January 8th, 2009
Asian films I watched so far
Ringu 2
Ringu 0
Yogen (Premonition)
Kansen (Infected)
Kairo (pulse)
Sakebi (Retribution)
Ju-on 2
Boogiepop and Others
Death Note
Tokyo Zombie
Old Boy
Shall We Dansu
Kung Fu Hustle
Shaolin Soccer
House of Flying Daggers
Curse of the Golden Flower
Ringu 2
Ringu 0
Yogen (Premonition)
Kansen (Infected)
Kairo (pulse)
Sakebi (Retribution)
Ju-on 2
Boogiepop and Others
Death Note
Tokyo Zombie
Old Boy
Shall We Dansu
Kung Fu Hustle
Shaolin Soccer
House of Flying Daggers
Curse of the Golden Flower
Posted by Kuronoa | Jan 8, 2009 11:45 AM | 1 comments
July 26th, 2008
My video game collection pt 1 (N64/PS1 - Present)
Video game list time! :D/
I have systems older than the N64 and PS1 but too many games there so I'm splitting them in half...
I done this list before but I'm updating it with games I used to own too.
No titles I rented though.
Alien Hominid
Ar Tonelico
Atelier Iris
Atelier Iris 2
Castlevania Curse of Darkness
Castlevania Lament of Innocence
DDR Extreme
DDRmax 2
Devil May Cry
Devil May Cry 2
Devil May Cry 3
Disaster Report
Disgaea 2
.Hack// G.U vol 1
.Hack// G.U vol 2
Dragon Quest VIII
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy XII
Fullmetal Alchemist and the Broken Angel
Fullmetal Alchemist 2 Curse of the Crimson Elixir
Genji Dawn of the Samurai
Gran Turismo 3
Gran Turismo 4
Jak and Daxter
Jak II
Katamari Damacy
King of Fighters 00/01
King of Fighters 06
King of Fighters Maximum Impact
King Of Fighters XI
Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts 2
Klonoa 2
Makai Kingdom
Mana Khemia
Mister Mosquito
Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty
Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater
Metal Slug 4/5
Naruto Ultimate Ninja
Neo Geo Battle Colisseum
Odin Sphere
Okage Shadow King
Onimusha 2
Onimusha 3
Phantom Brave
Raw Danger
Ridge Racer V
Shadow of the Colossus
Shadow of Desitiny
Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga
Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 2
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner Raidou Kuzunoha vs the Soulless Army
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner 2: Raidou Kuzunoha vs King Abaddon
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4
Silent Hill 3
Stretch Panic
Taiko Drum Master
Tales of the Abyss
Tales of Legendia
Tenchu Fatal Shadows
Tenchu Wrath of Heaven
Viewtiful Joe
Viewtiful Joe 2
We <3 Katamari
Xenosaga I
Xenosaga II
Xenosaga III
Zone of the Enders
Crazy Taxi 3
DDR Ultramix
DDR Ultramix 2
Dead or Alive 3
Dead or Alive Ultimate
Fatal Frame
Fatal Frame II
Mad Dash Racing
Need for Speed Underground 2
Ninja Gaiden
Panzer Dragoon Orta
Project Gotham Racing
Project Gotham Racing 2
Rallisport challenge
Sega GT/Jet Set Radio Future bundle
Silent Hill 2
Silent Hill 4
Raze's Hell
Voodoo Vince
Animal Crossing
Bomberman Generations
Bomberman Jetters
Baten Kaitos
Baten Kaitos Origins
Chibi Robo
DDR Mario Mix
Donkey Konga
Fire Emblem Path of Radiance
Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life
Harvest Moon Magical Melody
Killer 7
Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time Master Quest
LOZ: Twilight Princess
LOZ: Wind Waker
Luigi's Mansion
Mario Kart Double Dash
Mario Party 5
Metroid Prime
Metal Gear Solid Twin Snakes
Naruto Clash of Ninja
One Piece Grand Battle
Pikmin 2
Pacman World 2
R: Racing Evolution
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
Sonic Adventure DX
Sonic Heroes
Sonic Gems Collection
Sonic Mega Collection
Soul Calibur II
Starfox Adventures
Super Mario Sunshine
Super Monkey Ball
Super Monkey Ball 2
Tales of Symphonia
Wario Ware Mega Party Games
Wario World
Game Boy Advance: Not ABC order
Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories
Tales of Phantasia
Yggdra Union
Golden Sun
Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga
Yoshi's Island
Mario World
Harvest Moon Friends of Mineral Town
Harvest Moon More Friends of Mineral Town
Pokemon Sapphire
Fire Emblem
Mario 3
Mario 2
Final Fantasy I and II
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
Wario Ware
Wario Ware Twisted
Zelda Minish Cap
Zelda Link to the Past
Castlevania Circle of the moon
Castlevania Aria of Sorrow
Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance
Sonic Advance
Kirby Nightmare in Dreamland
Fire Emblem Sacred Stones
Mario Kart Super Circuit
Warioland 4
Megaman and Bass
Donkey Kong Country
Klonoa Empire of Dreams
Klonoa 2 Dream Champ tournament
Animal Crossing Wild World
Apollo Justice Ace Attorney
Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow
Castlevania Portrait of Ruin
Castlevania Order of Ecclesia
Chibi Robo Park Patrol
Clubhouse Games
Cooking Mama
Cooking Mama 2
Etrian Odyssey
Feel the Magic XX/XY
Final Fantasy III
Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon
Harvest Moon DS
Harvest Moon DS Cute
Harvest Moon Island of Happiness
Hotel Dusk
Jump Superstars [Import]
Kirby Canvas Curse
Mario 64 DS
Mario Kart DS
Metal Slug 7
Nintendogs Best Friends
New Super Mario Bros
Phoenix Wright
Phoenix Wright Justice for All
Phoenix Wright Trials and Tribulations
Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box
Sonic Rush
Trace Memory
Trauma Center Under The Knife
Trauma Center Under The Knife 2
Wario Ware Touched
Castlevania Dracula X Chronicles
DJ Max Fever
Gradius Collection
Harvest Moon Boy and Girl
Innocent Life a Future harvest moon
Jeanne D'Arc
Legend of Heroes
Legend of Heroes II
Me & My Katamari
Megaman Powered Up
Outrun 06
Prinny (download)
Space Invaders Extreme
Castlevania Symphony of the Night
Crash Bandicoot
Crash 2
Crash Warped
Crash Team Racing
Crash Bash
Croc 2
Chrono Cross
Dragon Warrior VII
DDR Konamix
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy Tactics
Eggs of Steel
Eternal Eyes
Gex enter the gecko
Gex 3
Gran Turismo
Klonoa Door to Phantomile
Mega ManX5
Mega ManX4
Mega Man Legends
Mega Man 8
Oddworld Abe's Odyssey
Parasite Eve
Rayman 2
Resident Evil Directors Cut
Silent Hill
Spyro 2
Spyro Year of the Dragon
Soul Blade
Tenchu Stealth Assassins
Tenchu 2
Tekken 3
Twisted Metal 1
N64: Not ABC order
Hybrid Heaven
Goemon's Great Adventure
Resident Evil 2
Chameleon Twist
Bomberman 64
Mario Kart 64
Conker's Bad Fur Day
Mario 64
Banjo Kazooie
Banjo Tooie
Diddy Kong Racing
Yoshi's Story
Donkey Kong 64
Kirby 64
Paper Mario
Mario Party
Mario Pary 2
Mario party 3
1080 snowboarding
Zelda Ocarina of Time
Rocket Robot on Wheels
Pokemon Snap
Pokemon Puzzle League
Pokemon Stadium
Poke Stadium 2
Bomberman Hero
Wii games are a separate blog entry
I have systems older than the N64 and PS1 but too many games there so I'm splitting them in half...
I done this list before but I'm updating it with games I used to own too.
No titles I rented though.
Alien Hominid
Ar Tonelico
Atelier Iris
Atelier Iris 2
Castlevania Curse of Darkness
Castlevania Lament of Innocence
DDR Extreme
DDRmax 2
Devil May Cry
Devil May Cry 2
Devil May Cry 3
Disaster Report
Disgaea 2
.Hack// G.U vol 1
.Hack// G.U vol 2
Dragon Quest VIII
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy XII
Fullmetal Alchemist and the Broken Angel
Fullmetal Alchemist 2 Curse of the Crimson Elixir
Genji Dawn of the Samurai
Gran Turismo 3
Gran Turismo 4
Jak and Daxter
Jak II
Katamari Damacy
King of Fighters 00/01
King of Fighters 06
King of Fighters Maximum Impact
King Of Fighters XI
Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts 2
Klonoa 2
Makai Kingdom
Mana Khemia
Mister Mosquito
Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty
Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater
Metal Slug 4/5
Naruto Ultimate Ninja
Neo Geo Battle Colisseum
Odin Sphere
Okage Shadow King
Onimusha 2
Onimusha 3
Phantom Brave
Raw Danger
Ridge Racer V
Shadow of the Colossus
Shadow of Desitiny
Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga
Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 2
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner Raidou Kuzunoha vs the Soulless Army
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner 2: Raidou Kuzunoha vs King Abaddon
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4
Silent Hill 3
Stretch Panic
Taiko Drum Master
Tales of the Abyss
Tales of Legendia
Tenchu Fatal Shadows
Tenchu Wrath of Heaven
Viewtiful Joe
Viewtiful Joe 2
We <3 Katamari
Xenosaga I
Xenosaga II
Xenosaga III
Zone of the Enders
Crazy Taxi 3
DDR Ultramix
DDR Ultramix 2
Dead or Alive 3
Dead or Alive Ultimate
Fatal Frame
Fatal Frame II
Mad Dash Racing
Need for Speed Underground 2
Ninja Gaiden
Panzer Dragoon Orta
Project Gotham Racing
Project Gotham Racing 2
Rallisport challenge
Sega GT/Jet Set Radio Future bundle
Silent Hill 2
Silent Hill 4
Raze's Hell
Voodoo Vince
Animal Crossing
Bomberman Generations
Bomberman Jetters
Baten Kaitos
Baten Kaitos Origins
Chibi Robo
DDR Mario Mix
Donkey Konga
Fire Emblem Path of Radiance
Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life
Harvest Moon Magical Melody
Killer 7
Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time Master Quest
LOZ: Twilight Princess
LOZ: Wind Waker
Luigi's Mansion
Mario Kart Double Dash
Mario Party 5
Metroid Prime
Metal Gear Solid Twin Snakes
Naruto Clash of Ninja
One Piece Grand Battle
Pikmin 2
Pacman World 2
R: Racing Evolution
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
Sonic Adventure DX
Sonic Heroes
Sonic Gems Collection
Sonic Mega Collection
Soul Calibur II
Starfox Adventures
Super Mario Sunshine
Super Monkey Ball
Super Monkey Ball 2
Tales of Symphonia
Wario Ware Mega Party Games
Wario World
Game Boy Advance: Not ABC order
Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories
Tales of Phantasia
Yggdra Union
Golden Sun
Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga
Yoshi's Island
Mario World
Harvest Moon Friends of Mineral Town
Harvest Moon More Friends of Mineral Town
Pokemon Sapphire
Fire Emblem
Mario 3
Mario 2
Final Fantasy I and II
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
Wario Ware
Wario Ware Twisted
Zelda Minish Cap
Zelda Link to the Past
Castlevania Circle of the moon
Castlevania Aria of Sorrow
Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance
Sonic Advance
Kirby Nightmare in Dreamland
Fire Emblem Sacred Stones
Mario Kart Super Circuit
Warioland 4
Megaman and Bass
Donkey Kong Country
Klonoa Empire of Dreams
Klonoa 2 Dream Champ tournament
Animal Crossing Wild World
Apollo Justice Ace Attorney
Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow
Castlevania Portrait of Ruin
Castlevania Order of Ecclesia
Chibi Robo Park Patrol
Clubhouse Games
Cooking Mama
Cooking Mama 2
Etrian Odyssey
Feel the Magic XX/XY
Final Fantasy III
Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon
Harvest Moon DS
Harvest Moon DS Cute
Harvest Moon Island of Happiness
Hotel Dusk
Jump Superstars [Import]
Kirby Canvas Curse
Mario 64 DS
Mario Kart DS
Metal Slug 7
Nintendogs Best Friends
New Super Mario Bros
Phoenix Wright
Phoenix Wright Justice for All
Phoenix Wright Trials and Tribulations
Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box
Sonic Rush
Trace Memory
Trauma Center Under The Knife
Trauma Center Under The Knife 2
Wario Ware Touched
Castlevania Dracula X Chronicles
DJ Max Fever
Gradius Collection
Harvest Moon Boy and Girl
Innocent Life a Future harvest moon
Jeanne D'Arc
Legend of Heroes
Legend of Heroes II
Me & My Katamari
Megaman Powered Up
Outrun 06
Prinny (download)
Space Invaders Extreme
Castlevania Symphony of the Night
Crash Bandicoot
Crash 2
Crash Warped
Crash Team Racing
Crash Bash
Croc 2
Chrono Cross
Dragon Warrior VII
DDR Konamix
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy Tactics
Eggs of Steel
Eternal Eyes
Gex enter the gecko
Gex 3
Gran Turismo
Klonoa Door to Phantomile
Mega ManX5
Mega ManX4
Mega Man Legends
Mega Man 8
Oddworld Abe's Odyssey
Parasite Eve
Rayman 2
Resident Evil Directors Cut
Silent Hill
Spyro 2
Spyro Year of the Dragon
Soul Blade
Tenchu Stealth Assassins
Tenchu 2
Tekken 3
Twisted Metal 1
N64: Not ABC order
Hybrid Heaven
Goemon's Great Adventure
Resident Evil 2
Chameleon Twist
Bomberman 64
Mario Kart 64
Conker's Bad Fur Day
Mario 64
Banjo Kazooie
Banjo Tooie
Diddy Kong Racing
Yoshi's Story
Donkey Kong 64
Kirby 64
Paper Mario
Mario Party
Mario Pary 2
Mario party 3
1080 snowboarding
Zelda Ocarina of Time
Rocket Robot on Wheels
Pokemon Snap
Pokemon Puzzle League
Pokemon Stadium
Poke Stadium 2
Bomberman Hero
Wii games are a separate blog entry
Posted by Kuronoa | Jul 26, 2008 3:11 PM | 0 comments
July 4th, 2008
Every Wii game I've played so far
I never gotten to make this kind of list before the Wii, as I rented and borrowed and it was hard to remember what I played. Seeing as the Wii is newer and most recent for me I'm going to keep track of every game I played. I'll be making a new list every other season or so.
I rate my games a bit more straightforward: Good, Average and Bad. Average games are just some things I don't like and such.
Games listed as not mine is sister's game. She likes minigame collections so I have no choice but to add some here. >_>;
Bold is owned games
I rate my games a bit more straightforward: Good, Average and Bad. Average games are just some things I don't like and such.
Games listed as not mine is sister's game. She likes minigame collections so I have no choice but to add some here. >_>;
Bold is owned games
- Wii Sports (Good)
- Wii Play (Bad)
- Trauma Center Second Opinion (Good)
- Kororinpa (Good)
- Sonic and the Secret Rings (Bad)
- Cooking Mama Cook Off //Not mine (Average)
- Rayman Raving Rabbits (Average)
- Excite Truck (Good)
- Elebits (Good)
- WarioWare Smooth Moves (Good)
- Mario Party 8 (Bad)
- Mario Strikers Charged (Average)
- Metal Slug Anthology (Good)
- Super Paper Mario (Average)
- Metroid Prime 3 (Average)
- Dewey's Adventure (Bad)
- Bleach: Shattered Blade (Bad)
- Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games (Average)
- Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles (Good)
- Carnival Games //not mine but of what I played (Bad)
- Sonic Riders Zero Gravity //Played with the GC controller (Good) //Played with Wii remote (Average)
- Ghost Squad (Good)
- Zack and Wiki (average)
- Trauma Center New Blood (Good)
- Game Party (Bad)
- Super Smash Bros Brawl (Good)
- Super Mario Galaxy (Good)
- Naruto Clash of Ninja Revolution (bad)
- Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz (average)
- Order Up! //not mine
- Mario Kart Wii (average overall,the items are annoying)
- Wii Fit //not mine
- Active Life: Outdoor Challenge //not mine
- Harvest Moon Tree of Tranquility //not mine, but going to play it.
- Wario land shake it (Good)
- De Blob (Good)
- Animal Crossing City Folk
- Sonic Unleashed (Average)
- Castlevania Judgment (Average)
- Carnival Games Mini Golf (not mine)
- Samba de Amigo (good)
- The Price is Right //Not mine
- Final Fantasy Fables Chocobo's Dungeon (average)
- Blast Works (average)
- Bomberman Land Wii (Bad) Multiplayer battle mode (good)
- Madworld (Good)
- House of the Dead Overkill (Good)
- Little King Story (Good)
- Wii Sports Resort
- Wii Fit Plus
- Dead Rising Chop Til you Drop
Posted by Kuronoa | Jul 4, 2008 12:35 PM | 0 comments
January 19th, 2008
Clockwork Angel ~Chapter 4~
The Forbidden Arts of the Divine is a list of spells and practices that are banned from using. This is ordered from the heavens for many reasons. Humanity as a whole isn’t to blame, but in the wrong hands it can spread danger. There are thousands on the list, but only a few is known and rediscovered.
Chapter 4
Isamu the shikigami was ordered to kill Harumi in order to get the blood of an angel for a remedy of a disease. Harumi, who values her life, refused to let Isamu do that. Not only that, but Kichiro, who Harumi wants to protect, is also targeted as a way to break her morale.
“A shikigami… No. I’m not coming with anyone but Kichiro-sama!”
He draws his sword. “So be it then. Prepare yourself, angel.”
Harumi summons her sword. “Kichiro-sama, I have no choice. Understand when something wrong happens.”
Isamu rushes out and attempts to stab Harumi, but attacks a golem instead. “Such distractions. Your no longer of any use for me pawns.” He slashes the remaining golems, blood splatters and stains the dirt.
Harumi is confused. “I thought you were after me…”
“I am, but what fun is it if one of these guys kill you instead? I’m the one fighting you now. These golems had their chance and they failed. They suffer once they are useless to do their job I assigned them.”
“There was no point in killing these golems. They were innocent.”
“Innocent? Fine, sorry. You were right. However they don‘t belong to you and I decide their fate as I place tags on them. Can we begin now?”
“Belong? No. They have their freedom too.” Harumi goes into stance. “Okay, I’m ready now. You’re the one who needs to be prepared. You never even gave me a name!”
“Name? Well, if you manage to hurt me, I’ll tell you. I don’t give a name to those who aren’t worth a raise of weaponry.”
Her sword is shining. “Fine, be that way. Standby, Crescent Moon!” Suddenly she disappears in a blur.
“What? Where did she go? Dammit, she moves fast. Well no matter, I can do that too.” The schoolyard is quiet. “Where is she now…”
Leaves fall down off of the trees surrounding the place. One of those leaves catch wind. “Take that!” A crescent shaped energy wave is created from Harumi’s sword and has headed in path of Isamu.
Isamu dodged the attack, but a part of it grazed his arm. “She’s better than I thought… Well, I better do something or she’ll kill me for sure. Okay, I‘ll tell you my name. It‘s Isamu. That‘s all you need from me”.
To temporary flee from battle, Kichiro is going to check up on Miyuki, who fainted recently.
I wandered into the halls then up the stairs. What’s happening lately? Harumi talks about golems and tags… so much I don’t know yet. If I’m constantly getting involved, I should know ahead of time about what could happen.
First door on the right, I’ve made it into the nurse’s room. As I entered, I see that Miyuki is laying down. She seems to just be sleeping. On the other side of the room, the nurse is against the counter writing.
The nurse greets me as she noticed I arrived. “Oh, sorry there. Visiting Tanaka-chan? She is doing well, so as soon as she wakes up she should be able to go home.” She said.
“That’s good to hear. I knew it wasn‘t anything too serious, just the heat.”
“Yes, it seems. She must have had quite a day to be out there so long. So you’re her boyfriend? It‘s nice that she has someone at school who cares about her.” She grabs some paperwork and equipment off of her workspace. “Listen, I need to leave for a bit, watch her for me please? If she feels better she can leave with you, just leave a note or something.”
“Don’t worry, I will.”
The nurse leaves. It’s quiet in here. I guess that’s a good thing. I look back at Miyuki. She’s moving around, so she seems to be able to talk. “Miyuki…?”
She whispered my name. “Miyuki… are you okay? Do you need water? Miyuki?”
“Come closer. Please.”
Closer I went. “Are you able to get up? Do you need help?” She remained silent. I placed my hand on her forehead to check her temperature. As the nurse said, she isn’t sick, she just fainted from the heat. Well, no point in bringing that up again.
Suddenly I felt a sharp pain on my arm. …A syringe? Miyuki stabbed me with a needle. “Miyuki… What are you…”
She smiles. “Kichiro, I love you… and I want to be with you, always. When your not around, I want to know how your feeling. With this syringe, I’m sharing my pain with you. Think of me when your hurt…”
What?!? Is she mad! She just used a syringe on me and I don’t even know what’s in it. I peeked at her neck.
A tag! She gotten tagged like that student I just saw!
She’s being manipulated? Why? Wait…
the student and Miyuki attacked me, and Harumi is involved. Is it because of her? Is somebody trying to kill me and Harumi?
I jumped on top of Miyuki to pull the tag off. It comes off like a bandage. Tags must put a strain on people, Miyuki seems to have fallen tired. The needle is still stuck on my arm, and half of the liquid is already injected. Holding my breath, I yanked it off. Blood is twinkling and slowing running on my arm. It was a reckless job she did, this was no regular flu shot.
“Damn it stings. Miyuki., You should feel better now. I don’t know if it was the tag that caused a bit of your fainting but I’ll just leave that assumption at that for now.”
First though, I need to get off Miyuki. What if somebody sees me.
“I’m sharing my pain with you. Think of me when your hurt.” What does that mean? Was that her saying that or whoever was possessing her? Share pain… why would you? Pain… I don’t want that. Not Miyuki...
I left Miyuki and gone off to check on Harumi. I doubt anything bad will happen to Miyuki. As I strolled down the second floor hallway I looked out the window to see if I can spot Harumi out there. She is clashing swords with some guy I’ve never seen before. “What? Who is she fighting!” I cried out. Unfortunately yelling where I at won’t do any good. I should move, but the thrill of the battle is keeping me glued to the window. I don’t want to burden Harumi, she would worry about me and lose focus on that man.
Speaking of the man, he has black wings and can move as fast as Harumi. The other day when I first met her… she was too hard to spot her movements… she is strong. I hope she’s still strong like that day.
“Keep up with me” Isamu takes off and flies high into the air. His wings become ablaze, flares dancing underside. “The phoenix wind won’t miss. Keep up with my speed and only then you’ll dodge it.”
A gust kicks in and Isamu disappears into the air stream. Harumi has ready into stance. “Isamu, I’m ready for whatever your planning. You won’t lay a pinky finger on me.”
Small flames flash around Harumi, but Isamu’s body is not to be seen. She runs about to avoid the fire, but every time she manages to gain distance, burning feathers shoot out to hit her. “I can’t attack back now, so I have to wait until he tires out.”
Unfortunately after a missed feather attack Isamu stealthly lands a stab to her chest.
“Well, seems like your reflexes aren’t quick enough for the phoenix wind. Your life ends here.”
“No! Harumi!”
I bolted down the stairs. As I approach the exit, a girl blocked my path. She has a lance in her hands and beautiful wings.
“Mizuguchi-san… right?”
“Huh? Have we… met before?”
Harumi falls to the ground after being stabbed. “Pity that when I finally found an opponent that I can actually fight, she dies so quickly in the match. Well at least now I can rest knowing Nobu has what he wants.” Isamu looks at the wound he caused to Harumi. “The hell? What kind of angel has…”
Suddenly a burst of ice attacks Isamu and sends him slamming against a nearby tree. “Shit! Who else is here! I demand my anonymous spectator to show up here in front of me now!”
A girl confronts Isamu from a hiding spot.
“You… what’s one of you doing here! An A.C.E member! No… you aren’t stopping me now. I will get what Nobu wants if it’s the last think I do!”
The girl holds her staff in caution and stands in front of Harumi. “Your not taking this angel anywhere."
Chapter End
Chapter 4
Isamu the shikigami was ordered to kill Harumi in order to get the blood of an angel for a remedy of a disease. Harumi, who values her life, refused to let Isamu do that. Not only that, but Kichiro, who Harumi wants to protect, is also targeted as a way to break her morale.
“A shikigami… No. I’m not coming with anyone but Kichiro-sama!”
He draws his sword. “So be it then. Prepare yourself, angel.”
Harumi summons her sword. “Kichiro-sama, I have no choice. Understand when something wrong happens.”
Isamu rushes out and attempts to stab Harumi, but attacks a golem instead. “Such distractions. Your no longer of any use for me pawns.” He slashes the remaining golems, blood splatters and stains the dirt.
Harumi is confused. “I thought you were after me…”
“I am, but what fun is it if one of these guys kill you instead? I’m the one fighting you now. These golems had their chance and they failed. They suffer once they are useless to do their job I assigned them.”
“There was no point in killing these golems. They were innocent.”
“Innocent? Fine, sorry. You were right. However they don‘t belong to you and I decide their fate as I place tags on them. Can we begin now?”
“Belong? No. They have their freedom too.” Harumi goes into stance. “Okay, I’m ready now. You’re the one who needs to be prepared. You never even gave me a name!”
“Name? Well, if you manage to hurt me, I’ll tell you. I don’t give a name to those who aren’t worth a raise of weaponry.”
Her sword is shining. “Fine, be that way. Standby, Crescent Moon!” Suddenly she disappears in a blur.
“What? Where did she go? Dammit, she moves fast. Well no matter, I can do that too.” The schoolyard is quiet. “Where is she now…”
Leaves fall down off of the trees surrounding the place. One of those leaves catch wind. “Take that!” A crescent shaped energy wave is created from Harumi’s sword and has headed in path of Isamu.
Isamu dodged the attack, but a part of it grazed his arm. “She’s better than I thought… Well, I better do something or she’ll kill me for sure. Okay, I‘ll tell you my name. It‘s Isamu. That‘s all you need from me”.
To temporary flee from battle, Kichiro is going to check up on Miyuki, who fainted recently.
I wandered into the halls then up the stairs. What’s happening lately? Harumi talks about golems and tags… so much I don’t know yet. If I’m constantly getting involved, I should know ahead of time about what could happen.
First door on the right, I’ve made it into the nurse’s room. As I entered, I see that Miyuki is laying down. She seems to just be sleeping. On the other side of the room, the nurse is against the counter writing.
The nurse greets me as she noticed I arrived. “Oh, sorry there. Visiting Tanaka-chan? She is doing well, so as soon as she wakes up she should be able to go home.” She said.
“That’s good to hear. I knew it wasn‘t anything too serious, just the heat.”
“Yes, it seems. She must have had quite a day to be out there so long. So you’re her boyfriend? It‘s nice that she has someone at school who cares about her.” She grabs some paperwork and equipment off of her workspace. “Listen, I need to leave for a bit, watch her for me please? If she feels better she can leave with you, just leave a note or something.”
“Don’t worry, I will.”
The nurse leaves. It’s quiet in here. I guess that’s a good thing. I look back at Miyuki. She’s moving around, so she seems to be able to talk. “Miyuki…?”
She whispered my name. “Miyuki… are you okay? Do you need water? Miyuki?”
“Come closer. Please.”
Closer I went. “Are you able to get up? Do you need help?” She remained silent. I placed my hand on her forehead to check her temperature. As the nurse said, she isn’t sick, she just fainted from the heat. Well, no point in bringing that up again.
Suddenly I felt a sharp pain on my arm. …A syringe? Miyuki stabbed me with a needle. “Miyuki… What are you…”
She smiles. “Kichiro, I love you… and I want to be with you, always. When your not around, I want to know how your feeling. With this syringe, I’m sharing my pain with you. Think of me when your hurt…”
What?!? Is she mad! She just used a syringe on me and I don’t even know what’s in it. I peeked at her neck.
A tag! She gotten tagged like that student I just saw!
She’s being manipulated? Why? Wait…
the student and Miyuki attacked me, and Harumi is involved. Is it because of her? Is somebody trying to kill me and Harumi?
I jumped on top of Miyuki to pull the tag off. It comes off like a bandage. Tags must put a strain on people, Miyuki seems to have fallen tired. The needle is still stuck on my arm, and half of the liquid is already injected. Holding my breath, I yanked it off. Blood is twinkling and slowing running on my arm. It was a reckless job she did, this was no regular flu shot.
“Damn it stings. Miyuki., You should feel better now. I don’t know if it was the tag that caused a bit of your fainting but I’ll just leave that assumption at that for now.”
First though, I need to get off Miyuki. What if somebody sees me.
“I’m sharing my pain with you. Think of me when your hurt.” What does that mean? Was that her saying that or whoever was possessing her? Share pain… why would you? Pain… I don’t want that. Not Miyuki...
I left Miyuki and gone off to check on Harumi. I doubt anything bad will happen to Miyuki. As I strolled down the second floor hallway I looked out the window to see if I can spot Harumi out there. She is clashing swords with some guy I’ve never seen before. “What? Who is she fighting!” I cried out. Unfortunately yelling where I at won’t do any good. I should move, but the thrill of the battle is keeping me glued to the window. I don’t want to burden Harumi, she would worry about me and lose focus on that man.
Speaking of the man, he has black wings and can move as fast as Harumi. The other day when I first met her… she was too hard to spot her movements… she is strong. I hope she’s still strong like that day.
“Keep up with me” Isamu takes off and flies high into the air. His wings become ablaze, flares dancing underside. “The phoenix wind won’t miss. Keep up with my speed and only then you’ll dodge it.”
A gust kicks in and Isamu disappears into the air stream. Harumi has ready into stance. “Isamu, I’m ready for whatever your planning. You won’t lay a pinky finger on me.”
Small flames flash around Harumi, but Isamu’s body is not to be seen. She runs about to avoid the fire, but every time she manages to gain distance, burning feathers shoot out to hit her. “I can’t attack back now, so I have to wait until he tires out.”
Unfortunately after a missed feather attack Isamu stealthly lands a stab to her chest.
“Well, seems like your reflexes aren’t quick enough for the phoenix wind. Your life ends here.”
“No! Harumi!”
I bolted down the stairs. As I approach the exit, a girl blocked my path. She has a lance in her hands and beautiful wings.
“Mizuguchi-san… right?”
“Huh? Have we… met before?”
Harumi falls to the ground after being stabbed. “Pity that when I finally found an opponent that I can actually fight, she dies so quickly in the match. Well at least now I can rest knowing Nobu has what he wants.” Isamu looks at the wound he caused to Harumi. “The hell? What kind of angel has…”
Suddenly a burst of ice attacks Isamu and sends him slamming against a nearby tree. “Shit! Who else is here! I demand my anonymous spectator to show up here in front of me now!”
A girl confronts Isamu from a hiding spot.
“You… what’s one of you doing here! An A.C.E member! No… you aren’t stopping me now. I will get what Nobu wants if it’s the last think I do!”
The girl holds her staff in caution and stands in front of Harumi. “Your not taking this angel anywhere."
Chapter End
Posted by Kuronoa | Jan 19, 2008 6:34 PM | 0 comments
Clockwork Angel ~Chapter 3.5~
“What?!? Another one already! We’ve just gotten through with the last case!”
“… what?”
“We’re already fighting. Pay attention and put away your cell phone!.”
“Eh!?! Seriously? Tomoko!”
Arisu is surrounded by fallen angels. “Dammit Tomoko! We are ambushed! Let‘s do our best and give it our all.”
Arisu and Tomoko are best friends and became members of A.C.E. (Angelic Combat Elite) three years ago. A.C.E is made up of many teams, not just one, with hundreds of angels to fill the spots. On a daily basis, each team set out to stop those who commit one of the forbidden arts of the divine. Arisu is the older of the two, with a lance in her hands she is the brawn of the team. Tomoko, with her staff, provides magic support and is the brains of the team. A third member of this team, is anemic and thus act as outside help.
Within the walls of a run-down factory, there is much battle room. However, the factory is worn down and much of the machines are left for broke, unused for over a decade. The lighting is poor in most areas as well. At the moment, the two are facing multiple fallen angels, cult-like, and Arisu have been notified about another case already through her cell phone. A.C.E. is busy with cases all at once. The two teens are tired as it is.
Arisu grasps her amulet. “Kaede! Defend Hack now!”
Kaede has a special skill that allows her to hack into battle far away to support her teammates because of the amulet Arisu has. She can alter the statistics of anyone within range. “All done Arisu! You should be able to withstand their attacks. Go ahead and fight.”
“Thanks.” Arisu’s wings spread apart. Taking flight she rushes toward one of the fallen angels. With a forward stab of her lance, she injured him. “One down! How are you doing Tomoko?”
Multiple fallen angels are set ablaze. “I’m fine as long as I can cast my spells.”
Tomoko hears a loud roar. “What the….”
“That doesn’t sound good…” Arisu grasps her amulet. “Kaede what’s the situation?”
“A… Chimera? Arisu, this must be what they were creating in here. Stick with Tomoko and stay on guard.”
“Chimera?!? I don‘t like the sound of that. Kaede what is a Chimera?”.
Just around the corner, the sounds of the Chimera become more and more clear. It’s lion head in front and a goat’s head around it’s neck, not to mention the zebra body and komodo dragon tail is quite grotesque.
“What the hell is that thing!”
“Arisu, that’s the Chimera. It’s a man-made beast created out of multiple animal parts. I guess you can say it was needed to spread cross evolutionary traits. Thus it’s added on the list of forbidden arts. As you would of any other creature, remember to be careful out there Arisu.”
“Kaede, I don’t want to fight that thing! Eww, it’s dripping blood from its mouth.”
“We have no choice. How would the public react? We have to kill it.”
“…fine, I’m keeping my distance by flying.”
“But you need to be close to attack it…”
“Dammit Tomoko, can you just use a spell instead?”
“No, I’m too tired from the spell casting I did before.”
Arisu kneels down in disappointment. “So I have to get close to it after all. Well, I better get ready while its just staring at us.”
The moment Arisu gets up the chimera dashes into battle. A quick dodge saved her from its pounce, and a counter attack wounded the beast. “Yes, it’s hurt.”
A shining light emitted from the fur. “Kaede what’s that?”
“I analyzed the chimera and apparently that’s a healing effect.”
“What?!? Kaede, how am I going to defeat something that heals itself?”
“It seems it isn’t quite as effective as you seem to think, Arisu. The wound still bleeds, as long as that’s happening it can still die. The healing might just be for pain relief, to continue fighting without strain I guess.”
“Thanks. So as long as I keep attacking I can win. No problem.”
“Arisu, pay attention! You lost track of the chimera, it’s going to run away from you.”
“Really? So I don’t have to fight after all?
“Are you forgetting you have to kill it or else the public will spot it.?”
“Arisu, it’s still in the building so you don’t have to worry. Split up and search.”
The two split up and seach. The very first hall Arisu goes down is dotted with blood on the ground. As she continues on, the blood gets more and more splattered. “hmm?” An organ is on the ground. “Eww… what up with that?” Turning the corner lies the chimera, ripped open due to what looks like a sword slash. “Ah! Who did this?!? ….Well at least my job is done. I better find Tomoko.”
A blond-hair man resides on the roof of the factory. Sitting along the ledge looking out, he seeks relaxation. The city in view is breathtaking at night. “Stupid beast attacking me like that. Oh well, it was a pointless project. There’s no real gain for it all, at least not any more. So now what? Am I to follow what my heart content? A dream in my life? Saria, if you were still alive I would of… no. When you come back, I want to share my dream with you. It’s my goal I want to continue, not this, whatever I ended up doing. Sorry for straying off. I made a promise to make you happy no matter what. I’ve been doing things that never interested me at all.”
After the ended mission, Arisu and Tomoko head back to A.C.E. to hear out their latest news.
“You’ve been contacted during our mission Arisu, what was it?”
“Tomoko, we have another case already. Looks like we can’t rest up anytime soon”
“Fine by me, I’m not tired one bit”
“What? I am…”
“Of course you are, you’re the fool overdoing things. Then the chimera ended up dead before you even raised your lance.”
“Meh, go ahead and insult me, right now we need to get going.”
“Damn you Tomoko, you I’ll slug you for that mockery.”
A meeting was in session and the team was given their assignment. “So your saying a shikigami is on the job and we are to support anyone hurt right?” Arisu asked. “Exactly. We mustn’t get involved personally. Thus we attack only if your attacked and heal only when the injured is no longer in the shikigami sight. You’ll only risk yourself if you do.” The supervisor responded. “Instead of the shikigami, try to find info on the one who contracted it in the first place, Kaede. Everyone, your dismissed. Kaede has directions to the school so listen to her.”
“Yes sir.”
Chapter End
“… what?”
“We’re already fighting. Pay attention and put away your cell phone!.”
“Eh!?! Seriously? Tomoko!”
Arisu is surrounded by fallen angels. “Dammit Tomoko! We are ambushed! Let‘s do our best and give it our all.”
Arisu and Tomoko are best friends and became members of A.C.E. (Angelic Combat Elite) three years ago. A.C.E is made up of many teams, not just one, with hundreds of angels to fill the spots. On a daily basis, each team set out to stop those who commit one of the forbidden arts of the divine. Arisu is the older of the two, with a lance in her hands she is the brawn of the team. Tomoko, with her staff, provides magic support and is the brains of the team. A third member of this team, is anemic and thus act as outside help.
Within the walls of a run-down factory, there is much battle room. However, the factory is worn down and much of the machines are left for broke, unused for over a decade. The lighting is poor in most areas as well. At the moment, the two are facing multiple fallen angels, cult-like, and Arisu have been notified about another case already through her cell phone. A.C.E. is busy with cases all at once. The two teens are tired as it is.
Arisu grasps her amulet. “Kaede! Defend Hack now!”
Kaede has a special skill that allows her to hack into battle far away to support her teammates because of the amulet Arisu has. She can alter the statistics of anyone within range. “All done Arisu! You should be able to withstand their attacks. Go ahead and fight.”
“Thanks.” Arisu’s wings spread apart. Taking flight she rushes toward one of the fallen angels. With a forward stab of her lance, she injured him. “One down! How are you doing Tomoko?”
Multiple fallen angels are set ablaze. “I’m fine as long as I can cast my spells.”
Tomoko hears a loud roar. “What the….”
“That doesn’t sound good…” Arisu grasps her amulet. “Kaede what’s the situation?”
“A… Chimera? Arisu, this must be what they were creating in here. Stick with Tomoko and stay on guard.”
“Chimera?!? I don‘t like the sound of that. Kaede what is a Chimera?”.
Just around the corner, the sounds of the Chimera become more and more clear. It’s lion head in front and a goat’s head around it’s neck, not to mention the zebra body and komodo dragon tail is quite grotesque.
“What the hell is that thing!”
“Arisu, that’s the Chimera. It’s a man-made beast created out of multiple animal parts. I guess you can say it was needed to spread cross evolutionary traits. Thus it’s added on the list of forbidden arts. As you would of any other creature, remember to be careful out there Arisu.”
“Kaede, I don’t want to fight that thing! Eww, it’s dripping blood from its mouth.”
“We have no choice. How would the public react? We have to kill it.”
“…fine, I’m keeping my distance by flying.”
“But you need to be close to attack it…”
“Dammit Tomoko, can you just use a spell instead?”
“No, I’m too tired from the spell casting I did before.”
Arisu kneels down in disappointment. “So I have to get close to it after all. Well, I better get ready while its just staring at us.”
The moment Arisu gets up the chimera dashes into battle. A quick dodge saved her from its pounce, and a counter attack wounded the beast. “Yes, it’s hurt.”
A shining light emitted from the fur. “Kaede what’s that?”
“I analyzed the chimera and apparently that’s a healing effect.”
“What?!? Kaede, how am I going to defeat something that heals itself?”
“It seems it isn’t quite as effective as you seem to think, Arisu. The wound still bleeds, as long as that’s happening it can still die. The healing might just be for pain relief, to continue fighting without strain I guess.”
“Thanks. So as long as I keep attacking I can win. No problem.”
“Arisu, pay attention! You lost track of the chimera, it’s going to run away from you.”
“Really? So I don’t have to fight after all?
“Are you forgetting you have to kill it or else the public will spot it.?”
“Arisu, it’s still in the building so you don’t have to worry. Split up and search.”
The two split up and seach. The very first hall Arisu goes down is dotted with blood on the ground. As she continues on, the blood gets more and more splattered. “hmm?” An organ is on the ground. “Eww… what up with that?” Turning the corner lies the chimera, ripped open due to what looks like a sword slash. “Ah! Who did this?!? ….Well at least my job is done. I better find Tomoko.”
A blond-hair man resides on the roof of the factory. Sitting along the ledge looking out, he seeks relaxation. The city in view is breathtaking at night. “Stupid beast attacking me like that. Oh well, it was a pointless project. There’s no real gain for it all, at least not any more. So now what? Am I to follow what my heart content? A dream in my life? Saria, if you were still alive I would of… no. When you come back, I want to share my dream with you. It’s my goal I want to continue, not this, whatever I ended up doing. Sorry for straying off. I made a promise to make you happy no matter what. I’ve been doing things that never interested me at all.”
After the ended mission, Arisu and Tomoko head back to A.C.E. to hear out their latest news.
“You’ve been contacted during our mission Arisu, what was it?”
“Tomoko, we have another case already. Looks like we can’t rest up anytime soon”
“Fine by me, I’m not tired one bit”
“What? I am…”
“Of course you are, you’re the fool overdoing things. Then the chimera ended up dead before you even raised your lance.”
“Meh, go ahead and insult me, right now we need to get going.”
“Damn you Tomoko, you I’ll slug you for that mockery.”
A meeting was in session and the team was given their assignment. “So your saying a shikigami is on the job and we are to support anyone hurt right?” Arisu asked. “Exactly. We mustn’t get involved personally. Thus we attack only if your attacked and heal only when the injured is no longer in the shikigami sight. You’ll only risk yourself if you do.” The supervisor responded. “Instead of the shikigami, try to find info on the one who contracted it in the first place, Kaede. Everyone, your dismissed. Kaede has directions to the school so listen to her.”
“Yes sir.”
Chapter End
Posted by Kuronoa | Jan 19, 2008 6:32 PM | 0 comments
December 13th, 2007
Clockwork Angel ~Chapter 3~
When dead, a Shadow emerges to take the place of the living thing. Since the spirit left the original body and the soul is taken away altogether, the identity of the person is also gone in this world. A Shadow has no face, eyes, mouth, nose or anything at all. They are practically solid nothingness wandering a bout. This is unclear why it is like this, but it makes since. After all, how would you react if your deceased loved one is in this state? Sure you’ll know that’s what become of them, but which Shadow is he or she? It’s a safe-keeping to prevent difficulties such as that.
Chapter 3
The sunlight fades off and night was upon the land. One life, among few was still awake. He writes to himself often, a journal of sorts. Often he would write remedies for his practice in medicine. Tonight seems to be different from others.
I’ve discovered a way to cure an impossible diseases! Angel blood! Mythical liquid that requires patience, as angels are hard to find. Us humans need a sixth sense to spot the wings, otherwise they would look just like us. Lucky that I have a strong sixth sense! Sadly, this one is too old to be chasing anything. Bad news that today I spot an angel with my very eyes too. Perhaps drastic measures are needed to assure my vial of blood that I want. In fact, I’m becoming a great Onmyoji. I have contracted my first shikigami,, Isamu, and I am ready to catch that angel.
A knock on his bedroom door came to his attention. “Come in!”
A young man entered the room. “Watanabe-sama, your still up? Stop fooling around get to bed damn it!”
“Please, call me Nobu. What about you? Rest up so you can do your best tomorrow, Isamu.” Nobu walks toward him. “You have a short temper. Why is that?”
“Really now, you had to go and contract me, and your treating me like a child. I can snap your neck like a twig if I‘m able to. I am your servant, but please remember who I am.” Isamu walks up to the window.
“Okay then, your still up for the hunt right?”
“Yeah, that angel ... I’ve met a lost spirit at the time and I took one of the tags that you gave me and used it. Apparently I have to use someone else, spirits are so pointless, but I tested the angel anyways. She is a fighter alright. I think I‘m able to kill her though.”
“Thank you Isamu”.
A new day arrives and Kichiro awakens.
I turn over on the bed but feel someone kicking me. I rise up a bit to take a look. Harumi is laying in bed with me… WHAT?!? Why is she in my bed! Did I… no, I couldn’t. I would know if I did. How would I not know if I had sex with her. Once again it hit me. What if mom comes in! I need to wake her up. I pushed her off the bed. “What gives sleeping with me! What if someone comes in! What would they think!”
She yawned. “I had fun last night. We should do that again”.
No. I didn’t… did I? “Do what?” I’m playing dumb to figure out what she’s saying.
“Play with that handheld you call a DS. Way different from a Game Boy… I caught on though.”
She played with my DS? That’s what she was talking about? Wait, how did she find my DS? I couldn’t even find it! “You found my DS?” I asked her.
“Yeah, it was under your bed.”
Under my bed? Huh, I better clean my room more often.
I get ready for school. I turn on the shower and shampooed my hair. As I grab the back of my head, I felt someone else’s hand then turned around. Nobody there? I turned back.
“Need help?”
Harumi is in the shower with me. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE! GET OUT!”
“I’m protecting you.”
“In the shower with me?” I play along. “Don’t you think it’s better to watch me from outside the bathroom? Nobody is going to attack me here.”
“Okay then.” She leaves the bathroom.
Damn my luck. I finally get a girl in the shower with me and I shoo her out.
After getting dressed in uniform, and ate some breakfast. My mother shows up.
“Good morning Kichiro. Oh, and you too Harumi-chan.” She said. Harumi must of met my family already. She could of waited for me to do that but oh well. I need go on to walk to school anyways I’m too late to be talking to mother.
Classes are generally normal, but not today. A new student is said to arrive. The classroom door opens and Sensei walks in with someone, the said student. “Hello everyone! Before we begin, I would like for everyone to meet our new classmate. She’s a foreign exchange student.” She nudges the girl. “Say hello to them”.
I looked up to see her.
“Hi everyone! My name’s…”
“HARUMI-CHAN?!” I shouted. The new student is Harumi. Apparently she’s up to something.
“Kichiro-sama! We‘re in the same class?”
“You know each other Kichiro?” Sensei asked.
“Um… yeah, she’s staying with me.” I hesitated a bit. It’s tough to make up excuses. That -sama doesn’t held either. Thanks Harumi.
One of the classmates looked toward me strangely and is saying something but hard to make-out. He knows the angel well. I’m sure it’s nothing.
“Nakahara-san told me already. Now, just sit down now. Conveniently it’s behind Mizuguchi-san.”
So she became a exchange student to watch over me? She also must of told my parents about that too… And what’s with that last name? Nakahara… Oh now I know, that’s the last name of the author of that manga she was reading… how awkward.
PE, my last class of the day, is one of my better subjects, which statement itself is misleading, I‘m just good at all the classes. I couldn’t take the opportunity to go into sports though. I don’t want to get mixed up in tight scheduling, especially when I have more important issues to worry about, like work and family. My job? Well it’s part time, but I work at a department store. The place has everything. I bet you could live off that store. Of course there’s the matter of food, the only major thing it lacks.
Oh well, I must focus right now. I have to run a mile at the track. This is actually not bad if I pace myself. Some people would rather run fast and show off, but today’s the hottest day of the week. A solid ninety degrees but it feels over a hundred. Why did we have to run today though? Not the biggest worry right now. Midway through our run, Miyuki is out of breath. I slowed down a bit. “Are you okay Miyuki? Stop for a second.”
“No I’m fine. Thank you.” She barely was able to say that.
“Pace yourself better. There’s nothing to prove if your just completing the mile quickly.”
She stopped. “Kichiro… Okay sorry, I will.”
“You don’t need to say sorry.”
“But I worried you.”
I was worried. Not like she was gonna die, but that heat. I guess I got overprotected. Huh, I guess Harumi rubbed off some of her motives on me… Speaking of which, I saw Harumi earlier talking with two guys. Obviously one of them is hitting on her. She didn’t look too thrilled, chances are she shot them down. I bet it’s her devotion to me, that and I just think she’s uninterested in them.
“Kichiro, keep up with me.” Miyuki is running backwards to look at me. “What’s wrong? You look spaced out.” She isn’t so tired now. “Kichiro!” Suddenly she stops, then faints. Seems like I was wrong, she’s overdone herself.
“Miyuki!” I rushed over and caught her. “She fainted. Sensei!”
Sensei examined Miyuki. “She’s exhausted. Mizuguchi-san, take her to the nurse.”
“I will.” I ran off into the school.
I took her to see the nurse. She stated that her condition isn’t bad and I should leave her alone while she rested. So I left Miyuki.
After PE, I’m ready to go home. There are very few activities lately, and most of the students are leaving. Harumi had something to do anyways I suppose. I told Harumi to meet me outside by the tennis courts, which is the direction I need to head to anyways. For today, however, I am waiting until Miyuki is feeling well. Harumi will understand. As I waited, I saw one of the guys who was talking to Harumi and he’s walking toward me.
“So your with Nakahara-chan?”
With? He’s asking if I’m her…
“Not really.”
“She’s living with you. You mean you don’t feel any urges? Mind if I take over?”
Take over? Wow, he sounded like a perv but his polite manner of it all…
“She turned you down. I doubt she wants to see you but you can always try again” I laughed.
“Fine by me.”
He walks past me and I walked opposite ways. Suddenly I felt a jolt of energy. I turn around and he is about to punch me. I dodged and hugged the wall. What’s his problem! His counter to the miss changed to a kick. It smashed the wall leaving a crack and dent. It was powerful, if that actually hit me I could have been paralyzed.
“Hold still Dammit!” He said after he kicked. He performed another punch, this time hitting me, luckily I shielded my jaw. The impact caused a bruise though. I quickly overtook him and landed a punch in his stomach. He flinched then Harumi showed up and jump-kicked him, dropping to the ground face first.
“Nice to see you well Kichiro-sama.”
Harumi is feeling my bruise. It stings a bit. After seeing the guy damage the wall with a kick, I though I would have a broken arm from his punch, but it seems his fist is weaker than his feet. Harumi notices something on the guy, and rushes to him.
“Kichiro-sama… this student has a tag.” She pointed at his neck.
“A what?” I took a good look at his neck. A beige slip of paper was attached to him. I peeled it off, the back side had writing on it but was hard to read. “This is a tag?”
“Yes. A tag is among what we call ‘forbidden arts of the divine‘. This is a list of spells and practices that are banned from using. A tag is a spell used for certain tasks. This one is for possession.
“So this guy was possessed? Then whatever he was doing was what whoever wanted him to do. Which means someone wanted to harm me.”
I looked around at other people. Odd, they haven’t noticed that a fight was just here. . Harumi walks by one of them. “A golem…” She said. She notices something else. “…It has a tag as well. Odd, why would you waste a tag for them? Kichiro-sama, let me investigate here please.”
“Uh… yeah. Okay then. Hey, I need to check up on Miyuki. I’ll be back.” I went inside the school.
“Kichiro-sama… Whatever is up, I’ll do my best to help you.” Harumi checks the area. “Golems are everywhere. Who would do this to the Shadows?”
Harumi walks past one of them, and others are arranged in a circle around her. In the corner of her eye, she spots one of them launching out at her. She counters with a elbow attack. “What’s going on here!” Another golem attacked and she dodged it, but left her open for an attack by a third. She took the blow, and fell down. “Ouch! Come on now! What’s with them!”
She still saw the tags on their bodies. “Alright, I’m going to have to take them all off.”
“Sorry, but you have to try harder.” Said Isamu as he appeared.
“Huh? Who…”
“Quiet.” His hand covers his forehead, pulling back his black hair. “You’re the angel that I’ve heard about right?”
“Who are you and how…”
His black wings spread out. “I’ve been looking for you. Come with me and I’ll spare your life.”
“A shikigami… No. I’m not coming with anyone but Kichiro-sama!”
He draws his sword. “So be it then. Prepare yourself, angel.”
Chapter End
Chapter 3
The sunlight fades off and night was upon the land. One life, among few was still awake. He writes to himself often, a journal of sorts. Often he would write remedies for his practice in medicine. Tonight seems to be different from others.
I’ve discovered a way to cure an impossible diseases! Angel blood! Mythical liquid that requires patience, as angels are hard to find. Us humans need a sixth sense to spot the wings, otherwise they would look just like us. Lucky that I have a strong sixth sense! Sadly, this one is too old to be chasing anything. Bad news that today I spot an angel with my very eyes too. Perhaps drastic measures are needed to assure my vial of blood that I want. In fact, I’m becoming a great Onmyoji. I have contracted my first shikigami,, Isamu, and I am ready to catch that angel.
A knock on his bedroom door came to his attention. “Come in!”
A young man entered the room. “Watanabe-sama, your still up? Stop fooling around get to bed damn it!”
“Please, call me Nobu. What about you? Rest up so you can do your best tomorrow, Isamu.” Nobu walks toward him. “You have a short temper. Why is that?”
“Really now, you had to go and contract me, and your treating me like a child. I can snap your neck like a twig if I‘m able to. I am your servant, but please remember who I am.” Isamu walks up to the window.
“Okay then, your still up for the hunt right?”
“Yeah, that angel ... I’ve met a lost spirit at the time and I took one of the tags that you gave me and used it. Apparently I have to use someone else, spirits are so pointless, but I tested the angel anyways. She is a fighter alright. I think I‘m able to kill her though.”
“Thank you Isamu”.
A new day arrives and Kichiro awakens.
I turn over on the bed but feel someone kicking me. I rise up a bit to take a look. Harumi is laying in bed with me… WHAT?!? Why is she in my bed! Did I… no, I couldn’t. I would know if I did. How would I not know if I had sex with her. Once again it hit me. What if mom comes in! I need to wake her up. I pushed her off the bed. “What gives sleeping with me! What if someone comes in! What would they think!”
She yawned. “I had fun last night. We should do that again”.
No. I didn’t… did I? “Do what?” I’m playing dumb to figure out what she’s saying.
“Play with that handheld you call a DS. Way different from a Game Boy… I caught on though.”
She played with my DS? That’s what she was talking about? Wait, how did she find my DS? I couldn’t even find it! “You found my DS?” I asked her.
“Yeah, it was under your bed.”
Under my bed? Huh, I better clean my room more often.
I get ready for school. I turn on the shower and shampooed my hair. As I grab the back of my head, I felt someone else’s hand then turned around. Nobody there? I turned back.
“Need help?”
Harumi is in the shower with me. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE! GET OUT!”
“I’m protecting you.”
“In the shower with me?” I play along. “Don’t you think it’s better to watch me from outside the bathroom? Nobody is going to attack me here.”
“Okay then.” She leaves the bathroom.
Damn my luck. I finally get a girl in the shower with me and I shoo her out.
After getting dressed in uniform, and ate some breakfast. My mother shows up.
“Good morning Kichiro. Oh, and you too Harumi-chan.” She said. Harumi must of met my family already. She could of waited for me to do that but oh well. I need go on to walk to school anyways I’m too late to be talking to mother.
Classes are generally normal, but not today. A new student is said to arrive. The classroom door opens and Sensei walks in with someone, the said student. “Hello everyone! Before we begin, I would like for everyone to meet our new classmate. She’s a foreign exchange student.” She nudges the girl. “Say hello to them”.
I looked up to see her.
“Hi everyone! My name’s…”
“HARUMI-CHAN?!” I shouted. The new student is Harumi. Apparently she’s up to something.
“Kichiro-sama! We‘re in the same class?”
“You know each other Kichiro?” Sensei asked.
“Um… yeah, she’s staying with me.” I hesitated a bit. It’s tough to make up excuses. That -sama doesn’t held either. Thanks Harumi.
One of the classmates looked toward me strangely and is saying something but hard to make-out. He knows the angel well. I’m sure it’s nothing.
“Nakahara-san told me already. Now, just sit down now. Conveniently it’s behind Mizuguchi-san.”
So she became a exchange student to watch over me? She also must of told my parents about that too… And what’s with that last name? Nakahara… Oh now I know, that’s the last name of the author of that manga she was reading… how awkward.
PE, my last class of the day, is one of my better subjects, which statement itself is misleading, I‘m just good at all the classes. I couldn’t take the opportunity to go into sports though. I don’t want to get mixed up in tight scheduling, especially when I have more important issues to worry about, like work and family. My job? Well it’s part time, but I work at a department store. The place has everything. I bet you could live off that store. Of course there’s the matter of food, the only major thing it lacks.
Oh well, I must focus right now. I have to run a mile at the track. This is actually not bad if I pace myself. Some people would rather run fast and show off, but today’s the hottest day of the week. A solid ninety degrees but it feels over a hundred. Why did we have to run today though? Not the biggest worry right now. Midway through our run, Miyuki is out of breath. I slowed down a bit. “Are you okay Miyuki? Stop for a second.”
“No I’m fine. Thank you.” She barely was able to say that.
“Pace yourself better. There’s nothing to prove if your just completing the mile quickly.”
She stopped. “Kichiro… Okay sorry, I will.”
“You don’t need to say sorry.”
“But I worried you.”
I was worried. Not like she was gonna die, but that heat. I guess I got overprotected. Huh, I guess Harumi rubbed off some of her motives on me… Speaking of which, I saw Harumi earlier talking with two guys. Obviously one of them is hitting on her. She didn’t look too thrilled, chances are she shot them down. I bet it’s her devotion to me, that and I just think she’s uninterested in them.
“Kichiro, keep up with me.” Miyuki is running backwards to look at me. “What’s wrong? You look spaced out.” She isn’t so tired now. “Kichiro!” Suddenly she stops, then faints. Seems like I was wrong, she’s overdone herself.
“Miyuki!” I rushed over and caught her. “She fainted. Sensei!”
Sensei examined Miyuki. “She’s exhausted. Mizuguchi-san, take her to the nurse.”
“I will.” I ran off into the school.
I took her to see the nurse. She stated that her condition isn’t bad and I should leave her alone while she rested. So I left Miyuki.
After PE, I’m ready to go home. There are very few activities lately, and most of the students are leaving. Harumi had something to do anyways I suppose. I told Harumi to meet me outside by the tennis courts, which is the direction I need to head to anyways. For today, however, I am waiting until Miyuki is feeling well. Harumi will understand. As I waited, I saw one of the guys who was talking to Harumi and he’s walking toward me.
“So your with Nakahara-chan?”
With? He’s asking if I’m her…
“Not really.”
“She’s living with you. You mean you don’t feel any urges? Mind if I take over?”
Take over? Wow, he sounded like a perv but his polite manner of it all…
“She turned you down. I doubt she wants to see you but you can always try again” I laughed.
“Fine by me.”
He walks past me and I walked opposite ways. Suddenly I felt a jolt of energy. I turn around and he is about to punch me. I dodged and hugged the wall. What’s his problem! His counter to the miss changed to a kick. It smashed the wall leaving a crack and dent. It was powerful, if that actually hit me I could have been paralyzed.
“Hold still Dammit!” He said after he kicked. He performed another punch, this time hitting me, luckily I shielded my jaw. The impact caused a bruise though. I quickly overtook him and landed a punch in his stomach. He flinched then Harumi showed up and jump-kicked him, dropping to the ground face first.
“Nice to see you well Kichiro-sama.”
Harumi is feeling my bruise. It stings a bit. After seeing the guy damage the wall with a kick, I though I would have a broken arm from his punch, but it seems his fist is weaker than his feet. Harumi notices something on the guy, and rushes to him.
“Kichiro-sama… this student has a tag.” She pointed at his neck.
“A what?” I took a good look at his neck. A beige slip of paper was attached to him. I peeled it off, the back side had writing on it but was hard to read. “This is a tag?”
“Yes. A tag is among what we call ‘forbidden arts of the divine‘. This is a list of spells and practices that are banned from using. A tag is a spell used for certain tasks. This one is for possession.
“So this guy was possessed? Then whatever he was doing was what whoever wanted him to do. Which means someone wanted to harm me.”
I looked around at other people. Odd, they haven’t noticed that a fight was just here. . Harumi walks by one of them. “A golem…” She said. She notices something else. “…It has a tag as well. Odd, why would you waste a tag for them? Kichiro-sama, let me investigate here please.”
“Uh… yeah. Okay then. Hey, I need to check up on Miyuki. I’ll be back.” I went inside the school.
“Kichiro-sama… Whatever is up, I’ll do my best to help you.” Harumi checks the area. “Golems are everywhere. Who would do this to the Shadows?”
Harumi walks past one of them, and others are arranged in a circle around her. In the corner of her eye, she spots one of them launching out at her. She counters with a elbow attack. “What’s going on here!” Another golem attacked and she dodged it, but left her open for an attack by a third. She took the blow, and fell down. “Ouch! Come on now! What’s with them!”
She still saw the tags on their bodies. “Alright, I’m going to have to take them all off.”
“Sorry, but you have to try harder.” Said Isamu as he appeared.
“Huh? Who…”
“Quiet.” His hand covers his forehead, pulling back his black hair. “You’re the angel that I’ve heard about right?”
“Who are you and how…”
His black wings spread out. “I’ve been looking for you. Come with me and I’ll spare your life.”
“A shikigami… No. I’m not coming with anyone but Kichiro-sama!”
He draws his sword. “So be it then. Prepare yourself, angel.”
Chapter End
Posted by Kuronoa | Dec 13, 2007 5:01 AM | 1 comments