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Oct 16, 2009 8:37 AM
Jul 2008
As it says, you can take the idea of a weapon or power from anime or you can create your own weapon..
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Oct 16, 2009 10:36 AM
Jul 2008
This concept is taken from Marchen awakens romance.

Name: Zodiac ( Shoulder guard, something like Renji's bankai )
Power: It appear as a fur cowl around his left shoulder and weird designed skull mask could be seen over the user left shoulder. It possess a spirit called zack, with the IQ of 200 and long experience of fighting, it is able to make tactics within a few second and able to tell what a person is thinking. The skull mask also have hidden power but is unknown. It have total of 21 version, meaning 21 abilities.

Version 1, its staff mode is made up of 13 sections of the totem pole. It Guardian mode causes many giant totem poles to erupt from underground. They can also separate to fire individual sections at the opponent. Those giant totem pole and the tip of the staff can be exploded by simple touches if the user command it. It can be change to bracelet, necklace, keychain and waist accessories ( normally punks wear that ) when not in used.

Version 2, it is able to create a armguard with shield and sword. The back of the armguard have whip weapon that can regenerate and it is able to releases whips with various types of weapon fastened at their ends. Some are able to poison while some are electric. It is able to move the way the user want.

Version 3, a type of special revolver with 6 different power like laser beam, torpedo that follow its target, warhead that spread into many bullet after shoot off, smoke, flashbang and poison gas.

Version 4, It is able to call upon 13 guardian, each of this guardian have its own special skill. They call even combine with each other to become stronger. Depend on which guardian they combine, the power is different.

Version 5, It is able to create 12 small orb, this small orb surround the user and can heal injuries. Not just that, it can also give the user superhuman strength and speed, increasing all of his physical power. each of this orb have different element power, giving the user different types of power.

Version 6, With the appearance of ring, when activated, the ring is able to split to two parts, one of the function is to a create a destructive buster sword while another is to create armour that is able to withstand any attack. When both are use together, you can call upon a guardian knight that is holding the buster sword and wearing the armour. The armour can also use to stop your opponent from moving by making the armour to stop moving while the opponent are wearing the armour.

Version 7, a type of special poison equipment. The gas mask the capable of mixing all gas type elements into poisonous or explosive mixtures. It is also capable of flying, viewing distant objects, night vision, magnification, and filtering. The armour is capable of creating sonar barrier and heat reduction. It also have special types of rope. ( similar to what Sunabozu use of in Desert punk )

Version 8, Turbo Spin, 1st mode, It operates by vibrating at high speed creating super pressured wind that rotate with great intensity and burst with immense force. This 'wind' form gives access to high speed wind gusts, comparable to natural disasters. It focuses on using the created wind as a weapon rather than to increase maneuverability. Its strength grows with the strength of the wind it faces, as a strong wind can be compressed even further. It absorb the wind by feed the wind from the front and blast it at the back of the wheel. The 'fire' form operates by converting the energy produced by the wheels during high-speed braking into heat, which is kicked outward as a "shell" of compressed, heated air, then kicked again to produce a laser-straight current of molten wind. When activated, the wheels run to produce torrents of flames. The rotation of this 'electric' form generates electricity, it can create a strong magnetic force, attracting metal objects. 2nd mode, the wheel turn into chakram, it high-speed attack where so fast that it is almost invisible. It can change its size according to how you want to use, example, using it as a weapon to capture enemy. It is able to give the user the ability to flight.

Version 9, gachapon, it works by turning turning a crank of the side and a toy capsule will drop into the receptacle. Inside those toy capsule will randomly give a weapon, item or some power. The empty capsule alone can be act as a bomb. The gachapon machine can be carried like a backpack.

Version 10, Sky castle, It's about 100 story high. Inside of it, the first 30 floor is a Labyrinth and trap room. 30 to 80 floors is army platoon, aeroplanes, ships, cars and bike. Those army is like undead without soul and some of them are of giant size. 80 to 100 floors is like a mansion.

Ahhhh cant think of it anymore -_- still uncompleted T_T
kayzeNov 21, 2009 12:38 AM
Oct 16, 2009 11:39 AM

May 2009
Name: E-Reaper (Scythe)

Power: Mimic opponents power after slicing him.
Ex: Fighting Ichigo in bankai, I slice him, now I can use E-Lunar Fang
Oct 16, 2009 8:12 PM
Jul 2008
Name: Dan ( snowboard )
Power: It enable the user to travel in air, sea and land. It is able to boost the speed by firing circular-like wind at the back. Not only that, it is able to control snow, ice, water and wind. My favorite attack is avalanche and wind cutter ( Normally can instant defeat weaklings. )
kayzeNov 20, 2009 3:36 AM
Oct 18, 2009 5:09 PM

May 2009
Oct 18, 2009 5:10 PM

May 2009
fine, I'll get serious

Name:E-T.3 (Scythe)
Power:hmmmmm, im winging it right now

Oct 18, 2009 9:07 PM
Jul 2008
Lol thx for your compliment ^^
kayzeOct 19, 2009 4:55 AM
Oct 18, 2009 9:14 PM
Jul 2008
Name : Endless Death

Shikai release : Bite them to Death !

Shikai ability :A katana sword that has been beat up ( Similar like Kenpachi )
It can produce fog and can teleport the user. Good for assassin.

Bankai Ability :Regular katana with the ability to clones into many sword ( Similar to Byakuya or Mifune from Soul Eater )
Each sword act independently and can fuse with each other to create different ability and stronger sword.

This is what i post in the bleach club long ago. Maybe you can get some idea there.
Oct 19, 2009 5:18 AM
Jul 2008
Name: Shyze ( Detachable Snake-like weapon )
Power: Shan shan is the name of the spirit that possess Shyze. Shan shan can turn into tattoo and can move freely within the user body and Shan shan can turn into human or normal snake. Shan shan is like a metallic snake and when it is in tattoo form, it is able to defend the user by using its metallic skin. It can turn into staff and sword that can disconnect with just thoughts. It is able to control poison, lightning and curse. It is also able to call upon millions of snakes. Not only that, in the form of whip, when the when hit other object, the mark of the damage turn into real snake. And when it hit the enemies, the skin and flesh will get rotten to a certain degree. One of the strongest skill Shan shan has is the Medusa eye, able to turn the enemies into stone by having eye contact. When it is in tattoo form, user are able to gain the power of controlling poison and Medusa's eye.
kayzeNov 20, 2009 8:50 AM
Oct 29, 2009 5:41 PM

May 2009
Name: Deus Fatum (2h sword)
Power: This sword was created from chaos and every thing touched by this sword is deteriorating and some day vanished including it owner.
Dziwny szept, ciemny las, dzikie sny, czarna msza i bรณg
Oct 29, 2009 8:22 PM
Jul 2008
Lol quite a dangerous weapon ... o.0
Oct 30, 2009 11:50 AM

May 2009
I just like "double-edged" sword ;p
Dziwny szept, ciemny las, dzikie sny, czarna msza i bรณg
Oct 30, 2009 12:21 PM

May 2009
Name: Stone of soul (violet pearl)
Power: This pearl can absorb one soul and give not limited control over owner of lost soul if owner of lost soul die then pearl can absorb another soul.
tymoteuszOct 30, 2009 12:25 PM
Dziwny szept, ciemny las, dzikie sny, czarna msza i bรณg
Oct 31, 2009 10:55 AM
Jul 2008
so this this is the power that can manipulate soul ?
Oct 31, 2009 2:32 PM

May 2009
in this item is absorbed soul and you can manipulate the body. with this item you can be master of one puppet
Dziwny szept, ciemny las, dzikie sny, czarna msza i bรณg
Oct 31, 2009 8:48 PM
Jul 2008
Oh i see... does the owner gain new power if large amount of soul is being absorb ? Or just able to manipulate the body ?
Nov 1, 2009 3:41 AM

May 2009
just body and only one body if body die then you can absorb another soul
Dziwny szept, ciemny las, dzikie sny, czarna msza i bรณg
Nov 2, 2009 1:12 AM
Jul 2008
Nov 2, 2009 6:31 PM

Dec 2008
im to lazy to post my stuff now >_> maybe tomorrow or something. and btw kayze u a writer or something?
Nov 2, 2009 10:12 PM
Jul 2008
I not a writer, i'm just a 16 going 17 kids ^^
Nov 3, 2009 7:11 PM

Dec 2008
im the same but your the only person i know with that muc hcreativity and immaginaiton

Part 1: Permanent Broad Sword 5 Feet long and 2.5 feet wide
(permanent like ichigo's sword forgot what the term was)
Part 2:Also comes with Claws. These are blue-ish yellow made from solidified electricity. Each claw is about 3 inches long(they retract when needed so my hand isnt shreded to bits while using the sword)

Part 1:Broad Sword Upgrades to a Greatblade that is 9 Feet long and 1 foot wide. can be split into 2 single sided blades.
Part 2: claws increase length to 5 inches
Bankai "Special": Eyes of Eternity- upon entering Bankai speed is increased by immaculat ammounts and eyes feature the "Wheel of Shadows"(a octogonal shape with one outward facing bar extending to double the length of the bar. colored pitch black .) If an enemy looks Directly into the eyes, in an instant they see an illusion of their worst fears coming to life which then clouds their vision for a short period of time supposing they are still conscious/ alive from the shock. only problem is the eyes of eternity require immense amounts of energy and will leave the user bedridden for atleast a few days, not including other wounds that may be acquired during battle.
Nov 5, 2009 12:53 PM

May 2009
Name: False luck ( Coin with two obverses )
Power: Smiling face is from one part of coin but from other is sad face. When somebody will throw coin and smiling face will fall out then die one of his enemy. When sad face will fall out then die one of his friend.

I am not champion of english and i have hope that I have written it correctly
Dziwny szept, ciemny las, dzikie sny, czarna msza i bรณg
Nov 5, 2009 7:48 PM
Jul 2008
Lol, what if someone know how to cheat, he can keep on flip on the side of smiling face ? o.0 sure win haha
Nov 6, 2009 4:33 AM

May 2009
if someone know how to cheat then he will be a happy man
Dziwny szept, ciemny las, dzikie sny, czarna msza i bรณg
Nov 6, 2009 9:52 AM
Jul 2008
hahaa, what about making lucky coin, able to give someone luck in money... This way he have both wealth and power ^^
Nov 7, 2009 2:08 PM

May 2009
Name: Soaker ( Money-box )
Power: 2 minute after opening of money-box it is changed to quantum whirl and it involves everything what is nearby. When nothing stay nearby then it return to money-box.
Dziwny szept, ciemny las, dzikie sny, czarna msza i bรณg
Nov 7, 2009 6:57 PM
Jul 2008
May i know what is quantum whirl ?
Nov 8, 2009 4:26 AM

May 2009
in theory it is less imminent and alienable black hole
Dziwny szept, ciemny las, dzikie sny, czarna msza i bรณg
Nov 8, 2009 5:28 AM
Jul 2008
oh now i get it....
Nov 20, 2009 9:16 AM
Jul 2008
Name: Skies ( Bike )
Power: The Bike is used for land and sea transportation. It is a wide bike with three wheels ( two in the rear, and one in front ) and its engines are powered by absorbing the wind in front and pump it into the core, then transfer to the back of the bike to boost the speed. The faster it goes, more wind is being absorbed. Therefore it keep accelerating, there is a button to let go some of the wind so that the speed can be decelerate.
Nov 20, 2009 9:35 AM
Jul 2008
Name: NightMare ( Car )
Power: The car is able to travel in land and sea. It is able to withstand water and air pressure and the car have stealth mode and destroy mode. In stealth mode, the car turn invisible. In destroy mode, it have a lot of weapon hidden in the car and the frame of the car is able to withstand bazooka shots. It also have an auto pilot system. The user can choose the location in the GPS map and it will reach the location without fail.
Nov 20, 2009 11:52 AM
Jul 2008
Name: Howling Demon ( Ring )
Power: it turns the user's hand into a salivating monster's mouth which shoots energy. It can digest anything it swallows and will regenerate from any damage.

Name: Scortidus ( Centipedes-like Bracelet )
Power: It can be summon and it appears as a giant centipede ( Like Lal Mirch's box ). The leg of scortidus possess extremely sharp pincers which can used to skewer enemy both long range and short range as the leg of scortidus can be fire out. It curl around the opponent or the user to act as a shield or to restrict them, the armor of scortidus can withstand the attack of missiles. It can attached to the user's hand to attack, can even spin web like spider, trapping the enemy and can breathe out sleeping power. When scortidus is being cut apart, it is able to turn both part into another scortidus. The only way to kill it is to destroy the whole body at once, if not it is able to transfer the brain to another part of the body and regenerate a new scortidus. You can even travel using scortidus, the speed is about 70km/hr .

Name: Cage ( Bird cage )
Power: Able to transfigures its target into a bird and lock him/her inside the cage. The cage prevent any usage of power.
kayzeNov 21, 2009 12:40 AM
Nov 20, 2009 11:34 PM
Jul 2008
Name: ( Gourd )
Power: The gourd is able to produce any drink including body strengthen and healing potion. It have another abilities that is to capture demon and other living creature, then make them listen to the user's command. Inside the gourd is a house and many spirit live inside, it is big enough to get lost if not careful. The user can also go in for hiding.

Some of the spirits that live inside;

Name: Cruz ( Magician spirit )
Power: Cruz is full of mystery. The only things that is known is that he can use teleportion, hypnotize and illusion. He have a pocket that have limitless space and he can make things appear and disappeared out of nowhere.
Name: Labyrinth statue ( Beast spirit Statue )
Power: Able to prevent people from entering or leaving. Usually put in building or ships. When in some cases where those people try to escape by destroying the place, it have auto repair with high speed that can repair within few seconds even if the place is badly destroyed. The statue is also able to change to a living guard beast and protect the place.
Name: Peke ( Doll spirit )
Power: Level 1, it is able to change the body and take on the face of the enemy. It can also control someone's movement. Level 2, when the doll's body is link to the enemy and when it is damage the damage will transfer to the enemy. It can also link the user to the doll and when you are injured, the damage is being transfer to the doll. It can also link the user to the enemy, when the user are injured, the damage is being transfer to the enemy. In Mecha mode, it is able to turn into huge android with missile hand and laser beam eye. In fantasy mode, it trap the opponent to a toy world or doll house to destroy them, both toy world and doll house are inside Peke's stomach. If you could not get out fast enough, you will get digest. Even if you manage to clear toy world and doll house, the stomach is like labyrinth. Peke is able to control both living thing and non-living thing by attaching them with threads. It can summon wooden puppet and make them come to life.
Name: Kashin ( spirit )
Power: It can rebounces any attack, can multiply itself and can reform even after being completely destroyed. The mouth of Kashin is similar to dark hole, able to suck/eat things into another dimension. It is able to eat absolutely anything, even the seemingly inedible like building and can even swallow the building a whole. And is able to repair items inside its stomach, once it completely repair, it will spit it out. It can also assemble things inside the stomach. Eating all this thing also able to increase his power. Then the items that are eaten can allow the user and Kashin to become that ''item'' literally or allows him to become a human fortress, allowing subordinates and weapons to be stored inside his body. ( When he eat a gun, he can take out a gun and form it to his hand. ) The thing he eat can combine together or change to another form. (When he eat a normal bike with many parts, it can change into a unique car with all the parts he eat. ) Normally use as to combine it to robot with weird function. It can shapeshift into another form or item and can even copy the abilities of the human or item if they are inside it's stomach.

Take one piece for example, Kashin eat a ship, and it can produce the ship as it 'body'. When it eat anything, it will separate by classified it into weapon, food and human. ( For human it can make a steel jail. ) When bullet and bomb are shoot at the ship, it can absorb it to its stomach from all side regardless of where it hit. When the ship is broken, it can auto repair. And if unwanted 'guest' came in the ship, they will be lost in the labyrinth of the ship. Even if the ship get wreck, Kashin would not suffer damage as it only uses those parts he eat.
Name: Cifer ( spirit )

Normal mode.

X mode.

Blaster mode.

Power: His power stands alone at the top of the group, the Nightmare Soldiers. With his cruel personality, he has his favorite shotguns, Berenjena, and rides his motorcycle, Behemoth, all the time, wandering and searching for a strong opponent. He battles using his brute strength and shotguns. Normal mode, rapidly shoot foes with the dual shotguns Berenjena. Slashes an enemy with claws infused with dark energy. Shoots Black Flames at his opponents.

X mode, His head turned red, and he has 4 dark wings. He become berserk in this mode he will go rampage until his target is dead.

Blaster mode, in this form, he is winged and his eyes are green instead of red. Also, several parts of his clothes turn light Grey. He has enormous Positron Cannon on his right arm. He can also use Berenjena shotguns. Rapidly shoot foes with the dual shotguns Berenjena. Slashes an enemy with claws infused with dark energy. Shoots Black Flames at his opponents. Traces a Pentagram then fires a dark flare from its cannon. Fires a flaming lion's head from his fist.
Name: Kyo

It look like Ashisogi Jizo but instead of the baby face at there, it is change to a skull. The sword have a spirit living in it with the appearance of

Power: The spirit is able to call upon the dead like ghost, skeleton, undead, zombies and dead demon. His body have high-speed regeneration that enable him to fix his injury in just a moment. He can pull someone's soul out of the body and put it into another person's body using his hand, not just that, he can even mess someone's body up by changing the location of the body parts, he can also pull them out without injuring them. He have another abilities that can revive the dead and also able to remake a new body. Level 2, the sword is able to change to a staff withe the appearances of human skull on the top part of the staff and a little curvy on the middle part of the staff. When you hit the staff to the ground, you are able to call upon the undead and ghost without the help of the spirit. When the staff is activated, the surrounding is covered by full of bad emotion like sadness, angers, regrets, resentments, evil intention and grudges. A red moon will appear in the dark sky that are unable to see any glimpse of light. When that happen, people will start to see the worst nightmare and their dark past. Not only that, they will also see frightening illusion and something like hunted ghost, including strange phenomenon. Their body become very heavy and are unable to move very well. They will also feel sick of the evil aura and feel like vomiting.
kayzeNov 21, 2009 1:12 AM
Nov 27, 2009 10:31 AM

Aug 2009
effect:it causes vibrations strong enough to tear people to pieces
Nov 27, 2009 8:05 PM
Jul 2008
D-V said:
effect:it causes vibrations strong enough to tear people to pieces

Oh this weapon somewhat similar to in Flame of Recca.
Dec 4, 2009 11:12 AM
Aug 2008
power: The Grim Reaper's Promise
from: Alive, the manga
Dec 6, 2009 10:14 AM
Jul 2008
What is it like ? i can't really find info about this and i don't read manga..
Dec 12, 2009 1:41 PM
Aug 2008
well its kinda like the name says. step 1 find your target. step 2 trick them into a promise one that's hared to keep to make it fun. step 3 a grim reaper will follow the target for the rest of his/her life or until he/she breaks thus promise and the grim reaper takes the targets head. step 4 you win
Dec 17, 2009 9:07 AM
Jul 2008
Lol, the one being target must be very sad -_- And the grim reaper so sadistic o.0 but i like it โ—ฃ_โ—ข
Jan 24, 2010 7:16 AM

Jul 2009
Hmm... I have 4 :

Name : doesn't have one XD
Type : Scythe
Appearance :
This is my OC btw. She has red hair,red eyes, she's 5168 years old and she's a very powerful vampire. Drawn by me. mwahaa
Power : It "resides" in Hina's (my OC) body so she doesn' have to carry it.Some parts of her body (e.g. arm...leg etc.) can become the blade if she can't be bothered to hold the whole of it. XD For everyone else (except her of course), the scythe is too healvy to hold.

Name : Kiru
Type : Gun
Appearance :
It's white and a bit shorter than the Hellsing Jackal ones. x) It has the name Kiru written on it with gold.
Power : You shoot once - but there are 9 more invisible bullets. The 10 bullets follow the target until it hits and when it does, every bullet can make a hole the size of half your head. ;D

Name : Sou
Type : Gun
Appearance : Same as "Kiru" but black. It has the name Sou written on it with gold.
Power : Again, it follows the target until it hits. This time there is only one bullet but that bullet is 3 times stronger than all then of them in Kiru. When the bullet hits there is a great explosion and the person will be blown to bits. No, my mistake... to DUST. xD
Special Power : If you shoot while the gun touches a part of osmeone's body (it doesn't matter if its the back, the head or a strand of hair), nothing much will happen on the outsinde. On the inside,however, the person's insides will decay painfully for 1 minute. The heart would not decay so the person can't really die before the end of that minute. After the minute, the person will blow up from the INSIDE... Painful,ne? xD

Name : Judgement
Type : Gun
Appearance : Same as Kiru and Sou but it's red. It has the name Judgement written on it with gold. All three of the guns are made by Hina, the scythe is part of her so..
Power : Nobody really know what the gun's power is. One thing for sure is taht it has A LOT of powers. Nobody has ever survived seeing the gun and Hina never shows its power to anyone but the enemies that soon will die. Two of the powers,however, were revealed (the source is dead...of course) :
1. The bullets are not normal bullets like every other blood. The gun uses Hina's blood to make a bullet every time she wants to shoot. This makes a lot of people think that the gun can have every power that Hina has (believe me there are A LOT of them...).
2. A bullet from Judgement can kill an IMMORTAL person [e.g. Jashinist (a religion... look up Hidan from Naruto if you don't know it) can't be killed. But if he is hit with Judgement he WILL die. How he'll die is unknown... xD].
Other : Kiru and Sou can be used by other people but like the scythe, Judgement can be used only by Hina. If someone tries to shoot, no bullet will come out, because it can only work with Hina's blood.

Mwahah...those are mine. ^_^
sasohinaJan 24, 2010 7:21 AM
Jan 27, 2010 1:27 AM
Jul 2008
Then i shall show you my new idea ^^
I get the idea from one piece's shichibukai..

Wooden curve long staff ( wooden staff )
Even though it is made of wood, it is been alter. It can destroy upcoming nuclear bomb with ease, can destroy almost anything and the user can stay for long period without breaking a sweat. It is also very light. is able to push practically anything they touch and send it flying at the speed of light. This includes both tangible materials such as people and objects, and intangible materials such as air and the sensation of physical pain. This power offers the user an incredible advantage in battle, allowing them to deflect any physical attacks. They are also able to harness their abilities to perform offensive maneuvers, such as repelling the very air around them at magnificent speeds. These attacks are so powerful that they can leave rectangle-shaped imprints in rock. It can create fire surrounding the staff, it can burn down anything it touches except the user.
Apr 3, 2010 6:22 PM

Apr 2010
ok... this is going to take a little while....

ive always kind of imagined these swords, but never wrote down descriptions because i cant write...

names: unknown as of know

sword 1:
type: Katana (right hand)

elemental control: fire - similar to Zukos blade from Avatar the Last Airbender in which there are actually 2 swords connected together, fire created by quickly pulling apart, then snaping back togehter blades creating sparks, magically fueled to create massive fire-shows

sword 2:
type: reverse blade katana (left hand)

elemental control: air/wind cutting edge blade can cause "cutting air" techniques as seen in various anime

Bankai form: both swords need to be used for this, sword is "dropped" and disappears similar to Captain Kuchikis bankai. blades disspear, and are "pulled" from cloak worn (or appeared during bankai) like the Shakugan no Shana sword that Shana uses. Swords become longer than before, and all abilities are heightened and more are added (possibly havent tought it through yet)

Swords worn on back, crossing eachother, both swords imbued with magic etc. to prevent breaking of blades

*work in progress*

give me suggestions with this please, im a horrid writer and most ideas come and go before i can write them down (or try to)
Apr 7, 2010 10:08 AM
Jul 2008
I also roughly write down what i remember and some idea just can't say it out in words.. so i understand your feeling.

I get idea by watching anime ^^

You can try watch Marchen awakens romance, i like their concept of using accessories like bracelet and ring as weapon.

D.Gray man, Busou Renkin and Hitman reborn also quite good for getting idea. You try to visit the few site, it may help u get some idea:

You can also watch the anime by the club anime list, most of them give me some idea.
kayzeApr 7, 2010 10:15 AM
Jul 3, 2010 3:25 PM

Dec 2008
well just for beating up all weapons :D
Void of Space
It has the power to simply erase anything with a relase of energy it could also use anything it erase

Jul 5, 2010 4:35 AM
Jul 2008
i see, but how do you do the feat that when you already erase that things but you still can use it ? o.0
Jul 7, 2010 4:17 AM

Dec 2008
the erasing thing is like prisoning it in weapons special dimension it will be ereased from every other place and only access will be due to weapon

Jul 16, 2010 2:06 AM
Jul 2008
oh i see, quite a useful weapon.
Aug 11, 2010 11:39 PM

Aug 2008
The Final Jian.

It's made from a new metal alloy that can't rust and is a high frequency blade. It can go at the speed of light and can slice further than the blade actually extends to. Making this extremely sharp and dangerous for a lot of people.
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Sep 11, 2010 9:21 AM
Jul 2008
Something like claymore is it ? XD Quite cool...
Oct 16, 2010 2:30 AM

May 2009
My Weapons are 2 katanas,one Black Trident , one Mist Ring and 7 Hell Rings ( Malocchio,Vine covered orb shaped Ring,666,Segno,Ossa Impressione and Horn shaped Ring ).

Cine sunt eu?!...un geniu plictisit...intr-o lume putredฤƒ!
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