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TV: 37, OVA: 1, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 883, Days: 14.71, Mean Score: 6.1, Score Dev.: -1.70 More stats
#Image Anime Title Progress
1 91 Days
4 / 12
2 Ballroom e Youkoso
2 / 24
3 Boku no Hero Academia 2nd Season
5 / 25
4 Darker than Black: Kuro no Keiyakusha
21 / 25
5 Diamond no Ace: Second Season
20 / 51
6 Durarara!!x2 Ten
1 / 12
7 Fractale
1 / 11
8 Gatchaman Crowds
1 / 12
9 Genshiken Nidaime
1 / 13
10 Gintama
1 / 201
11 Guilty Crown
5 / 22
12 Jigoku Shoujo: Yoi no Togi
5 / 6
13 Joker Game
7 / 12
14 Joshiraku
1 / 13
15 Kill la Kill
3 / 24
16 Kimi to Boku.
2 / 13
17 Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu
11 / 24
18 Kure-nai
4 / 12
19 Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
12 / 25
20 Mahoutsukai no Yome: Hoshi Matsu Hito
2 / 3
21 Mawaru Penguindrum
9 / 24
22 Natsume Yuujinchou Go
4 / 11
23 Nichijou
1 / 26
24 One Piece
682 / -
25 Osomatsu-san
18 / 25
26 Persona 4 the Animation
2 / 25
27 Ping Pong the Animation
1 / 11
28 Psycho-Pass
6 / 22
29 Sakamichi no Apollon
7 / 12
30 Sakamoto desu ga?
1 / 12
31 Shingeki no Bahamut: Genesis
8 / 12
32 Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu
7 / 13
33 So Ra No Wo To
5 / 12
34 Tokyo ESP
2 / 12
35 Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun
7 / 13
36 Tsuritama
3 / 12
37 Utawarerumono: Itsuwari no Kamen
9 / 25
38 Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song
2 / 13