter 2025 Action, Adventure, Fantasy 01-05-25 03-30-25 R 8.87
187 Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai
- TV
- / 12
Fall 2010 Comedy 10-03-10 12-19-10 PG-13 6.93
188 Ore no Kanojo to Osananajimi ga Shuraba Sugiru
- TV
- / 13
Winter 2013 Comedy, Romance 01-06-13 03-31-13 PG-13 6.90
189 Ore, Twintail ni Narimasu.
- TV
- / 12
Fall 2014 Action, Comedy, Romance, Sci-Fi 10-10-14 12-26-14 PG-13 6.42
190 Oruchuban Ebichu
- TV
- / 24
Summer 1999 Comedy, Ecchi 08-01-99 10-01-99 R+ 7.37
191 Osomatsu-san 2nd Season
- TV
- / 25
Fall 2017 Comedy 10-03-17 03-27-18 R 7.62
192 Ouran Koukou Host Club
- TV
- / 26
Spring 2006 Comedy, Romance 04-05-06 09-27-06 PG-13 8.16
193 Overlord II
- TV
- / 13
Winter 2018 Action, Adventure, Fantasy 01-09-18 04-03-18 R 7.75
194 Overlord III
- TV
- / 13
Summer 2018 Action, Adventure, Fantasy 07-10-18 10-02-18 R 7.91
195 Overlord IV
- TV
- / 13
Summer 2022 Action, Adventure, Fantasy 07-05-22 09-27-22 R 8.07
196 Owarimonogatari
- TV
- / 12
Fall 2015 Comedy, Mystery, Supernatural 10-04-15 12-20-15 R 8.45
197 Owarimonogatari 2nd Season
- TV Special
- / 7
Summer 2017 Comedy, Mystery, Supernatural 08-12-17 08-13-17 R 8.86
198 Pandora Hearts
- TV
- / 25
Spring 2009 Adventure, Fantasy, Mystery 04-03-09 09-25-09 PG-13 7.64
199 Persona 5 the Animation
- TV
- / 26
Spring 2018 Action 04-08-18 09-30-18 R 6.44
200 Plastic Memories
- TV
- / 13
Spring 2015 Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi 04-05-15 06-28-15 PG-13 7.91
201 Pokemon Best Wishes!
- TV
- / 84
Fall 2010 Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy 09-23-10 06-14-12 PG 6.45
202 Pokemon Best Wishes! Season 2
- TV
- / 24
Summer 2012 Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy 06-21-12 01-10-13 PG 6.46
203 Pokemon Best Wishes! Season 2: Decolora Adventure
- TV
- / 20
Spring 2013 Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy 04-25-13 09-26-13 PG 6.32
204 Pokemon Best Wishes! Season 2: Episode N
- TV
- / 14
Winter 2013 Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy 01-17-13 04-18-13 PG 6.69
205 Pokemon XY
- TV
- / 93
Fall 2013 Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy 10-17-13 10-22-15 PG 7.44
206 Pokemon XY&Z
- TV
- / 47
Fall 2015 Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy 10-29-15 10-27-16 PG 7.78
207 Pokemon: The Origin
- TV Special
- / 4
Fall 2013 Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy 10-02-13 10-02-13 PG 7.73
208 Prison School
- TV
- / 12
Summer 2015 Comedy, Ecchi 07-11-15 09-26-15 R+ 7.59
209 Psycho-Pass 3
- TV
- / 8
Fall 2019 Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Suspense 10-25-19 12-13-19 R 7.44
210 Quanzhi Gaoshou
- / 12
Spring 2017 Action 04-07-17 06-16-17 PG-13 7.86
211 Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu 2nd Season
- TV
- / 13
Summer 2020 Drama, Fantasy, Suspense 07-08-20 09-30-20 R 8.33
212 Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu 2nd Season Part 2
- TV
- / 12
Winter 2021 Drama, Fantasy, Suspense 01-06-21 03-24-21 R 8.43
213 ReLIFE: Kanketsu-hen
- Special
- / 4
Winter 2018 Drama, Romance 03-21-18 03-21-18 PG-13 8.20
214 Sabage-bu!
- TV
- / 12
Summer 2014 Action, Comedy 07-06-14 09-21-14 PG-13 7.34
215 Sabikui Bisco
- TV
- / 12
Winter 2022 Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-Fi 01-11-22 03-29-22 PG-13 7.14
216 Saiki Kusuo no Ψ-nan
- TV
- / 120
Summer 2016 Comedy 07-04-16 12-26-16 PG-13 8.41
217 Saiki Kusuo no Ψ-nan 2
- TV
- / 24
Winter 2018 Comedy 01-17-18 06-27-18 PG-13 8.41
218 Saint☆Oniisan
- / 2
Fall 2012 Comedy 12-03-12 08-23-13 PG-13 7.47
219 Sakamoto Days
- TV
- / 11
Winter 2025 Action, Comedy 01-11-25 03-22-25 R 7.63
220 Sakura-sou no Pet na Kanojo
- TV
- / 24
Fall 2012 Drama, Romance 10-09-12 03-26-13 PG-13 8.05
221 Samurai Champloo
- TV
- / 26
Spring 2004 Action, Adventure, Comedy 05-20-04 03-19-05 R 8.51
222 Sankarea
- TV
- / 12
Spring 2012 Comedy, Horror, Romance, Supernatural, Ecchi 04-06-12 06-29-12 R+ 7.27
223 Sayonara no Asa ni Yakusoku no Hana wo Kazarou
- Movie
- / 1
Winter 2018 Drama, Fantasy 02-24-18 02-24-18 PG-13 8.39
224 Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
- TV
- / 12
Summer 2007 Comedy 07-08-07 09-23-07 R 7.85
225 School Days
- TV
- / 12
Summer 2007 Drama, Romance 07-04-07 09-27-07 R+ 5.51
226 Seirei Gensouki
- TV
- / 12
Summer 2021 Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Romance 07-06-21 09-21-21 PG-13 7.07
227 Seishun Buta Yarou wa Yumemiru Shoujo no Yume wo Minai
- Movie
- / 1
Spring 2019 Drama, Romance, Supernatural 06-15-19 06-15-19 PG-13 8.59
228 Seitokai Yakuindomo*
- TV
- / 13
Winter 2014 Comedy 01-04-14 03-30-14 R 7.67
229 Serial Experiments Lain
- TV
- / 13
Summer 1998 Avant Garde, Award Winning, Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Supernatural, Suspense 07-06-98 09-28-98 R 8.09
230 Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
- TV
- / 22
Fall 2014 Drama, Romance 10-10-14 03-20-15 PG-13 8.64
231 Shiki
- TV
- / 22
Summer 2010 Horror, Mystery, Supernatural, Suspense 07-09-10 12-31-10 R 7.72
232 Shinchou Yuusha: Kono Yuusha ga Ore Tueee Kuse ni Shinchou Sugiru
- TV
- / 12
Fall 2019 Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy 10-02-19 12-27-19 R 7.47
233 Shingeki no Kyojin Season 2
- TV
- / 12
Spring 2017 Action, Drama, Suspense 04-01-17 06-17-17 R 8.52
234 Shingeki no Kyojin Season 2 Movie: Kakusei no Houkou
- Movie
- / 1
Winter 2018 Action, Drama, Suspense 01-13-18 01-13-18 R 7.92
235 Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3
- TV
- / 12
Summer 2018 Action, Drama, Suspense 07-23-18 10-15-18 R 8.63
236 Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3 Part 2
- TV
- / 10
Spring 2019 Action, Drama, Suspense 04-29-19 07-01-19 R 9.05
237 Shinreigari
- TV
- / 22
Fall 2007 Mystery, Supernatural, Suspense 10-18-07 04-04-08 PG-13 7.39
238 Shinseiki Evangelion
- TV
- / 26
Fall 1995 Action, Avant Garde, Award Winning, Drama, Sci-Fi, Suspense 10-04-95 03-27-96 PG-13 8.36
239 Shinsekai yori
- TV
- / 25
Fall 2012 Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Suspense 09-29-12 03-23-13 R 8.25
240 Shirobako
- TV
- / 24
Fall 2014 Award Winning, Comedy, Drama 10-09-14 03-26-15 PG-13 8.27
241 Shirobako Movie
- Movie
- / 1
Winter 2020 Comedy, Drama 02-29-20 02-29-20 PG-13 7.65
242 Shokugeki no Souma
- TV
- / 24
Spring 2015 Gourmet, Ecchi 04-04-15 09-26-15 PG-13 8.13
243 Shokugeki no Souma: Ni no Sara
- TV
- / 13
Summer 2016 Gourmet, Ecchi 07-02-16 09-24-16 PG-13 8.07
244 Shokugeki no Souma: San no Sara
- TV
- / 12
Fall 2017 Gourmet, Ecchi 10-04-17 12-20-17 PG-13 7.98
245 Shokugeki no Souma: San no Sara - Tootsuki Ressha-hen
- TV
- / 12
Spring 2018 Gourmet, Ecchi 04-09-18 06-25-18 PG-13 7.93
246 Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou
- TV
- / 12
Fall 2017 Adventure, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Slice of Life 10-06-17 12-22-17 PG-13 8.23
247 Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu
- TV
- / 13
Winter 2016 Drama 01-09-16 04-02-16 PG-13 8.55
248 Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu: Sukeroku Futatabi-hen
- TV
- / 12
Winter 2017 Drama 01-07-17 03-25-17 PG-13 8.70
249 Sora yori mo Tooi Basho
- TV
- / 13
Winter 2018 Adventure, Comedy, Drama 01-02-18 03-27-18 PG-13 8.51
250 Steins;Gate 0
- TV
- / 23
Spring 2018 Drama, Sci-Fi, Suspense 04-12-18 09-27-18 PG-13 8.54
251 Suzumiya Haruhi no Shoushitsu
- Movie
- / 1
Winter 2010 Award Winning, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Supernatural 02-06-10 02-06-10 PG-13 8.59
252 Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu
- TV
- / 14
Spring 2006 Award Winning, Comedy, Mystery, Sci-Fi 04-03-06 07-03-06 PG-13 7.82
253 Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (2009)
- TV
- / 14
Spring 2009 Comedy, Mystery, Sci-Fi 05-22-09 09-11-09 PG-13 7.22
254 Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online
- TV
- / 12
Spring 2018 Action 04-08-18 07-01-18 PG-13 7.01
255 Sword Art Online: Alicization
- TV
- / 24
Fall 2018 Action, Adventure, Fantasy 10-07-18 03-31-19 R 7.57
256 Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld
- TV
- / 12
Fall 2019 Action, Adventure, Fantasy 10-13-19 12-29-19 R 7.58
257 Taishou Otome Otogibanashi
- TV
- / 12
Fall 2021 Comedy, Drama, Romance 10-09-21 12-25-21 PG-13 7.79
258 Tamako Love Story
- Movie
- / 1
Spring 2014 Award Winning, Romance, Slice of Life 04-26-14 04-26-14 PG-13 7.91
259 Tamako Market
- TV
- / 12
Winter 2013 Slice of Life 01-10-13 03-28-13 PG-13 7.40
260 Tasogare Otome x Amnesia
- TV
- / 12
Spring 2012 Horror, Mystery, Romance, Supernatural 04-09-12 06-25-12 R 7.81
261 Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
- TV
- / 27
Spring 2007 Action, Adventure, Award Winning, Sci-Fi 04-01-07 09-30-07 PG-13 8.64
262 Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Movie 2: Lagann-hen
- Movie
- / 1
Spring 2009 Action, Sci-Fi 04-22-09 04-22-09 R+ 8.59
263 To LOVE-Ru
- TV
- / 26
Spring 2008 Comedy, Romance, Sci-Fi, Ecchi 04-04-08 09-26-08 R+ 6.97
264 Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator
- TV
- / 12
Summer 2019 Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi 07-12-19 09-27-19 R 7.21
265 Toaru Kagaku no Railgun T
- TV
- / 25
Winter 2020 Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi 01-10-20 09-25-20 R 8.15
266 Toaru Majutsu no Index
- TV
- / 24
Fall 2008 Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi 10-05-08 03-19-09 R 7.34
267 Toaru Majutsu no Index III
- TV
- / 26
Fall 2018 Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi 10-05-18 04-05-19 PG-13 6.83
268 Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo
- Movie
- / 1
Summer 2006 Award Winning, Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi 07-15-06 07-15-06 G 8.09
269 Tokyo Ghoul:re
- TV
- / 12
Spring 2018 Action, Fantasy, Horror, Suspense 04-03-18 06-19-18 R 6.37
270 Tokyo Ghoul:re 2nd Season
- TV
- / 12
Fall 2018 Action, Fantasy, Horror, Suspense 10-09-18 12-25-18 R 6.46
271 Tokyo Revengers
- TV
- / 24
Spring 2021 Action, Drama 04-11-21 09-19-21 R 7.87
272 Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun
- TV
- / 13
Fall 2012 Comedy, Romance 10-02-12 12-25-12 PG-13 7.46
273 Tonari no Totoro
- Movie
- / 1
Spring 1988 Adventure, Award Winning, Supernatural 04-16-88 04-16-88 G 8.25
274 Toradora!
- TV
- / 25
Fall 2008 Drama, Romance 10-02-08 03-26-09 PG-13 8.05
275 Trigun Stampede
- TV
- / 12
Winter 2023 Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi 01-07-23 03-25-23 PG-13 7.83
276 Trinity Seven
- TV
- / 12
Fall 2014 Action, Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, Ecchi 10-08-14 12-24-14 PG-13 7.03
277 Uchouten Kazoku
- TV
- / 13
Summer 2013 Award Winning, Drama, Supernatural 07-07-13 09-29-13 PG-13 7.82
278 Uchouten Kazoku 2
- TV
- / 12
Spring 2017 Drama, Supernatural 04-09-17 06-25-17 PG-13 8.07
279 Usagi Drop
- TV
- / 11
Summer 2011 Slice of Life 07-08-11 09-16-11 PG-13 8.33
280 Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!
- TV
- / 12
Summer 2013 Comedy 07-09-13 09-24-13 PG-13 6.99
281 Working'!!
- TV
- / 13
Fall 2011 Comedy, Romance 10-01-11 12-24-11 PG-13 7.81
282 Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru.
- TV
- / 13
Spring 2013 Comedy, Romance 04-05-13 06-28-13 PG-13 8.00
283 Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Kan
- TV
- / 12
Summer 2020 Comedy, Romance 07-10-20 09-25-20 PG-13 8.35
284 Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Zoku
- TV
- / 13
Spring 2015 Comedy, Romance 04-03-15 06-26-15 PG-13 8.20
285 Yakusoku no Neverland 2nd Season
- TV
- / 11
Winter 2021 Mystery, Suspense 01-08-21 03-26-21 R 5.26
286 Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo
- TV
- / 12
Spring 2015 Comedy, Mystery, Romance, Supernatural 04-12-15 06-28-15 PG-13 7.53
287 Yoru wa Mijikashi Arukeyo Otome
- Movie
- / 1
Spring 2017 Comedy, Romance 04-07-17 04-07-17 R+ 8.18
288 Youjo Senki
- TV
- / 12
Winter 2017 Action, Fantasy 01-06-17 03-31-17 R 7.96
289 Yuri!!! on Ice
- TV
- / 12
Fall 2016 Award Winning, Sports 10-06-16 12-22-16 PG-13 7.90
290 Yuri!!! on Ice: Yuri Plisetsky GPF in Barcelona EX - Welcome to The Madness
- Special
- / 1
Spring 2017 Sports 05-26-17 05-26-17 PG-13 7.98
291 Yuru Camp△
- TV
- / 12
Winter 2018 Slice of Life 01-04-18 03-22-18 PG-13 8.27
292 Yuru Camp△ Movie
- Movie
- / 1
Summer 2022 Slice of Life 07-01-22 07-01-22 PG-13 8.39
293 Yuru Camp△ Season 2
- TV
- / 13
Winter 2021 Slice of Life 01-07-21 04-01-21 PG-13 8.50
294 Yuukoku no Moriarty OVA
- / 2
Spring 2022 Mystery, Suspense 04-27-22 04-27-22 R 7.80
295 Zero no Tsukaima
- TV
- / 13
Summer 2006 Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, Ecchi 07-03-06 09-25-06 PG-13 7.21
296 Zetsuen no Tempest
- TV
- / 24
Fall 2012 Action, Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, Suspense 10-05-12 03-29-13 PG-13 7.89
297 Zoku Natsume Yuujinchou
- TV
- / 13
Winter 2009 Slice of Life, Supernatural 01-06-09 03-31-09 PG-13 8.53
298 Zoku Owarimonogatari
- TV
- / 6
Spring 2019 Comedy, Mystery, Supernatural 05-19-19 06-23-19 R 8.44
299 Zombieland Saga
- TV
- / 12
Fall 2018 Award Winning, Comedy, Supernatural 10-04-18 12-20-18 R 7.50