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Jul 30, 2016 12:23 PM

Jul 2015
Gensan said:
Murasa22 said:
shut the fuck up VN readers..jesus christ.

"please read the vn" "please don't watch this" "please let me force my opinion on everyone" MY GOD STOP SERIOUSLY

this is why i hate these discussions. No one gives a shit if you like the VN more than the anime, people won't read the source just because you're telling them to do it.

This is a different media with different plans for the script. Stop comparing them especially in this case since Rewrite is a fucking huge VN with different timelines and controversial routes. IF YOU THINK ITS SO EASY TO ADAPT THIS, WHY DON'T YOU TRY BY YOURSELF?

The episode was fine and we don't need comparisons with the visual novel here. Go back to the game if you're so unpleased with the adaptation,

Let the anime onlies breath for god's sake..
Or try to make point instead of ad hom, your whole post is nothing but ad hom, i've been defending this anime up until this episode happened. ffs they can just DONT ADDAPT her route, implying the plot points, approaching from different angle but they didn't do that, they decide to rush it.

why do you think they recommend VN? because it will give them better experience, but the decision is on them. We don't force but guide, follow it or not is your choice.

but stop shitting on the forums with your bullshit butthurt.

Stop butthurt about people's impression on the show.
How about that: Aniplex gives 13 eps for 8bit. 8bit and Key should just say "Alright, let's give an original route as a promotion and it will help bring new people into buying our VN".

No need to think twice. It would be a much better adaptation. Let the anime-only viewers get the idea of Guardian and Gaia AFTER common route, and in the middle of the original route. No need to get into the background of each heroine. If they want more, well, there is the VN right?
AdrianRubinskyJul 30, 2016 12:26 PM
Jul 30, 2016 12:23 PM
May 2016
That was a sad backstory of Lucia. Kotarou, you lucky guy huh xD
Btw do every heroine here has a sad backstory?
Jul 30, 2016 12:24 PM

Jul 2014
eslej said:
Gensan said:
Or try to make point instead of ad hom, your whole post is nothing but ad hom, i've been defending this anime up until this episode happened. ffs they can just DONT ADDAPT her route, implying the plot points, approaching from different angle but they didn't do that, they decide to rush it.

why do you think they recommend VN? because it will give them better experience, but the decision is on them. We don't force but guide, follow it or not is your choice.

Stop butthurt about people's impression on the show.
How about that: Aniplex gives 13 eps for 8bit. 8bit and Key should just say "Alright, let's give an original route as a promotion and it will help bring new people into buying our VN". No need to think twice it would be a much better adaptation. Let the anime-only viewers get the idea of Guardian and Gaia AFTER common core and in the middle of the original route. No need to get into the background of each heroine.
and what does that make this a good adaption?
Jul 30, 2016 12:25 PM

Aug 2014
Bl4ckR4bbi7 said:
That was a sad backstory of Lucia. Kotarou, you lucky guy huh xD
Btw do every heroine here has a sad backstory?
It's Key :> What do you think?
Jul 30, 2016 12:26 PM

Jun 2015
Honestly anime is fine, they probably are doing 1 route per episode because they want to present kagari's route as their main focus all good, pacing is always an issue when you adapt something, i mean what do you expect when it only has 13 episodes ;P
Jul 30, 2016 12:27 PM

Aug 2014
Wonderland-aries said:
Honestly anime is fine, they probably are doing 1 route per episode because they want to present kagari's route as their main focus all good, pacing is always an issue when you adapt something, i mean what do you expect when it only has 13 episodes ;P
Would have been better of not doing heroine routes with only 13 ep, it would give them more time to focus on Kagari with better pacing. But oh well, they did manage to adapt Shizuru's well, so I have hope they'll atleast do everyone elses well (tho I wonder how they'll go about Akane's and Kotori's considering when those happen?)
Jul 30, 2016 12:27 PM

Jun 2015
eslej said:
Gensan said:
Or try to make point instead of ad hom, your whole post is nothing but ad hom, i've been defending this anime up until this episode happened. ffs they can just DONT ADDAPT her route, implying the plot points, approaching from different angle but they didn't do that, they decide to rush it.

why do you think they recommend VN? because it will give them better experience, but the decision is on them. We don't force but guide, follow it or not is your choice.

Stop butthurt about people's impression on the show.
How about that: Aniplex gives 13 eps for 8bit. 8bit and Key should just say "Alright, let's give an original route as a promotion and it will help bring new people into buying our VN".

No need to think twice. It would be a much better adaptation. Let the anime-only viewers get the idea of Guardian and Gaia AFTER common route, and in the middle of the original route. No need to get into the background of each heroine. If they want more, well, there is the VN right?

Yea man, saying how it is, too bad though people will just complain instead of seeing the promotion :P
Jul 30, 2016 12:27 PM

Jul 2015
Gensan said:
eslej said:
How about that: Aniplex gives 13 eps for 8bit. 8bit and Key should just say "Alright, let's give an original route as a promotion and it will help bring new people into buying our VN". No need to think twice it would be a much better adaptation. Let the anime-only viewers get the idea of Guardian and Gaia AFTER common core and in the middle of the original route. No need to get into the background of each heroine.
and what does that make this a good adaption?

I said better, not good. There is no miracle with 13 eps.
Jul 30, 2016 12:29 PM

Jul 2016
The heroines are not the main point of this anime so it's kind of acceptable that the character route episodes are left hanging a bit.

But this episode...In the middle I thought they'd finally do two episodes, but they somehow made it end hahaha
*under construction*
Jul 30, 2016 12:35 PM
Sep 2015
Well, they kind of butchered the best heroine arc in the game. It was way too obvious at the start what the mystery was, and it was a ton more emotional in the visual novel too. Lucia's characterization was also much more on point in the vn.

Still, it was probably all that we could ask for given the 1 episode per 1 route.
Jul 30, 2016 12:40 PM

Apr 2014
Gensan said:
moodie said:
Do you not knowing what an adaption is? You realize its not a carbon copy right?
do you not realize what rushing is? you realize character's action doesn't make sense right?
Maybe to someone who needs everything spoonfed. This made sense to me and many other ppl who are anime only viewers.
Jul 30, 2016 12:45 PM

Jul 2014
moodie said:
Gensan said:
do you not realize what rushing is? you realize character's action doesn't make sense right?
Maybe to someone who needs everything spoonfed. This made sense to me and many other ppl who are anime only viewers.
This doesn't make sense and many people already dropped because of that. yea it would work if we shut off our brain but some people just can't do that.

EDIT: wait, you're anime only? if you enjoy it then ok.
GensanJul 30, 2016 12:50 PM
Jul 30, 2016 12:46 PM
Jul 2016
I agree that it felt rushed, and that it's a kind of shame for lucia's lovers as I am.

But we're not here to see the VN perfectly adapted. Lucia's story is in the VN and will stay in the VN.

We're here to see how they ll adapt the story of rewrite ,and how they ll make it in 13 eps taking in consideration the mains characters. From here, even with the rush, everything feels kinda well done. There is a lot of foreshadowing, lessened by those fourth and fifth eps.

Nothing is perfect here, but 8bit is the only one who had the guts to adapt Rewrite. If you want the VN, just do it again. Coming here and cry cause it's not what people are expecting is a fact that everyone who've done it know from now. Spamming it feels boring, as if no one here got a critical mindset. At least, the key's fan of Kazamatsuri are faaaaar more advanced in their jugements.

Lets just wait where everything will lead us before complaning. 7 ep 'til the end è_è !
InnanisJul 30, 2016 12:56 PM
Jul 30, 2016 12:49 PM
May 2015
I mean, I understood almost everything that happened in this episode but I can't deny the fact that the pacing is rushed. 2-3 episodes should have been the minimum for Shizuru and Lucia's arc so I can actually feel and symphatize for the characters.

Also, after watching this episode, Lucia is now best girl for me. Bye bye, orange dressed tsundere girl. I have a new favourite tsundere girl and that's Lucia.


Jul 30, 2016 12:51 PM

Apr 2014
Gensan said:
moodie said:
Maybe to someone who needs everything spoonfed. This made sense to me and many other ppl who are anime only viewers.
This doesn't make sense and many people already dropped because of that. yea it would work if we shut off our brain but some people just can't do that.

EDIT: wait, you're anime only? if you enjoy it then ok.
Only ones complaining is VN fans.
Jul 30, 2016 12:51 PM

Mar 2011
The first 15 mins: What the f**k am I watching? What the f**k am I watching? What the f**k am I watching? What the f**k am I watching? What the f**k am I watching? What the f**k am I watching? What the f**k am I watching? What the f**k am I watching? What the f**k am I watching? What the f**k am I watching? What the f**k am I watching? What the f**k am I watching?

9 mins that remain: What is with this awesomeness? What on earth just happened? How did it turn like this? Finally it is here!

I was never a fan of Lucia's route, but this is too way fast adaption
Jul 30, 2016 12:55 PM

Jul 2014
moodie said:
Gensan said:
This doesn't make sense and many people already dropped because of that. yea it would work if we shut off our brain but some people just can't do that.

EDIT: wait, you're anime only? if you enjoy it then ok.
Only ones complaining is VN fans.
No a bunch of my friends are complaining too. some other ask me if they should watch anime or not. ( I can't give response unless i finish it)
Jul 30, 2016 1:00 PM
Jul 2013
I didn't read the VN and I must say that in my opinion this episode was actually the most understandable of all. It didn't feel so "rushed" like everyone say (of course I am sure in the VN this route is much longer and deeper - yet we have only few episodes for this anime) and also everything that needs to be clarified was actually told with more then two sentences...
I think this episode was really OK.
Jul 30, 2016 1:01 PM

Mar 2011
quick gifts.... for Lucia's fans

Jul 30, 2016 1:03 PM

Aug 2014
kayTheFalcon said:
quick gifts.... for Lucia's fans

Just realized that's her new battle uniform lol, looks pretty sweet.
Jul 30, 2016 1:04 PM

Jul 2012
That felt rushed, it was expected but still. What was the ending scene for (was kinda random)?
Jul 30, 2016 1:05 PM

Aug 2014
allenjke said:
That felt rushed, it was expected but still. What was the ending scene for (was kinda random)?
The one with both Shizuru and Lucia and those bikes/cars? Probably a preview.
Jul 30, 2016 1:07 PM

Jul 2015
That was a really good episode. Haven't tried the VN yet but imo story had good pace and it wasn't that rushed to make hard to follow but the main plot line, i still not sure.
John_MaxJul 30, 2016 1:27 PM
Jul 30, 2016 1:09 PM

Jul 2012
Snappynator said:
allenjke said:
That felt rushed, it was expected but still. What was the ending scene for (was kinda random)?
The one with both Shizuru and Lucia and those bikes/cars? Probably a preview.

They were with guns right, so something about the organisation and the preview towards the ending i assume, that's why i think it was random.
Jul 30, 2016 1:13 PM

Feb 2014
I am rather curious why other VN readers are saying "OMG THEY BUTCHERED HER ROUTE!"... It was obvious from the start they aren't doing the heroine routes, rather delving a little bit into their backstories. This is a new original route being made for the anime, and they're delving a bit into the heroine's routes so anime onlies can learn more about the heroines. Would people rather have the heroines not be explained and just be pushed to the background? Should they have spent 2 or 3 episodes to drag out and explain Asahi Haruka? If so, there would be less time for this anime original route and more time to just drag out parts of a route since some VN readers want their precious best girl to get all the attention she deserves.

This wasn't at all going to be a good adaptation, it was obvious from when they first mentioned the anime original route. That doesn't necessarily make it a bad thing, though, as in the end it could still be a decent anime.

Now, if they attempted Lucia's whole route then it would be fair to call it butchered. They just did her backstory, and had an easy progression into the Guardian and Gaia. If they did November 13th rather than easing their way into it...
Jul 30, 2016 1:14 PM

Aug 2015
This was really faced paced. They kept jumping from location to location and the drama had hardly any impact at all because the scenes end so quick.
Jul 30, 2016 1:21 PM

Aug 2013
I'm near to drop it. The only thing which is stopping me is a fact about new route. This is a real disaster and I would drop it for sure in normal circumstances. It's probably not worth to wait for original content anyway, but I will try to endure it.

SakurasouBusters said:
Thank you so much 8bit for fucking up my favorite route.

Lol, you really expected something good after all of this?
Murasa22 said:


This is one of the dumbest things which I seen for a while (not including some users on Polish anime forums).
Sorry, I'm not a owner of anime studio :( The only thing which I could do is a soundtrack, eventually video montage. It's not my profession, but as a viewer, I can rate what I'm watching. I don't need to be able of producing it.
And btw, every other adaptation of Key's VN is great. Even hated by most of users Little Busters (yes I have read a vn, and I think that JC Staff did very acceptable adaptation). But this is a disaster, nothing else.
How about you stop butthuring about someone's else opinion? Especially if producers screwed up everything that they only could.
HidenNinpoJul 30, 2016 1:38 PM
Jul 30, 2016 1:22 PM

Jul 2012
Oh boy, the big name drops in this episode....
November 13th better happen. In some way, shape or form, that day needs to be reenacted in the anime. But going by the preview, there's probably no way they can get that event across properly.
Jul 30, 2016 1:26 PM

Feb 2014
jaxter0987 said:
Oh boy, the big name drops in this episode....
November 13th better happen. In some way, shape or form, that day needs to be reenacted in the anime. But going by the preview, there's probably no way they can get that event across properly.

If they did november 13th, it wouldn't have as big of an impact as it had in the VN since they've already showed the existence of Guardian/Gaia, but it could still be a way to
Jul 30, 2016 1:33 PM

Jun 2013
rsc-pl said:
I'm near to drop it. The only thing which is stopping me is a fact about new route. This is a real disaster and I would drop it for sure in normal circumstances. It's probably not worth to wait for original content anyway, but I will try to endure it.

SakurasouBusters said:
Thank you so much 8bit for fucking up my favorite route.

Lol, you really expected something good after all of this?
Murasa22 said:


This is one of the dumbest things which I seen for a while (not including some users on Polish anime forums).
Sorry, I'm not a owner of anime studio :( The only thing which I could do is a soundtrack, eventually video montage. It's not my profession, but as a viewer, I can rate what I'm watching.
How about you stop butthuring about someone's else opinions? Especially if producers screwed up everything that they only could.

I still had slight hopes, but they're gone now
Jul 30, 2016 1:33 PM

Jan 2013
Fairly good episode, just wish there were more character interactions with Lucia so I could be more invested in her story.
Jul 30, 2016 1:53 PM

Jul 2014
Why does it feel like this episode rushed straight through to the climax of Lucia's route in the VN, something that I am inclined to believe works better in the VN when romance is presumably there and when they aren't trying to cram it into 20 or so minutes? Well, it was still pretty good but I feel that giving it a couple of episodes would've worked better, though with what they're going for I understand why they didn't. Also, am I supposed to take the bit after the credits seriously or is it supposed to be a joke? I feel like it should be the former, but it somehow ended up feeling more like the latter instead.

Damn it, every episode is making me want to read the VN more and more.
Jul 30, 2016 1:57 PM
Apr 2012
This episode... I'm really done this time. This shit is an absolute disgrace to the visual novel. Should have dropped it on episode 1... why did I listen to those people who said "it's only the first episode" when the entire fucking adaptation is 13 episodes. Just what the fuck.

I'm just utterly disappointed with Key right now. How the fuck are they able to find a studio that is able to adapt planetarian leagues better than rewrite but can't find a proper studio that will do their main work justice... Every single adaptation of major key works since clannad by other studios than kyoani has been a cluster fuck. And no this isn't me being a kyoani bitch, this is about giving a DECENT adaptation, which hasn't happened. This shit is worse than how the fuck can it be worse than charlotte...

I thought since this would be 13 episodes, that they would not do any of the routes and stick to an anime original 6th route...but fuck...this needs to be boycotted, it's fucking worse than what shounen jump is doing to bleach. Fucking disgusting.
flackJul 30, 2016 2:07 PM
Jul 30, 2016 2:04 PM
Jul 2018
Like I can agree at least it was pretty badly paced this episode... I think they could have done this within 2 episodes at the very least in all honesty, just one episode at least to focus on Lucia a bit more (like they did with Shizuru giving her some time to get some decent amount of screentime) and then go straight towards her backstory which I guess the way they changed it was in a way that of course, they can't go back to it right now and the only way to do so is probably adding gaps beforehand for Lucia's Route and then focusing it on her end.

I'm not even asking for romance for this episode because having romances would kinda go into a complication and I won't say why and you guys have read Terra, you know what I'm exactly pointing out at the moment.

Besides not gonna lie, I think with the exception of Lucia (being the one of the more developed romances in the Visual Novel) the romance aspect of the series in general is not the strongest genre in here imo.
Jul 30, 2016 2:27 PM
Feb 2009
The best route and they ruined it like this.Honestly I pity the people who watch the anime without played the VN before that.
Jul 30, 2016 2:43 PM

Aug 2013
I'm really increasingly enjoying this plot, this time the focus was on Lucia, I really like her personality, but in this episode many strange things have happened, but it was good to see Kotarou trying to help Lucia, he is looking smarter than me imagined, especially now that he got information of Lucia and of the teacher, I am really looking forward to seeing the development of this plot ..
Jul 30, 2016 2:46 PM
Jul 2016
How can we get the audience to care all of a sudden for a character that has had barely any proper screentime to provide a meaningful connection to the audience beforehand? Throw in a tragic backstory all of a sudden! Let's not give actual foreshadowing beforehand either! I've got a feeling that I'm definitely not going to love this anime...
Jul 30, 2016 2:48 PM

Sep 2014
Rushed as can be. As a result, there's basically no mystery and viewers can hardly feel any attachment to the characters. What a horrible adaptation...

Honestly, I believe the pacing of the visual novel would probably be too slow for the anime in that it would take too long for the main theme to become clear. But regardless, these character episodes really should have been 2 episodes long.

I just don't get why Key thinks it's a better idea to make 2 shitty anime (Charlotte and Rewrite) instead of a solid 2-cour anime with proper development and impact.

I mean, who's ever going to buy this? I find it hard to believe that an anime with such poor execution could be more profitable than a proper adaptation or no adaptation at all.

I'm just glad they didn't make the same mistake with Planetarian.
Jul 30, 2016 2:53 PM
*hug noises*

May 2013
FlamepriesT said:
I'm just glad they didn't make the same mistake with Planetarian.
Comparing this to Planetarian's adaptation is kind of senseless given that it's linear and also like 20 times shorter :s
Jul 30, 2016 2:56 PM
Dec 2014
FlamepriesT said:
Rushed as can be. As a result, there's basically no mystery and viewers can hardly feel any attachment to the characters. What a horrible adaptation...

Honestly, I believe the pacing of the visual novel would probably be too slow for the anime in that it would take too long for the main theme to become clear. But regardless, these character episodes really should have been 2 episodes long.

I just don't get why Key thinks it's a better idea to make 2 shitty anime (Charlotte and Rewrite) instead of a solid 2-cour anime with proper development and impact.

I mean, who's ever going to buy this? I find it hard to believe that an anime with such poor execution could be more profitable than a proper adaptation or no adaptation at all.

I'm just glad they didn't make the same mistake with Planetarian.

What's wrong with planetarian?
I think it's very good
Jul 30, 2016 2:59 PM

Dec 2014
Okay, as an anime-only viewer I can't really be as offended by this as several others here. If I had to rate it probably a 3/5 like the rest of the series sans episode 1.

On a side note though, this makes me really worried for this series' second half. Considering the staff is haphazardly adapting all the arcs from the VN there leaves only like 5 episodes to cover the anime original material. Charlotte had about the same amount of episodes to cover its last arc and it was a disaster, like I couldn't even fucking tell what was happening nor did I care about any of it. I have a feeling that this show will suffer a similar fate.
Jul 30, 2016 3:04 PM

Aug 2013
What a disgrace to the VN, I also changed my user name as I don't want it to be associated with this garbage, this is making Grisaia adaptation look good in comparison.
Jul 30, 2016 3:11 PM

Sep 2014
zaidk said:
What's wrong with planetarian?
I think it's very good

It is. I never said otherwise. The first 2 episodes are inherently slow and there's no way around it, but the execution is rock solid and everything looks beautiful.
HaXXspetten said:
Comparing this to Planetarian's adaptation is kind of senseless given that it's linear and also like 20 times shorter :s

It's linear and obviously easier to adapt properly. Rewrite is definitely a complicated visual novel to adapt. I never thought they were going to pull it off with a shitty studio and 12-13 episodes.

However, even if we got 24 episodes, that wouldn't make the execution and animation better than now. Having 24 episodes doesn't turn Rewrite into a fantastic show, it's merely a requirement for proper character development and any sort of emotional impact. Not only are there less episodes than necessary, but they're also doing a bad job just like they did with GnK.
Jul 30, 2016 3:21 PM

Jun 2013
I'm guessing Chihaya is eating her sundae alone in this episode
Jul 30, 2016 3:24 PM

May 2015
People are salty again! This right here is why I love MAL.

So this episode was Lucia's backstory and a bit of her route I guess. I can kind of see how people are calling this rushed now. Especially if this episode was supposed to have a mystery element to it. After all, I realized that Lucia was Asahi Haruka very early on in the episode. But I enjoyed it, as I found learning about Guardian and Gaia interesting. Though I find myself really wanting to read the visual novel after watching this episode.
Cross-country >>>>>>>>>>>> Every other sport
Jul 30, 2016 3:24 PM

Jun 2014
Why are people talking like the fucking episode just adapted the whole Lucia route, it only showed her backstory and one of her worries being solved and Kotarou isn't fully attached to her yet, in terms of pacing the episode felt fine from an anime only standpoint.
also reminder that this is not an adaptation, its a retelling of Rewrite's world from a different perspective


Now that Kotarou is closer to Guardian I can see that the original Kagari route might also put some focus on the Guardian side, also Tensho said that Lucia will play a big role in the anime so this kinda supports my theory, I'm looking forward to how this anime is going

Also once again This anime is not adaptation the routes, its just showing the backstories so far and seems to have a logical flow so far
Jul 30, 2016 3:46 PM
Jul 2012
zaydgh123 said:
Why are people talking like the fucking episode just adapted the whole Lucia route, it only showed her backstory and one of her worries being solved and Kotarou isn't fully attached to her yet, in terms of pacing the episode felt fine from an anime only standpoint.
also reminder that this is not an adaptation, its a retelling of Rewrite's world from a different perspective


Now that Kotarou is closer to Guardian I can see that the original Kagari route might also put some focus on the Guardian side, also Tensho said that Lucia will play a big role in the anime so this kinda supports my theory, I'm looking forward to how this anime is going

Also once again This anime is not adaptation the routes, its just showing the backstories so far and seems to have a logical flow so far
I'm still trying to figure out why people are so upset also. It was a good episode. Sure I would personally have prefered Lucia route compared to a backstory but this is just a new story so I'll take what I get.

Also it makes sense for them to give all of the heroine backstories so you can see(even if we VN players know) the reason why each heroine behaves the way they do and what secrets they have.
Jul 30, 2016 3:49 PM

May 2015
Well, obviously rushed, but meh. I never really cared that much about 1:1 adaptations to begin with and just watch for enjoyment, and I enjoyed the episode. Lucia is probably my favorite heroine along with Akane.

Jul 30, 2016 4:00 PM

Nov 2013

- I'm just glad they didn't make the same mistake with Planetarian.
- What's wrong with planetarian? I think it's very good

he means he is glad planetarian isn't rushed like
then again planetarian is probably so small that they had to make it in 5 episodes with smaller number of minutes...

well since i dont play VN i liked the episode... i understand people saying it is rushed...but at least we get to know them a bit...can't do much more in 13 episodes lol

no idea what is the requirement to have 24+ episodes instead of 13 but since they do it like this i'm not going to complain
winddevil1Jul 30, 2016 4:04 PM
favorite "new girls" from fall <3 (lol i only watched these) ... click sig for older seasons
Jul 30, 2016 4:19 PM
Jul 2018
HaXXspetten said:
FlamepriesT said:
I'm just glad they didn't make the same mistake with Planetarian.
Comparing this to Planetarian's adaptation is kind of senseless given that it's linear and also like 20 times shorter :s

Comparing Rewrite with Planetarian is like comparing Naruto with Boku no Hero Academia ._. (this is a terrible comparison but you do get my point)

Btw not attacking you but you can kind of get my point. Planetarian is easy to adapt because is one linear and shorter, hence why it works... now for Rewrite, can't say much on my end, since I do personally still have a double edge with it.
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