
Gall Force 1: Eternal Story
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Gall Force: The Revolution
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Scramble Wars: Tsuppashire! Genom Trophy Rally
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Ten Little Gall Force
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Member Favorites: 2


The central character and next in line after Eluza in the chain of command, Rabby is loyal to her shipmates above all other things, and it is that loyalty which causes her to spare the first example of the "third race" (because it looks so much like Patty). When she finally understands the way her shipmates have been used and discarded, her disillusionment causes her to make a choice which determines the fate of all intelligent life. Her Rhea/Earth Chapter reincarnation "Sandy Newman" is still the central character, driven by a desire to make up for her father's role in creating the NME.

Voice Actors
Mitsuishi, Kotono
Matsui, Naoko

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