Kenji Gion

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All Out!!
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Member Favorites: 51

Kenji Gion (祇園 健次)

Height: 159cm
Weight 54kg
Blood type: B
Family: Father, mother and older brother
Birthday: July 1
School: Kanagawa High School, Year 1, Class 1-5

Gion wears baggy, oversized clothes in the hopes that he will go through a growth spurt and become taller, as he is very short. He has a tendency to go berserk when called a shrimp. He's generally loud and cheeky, much to the annoyance of the second years. However, he comes across as endearing to the third years.

Gion is a beginner in rugby; he joins the rugby club after entering high school.

Voice Actors
Chiba, Shouya
Sanders, Stephen
Rojas, Michelle
Haraguchi, Shouko
Aubert-Carlin, Alan

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