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TV: 135, OVA: 9, Movies: 60, Spcl.: 4, Eps: 2461, Days: 41.30, Mean Score: 6.6, Score Dev.: -1.20 More stats
#Image Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags Genres Demogr. Rated MAL Score
1 86
being forced into a war and losing friends every day is one of my favorite kinds of stories
9 TV
Action, Drama, Sci-Fi R 8.32
2 86 Part 2
this shit made me read 11 huge volumes worth of the light novel. i don't think anything else in this entire list is capable of doing that
10 TV
Action, Drama, Sci-Fi R 8.71
3 ACCA: 13-ku Kansatsu-ka
niino's story (ep 8) is actually really lovely and was the first thing i was actively paying attention to since like episode 2. things generally start picking up pace episode 9 onward and the last half of the show is pretty good! the first half's a drag though
5 TV
Drama, Mystery Seinen PG-13 7.66
4 ACCA: 13-ku Kansatsu-ka - Regards
and even still the only thing i like about acca is niino
Drama, Mystery Seinen PG-13 7.15
5 ACCA: 13-ku Kansatsu-ka Specials
i watched all of acca for mal anime watching challenge and for that alone
5 Special
Slice of Life Seinen PG-13 6.81
6 Aggressive Retsuko (ONA)
Comedy PG-13 7.64
7 Aggressive Retsuko (ONA) 2nd Season
Comedy PG-13 7.73
8 Aggressive Retsuko (ONA) 3rd Season
Comedy PG-13 7.79
9 Aggressive Retsuko (ONA) 4th Season
Comedy PG-13 7.28
10 Akuyaku Reijou Level 99: Watashi wa Ura-Boss desu ga Maou dewa Arimasen
ep 3 check-in: desperately want to drop this || ep 6 check-in: got better but why hasn't the character the entire ending is based on showed up for longer than 5 mins total and/or spoken to her supposed love interest || got pretty alright by the end
6 TV
Fantasy PG-13 7.13
11 Aldnoah.Zero
tuned out by ep6. not to sound like an annoying 86 stan but this does seem like EXTREMELY discount 86. and i know this came out earlier, it doesn't matter
3 TV
Action, Sci-Fi R 7.38
12 Angel Beats!
the first half is the most annoying thing i've ever watched so when actual emotional scenes started happening i just wanted for everything to end already
4 TV
Drama, Fantasy PG-13 8.05
13 Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai.
5 TV
Drama, Supernatural PG-13 8.29
14 Another
not very memorable
5 TV
Horror, Mystery R 7.46
15 Antique Heart
Mystery G 5.44
16 Arknights: Reimei Zensou
why video game adaptations kind of inevitably struggle to work. you can see how all of it was playing out in-game: this is where a tutorial starts, this is where story battle begins, this is where a new waifu is introduced. it's not all bad, necessarily, but it doesn't really work without the game element of it all.
5 TV
Action, Fantasy PG-13 7.08
17 Atarashii Joushi wa Do Tennen
watched ongoing with a friend and every time a new episode came out we'd go GOOFY BOSS! GOOFY BOSS! and then live text each other how absolutely wild the bl is in this non-bl show. if you like the idea of two guys being domestic and adorable together while pretending it's a normal collegial relationship, this is for you
7 TV
Slice of Life PG-13 7.92
18 Baccano!
non-chronological storytelling definitely made the anime messier than it needed to be. great story, made me want to read the ln, but also made me google "baccano timeline" so yeah
7 TV
Action, Mystery, Supernatural R 8.35
19 Baccano! Specials
unnecessary but kinda cute
7 Special
Action, Mystery, Supernatural R 8.08
20 Banana Fish
check the trigger warnings before starting this
8 TV
Action, Adventure, Drama, Suspense Shoujo R 8.46
21 Beastars
i'm not a furry officer i swe-- (gets shot)
8 TV
Drama, Suspense Shounen R 7.80
22 Bocchi the Rock!
ep 10 12.04 ryou cat ears (very important)
7 TV
Comedy PG-13 8.76
23 Boku dake ga Inai Machi
the ending is,,,, yeah. also, what was the point of making it about a "series of disappearances" and not just one kayo if the authors are very uninterested in making a proper detective anime? this would be so much better if it was just 6 episodes about saving kayo from some random kidnapper guy
6 TV
Mystery, Suspense Seinen R 8.30
24 Boku no Hero Academia
5 TV
Action Shounen PG-13 7.84
25 Byousoku 5 Centimeter
i'm very sorry but i sincerely do not care about the animation if the story doesn't do anything for me and NOTHING was done for me here
4 Movie
Drama, Romance PG-13 7.56
26 Chainsaw Man
just fun, man
9 TV
Action, Fantasy Shounen R 8.46
27 Charlotte
truly one of the endings of all time
6 TV
Drama PG-13 7.75
28 Chihayafuru
9 TV
Drama, Sports Josei PG-13 8.18
29 Chirin no Suzu
anime fans hype this little movie up bc it's dark or whatever and like yeah, sure, but imo not much darker than western kids' movies of the time period.
7 Movie
Adventure, Drama, Fantasy PG-13 7.13
30 Coquelicot-zaka kara
1:24:00 hug adorbs || i can't not mention that the main thing keeping the leads apart is uh. the threat of incest which is uh. yeah, the fact that it *is* in the first place is the main issue i have with this movie. the only issue, actually, because the rest of the anime is mad cute and adorable. it's not at all fetish-y, pretty lighthearted and eventually resolved, so i'm not super mad about it, but yeah, kinda uncomfy ngl
8 Movie
Award Winning, Romance Shoujo G 7.78
31 Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
the gore was very good looking, the rest was just okay
Action, Sci-Fi R+ 8.61
32 Da Yu Hai Tang (Movie)
damn ma boy got cucked real bad press f
6 Movie
Adventure, Drama, Romance, Supernatural PG-13 7.47
33 Death Note
iconic but idk man, didn't really click
7 TV
Supernatural, Suspense Shounen R 8.62
34 Death Parade
came of as kinda pretentious ngl. tries to be a real psychological/philosophical thing but never really delivers. most of the time this is just boring
5 TV
Drama, Fantasy, Suspense R 8.14
35 Delico's Nursery
5 TV
Fantasy, Mystery PG-13 6.79
36 Denpa-teki na Kanojo
not sure what the fuck this was actually
Mystery, Suspense R 7.48
37 Devilman: Crybaby
the devilman running style >>>>
Action, Avant Garde, Horror, Supernatural Shounen R+ 7.74
38 Doukyuusei
the animation is lovely
6 Movie
Boys Love PG-13 8.27
39 Dungeon no Naka no Hito
6 TV
Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy PG-13 7.11
40 Early Reins
Action, Adventure R 5.92
41 ef: A Tale of Memories.
second half of episode 7 was actually really cool
4 TV
Drama, Mystery, Romance PG-13 7.86
42 Eikoku Koi Monogatari Emma
8 TV
Drama, Romance Seinen G 7.61
43 Eikoku Koi Monogatari Emma: Intermission
5 TV Special
Drama, Romance Seinen G 7.01
44 Eikoku Koi Monogatari Emma: Molders-hen
8 TV
Drama, Romance Seinen G 7.80
45 Elfen Lied
just a very gory and porny incest harem vehicle. something tells me anime fans saw blood and nudity in 2004 and thought !!holy shit that's so cool and edgy!! and propelled this show into absolutely undeserved legendary status
4 TV
Action, Drama, Horror, Romance, Suspense Seinen R+ 7.46
46 Evangelion Movie 1: Jo
a disease runs in my blood stream and the name of the disease is evangelion personality disorder (you acquire it when you watch eva when you're 14 and it permanently imprints on your mind. there is no cure)
9 Movie
Action, Award Winning, Drama, Sci-Fi, Suspense R+ 8.00
47 Evangelion Movie 2: Ha
9 Movie
Action, Drama, Sci-Fi, Suspense R+ 8.30
48 Evangelion Movie 3: Q
8 Movie
Action, Award Winning, Drama, Sci-Fi, Suspense PG-13 7.66
49 Eve no Jikan
Sci-Fi, Slice of Life PG-13 7.99
50 Eve no Jikan (Movie)
6 Movie
Sci-Fi, Slice of Life PG-13 7.96
unbearable cringe
Action, Avant Garde, Comedy, Sci-Fi, Suspense PG-13 8.04
52 Fruits Basket 1st Season
8 TV
Drama, Romance, Supernatural Shoujo PG-13 8.21
53 Fruits Basket 2nd Season
7 TV
Drama, Romance, Supernatural Shoujo PG-13 8.53
54 Fruits Basket: Prelude
8 Movie
Drama, Romance Shoujo PG-13 8.38
55 Fruits Basket: The Final
8 TV
Drama, Romance, Supernatural Shoujo PG-13 8.95
56 Fullmetal Alchemist
idk how or why i watched this and not brotherhood but idc this slaps regardless
8 TV
Action, Adventure, Award Winning, Drama, Fantasy Shounen R 8.11
57 Gakkougurashi!
this anime taught me that i can barely stand moe bullshit, no matter how interesting the rest of the show is. the cutesy day-to-day life is integral to what the show's going for and it wouldn't work without it but i found myself fast-forwarding through some of the scenes. just really not for me
8 TV
Horror, Mystery, Slice of Life, Suspense R 7.61
58 Gekai Elise
loop 7 but worse in every way
4 TV
Fantasy, Romance PG-13 7.25
59 Girls Band Cry
gay people exist in the gbc verse confirmed in episode one
9 TV
Drama PG-13 8.38
60 Hananoi-kun to Koi no Yamai
hananoi has that male yandere flavor to him despite not being one. the art is a struggle sometimes, esp episodes 9-10, but it's cute
6 TV
Romance Shoujo PG-13 6.75
61 Happy Sugar Life
"this would be better if the pedophile guy wasn't here" is a phrase i say way too fucking often about anime (this is a very suiting anime for this kind of character to be in, but i'm still miffed)
7 TV
Drama, Girls Love, Horror, Suspense Shounen R 6.76
62 High School Fleet
kinda dying midseason on me (after finishing it: it did't get better)
3 TV
Action PG-13 7.30
63 Hirano to Kagiura
7 Movie
Boys Love Josei PG-13 7.59
64 Horimiya
ep 8 10.30 world ends
8 TV
Romance Shounen PG-13 8.19
65 Horimiya: Piece
god this gets so freaking boring halfway through. the lack of plot really hurts this, because most episodes would be perfectly fine if they were intertwined with episodes from the og season
5 TV
Romance Shounen PG-13 8.15
66 Hoshiai no Sora
i like blatant sad backstory vehicles??? huh i guess so
8 TV
Drama, Sports PG-13 7.59
67 Hoshifuru Oukoku no Nina
4 TV
Romance Josei PG-13 7.36
68 Hotaru no Haka
- Movie
Drama PG-13 8.53
69 Hotarubi no Mori e
one of the first animes i've watched because the internet is a cruel place with a sick and twisted sense of what's a good recommendation to give to an unsuspecting person
8 Movie
Award Winning, Drama, Romance, Supernatural Shoujo G 8.27
70 Houseki no Kuni
so high up mostly because the manga is one of my most favorite things ever
8 TV
Action, Drama, Fantasy, Mystery Seinen PG-13 8.39
71 Howl no Ugoku Shiro
8 Movie
Adventure, Award Winning, Drama, Fantasy, Romance G 8.67
72 Hunter x Hunter (2011)
killua is my child he's my son he's my poor little meow meow and his friendship with gon is a national treasure || ep 135
10 TV
Action, Adventure, Fantasy Shounen PG-13 9.03
73 Ihatov Gensou: Kenji no Haru
"He loved his native province, and the mythical landscape of his fiction, known by the generic neologism, coined in a poem in 1923, as Īhatōbu (Ihatov) is often thought to allude to Iwate (Ihate in the older spelling). Several theories exist as to the possible derivations of this fantastic toponym: one theory breaks it down into a composite of I for 'Iwate'; hāto (English 'heart') and obu (English 'of'), yielding 'the heart or core of Iwate'. Others cite Esperanto and German forms as keys to the word's structure, and derive meanings varying from 'I don't know where' to 'Paradise'. Among the variation of names, there is Ihatovo, and the addition of final o is supposed to be the noun ending of Esperanto, whose idea of common international language interested him."
6 Movie
Drama PG-13 7.17
74 Inu x Boku SS
wow i sure wish miketsukami was written by a better writer, that's a very interesting idea for a character right there
4 TV
Comedy, Romance, Supernatural Shounen PG-13 7.36
75 Itsudatte Bokura no Koi wa 10 cm Datta.
5 TV
Drama, Romance PG-13 7.45
76 Jingai-san no Yome
1 TV
Comedy, Fantasy, Romance Josei PG-13 5.83
77 Jujutsu Kaisen
9 TV
Action, Award Winning, Supernatural Shounen R 8.56
78 Jujutsu Kaisen 0 Movie
8 Movie
Action, Supernatural Shounen R 8.41
79 Jujutsu Kaisen 2nd Season
10 TV
Action, Supernatural Shounen R 8.76
80 Kacchikenee!
4 Movie
Supernatural PG-13 6.30
81 Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: First Kiss wa Owaranai
9 Movie
Comedy, Drama, Romance Seinen PG-13 8.74
82 Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen
sincerely GREAT and funny
9 TV
Comedy, Romance Seinen PG-13 8.40
83 Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Ultra Romantic
10 TV
Comedy, Romance Seinen PG-13 8.98
84 Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai? Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen
9 TV
Comedy, Romance Seinen PG-13 8.62
85 Kamierabi
when a lot of ambition meets very little of everything else (the animation is the least of its problems)
3 TV
Action, Suspense R 5.82
86 Kankin Kuiki Level X
6 TV
Horror, Mystery R 6.40
87 Kanojo to Kanojo no Neko: Everything Flows
7 TV
Slice of Life G 7.67
88 Karasu wa Aruji wo Erabanai
8 TV
Drama, Fantasy PG-13 8.06
89 Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou
it's. a bit difficult to describe what is it that is exactly wrong with the show past episode 15, once anno leaves. the production starts to suffer from worse animation, there's too much focus on secondary characters and tonami exists, yes, but there's also this weird feeling like the show is suddenly sped up? like it doesn't even have time for itself anymore and it can't wait to be over. the series has had a fast pace since the beginning, sure, but the scenes always had the necessary weight that is lacking now. the bgm, which was the highlight of the first 15 episodes starts feeling out of place and cuts jarringly in and out. the recaps become unbearable, there's no reason a 26 episode show should have three of them and a filler ep. sigh, so much missed potential. i wonder just how bad the production must've been for the last episode to turn out the way it did. i guess i'm at least thankful that it's a gainax show, so any holes in budget were patched with Style (tm)
8 TV
Comedy, Drama, Romance Shoujo PG-13 7.60
90 Katsute Mahou Shoujo to Aku wa Tekitai shiteita.
on one hand, this is stupid, kind of degenerate wish fulfillment. on the other, it's kinda cute ngl. also, the author is a woman and it makes the wish fulfilment aspect kinda funny.
8 TV
Comedy, Romance Shounen PG-13 7.57
91 Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru
i hate sports and i want to punch haiji in the face
5 TV
Drama, Sports PG-13 8.38
92 Kidou Senshi Gundam Thunderbolt: December Sky
8 Movie
Action, Drama, Sci-Fi R 7.94
93 Kimi ga Nozomu Eien
8 TV
Drama, Romance R+ 7.16
94 Kimi no Iro
7 Movie
Drama PG-13 7.69
95 Kimi no Koto ga Daidaidaidaidaisuki na 100-nin no Kanojo
this is so fucking funny i have no shame
9 TV
Comedy, Romance Seinen PG-13 7.72
96 Kimi no Na wa.
turns out i like the thing that everybody likes! shocker
9 Movie
Award Winning, Drama PG-13 8.83
97 Kimi no Suizou wo Tabetai
boring and predictable. there are way better options if you want a romance where someone dies of illness at the end (it's not even a spoiler like it's so obvious)
5 Movie
Drama, Romance PG-13 8.55
98 Kiss x Sis (TV)
i thought this was hilarious, but, like, mostly in an embarrassing way? i don't know but this stupid ecchi incest show wasn't dogshit terrible. it's not GOOD either, but there's something incredibly funny and charming about in a grossly degenerate sort of way
6 TV
Comedy, Romance, Ecchi Seinen PG-13 6.57
99 Kiznaiver
fumbling a premise so good this badly should be a crime
4 TV
Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi PG-13 7.36
100 Koe no Katachi
will never be able to rewatch it. also, incredible score
10 Movie
Award Winning, Drama Shounen PG-13 8.93
101 Kokoro ga Sakebitagatterunda.
dealing with real psychological problems in an anime-typical dismissive sort of way. the play they're making slaps though
5 Movie
Drama, Romance PG-13 7.80
102 Kono Sekai no Katasumi ni
9 Movie
Award Winning, Drama Seinen PG-13 8.22
103 Kotonoha no Niwa
bad bad t/s romance (and i'm not even all that opposed to t/s this one is just bad), epic emotional climax that feels unearned and out of left field, uninteresting characters. beautiful gowns though, beautiful gowns.
4 Movie
Award Winning, Drama, Romance PG-13 7.86
104 Koukyuu no Karasu
whoever said this is like apothecary lied through their teeth, this is painfully boring and flat on all fronts
3 TV
Fantasy, Mystery Josei PG-13 7.54
105 Kumichou Musume to Sewagakari
8 TV
Slice of Life PG-13 7.75
106 Kusuriya no Hitorigoto
the romance (or the set-up for it) is a bit lacking but the rest is so freaking good. no words.
9 TV
Drama, Mystery PG-13 8.88
107 Look Back
watched this in the movie theater and the second the lights were turned back on my friend said "and that's it? there's no conclusion?" and i wanted to throttle her
9 Movie
Drama Shounen PG-13 8.66
108 Loop 7-kaime no Akuyaku Reijou wa, Moto Tekikoku de Jiyuu Kimama na Hanayome Seikatsu wo Mankitsu suru
"i have a lot of respect for this man, he taught me many useful skills and i care about his wellbeing. i will, however, use his sister's terminal illness against him if i have to" - now THIS is girlbossery i can get behind
8 TV
Romance PG-13 7.51
109 Love Live! School Idol Project
6 TV
Slice of Life PG-13 7.40
110 Love Live! School Idol Project 2nd Season
6 TV
Award Winning, Slice of Life PG-13 7.76
111 Love Live! Sunshine!!
i have tender memories of my time in the fandom but the show isn't really all that good aside from the 3rd years' drama
7 TV
Slice of Life PG-13 7.39
112 Made in Abyss
oh god uhmm
8 TV
Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, Sci-Fi R 8.64
113 Made in Abyss Movie 3: Fukaki Tamashii no Reimei
8 Movie
Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, Sci-Fi R 8.61
114 Made in Abyss: Retsujitsu no Ougonkyou
i have the honor of being one of the very few people who doesn't like the finale and thinks the season actually got worse once the furry girl showed up
8 TV
Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, Sci-Fi R 8.61
115 Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha
ep 1 15:24 great animation
8 TV
Action, Comedy, Drama PG-13 7.41
116 Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica
my favorite genre: tgw (Things Get Worse and never better)
10 TV
Award Winning, Drama, Suspense PG-13 8.37
117 Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica Movie 1: Hajimari no Monogatari
fixes the pacing issues the og series had - we now get to That One Moment in 40 minutes instead of three episodes, for example. whatever it was that they did cut seems to be completely unimportant and i honestly wonder if we should recommend people watch the movies instead of the tv. the new animation is gorgeous. literally fixed all (already minor) complaints i had with the tv series, making this perfect in every way (not even joking hhh)
10 Movie
Drama, Suspense PG-13 8.22
118 Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica Movie 2: Eien no Monogatari
i fucking love madoka man
10 Movie
Drama, Suspense PG-13 8.37
119 Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica Movie 3: Hangyaku no Monogatari
girlie thinks she invented lesbianism fr fr
10 Movie
Award Winning, Drama, Suspense PG-13 8.49
120 Mahou Shoujo-tai Arusu
i expected it to be more... dark? gritty? serious, at least? i guess the cover fooled me into thinking this was something this is not. just an okay children's series, nothing less and nothing more
6 TV
Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy PG-13 7.03
121 Make Heroine ga Oosugiru!
no but tell me why once komari's club bullshit arc started i began to lose interest lol club bullshit really is my cryptonite
8 TV
Comedy, Romance PG-13 8.14
122 Mars Red
would've dropped at ep 3 if this wasn't for a mal challenge
4 TV
Action, Supernatural PG-13 6.58
123 Mekakucity Actors
i tried finding someone else to blame but maybe jin is a great songwriter but terrible storyteller and that's it. bad story told in an absolutely asinine way, the songs are the only redeeming quality and even they are sometimes played in the background while the characters spew complete nonsense dialogue over them (not to say anything about the rearrangements and covers being just plainly worse than the originals)
2 TV
Sci-Fi, Supernatural PG-13 7.01
124 Mignon
i can never get used to this korean artstyle with huge lips and dead eyes. they all look like fish to me
Boys Love, Drama R+ 8.02
125 Mimi wo Sumaseba
nice, but ain't all that
6 Movie
Drama, Romance Shoujo G 8.22
126 Mirai Nikki (TV)
6 TV
Action, Supernatural, Suspense Shounen R+ 7.39
127 Mob Psycho 100
the author just wanted to "make something kind" and it shows
7 TV
Action, Comedy, Supernatural PG-13 8.49
128 Mob Psycho 100 II
7 TV
Action, Comedy, Supernatural PG-13 8.78
129 Mob Psycho 100 III
8 TV
Action, Comedy, Supernatural PG-13 8.71
130 Momoko, Kaeru no Uta ga Kikoeru yo.
if you've seen one story about a child struggling with having a disabled sibling you've kind of seen them all, but this one is nice, sweet and does a good enough job of focusing on Momoko and making her a full fledged character instead of a plot device/abled sibling foil (though she still is both of those things). the bully character is also pretty human and not just a cackling monster so that's nice. this is probably a good movie to show to young kids
7 Movie
Drama, Slice of Life G 7.50
131 Mononoke Hime
8 Movie
Action, Adventure, Award Winning, Fantasy PG-13 8.66
132 Nagi no Asu kara
5 TV
Drama, Fantasy, Romance PG-13 7.94
133 Nakitai Watashi wa Neko wo Kaburu
i thought teenage angst was very realistically written but the rest was kind of so-so. love the amount of cats though
Award Winning, Drama, Romance, Supernatural PG-13 7.35
134 Nami yo Kiitekure
the story of a millenial girlfailure full of mostly awkwardly-placed polp culture references
5 TV
Comedy, Drama Seinen R 7.34
135 Natsu e no Tunnel, Sayonara no Deguchi
omg the male lead's seiyuu can NOT make "heavy breathing while running" sounds for the life of him, it's so bad. and the fl is pretty bad at crying. makes sense, considering they're both rookie seiyuus, but it's a shame it takes me out of the performance. the animation is beautiful though, and the story is my thing, so i can't be too mad
8 Movie
Drama, Mystery, Romance, Sci-Fi PG-13 7.93
136 Nige Jouzu no Wakagimi
ep 4 1:30 wtf
at times bewitchingly beautiful and at times utterly insane visuals
9 TV
Adventure, Comedy Shounen R 7.81
137 No.6
the dialogue is unbearable cringe. the worst of the dystopia genre
2 TV
Action, Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi R 7.55
138 Odd Taxi
ep 4
8 TV
Award Winning, Drama, Mystery, Suspense PG-13 8.65
139 Odd Taxi Movie: In the Woods
only ~8 minutes worth of new content you've got to be kidding me
- Movie
Drama, Mystery, Suspense PG-13 6.36
140 Omoide no Marnie
would be better if they were gfs
7 Movie
Drama, Mystery, Suspense G 8.04
141 Ookami to Koushinryou: Merchant Meets the Wise Wolf
8 TV
Adventure, Drama, Romance, Supernatural PG-13 8.11
142 Orange
very very lovely but didn't make me cry
8 TV
Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi Shoujo PG-13 7.63
143 Ousama Ranking
i didn't notice the dip in quality of part 2 that everyone else did, but i had Big Gripes (tm) with the ending all the same. it didn't affect my enjoyment of the previous 20 episodes, but i sure do wish it was different
8 TV
Adventure, Fantasy PG-13 8.49
144 Ousama Ranking: Yuuki no Takarabako
some filler, some pretty important stuff. the ouken episodes are a must watch, the rest can be skipped if you're not feeling them
6 TV
Adventure, Fantasy PG-13 7.35
145 Owari no Seraph
ep 5 check-in: annoying gags, annoying dialogue, everything is super unserious even though the mika/yuu drama seems promising. don't hate enough to drop it, but the hopes aren't very high. ep 12: it got worse
4 TV
Action, Drama, Fantasy Shounen R 7.48
146 Owari no Seraph: Nagoya Kessen-hen
watching at double speed since episode one. this is so bad. the only reason anyone would enjoy this is if they are hopeless when it comes to fujobait or if they've never seen a good shounen in their entire life
2 TV
Action, Drama, Fantasy Shounen R 7.61
147 Paripi Koumei
insane bonkers premise
6 TV
Comedy PG-13 8.11
148 Perfect Blue
the ending was kind of a disappointment ngl :(
7 Movie
Avant Garde, Award Winning, Drama, Horror, Suspense R+ 8.55
149 Petshop of Horrors
ep 3 ~4 minutes in count d does the finger wiggle
8 TV
Horror, Mystery, Supernatural Josei R+ 7.24
150 Pluto
slow pacing - i thought it was great and fit the tone well, but some people may find it too slow
10 ONA
Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Suspense Seinen PG-13 8.45
151 Prima Doll
good for memes where anime girls hold weapons but not much else. speaking of, here are my favorites : ep 7 8:30 retzel with a knife; 18:52 gekka with a gun
5 TV
Sci-Fi, Slice of Life PG-13 7.08
152 Promare
this is basically an animation showcase and the plot is there just because releasing an animation showcase ova wouldn't make any money
4 Movie
Action, Sci-Fi PG-13 7.90
153 Promare: Galo-hen
Action, Sci-Fi PG-13 6.87
154 Promare: Lio-hen
very vaguely better than the rest of promare (might be because i find lio cute)
Action, Sci-Fi PG-13 7.01
155 Rean no Tsubasa
a mess
Award Winning, Fantasy, Sci-Fi PG-13 5.61
156 Redline
5 Movie
Action, Sci-Fi R+ 8.29
157 Romantic Killer
the last episode was a bit confused but it got back on track by the end. very funny parody of typical otoge/reverse harem/general shoujo tropes
Comedy, Romance, Supernatural Shounen PG-13 7.95
158 Runway de Waratte
5 TV
Drama Shounen PG-13 7.55
159 Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan - Tsuioku-hen
anime for cool people
Action, Drama, Romance Shounen R 8.70
160 Ryuu to Sobakasu no Hime
boring. if you're making a beauty & the beast retelling the beauty should get with the beast c'mon now
5 Movie
Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi PG-13 7.48
161 Sakasama no Patema
5 Movie
Adventure, Award Winning, Sci-Fi PG-13 7.94
162 Sasaki to Miyano
7 TV
Boys Love PG-13 8.20
163 Sasaki to Miyano Movie: Sotsugyou-hen
8 Movie
Boys Love PG-13 8.31
164 Sasayaku You ni Koi wo Utau
READ THE MANGA INSTEAD. the story and characters are great but the production and animation are deeply ass
6 TV
Drama, Girls Love PG-13 6.67
165 Sayonara no Asa ni Yakusoku no Hana wo Kazarou
9 Movie
Drama, Fantasy PG-13 8.39
166 Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi
9 Movie
Adventure, Award Winning, Fantasy PG 8.77
167 Sennen Joyuu
while this was great, i wished a lot of things were just... different
7 Movie
Action, Adventure, Award Winning, Drama, Fantasy, Romance PG-13 8.24
168 Serial Experiments Lain
ep 8 ~17 lain bobble heads // feels kind of weird to rate a cult classic this low but this is not my first rodeo with this kind of thing. i don't want to say i didn't get it because i did see the appeal and what the show was going for, i just didn't really appreciate most of it, sorry.
7 TV
Avant Garde, Award Winning, Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Supernatural, Suspense R 8.09
169 Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
it's all about how hard something can make me cry
8 TV
Drama, Romance Shounen PG-13 8.64
170 Shiguang Dailiren
the plot twists in this one are insane
Drama, Mystery, Suspense PG-13 8.73
171 Shiguang Dailiren Fanwai Pian: Biwu Zhaoqin
Drama, Mystery, Suspense PG-13 7.80
172 Shiguang Dailiren II
worse than the first season, sadly. the show moves on from it's episodic format and picture-exploring adventures to a crime mystery where we spent the first half of the show bumbling around the police station and the hospital with NO photos in sight, focusing on boring secondary characters instead of the two main ones which are the reasons most are watching in the first place.
Drama, Mystery, Suspense R 8.64
173 Shiguang Dailiren: Yingdu Pian
Drama PG-13 8.34
174 Shin Shirayuki-hime Densetsu Prétear
funnily enough, i watched this for a challenge item that requested a drama anime with no comedy, but at least half of this show is comic relief lol i wish there was less of it, the more serious bits are by far the more interesting ones. hayate was not very appealing as the main love interest in the beginning but he grew on me later. overall, this was sold to me as one of the more serious mahou shoujo titles but i wouldn't really call this serious. it's a decently compelling magical girl show with some interesting elements but not much more than that
7 TV
Drama, Romance Shoujo PG-13 7.15
175 Shingeki no Kyojin
7 TV
Action, Award Winning, Drama, Suspense Shounen R 8.56
176 Shinseiki Evangelion
giving nge a ten isn't a cliche if it made you who you are today (unironically) (i am cringe and i admit it)
10 TV
Action, Avant Garde, Award Winning, Drama, Sci-Fi, Suspense PG-13 8.36
177 Shinseiki Evangelion Movie: Air/Magokoro wo, Kimi ni
9 Movie
Action, Avant Garde, Drama, Sci-Fi, Suspense R+ 8.56
178 Shoujo Kakumei Utena
these bitches are so gay oh my god. utena alone can fit so much gender into herself it'd be enough for a whole show's premise but it's more of a side plot and all the other characters are gendering as hard as they can too. what can i say but peak. || ep 8 21:25 monke saionji
10 TV
Award Winning, Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, Suspense PG-13 8.22
179 Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou
too slow for my liking, also not the kind of atmosphere i was looking for
5 TV
Adventure, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Slice of Life PG-13 8.23
180 Shuumatsu Train Doko e Iku?
deeply rushed production and overambition caused the pace to be breakneck. these bitches don't stop talking for a second to try and fit all the plot into 12 episodes. if you like chaos and general insanity, you'll have fun || ep10 16:30 scream
7 TV
Adventure PG-13 7.37
181 Sidonia no Kishi
butt ugly but very interesting
8 TV
Action, Sci-Fi Seinen R+ 7.63
182 Sidonia no Kishi: Daikyuu Wakusei Seneki
i thought the first season's premise was very interesting and well executed so i was willing to put up with constant accidental groping/boy saw girl naked - girl hits boy and boy has nosebleed/jiggle physics demonstrations but my patience was wearing thin. the second season isn't as interesting plot-wise and has A LOT more filler scenes (= annoying fanservice and sexual gags) so i found myself wishing this was over already by ep 3. ((not even a hater of fanservice necessarily, it's just this show's execution of it is dogshit))
5 TV
Action, Sci-Fi Seinen R 7.71
183 So Ra No Wo To
this anime remembers that it's tagged with "military" about halfway through for a quick flashback, and then during the last 2 or 3 episodes for a sudden pseudo-dramatic and completely undeserved ending. in actuality, this is just k-on set in a military tower
3 TV
Sci-Fi, Slice of Life PG-13 7.53
184 So Ra No Wo To Specials
3 Special
Sci-Fi, Slice of Life PG-13 7.52
185 Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru
degenerate (affectionate)
8 TV
Romance Seinen PG-13 8.15
186 Spy x Family
8 TV
Action, Award Winning, Comedy Shounen PG-13 8.47
187 Spy x Family Part 2
7 TV
Action, Comedy Shounen PG-13 8.22
188 Spy x Family Season 2
watched all two seasons within two days and each season/part was less interesting than the last
6 TV
Action, Comedy Shounen PG-13 8.06
189 Suki demo Kirai na Amanojaku
7 Movie
Adventure, Supernatural PG-13 6.84
190 Suzume no Tojimari
8 Movie
Adventure, Supernatural PG-13 8.27
191 Taifuu no Noruda
I will not lie, when the anime started with an shot of a girl in a classroom butt naked all the hopes I had for it evaporated instantly.
The only thing approaching good in this anime is the animation itself - everything else is just. Painfully inept. The voice acting performances are simply terrible as they are done by people who have never acted in anything before or since and it shows (the FL has to make A LOT of pained grunts and moans and screams but her seiyuu is a 13 year old. why.); There's wayy too many magic crap happening for the short runtime to be able to explain it all, and finally, the emotional core and the message just don't? Work? At all? The idea behind the story is a typical "extraordinary and large-scale events that are happening are a dramatization of the internal turmoil that the character is having" but it doesn't really work because 1) there's not enough time for that to begin with and then a chunk of it is spent on Noruda being naked for no reason or Unexplained Magic Crap (tm); and 2) the typhoon and Noruda are such a poor analogy for what's going on with Azuma that the fact that there is an analogy drawn between those two to begin with is kind of laughable. It's just. Nothing works.
At least the animation looks nice
2 Movie
Award Winning, Drama, Sci-Fi, Supernatural G 6.19
192 Tearmoon Teikoku Monogatari: Dantoudai kara Hajimaru, Hime no Tensei Gyakuten Story
7 TV
Comedy PG-13 7.21
193 Tengoku Daimakyou
9 TV
Adventure, Mystery, Sci-Fi Seinen R 8.21
194 Tenki no Ko
didn't feel much of anything :(
6 Movie
Award Winning, Drama, Romance, Supernatural PG-13 8.27
195 The Sky Crawlers
and now the unemotional character will turn to the camera and deliver a monologue about how war is bad and she's in fact not just a boring character with no personality, but a victim numbed by the horrors of war. and, because this monologue lacks any subtlety and is delivered 1.5 hours into a boring ass movie, no one will gaf
3 Movie
Award Winning, Drama PG-13 7.25
196 Tian Guan Cifu
hualian made me believe love is real
Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy PG-13 8.42
197 Tian Guan Cifu Er
Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy PG-13 8.66
198 Tian Guan Cifu Special
Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy PG-13 8.50
199 Tokidoki Bosotto Russia-go de Dereru Tonari no Alya-san
alya forgets she's supposed to hide her feelings in russian after episode three and the show devolves into kaguya-sama on minimal settings. the funniest thing about this title is that the protag-kun seems to be entirely uninterested in alya and dgaf about her advances which makes for a least romantic romance anime ever. the only saving graces are the sock scene and the incest bait and i am not into either of those things
3 TV
Comedy, Romance PG-13 7.59
200 Tokyo Magnitude 8.0
while i'm not a big fan of the last plot twist, this was overall a very compelling disaster drama with good characters, and i really enjoyed the contrast between the single mother trying to return to her daughter yet feeling responsible to get the two kids she picked up home and mirai, one of the two kids, who doesn't even think her parents are waiting to see her all that much
7 TV
Award Winning, Drama PG-13 8.00
201 Tonari no Totoro
8 Movie
Adventure, Award Winning, Supernatural G 8.25
202 Trigun
the remake is an improvement in every single way, sorry not sorry
6 TV
Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi Shounen PG-13 8.22
203 Trigun Stampede
much better, clear, concise and more funny than the original trigun. the artstyle and the animation are great as well
7 TV
Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi Shounen PG-13 7.83
204 Trigun: Badlands Rumble
only worth watching for some wolfwood titties
6 Movie
Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi Shounen PG-13 7.90
205 Uchiage Hanabi, Shita kara Miru ka? Yoko kara Miru ka?
3 Movie
Romance, Sci-Fi PG-13 6.10
206 Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari
2 TV
Slice of Life, Supernatural Seinen PG-13 7.74
207 Umi no Uta
1 Movie
Avant Garde G 5.49
208 Umibe no Étranger
why are most acclaimed bl anime just a very basic and boring "boy meets girl" but gender corrected. you tell me this wouldn't make you snooze a third through if it wasn't "gay rep"? idk, i just thing we deserve better. something is better than nothing but there's no reason to rate this this high
4 Movie
Boys Love R+ 7.82
209 Undead Girl Murder Farce
5 TV
Fantasy, Mystery R 7.86
210 Ushiro no Shoumen Daare
always feels weird to rate things like these so low but though the depictions of people's thoughts and opinions about the war were really interesting, the emotional core of the story didn't really work for me
5 Movie
Drama G 7.71
211 Uzumaki
animation aside, i just don't think junji ito's "wouldn't it fucked up if this happened?" plots and vehicles to drive the story forward approach to characters works outside of manga
4 TV
Avant Garde, Drama, Horror, Suspense Seinen R 5.77
212 Vampire in the Garden
as someone with an extreme bias for vampires, i loved every second of this oh my god give me MORE || ep.2 13.30 nice shot
Action, Fantasy PG-13 7.14
213 Versailles no Bara
genuinely so freaking great
9 TV
Drama, Romance Shoujo PG-13 8.34
214 Violet Evergarden
i sobbed heavy tears, literally choking and hiccupping during like at least the last 6 episodes and i am NOT exaggerating. emotional damage.
9 TV
Drama PG-13 8.68
215 Violet Evergarden Gaiden: Eien to Jidou Shuki Ningyou
7 Movie
Drama PG-13 8.41
216 Violet Evergarden Movie
9 Movie
Award Winning, Drama PG-13 8.85
217 Violet Evergarden: Kitto "Ai" wo Shiru Hi ga Kuru no Darou
7 Special
Drama PG-13 8.35
218 Watashi no Oshi wa Akuyaku Reijou.
well-intentioned but at times deeply confused (see: the incest plotline and malaria's backstory (or whatever her name is))
5 TV
Comedy, Fantasy, Girls Love PG-13 7.34
219 Watashi no Shiawase na Kekkon
the sudden magical girl-esque ending was kind of dumb, ngl. in general, the show kind of takes a dip midway through (maybe even earlier?) because it is both too fast (mr male lead goes from "go die" to "omg ily" too soon and there is almost no middle ground) and too slow (everything aside from the romance just feels so prolonged for no reason). overall a shame, i could see it being an 8 in the beginning
7 TV
Drama, Fantasy, Romance PG-13 7.72
220 Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii
alright i have to say that i LOVE the characters and the concept and the plot but the anime doesn't do them any justice and from what i've read of the manga this just isn't a very good adaptation. the gags work better in manga form and the anime is generally kind of low budget-looking
7 TV
Comedy, Romance PG-13 7.92
221 Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii OVA
Romance PG-13 7.94
222 Yamatarou Kaeru
Kids G 6.12
223 Yeon-ae Halujeon
Romance PG-13 7.22
224 Yeon-ae Halujeon 2
Romance PG-13 7.39
225 Yeon-ae Halujeon Zero
Romance PG-13 7.19
226 Yoru no Kurage wa Oyogenai
got so contrived and forced by the end that i had to speed it up. kiui best girl
6 TV
Drama PG-13 7.76
227 Yoru wa Neko to Issho
i am extremely biased
8 TV
Comedy G 7.19
228 Yoru wa Neko to Issho Season 2
Comedy G 7.19
229 Yubisaki to Renren
kind of funny that this started airing while i was watching a korean drama with a very similar premise and the drama is simply better and more nuanced in every single way. i wonder if i would've liked this more if i hadn't seen it || as the show goes on, characters keep using her deafness as an excuse to talk about her right in front of her and it just feels icky. the treatment of the deaf lead by the show feels super weird
5 TV
Romance Shoujo PG-13 8.21
230 Yuri!!! on Ice
heart beats were felt and the romance was fangirled over but aside from the main couple this is just alright ngl (though i might think so just because i hate sports anime)
7 TV
Award Winning, Sports PG-13 7.90
231 Yuukoku no Moriarty
8 TV
Mystery, Suspense Shounen R 8.17
232 Yuukoku no Moriarty OVA
Mystery, Suspense Shounen R 7.80
233 Yuukoku no Moriarty Part 2
7 TV
Mystery, Suspense Shounen R 8.28
234 [Oshi no Ko]
expected something completely different but liked what i got. the first ep is horrendous though, the gross baby gags... just no.
8 TV
Award Winning, Drama Seinen PG-13 8.58
235 [Oshi no Ko] 2nd Season
9 TV
Drama Seinen PG-13 8.58