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Kyoutarou (キョウタロウ)Kyle Hamm is a character of the day who appeared in Pasta La Vista!. He is the son of Master Hamm, the owner of the Fighting Dojo.Kyle's dream is to become the world's best noodle chef and he owns a restaurant in Saffron City. This stems from his childhood as he loved eating noodles and wanted to create a noodle meal as good as the perfect one he once received from his father. However, while Kyle wanted to fulfill that dream by cooking and selling noodles, Master Hamm wanted Kyle to take over the Dojo so he could follow his own dreams. This created tension between the two for a long time. Eventually, they decided to solve the dispute with a Pokémon battle. The battle turned into May, who just wanted to try his noodles, using his Hitmonchan against Ash using Master Hamm's Hitmonlee. Kyle received most of the nagging about taking over the Dojo from Terri, his best friend, who did not want it to close. However, after she used her Hitmontop to rescue their Pokémon from Team Rocket, Master Hamm allowed her to take over the Dojo, leaving Kyle free to follow his dream. (Source: Bulbapedia) Voice Actors