Jan 19, 2008 6:32 PM
Clockwork Angel ~Chapter 3.5~
“What?!? Another one already! We’ve just gotten through with the last case!”
“… what?”
“We’re already fighting. Pay attention and put away your cell phone!.”
“Eh!?! Seriously? Tomoko!”
Arisu is surrounded by fallen angels. “Dammit Tomoko! We are ambushed! Let‘s do our best and give it our all.”
Arisu and Tomoko are best friends and became members of A.C.E. (Angelic Combat Elite) three years ago. A.C.E is made up of many teams, not just one, with hundreds of angels to fill the spots. On a daily basis, each team set out to stop those who commit one of the forbidden arts of the divine. Arisu is the older of the two, with a lance in her hands she is the brawn of the team. Tomoko, with her staff, provides magic support and is the brains of the team. A third member of this team, is anemic and thus act as outside help.
Within the walls of a run-down factory, there is much battle room. However, the factory is worn down and much of the machines are left for broke, unused for over a decade. The lighting is poor in most areas as well. At the moment, the two are facing multiple fallen angels, cult-like, and Arisu have been notified about another case already through her cell phone. A.C.E. is busy with cases all at once. The two teens are tired as it is.
Arisu grasps her amulet. “Kaede! Defend Hack now!”
Kaede has a special skill that allows her to hack into battle far away to support her teammates because of the amulet Arisu has. She can alter the statistics of anyone within range. “All done Arisu! You should be able to withstand their attacks. Go ahead and fight.”
“Thanks.” Arisu’s wings spread apart. Taking flight she rushes toward one of the fallen angels. With a forward stab of her lance, she injured him. “One down! How are you doing Tomoko?”
Multiple fallen angels are set ablaze. “I’m fine as long as I can cast my spells.”
Tomoko hears a loud roar. “What the….”
“That doesn’t sound good…” Arisu grasps her amulet. “Kaede what’s the situation?”
“A… Chimera? Arisu, this must be what they were creating in here. Stick with Tomoko and stay on guard.”
“Chimera?!? I don‘t like the sound of that. Kaede what is a Chimera?”.
Just around the corner, the sounds of the Chimera become more and more clear. It’s lion head in front and a goat’s head around it’s neck, not to mention the zebra body and komodo dragon tail is quite grotesque.
“What the hell is that thing!”
“Arisu, that’s the Chimera. It’s a man-made beast created out of multiple animal parts. I guess you can say it was needed to spread cross evolutionary traits. Thus it’s added on the list of forbidden arts. As you would of any other creature, remember to be careful out there Arisu.”
“Kaede, I don’t want to fight that thing! Eww, it’s dripping blood from its mouth.”
“We have no choice. How would the public react? We have to kill it.”
“…fine, I’m keeping my distance by flying.”
“But you need to be close to attack it…”
“Dammit Tomoko, can you just use a spell instead?”
“No, I’m too tired from the spell casting I did before.”
Arisu kneels down in disappointment. “So I have to get close to it after all. Well, I better get ready while its just staring at us.”
The moment Arisu gets up the chimera dashes into battle. A quick dodge saved her from its pounce, and a counter attack wounded the beast. “Yes, it’s hurt.”
A shining light emitted from the fur. “Kaede what’s that?”
“I analyzed the chimera and apparently that’s a healing effect.”
“What?!? Kaede, how am I going to defeat something that heals itself?”
“It seems it isn’t quite as effective as you seem to think, Arisu. The wound still bleeds, as long as that’s happening it can still die. The healing might just be for pain relief, to continue fighting without strain I guess.”
“Thanks. So as long as I keep attacking I can win. No problem.”
“Arisu, pay attention! You lost track of the chimera, it’s going to run away from you.”
“Really? So I don’t have to fight after all?
“Are you forgetting you have to kill it or else the public will spot it.?”
“Arisu, it’s still in the building so you don’t have to worry. Split up and search.”
The two split up and seach. The very first hall Arisu goes down is dotted with blood on the ground. As she continues on, the blood gets more and more splattered. “hmm?” An organ is on the ground. “Eww… what up with that?” Turning the corner lies the chimera, ripped open due to what looks like a sword slash. “Ah! Who did this?!? ….Well at least my job is done. I better find Tomoko.”
A blond-hair man resides on the roof of the factory. Sitting along the ledge looking out, he seeks relaxation. The city in view is breathtaking at night. “Stupid beast attacking me like that. Oh well, it was a pointless project. There’s no real gain for it all, at least not any more. So now what? Am I to follow what my heart content? A dream in my life? Saria, if you were still alive I would of… no. When you come back, I want to share my dream with you. It’s my goal I want to continue, not this, whatever I ended up doing. Sorry for straying off. I made a promise to make you happy no matter what. I’ve been doing things that never interested me at all.”
After the ended mission, Arisu and Tomoko head back to A.C.E. to hear out their latest news.
“You’ve been contacted during our mission Arisu, what was it?”
“Tomoko, we have another case already. Looks like we can’t rest up anytime soon”
“Fine by me, I’m not tired one bit”
“What? I am…”
“Of course you are, you’re the fool overdoing things. Then the chimera ended up dead before you even raised your lance.”
“Meh, go ahead and insult me, right now we need to get going.”
“Damn you Tomoko, you I’ll slug you for that mockery.”
A meeting was in session and the team was given their assignment. “So your saying a shikigami is on the job and we are to support anyone hurt right?” Arisu asked. “Exactly. We mustn’t get involved personally. Thus we attack only if your attacked and heal only when the injured is no longer in the shikigami sight. You’ll only risk yourself if you do.” The supervisor responded. “Instead of the shikigami, try to find info on the one who contracted it in the first place, Kaede. Everyone, your dismissed. Kaede has directions to the school so listen to her.”
“Yes sir.”
Chapter End
“… what?”
“We’re already fighting. Pay attention and put away your cell phone!.”
“Eh!?! Seriously? Tomoko!”
Arisu is surrounded by fallen angels. “Dammit Tomoko! We are ambushed! Let‘s do our best and give it our all.”
Arisu and Tomoko are best friends and became members of A.C.E. (Angelic Combat Elite) three years ago. A.C.E is made up of many teams, not just one, with hundreds of angels to fill the spots. On a daily basis, each team set out to stop those who commit one of the forbidden arts of the divine. Arisu is the older of the two, with a lance in her hands she is the brawn of the team. Tomoko, with her staff, provides magic support and is the brains of the team. A third member of this team, is anemic and thus act as outside help.
Within the walls of a run-down factory, there is much battle room. However, the factory is worn down and much of the machines are left for broke, unused for over a decade. The lighting is poor in most areas as well. At the moment, the two are facing multiple fallen angels, cult-like, and Arisu have been notified about another case already through her cell phone. A.C.E. is busy with cases all at once. The two teens are tired as it is.
Arisu grasps her amulet. “Kaede! Defend Hack now!”
Kaede has a special skill that allows her to hack into battle far away to support her teammates because of the amulet Arisu has. She can alter the statistics of anyone within range. “All done Arisu! You should be able to withstand their attacks. Go ahead and fight.”
“Thanks.” Arisu’s wings spread apart. Taking flight she rushes toward one of the fallen angels. With a forward stab of her lance, she injured him. “One down! How are you doing Tomoko?”
Multiple fallen angels are set ablaze. “I’m fine as long as I can cast my spells.”
Tomoko hears a loud roar. “What the….”
“That doesn’t sound good…” Arisu grasps her amulet. “Kaede what’s the situation?”
“A… Chimera? Arisu, this must be what they were creating in here. Stick with Tomoko and stay on guard.”
“Chimera?!? I don‘t like the sound of that. Kaede what is a Chimera?”.
Just around the corner, the sounds of the Chimera become more and more clear. It’s lion head in front and a goat’s head around it’s neck, not to mention the zebra body and komodo dragon tail is quite grotesque.
“What the hell is that thing!”
“Arisu, that’s the Chimera. It’s a man-made beast created out of multiple animal parts. I guess you can say it was needed to spread cross evolutionary traits. Thus it’s added on the list of forbidden arts. As you would of any other creature, remember to be careful out there Arisu.”
“Kaede, I don’t want to fight that thing! Eww, it’s dripping blood from its mouth.”
“We have no choice. How would the public react? We have to kill it.”
“…fine, I’m keeping my distance by flying.”
“But you need to be close to attack it…”
“Dammit Tomoko, can you just use a spell instead?”
“No, I’m too tired from the spell casting I did before.”
Arisu kneels down in disappointment. “So I have to get close to it after all. Well, I better get ready while its just staring at us.”
The moment Arisu gets up the chimera dashes into battle. A quick dodge saved her from its pounce, and a counter attack wounded the beast. “Yes, it’s hurt.”
A shining light emitted from the fur. “Kaede what’s that?”
“I analyzed the chimera and apparently that’s a healing effect.”
“What?!? Kaede, how am I going to defeat something that heals itself?”
“It seems it isn’t quite as effective as you seem to think, Arisu. The wound still bleeds, as long as that’s happening it can still die. The healing might just be for pain relief, to continue fighting without strain I guess.”
“Thanks. So as long as I keep attacking I can win. No problem.”
“Arisu, pay attention! You lost track of the chimera, it’s going to run away from you.”
“Really? So I don’t have to fight after all?
“Are you forgetting you have to kill it or else the public will spot it.?”
“Arisu, it’s still in the building so you don’t have to worry. Split up and search.”
The two split up and seach. The very first hall Arisu goes down is dotted with blood on the ground. As she continues on, the blood gets more and more splattered. “hmm?” An organ is on the ground. “Eww… what up with that?” Turning the corner lies the chimera, ripped open due to what looks like a sword slash. “Ah! Who did this?!? ….Well at least my job is done. I better find Tomoko.”
A blond-hair man resides on the roof of the factory. Sitting along the ledge looking out, he seeks relaxation. The city in view is breathtaking at night. “Stupid beast attacking me like that. Oh well, it was a pointless project. There’s no real gain for it all, at least not any more. So now what? Am I to follow what my heart content? A dream in my life? Saria, if you were still alive I would of… no. When you come back, I want to share my dream with you. It’s my goal I want to continue, not this, whatever I ended up doing. Sorry for straying off. I made a promise to make you happy no matter what. I’ve been doing things that never interested me at all.”
After the ended mission, Arisu and Tomoko head back to A.C.E. to hear out their latest news.
“You’ve been contacted during our mission Arisu, what was it?”
“Tomoko, we have another case already. Looks like we can’t rest up anytime soon”
“Fine by me, I’m not tired one bit”
“What? I am…”
“Of course you are, you’re the fool overdoing things. Then the chimera ended up dead before you even raised your lance.”
“Meh, go ahead and insult me, right now we need to get going.”
“Damn you Tomoko, you I’ll slug you for that mockery.”
A meeting was in session and the team was given their assignment. “So your saying a shikigami is on the job and we are to support anyone hurt right?” Arisu asked. “Exactly. We mustn’t get involved personally. Thus we attack only if your attacked and heal only when the injured is no longer in the shikigami sight. You’ll only risk yourself if you do.” The supervisor responded. “Instead of the shikigami, try to find info on the one who contracted it in the first place, Kaede. Everyone, your dismissed. Kaede has directions to the school so listen to her.”
“Yes sir.”
Chapter End
Posted by
| Jan 19, 2008 6:32 PM |
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