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Yashio (ヤシオ)Palermo is a recurring character in Pokémon the Series: XY. She is a famous producer and a former Kalos Queen who first appeared in A Showcase Debut! (XY060). According to Monsieur Pierre, she has launched the career of countless Pokémon Performers.Due to her reputation as a producer, Palermo receives a lot of unwanted attention from the press. She is also sought to scout young Performers and help them achieve a successful career in the Showcase world. However, Palermo seems to prefer scouting girls that have the potential to become a kindhearted Kalos Queen, and she only arrives to the conclusion that a Performer is worthy of the title after she herself has watched them perform, rather than accepting tips from others. In her debut episode, it was revealed that Palermo had been keeping her distance from Showcase tournaments, and she was hesitant to make a comeback. Despite that, she went to the Coumarine City theater and watched the Rookie Class competition taking place there. Palermo has been shown watching several other Pokémon Showcases since then, and she occasionally comments them with her assistant. It was revealed in Party Dancecapades! (XY105) that Palermo was involved in Aria's rise to stardom. The two have a close relationship and Palermo has stated that there will be no Kalos Queen like Aria. The two keep in touch and Aria holds Palermo in high regards as she was mentored by her while striving to become Kalos Queen (Source: Bulbapedia) Voice Actors