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Better than I had expected. We got introduction of the main characters and the mysterious vibe of the setting already.
Lucia is awesome. I also kinda like the chemistry between Tennouji and Yoshino. Felt quite rushed but I'm fine with it so far. I hope the soundtrack improves a bit though.
Everything was great for the most part. The fight was a bit... odd, however. I feel like they tossed in too much stuff into that section at once. It's a weird day when all the visual novel stuff is good and done at a decent pace and it's the ORIGINAL stuff that's kinda rushed. Oh well, it's only the first episode, let's see how it goes.
The opening monologue is accomplished with visuals of how the planet Earth was formed. And they also showed the ending of the five heroine routes during the monologue too.
I find that very cool and interesting. The CG wasn't too bad.
lezerman said: Do you guys think they will rush everything to finish with 13 episodes or we will get a split cour later?
I dunno, the pacing was really weird this episode. Ending at the meeting with Akane seemed pretty appropriate and all the VN stuff was moving at a decent pace, but the original stuff went a bit too excessive and ramped up the pace too much.
Yes. They showed the ending of the five heroine routes during the monologue.
Oh, so now I'm considering if I even start to watch it -.-
No, you could watch it. It was just screenshots of the heroines in a specific enivoronment.
Nah, I know the whole story, I read VN already, but if they butchered dozens of hours into short monologue, then I think, that I should pass on this adaptation.
And where is your awesome art and animation? Someone want to say something more about it? It's hard to produce something which looks more bad than this. I'm not a hater, I love Rewrite, but, well.
If someone say again that Rewrite has a great art and animation...
rsc-pl said: And where is your awesome art and animation? Someone want to say something more about it? It's hard to produce something which looks more bad than this. I'm not a hater, I love Rewrite, but, well.
If someone say again that Rewrite has a great art and animation...
Beautiful 3D models.
Beautiful "shading"
Awesome pixelized backgrounds
Amazing CG
Top notch work in general. I'm impressed.
Not many people thought it was going to have great Animation and art. Was mainly VN people that thought so.
rsc-pl said: And where is your awesome art and animation? Someone want to say something more about it? It's hard to produce something which looks more bad than this. I'm not a hater, I love Rewrite, but, well.
If someone say again that Rewrite has a great art and animation...
Beautiful 3D models.
Beautiful "shading"
Awesome pixelized backgrounds
Amazing CG
Top notch work in general. I'm impressed.
No one ever said that this was going to have beautiful art. Even from the PV2, I could tell at a glance that Rewrite's Artstyle will have lower quality than most other Key works. And even most other 8 bit shows have higher quality visuals.
The animation was pretty fluid tho. And the stuff did a pretty good job here. Nothing great but at least it was fun to watch
The first episode is 43 minutes? I wonder if the rest would be like that, it would be great since VN adaptations usually fall short due to time constraints. Either way, if they keep it 43 mins long an episode it will basically be a 2 cour show in 1 season :D!!!! I am halfway through the episode and I had to come post on here that so far I think this show is amazing. Stunning visuals/background settings/atmosphere and animation from what I seen an intriguing story with a shroud of mystery and the characters are very likeable. I think I was right to make this my top anticipated anime this season. I feel like I am going to thoroughly enjoy this. I should add that for some reason this show gives off sort of an eerie vibe to it with a shroud of mystery paired with its moeness lol!
Today has been a good day for releases, first SnS S2 had an amazing first episode and Rewrites first episode thus far has been great. I am excited to see what other shows holds in store for me this season. I can't wait to see how this story unfolds, and I found out from someone a little while ago that this will be an anime-original route which is great, since the VN/manga readers can enjoy a fresh perspective on the series along with us anime only viewers; although I did read the 6 chapters of Rewrite Side B before watching this and I will probably read all of the chapters for Rewrite Side R too, since apparently that is a different route as well. I think I may actually get the VN for this as it seems like one of those type of series that needs to be fleshed out of many hours of dialogue and story/character interactions + all the different routes to be explored.
I am generally excited!!!! I will be back to rate this episode once I finish the other half, but for now 5/5 for first half of this episode.
Reserved score for 2nd half of episode: 5/5
Also if anyone knows if the other episodes will also be 43 minutes long, please let me know. If they are then I am going to be extra hyped for Saturday releases :D!!!!!
Anyway, as for first impression. It's okay. Felt rushed and the art was not so good. The animation felt okayish for now but we'll have later on for more of that. Didn't see myself laughing at anything.
6-7/10 for a first impression I guess. -Pts for art and feeling rushed.
6-7/10 for a first impression I guess. -Pts for art and feeling rushed.
It was like you start reading the book, and after first chapter, you would jump to 8th. VN readers know what happened meantime, but we are in total niche. It could work as a recap of VN (or not even a recap...). Pacing is worse than in Grisaia. They ommited that many important informations that I don't even want to start mentioning it.
3/10 for me for 1st episode - story, art and animation, I didn't include the music because - thanks God - they are using original soundtrack. I really don't want to complain anymore, but I just can't. I can't be satisfied with something like this. I've seen many rushed VN adaptations, but almost all of them somehow managed to tell the story properly. I mentioned it many times, I love VN adaptations, I was positive towards Rewrite until PV3.
Quite a long time ago I read Rewrite VN but it did followed quite well with VN, never thought it would be good.
Arts is meh but it's watchable.
My first impression on first episode is good I dunno if they still will continue as 50 minutes each episode but I was surprised of length of episode, animation quality is not that bad.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained (Girls und Panzer der Film ) / from Nishizumi Miho
Blackbird said: Quite a long time ago I read Rewrite VN but it did followed quite well with VN, never thought it would be good.
Arts is meh but it's watchable.
My first impression on first episode is good I dunno if they still will continue as 50 minutes each episode but I was surprised of length of episode, animation quality is not that bad.
Blackbird said: Quite a long time ago I read Rewrite VN but it did followed quite well with VN, never thought it would be good.
Arts is meh but it's watchable.
My first impression on first episode is good I dunno if they still will continue as 50 minutes each episode but I was surprised of length of episode, animation quality is not that bad.
Only first ep is this long.
Basically this. Looking forward to the next episode now. So many cute moe moments.
Part of Refrain Subs for Little Busters!: Refrain
Recently Played/Read VNS (Most Recent to Oldest):
- Da Capo
- Grisaia no Kajitsu
- ef - a fairy tale of the two
- G-senjou no Maou
- Sharin no Kuni, Himawari no Shoujo & Sharin no Kuni, Yuukyuu no Shounenshoujo (Fan Disk)
- Rewrite
- Hoshizora no Memoria -Wish upon a shooting star-
- Clannad
- Little Busters EX!
First off I must say that this series has a nice OP song
So far the main characters aren't bad at all but I feel like they truly shine when they're paired up together, Like Kotarou and Ohtori or that scene where Kotarou and Kotori made fun of that one guy xD
I think that this episode episode did a good job introducing the characters and the world while leaving one very curious as to find out where all this supernatural stuff comes in
Nice art and animation, decent soundtrack and it had just the right amount of suspense....The different tones worked well too
FlamepriesT said: Wondering if watching this before I finish Terra would be a problem. Anyone?
If you finished moon, then you should be totally alright. The anime didn't show ( and probably won't show) any parts of Terra yet. Just moon and some of the common route
Re: Plus some original development
YES, THIS WAS AMAZING! A bit fast at times, but the dialogue and atmosphere was spot on. They totally nailed Kotori's character as well. I am really satisfied.
I do wonder if anime only viewers would have a hard time keeping up with the episode though. Because so many characters got introduced and so much stuff happened, wow. It must be confusing.
WTF did I just watch? Infantilized girls, sleepwalkers with a fetish for coins, transfer students with super strength, witchs, ghosts, fairy vampires, boss monster, dimensional travel, dismemberment. Also Colonel Sanders. Art is also Clannadish, but not in a good way.
I do wonder if anime only viewers would have a hard time keeping up with the episode though. Because so many characters got introduced and so much stuff happened, wow. It must be confusing.
It IS confusing. I disregard my every knowledge on the source material and the result, my brain couldn't totally follow. At least at the 2nd half.
Not really sure what all the buzz over this anime was about because this didn't really wow me. It's only the first episode though, so maybe it'll take a few more episodes for this to (hopefully) get on the right track. With this being 13 episodes, I hope it doesn't turn into a total train wreck before that happens.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.
Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.
MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.
Whoa, that's just sick. Dystopia-theme with mysterious loli character and blood. Even when it's just a dream, and just some of it will come in real life soon
That screaming light switch is hilarious. LOL
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Vanschia said: I'm disappointed with this tbh
even I'm who read the VN goes "wtf I'm watching"
super rushed what the hell
I bet you dont even know what you're watching if you didnt read the VN
I'm pissed
I wasnt expecting it otherway. Even with 24 episodes, it would had been hard not to rush it.
The art is what it is, PV prepared me for that, audio is great, that is a given since it cames from the VN.
So they started with hinting for the beggining of Moon's route heh?! Then hinted for some highlights of each heroine route.
Then follow common route...
-Kotori's first scene was so funny, forgot about the coins, I think the other option was using a scissor to cut her hair. lol
Great voice acting for Kotori, they captured her spirit very well.
-Yoshino is the man!Lol for Kotarou peeking at him taking a piss.
-The mighty class rep takes appearence!!
Nuff said, she was amazing, they adapted her well, I wanna see more of Lucia-sama!!
I was missing those growls of hers, too bad we didnt get to see the canteen scene yet, I hope they at least adapt it.
-Yoshino x Tennouji! Nice save Kotori.
Kagiri munching on him cuz
he has her ribbons in his body,
that was funny, hoping they make her a more interesting character this time around.
-Chihaya's fall, damm, many people will wonder how the hell was she able to survive that.... well she was cute enough here. CHERRIES!!
-Shizuru.... UGH!!!!
Kawaii, kawaii, KAWAII!!!!!!!!!!! She wants to eat lunch together!!! Sardines I bet. xD
-I dunno about them showing Akane's and Chihaya connection this soon, I think it wasnt on common route either, but was exclusive of her route, dont remenber well.
-Kotarou trying to hit some points with Kotori and the infamous Subaki appearence! No BL here!! xD
-Damm, Akane has a really fancy office, even shower there (think it was mentionated in the VN), and those scream pranks really scared them both! That what you get for invading a Witch's Lair, gypsy!! (looking forward for the gaming)
Again those Kagiri late night assaults, poor Kotarou.
-Change yourself, or change the world, mmm...
I dont quite remenber it well but I think choosing the world would let you enter Akane's route right?! Fellow VN readers if you remenber plz remind me of this. I dunno if it had anyother influence beyond that either
-Kotarou and Chihaya "date" was a bit strange, showing the golden fields.
-Then Akane calls him back to school, but they are already going edting here and there?! I mean...
Pani and Gil already showing up, even other familiars and the closed space... and they are even showing Terra major hints like Kotarou and Kagari first encounter?!
Lord have mercy, they really plan to cram the upmost with the time they were given...
-That said, Kagiri vs Mr Octopus was kinda cool, original stuff, but hey, an enjoyable mini fight. That Rewrite logo!!!!!
And then The Witch makes her ever first official appearence, damm they had to end it there! It was supposed to be an 1 hour long. I want to see more Akane's! least they let us desiring to see more on the next episode. But it will be only 23 minutes long?! I would be okay with 13 episodes, IF everyone of them were just like this one, almost 50 minutes long.
No use complaning, it is what it is.
Overall, as a first episode, knowing the VN... it was very enjoyable fanservice, I have to hand it to them.
The way they are doing may work, it maybe became a good anime, a good adaptation wont be for sure, easy enough to see that, they would had to adapt the overall plotline like an omnibus format.
Hinting to Moon's route and Terra was smart, if they were going to to a faithfull adaptation, it would be quite interesting to see it here, never thought about that.
But the way they present stuff in the second half, maybe too overhelming for newcomers. At least we got to see the cast interation for the first time, they managed to make it feel enjoyable just like it was in the visual novel, from here on, only time will tell.
I just hope they dont bury the series more than they already have done, with going the shorther route, just to promote the VN, instead of doing it justice an adapting every major plotline.
I will be surely here next week to watch the second episode, that is the best compliment I can make.
It left me wanting more, with my hype already lower. 8 bit dont turn this into an even bigger mess... if you do I will haunt you forever, just like Kagari's