Wato Chiyoko

Black Jack (TV)
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Black Jack 21
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Tezuka Osamu ga Kieta?! 20-seiki Saigo no Kaijiken
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Mitsume ga Tooru
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Akuma Tou no Prince: Mitsume ga Tooru
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Mitsume ga Tooru
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Mitsume ga Warau
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Member Favorites: 9

Wato Chiyoko (和登 千代子)

Wato is a self-confident, tomboyish and somewhat violent high school girl. Her principal role is in The Three Eyed One where she is Sharaku’s friend and keeper, and the only person who has the power to put on and take off the bandage which seals his third eye, and his evil powers. In the Black Jack TV series, she is Sharaku's elder sister, constantly nagging him to be more self-confident, and to do his homework.

Voice Actors
Matsui, Naoko
Ono, Ryouko
Garcia, Melissa
Portuguese (BR)
Ojanguren, Eba
Huicochea, Diana
Yung, Anita

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