
Pokemon XY
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Kiyoshi (キヨシ)

Myron is a character of the day who appeared in Heroes - Friends and Faux Alike!.

Myron was playing with his Pancham when he was approached by Team Rocket, who were disguised as Ash and his friends and causing trouble across town. James, who was disguised as Ash, challenged Myron to a battle. Myron refused, however, saying he didn't want his Pancham to battle. James ignored this, and his Inkay, who was disguised as Ash's Pikachu, left Myron's Pancham injured. The trio ran off, while Myron reported the behavior to Officer Jenny.

Later, Myron ran into the real group of Ash and his friends, and let them know that he reported them. He quickly concluded they were not the same people who attacked his Pancham earlier, however, since Pikachu wasn't floating in midair. Realizing his mistake, he ran off while apologizing for the identity mix-up.

(Source: Bulbapedia)

Voice Actors
Flamand, Stéphane
Stevens, Eileen
Celini, Letícia
Portuguese (BR)
Toledano, José Antonio

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