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Jan 23, 5:28 AM

Nov 2011
Their journey continues but man, I think Senku might have an ego problem this episode. He just refuses to lose no matter what. Finally got to see some science again this season so thats a postive. This episode feels like a buildup though, with prep for the future. It's always nice again to see them explore new lands since they've been on their ship for awhile.
Stark700Jan 23, 6:51 AM
Jan 23, 5:28 AM

Dec 2021
I mean, yeah we as the audience at least knew that it was the whole world that was petrified, and wasn't just some personal vendetta towards Japan only. Still though, it feels surreal to see even after the many times we've seen it. But yeah, they're here for one reason and that's to get that corn... and well, they found another American staple, meat! Animation popped off for a while there, as well as the drawings too. This was a pretty nice POV.

But yeah, with them getting meat, it was only natural that they would HAVE to get themselves one of, if not, THE American staple food, burgers. And hey, they also got themselves their first ear of corn. But all good things must come to an end, and off there would be at least SOME people that have unpetrified in the time since the petrification, and in American fashion, they OFC have a gun on them. And not just any gun, but A FUCKING MACHINE GUN xD

We're in America all right. And little do they know that guns will just be the start of what this "mad scientist" has up his sleeves.

Jan 23, 5:28 AM

May 2020
Tbh, it might not have occurred to these people till now, but yeah, the ENTIRE world did turn to stone back then. Travelling to places and seeing a bunch of things and people being petrified into nothing but stone is just depressing as well. So yeah, America might not have turned out to be as some place they were expecting it to be, especially those of the stone world, but yeah, you see they made their entire turn of events as productive and as fun as it could’ve been. Hamburger was a must, and hey, of course they had that lol.

Looking forward to how Senku and co. would use corn and all of this land to their use, I mean it would start soon enough itself, but yeah, the one thing which I was looking forward to the most since the start of this arc was the involvement of a third party, which actually made this arc interesting enough in the first place. Look I mean, they landed in America and straight off we’re talking business… with GUNS lmaoo. There’s plenty to uncover going forward, but hey, I hope they’d layoff using that engrish xD
Jan 23, 5:53 AM

Mar 2021
really curious about why they figured out what's wrong with tsukasa

machine guns were a highlight wow

the weapon stash makes sense when you think about bases

also loved how they mixed english phrases nicely done

those character designs are cool reminds me of the sanrio collab pranksteure
Jan 23, 7:05 AM

Feb 2019
Nothing says California like corn 😂 Senku saying it tastes like ass is crazy. Corn is amazing. But we’re finally in the US and wow it’s really humbling to see that after only 3700 years, so much of what humanity built and thought made us superior to every other species has crumbled and disappeared.

We’re really just one of many species that have called this planet home and faced extinction. Not nearly as important as we make ourselves to be. The dinosaurs ruled the earth for tens of millions of years and now there’s only fossils of them left.

Lmao at everyone hoping no one gets attacked and Tsukasa ass over here hoping for a big animal or person to try ambushing them. That was the most dramatic crocodile fight I’ve ever seen 😂

I never clocked it when reading but OF COURSE THE AMERICANS HAVE GUNS lmaoo. Even in the stone world freedom reigns. Senku and crew are outgunned for sure, can’t wait to see how they handle what comes next.
Marinate1016Jan 23, 8:29 AM
Jan 23, 7:14 AM
Sep 2015
Just realized that Tsukasa is now the alpha of this group while Senku is the omega...
Jan 23, 7:38 AM

Feb 2020
First time I see such a beautiful sequence in Dr. Stone
the animation even reminded me of Shingeki no Kyojin
Jan 23, 8:02 AM
Oct 2019
a good episode, I really like this arc, I hope it stays good like this
Jan 23, 8:47 AM
Aug 2024
i love this science anime
Jan 23, 8:52 AM

Jul 2022
The action sequence with the group of warriors against the crocodiles was brief but very well animated. Poor crocodiles: when you see Tsukasa with that psychotic expression, it's best to run away.

Finally, they arrive in the United States and, as expected, are greeted with the most iconic things: a good piece of meat and a few machine gun shots. Although the enemy is violent and their technology is not inferior to Senkuu's, it's good to have some competition. Senkuu is amazing: even after almost getting shot, he finds the silver lining.
Jan 23, 9:08 AM

Oct 2009
Nothing says US like guns. Of course it'd be one of the very first things they encounter, that tracks...
Jan 23, 9:19 AM
Nov 2022
Bro, the main characters literally arrived in the US and the first thing the locals did was shoot them xdd

WTF IS A KILOMETER?!!! ahhh moment
Jan 23, 9:19 AM

Aug 2020
Another great ep

Machine gun, wow

but why the enemy attack first instead of being happy to see other humans alive...
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Jan 23, 9:41 AM
May 2016
Hyped for them to fight the Americans Pog
Jan 23, 10:35 AM

Feb 2022
Have a nice cup of liberTEA~🍵🦅
Jan 23, 10:53 AM
Sep 2022
the gang was so hungry for crocodile meat the animation budget went full force
Jan 23, 11:20 AM

Feb 2013

Crocodiles in Cali though? Guess time definitely heals all wounds.
Crocs > sharks still @Cigarette (RIP)
Jan 23, 11:24 AM

Feb 2012
riku niku wordplay
Cars, landmarks like the Golden Gate Bridge, they are no more but the petrified bodies remain.
The Power Team hoped to find game to hunt and they got it. The look in Tsukasa's eyes finding tasty crocodiles. Francois made the first hamburgers in thousands of years.
Hyouga's crying tears man, wish we could've seen his face, being able to taste burgers again.
Senku found evidence there was a large corn field with moths that have corn as their diet...but he also found moths that devour fabric, evidence there could be humans in the Americas, and unfortunately, he'd be right as they are hostile and shoot in sight with machine guns.
Fortress_MaximusJan 24, 3:05 PM

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
Jan 23, 11:34 AM

Dec 2013
The real American specialty, firearms, that bit when the top fighters engaged the crocodiles was pretty hype.
Jan 23, 11:50 AM
May 2017
This was such an amazing episode. I just hate that we have to wait a whole week for another 😭
Jan 23, 12:09 PM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
Welcome to America where we have guns and explosives as a welcoming gift. I wouldn't be surprised if they were using some of the ammunition left over from the US military which we have huge stockpiles of. I thought those were gators for a second, but those were American crocodiles as I can never tell between the two. At least Senku and the others know that they are not alone in the Americas and if they want to get to the corn belt they would have to go as far as Iowa which is the corn state in the Midwest.
Jan 23, 12:25 PM
Jul 2023
They cooked. Need more be said? XD
Jan 23, 12:30 PM
Jan 2022
as expected of America: Hamburgers and Guns
Jan 23, 12:31 PM

Feb 2014
The group have arrived in the USA, where seeing the many petrified people where the Golden Gate Bridge used to stand did give Senku's group a dose of sombreness in how much the world has changed in the thousands of years. Still, they did make good progress in their objective of finding the source of corn.

Not only that, but it was fun to watch the group enjoy crocodile hamburgers (The action sequence of the attacking group on the crocodile was really cool). Sadly, they also got a welcome introduction of the enemies that they'll have to overcome. Thanks to Tsukasa's quick thinking, everyone got out of harm's way from the barrage of gun bullets aimed at them and they made their escape intact.

I do respect Senku wanting to take on this challenge. His group have come a long way to get here, so it would make sense for him and the others to not back down against their opponents. This is one battle where his team must win, so it'll be interesting to see how he and the other will go from here next time.
Jan 23, 12:33 PM
Jan 2009
dark science is the enemy cool

america with guns is not surprise
Jan 23, 12:52 PM
May 2021
America-YAaaaa yessir this arc is gonna be 🔥🤪
Jan 23, 1:27 PM
May 2018
Here's the episode to compensate for the insipidity of the first two episodes!

The entrance to California through the now bygone Golden Gate Bridge, commemorating what humanity had built and getting gloomy seeing all around the somber sight of petrified humans were a fine scene. Had there been ruins of some resistant structures that, even if only partially, stood the test of time, at which the novice villages would have been amazed at, it could have been a nice touch. Though, I still expect something of the sort up ahead in the journey. Also, they'll probably have nothing to do near Rushmore, but it'd be a majestic ruin to see.

The brief introduction to American fauna and flora, geography and culture was good along with the facts about moth behavior.

Understandable, given that Senku and his team are running short and must therefore be fast at everything they do rather than cautious, but they forgot one specific quality about the US: "There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass"
Such an iconic US moment, being assaulted by machine guns, of all things, the very day you land haha. They don't have the luxury, or maybe the necessity, to build more sophisticated guns but man were they nearly slaughtered there, if it hadn't been for Tsukasa. Anyway, Senku seems to have accepted the challenge pretty intrepidly. Curious to see how they'll defeat the apparently superior enemy unless smoking inside that helmet won't do it first.

Overall, a good episode with the actual beginning of the arc.
Jan 23, 1:29 PM

May 2015
of course. what else then crazy americans who shoot everyone.
Jan 23, 1:36 PM
Dec 2022
Accurate representation of America the land of gu- i mean freedom
Dr.X vs senku will be legendary at least i do think they will be haing a big fight using chemicals and whatnot
Jan 23, 1:47 PM
Oct 2020
Senku about to exponentially escalate the arms race. Let's see what he cooks, he looked absolutely deranged against the thought of fighting another science user.
Jan 23, 1:52 PM
May 2018
Reply to Enfinity236
Accurate representation of America the land of gu- i mean freedom
Dr.X vs senku will be legendary at least i do think they will be haing a big fight using chemicals and whatnot
@Enfinity236 After all, there is no Geneva Protocol anymore. Turns out the true freedom lies in choosing weapons lol.
Jan 23, 1:57 PM
May 2018
Reply to qq17
Senku about to exponentially escalate the arms race. Let's see what he cooks, he looked absolutely deranged against the thought of fighting another science user.
@qq17 No holding back with simple imitations of gunfire for Senku this time round. I'll see the machine gunner guy when Senku declares that another main city is to be established: Uranium Enrichment City.
Jan 23, 1:58 PM

Apr 2024
OMG Liliane is so sexy!! 😍

Jan 23, 1:59 PM

Apr 2024
Nikki's boobs!! 😍

Jan 23, 2:02 PM

Nov 2023
I can understand the gunner not penetrating the main armor

But for the MG to not even penetrate the wooden hull breaks my immersion a little.

Jan 23, 2:13 PM
May 2018
Reply to ObviousAlt2552
I can understand the gunner not penetrating the main armor

But for the MG to not even penetrate the wooden hull breaks my immersion a little.

@ObviousAlt2552 Perhaps the endurance of the main vehicle may be justified with a secret layer of metal armor under the wooden hull, but the MG guy could have easily sunk the speedboat. That thing looks built solely out of wood.
Jan 23, 2:34 PM

Dec 2018
It’s nice to finally see the science gang in America after the way Season 3 left off and how we opened this season with two episodes of getting there, but once they set foot on Californian soil things got going quickly. And man it really is sad to see the stone world is about the same there as it was in Japan, I mean we pretty much knew that but like Gen was saying, the dream was there lol. But much like Japan having Senku, it looks like the US was also blessed with a really smart fella waking up because holy shit they have a machine gun, and to think Senku’s gun was impressive, I’m really interested in finding out how the Americans got that kind of tech in this world, but for now I just hope the Kingdom of Science isn’t shot into a million pieces lol.

But a machine gun isn’t the only thing the gang ran into that the good ol’ USA is known for (the joke has been beat to death already looks like lol), they also made sure to have a hamburger after their first encounter with wild animals, this time it was massive crocodiles (very nicely animated scene there too), kinda odd to see those in California but Senku did mention ecological changes, and boy did they enjoy the burgers lol, I’ve never had croc burger but I do love burgers in general, so I felt kinda gratified seeing them all enjoy them. And lastly, damn why did Senku have to cook corn like that lol, I fucking love corn myself, maybe he’s just never had it prepared the right way.
Jan 23, 3:17 PM

Dec 2013
Getting shot at randomly confirms that they have truly arrived in America.

I love how excited the battle team was when they got attacked.
Jan 23, 3:23 PM
Feb 2020
do crocodiles swallow whole corn cobs? does corn float conveniently down the river? those pine cones are a hazard stay away if you dont want a concussion

Jan 23, 4:13 PM

Jun 2012

Haha, if it weren't for the plot armor, everyone would be dead after that ambush and the mass crocodile attack!
Mari_MarxJan 23, 5:32 PM
Jan 23, 5:23 PM

Jul 2016
Crocodiles, burgers and bullets. Yep, seems like a fitting welcome to the US for our heroes.

Also, that sequence with the top fighters (+ Ginrou) engaging the crocs was probably the best Dr. Stone has ever looked. Damn.
Jan 23, 5:32 PM
Oct 2016
Makes perfect sense that not even a full day after making landfall in America that Senku and the kingdom of science have been shot at. Not just shot at either but full on blitzed with a machine gun shooting hot lead at a rapid pace. Tsukasa is the only reason everyone is still alive honestly, he senses the bloodlust coming from the shooter as they took aim. Everything up until then was exciting but not quite what Senku had in mind after reaching America. The crew enjoying some tasty crocodile burgers looked so delicious, I know they enjoyed refueling after that long boat voyage, made me so hungry watching that. The corn floating down river was definitely suspicious in hindsight now, whoever set the trap must've seen them land on the beach and laid the corn trap. Senku using that light to attract bugs and see if certain ones were nearby was a cool moment. I love how this series has those slower moments where Senku can demonstrate how cool science can be. They probably won't have much time for science displays with these Americans shooting at them!
Jan 23, 6:29 PM
Feb 2018
I really laughed out loud when the machine gun started firing. It was really a "Well well well..." moment as America and Guns always go together 😂😂
Jan 23, 6:46 PM
Jul 2024
Reply to Marinate1016
Nothing says California like corn 😂 Senku saying it tastes like ass is crazy. Corn is amazing. But we’re finally in the US and wow it’s really humbling to see that after only 3700 years, so much of what humanity built and thought made us superior to every other species has crumbled and disappeared.

We’re really just one of many species that have called this planet home and faced extinction. Not nearly as important as we make ourselves to be. The dinosaurs ruled the earth for tens of millions of years and now there’s only fossils of them left.

Lmao at everyone hoping no one gets attacked and Tsukasa ass over here hoping for a big animal or person to try ambushing them. That was the most dramatic crocodile fight I’ve ever seen 😂

I never clocked it when reading but OF COURSE THE AMERICANS HAVE GUNS lmaoo. Even in the stone world freedom reigns. Senku and crew are outgunned for sure, can’t wait to see how they handle what comes next.
@Marinate1016 Remember the staple food stuff in Japan is RICE. LOL I think we got a competition. LOL
Jan 23, 6:53 PM
Jul 2024
A couple of issues with this episode. Yeah, American Crocodiles in the USA sounds fine. But NOT in California. If they had landed in Florida, YES, that would be fine, it was their OG range in my country. They have been trying to make a comeback, but are still pretty rare down there. Any place on the Gulf Coast, after Petrification of Humans would work, since no one would be left to bother them. Also, ACs have long, pointy snouts. ( Just saying. LOL)
And the Machine gun seemed more like a double gatling gun from how it was firing & was drawn. Of course, it might very well be improvised!
Jan 23, 6:58 PM
Jul 2024
Reply to LuisSV23
Bro, the main characters literally arrived in the US and the first thing the locals did was shoot them xdd

WTF IS A KILOMETER?!!! ahhh moment
@LuisSV23 1000 Meters. Obviously. When I was in School we were taught the Metric System. It's very easy & used by almost everyone, with a few exceptions.
Jan 23, 7:27 PM
Jan 2021
corn tastes great. that comment surprised me so much I looked it up and corn is generally viewed as good in japan from what I found, so I guess the author just hates corn.
Jan 23, 8:00 PM
Nov 2019
Arrive in America and the first thing they do is have some good-looking hamburgers, then get shot at. The quintessential American experience.
Jan 23, 8:45 PM

Oct 2019
Dr X, whoever he might be, sounds like a major dick...
Jan 23, 10:40 PM
Sep 2021
it was 1 billion times exhilarating
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