Berries who earned at least 100 Berry Silvers from the May Team Games ★ Participation badge (This will allow you to place a request in the next month’s Game Edition. No badge, no request.)
Winning Team (earned at least 100 Berry Silvers from the May Team Games)* ★ Winning badge ★ Each member can request +1 card from every card maker in all of the month's editions - except Game Editions. (Must present the winning badge.)
Royal Aides ★ Chosen by the Royal Berries; can use the team’s Berry Golds to buy stuff for the team. ★ 200 Berry Silvers every month as ‘salary’ from the Royal Berries themselves. ★ +1 additional card from a CM of your choice in Limited Edition (LEs) only ★ May pick one Power-up to be used for this month only. (free of charge)
Most Valuable Berry (MVB) ★ MVB badge ★ Can request ALL cards from card makers in one edition they specify. ★ Guaranteed slot on next month's Rare Edition. ★ Pick an edition theme of your choice. All Game Edition cards will be named after the HPE. (more on this below) ★ Guaranteed slot on next month's Rare Edition.
Berries' Hope Beacon (BHB) ★ BHB badge ★ May decide on a LE theme for the club. (Theme will be used in the future as long as it is not NSFW, racist, insulting anyone, and the likes.) ★ Guaranteed slot on next month's Rare Edition.
Special Awards ★Logophile: The berry who earned the most Berry Silvers in the Better Than It Sounds game
----- Logophile mini badge
----- Guaranteed slot on next month's Rare Edition. ★Detective: The berry who earned the most Berry Silvers in the Catch The Thief! game
----- Detective mini badge
----- Guaranteed slot on next month's Rare Edition. ★The Seeker: The berry who earned the most Berry Silvers in the Character Team Battles game
----- The Seeker mini badge
----- Guaranteed slot on next month's Rare Edition. ★Ninja: Player who won his/her team the most victories/gold in Counting Wars
----- Ninja mini badge
----- Guaranteed slot on next month's Rare Edition.
----- May pick a counting-related Power-up to be used for this month only. (free of charge) *Counting games: T-o-W and Counting Wars ★Anime Whiz: The berry who earned the most Berry Silvers in the Guess the Anime game
----- Anime Whiz mini badge
----- Guaranteed slot on next month's Rare Edition. ★Biggest Fan: The berry who earned the most Berry Silvers in the Guess the Anime Character game
----- Biggest Fan mini badge
----- Guaranteed slot on next month's Rare Edition ★Hercules: The berry who earned the most Berry Silvers in Tug-of-War
----- Hercules mini badge
----- Guaranteed slot on next month's Rare Edition.
----- May pick a counting-related Power-up to be used for this month only. (free of charge) *Counting games: T-o-W and Counting Wars
Game Edition ★ Most Valuable Berry will decide the theme. ★ Theme must not be NSFM, racist, insulting anyone, and the likes. ★ All sample cards will be named after the MVB. ★ Only those who have participation badges may request in GEs (with the exception of staff members). ★ A player who has a winning team badge can request a maximum of 3 cards from each participating card maker. It means +1 permits/slips/stars will not work on this edition. ★ While as a player who only has a participation badge can only request 1 card. ★ And 2 cards for any staff members. ★ Game Edition (GE) will open around the 3rd week of every month for 3 days. ★ In case the MVB wasn’t able to give a theme within the set period of time, BHB will be asked instead. All GE cards will then be named after the BHB. The rest of their respective earned rewards will not change/switch.
*Only for this month. Required IP will increase next month.
CLOSED except for Ritshiro's permits, soaru's store and the Team Upgrades
To encourage the individual members to do better in games, they can spend their points here.
Open for 7 days a month. (Closes on May 14th)
Don't know how much Berry Silvers you have? Look here.
For May silvers, here.
Game Power-ups ★1 500 Berry Silvers - x2 the TP you earned in a 'Victory' in Counting Wars ★2 500 Berry Silvers - forbid a specific player from posting in Tug-of-War for a day ★3 500 Berry Silvers - x2 the TP you earned after a correct guess in Guess the Anime ★4 500 Berry Silvers - x2 the TP you earned after a correct guess in Guess the Anime Character ★5 500 Berry Silvers - forbid members of the other team to guess in a round of Guess the Anime ★6 500 Berry Silvers - forbid members of the other team to guess in a round of Guess the Anime Character ★7 500 Berry Silvers - use one of your teammate’s characters to bring an item in Character Team Battles for the whole month; both of you will get +5 IP for every successful round. ★8 500 Berry Silvers - use one of your teammate’s characters to bring an item in Catch The Thief! for the whole month; both of you will get +5 IP for every successful round.
★9 100 Berry Golds** - +1 TP for every correct answer in the Guess The Anime game. (does not stack) ★10 100 Berry Golds** - +1 TP for every correct answer in the Guess The Anime Character game. (does not stack) ★11 100 Berry Golds** - +1 TP for every correct answer in the Better Than It Sounds game. (does not stack) ★12 100 Berry Golds** - Subtract 1 to the other team’s TP for every correct answer your team gets in the Guess The Anime game. (does not stack) ★13 100 Berry Golds** - Subtract 1 to the other team’s TP for every correct answer your team gets in the Guess The Anime Character game. (does not stack) ★14 100 Berry Golds** - Subtract 1 to the other team’s TP for every correct answer your team gets in the Better Than It Sounds game. (does not stack)
Team Upgrades** ★1 50 Berry Golds - +1 Member Slot (permanent)
*indicate the theme you want in your post
**can only be bought by the two Royal Berries and Royal Aides
*** provide details for badge: theme & funny nickname ex: Demon King, Beautiful Flower, Noob etc.; cards: theme or specific high quality pictures; forum set: high quality render - cut out image & text ex: your username, very short quote
(indicate the item# you want to purchase. If none, just leave it blank)
★ Are the power-ups and graphic requests only valid for this month? Yes. ★ Can the power-ups be used repeatedly? No. You can only use them once so use them wisely. ★ Do we also have to buy the badges? No. You'll receive a badge automatically if you are qualified to receive it. ★ What happens to my excess Berry Silvers? You can keep your earned silvers and use them for the next months. ★ What is a customized card set? Basically, you can ask a card maker to make cards for you using a theme of
your choice but the club won't open an edition for it. You're going to be
the only one that will receive those cards. ★ What does 'slips' mean? Slips are the total number of berries that can avail the graphic requests.
So if there's none of the slips left, wait again for the shop to open next
Name: EvianBubble
Deliver to: Profile
(indicate the item# you want to purchase. If none, just leave it blank)
★ Graphics: Participation badge
★ Game Power-ups:
★ Cute Stuff:
Comments/Suggestions: Just the participation badge for me lol, dunno how people can get so many points XD
@EvianBubble You don't need to buy a participation badge. If a member at least have 1 IP, he/she automatically gets one. Same for the winning badge it's but only for the members of the winning team. Hope this clarifies things xD Lol because they went mad in the T-o-W and CW haha guilty
oikawamegumi said: @EvianBubble You don't need to buy a participation badge. If a member at least have 1 IP, he/she automatically gets one. Same for the winning badge it's but only for the members of the winning team. Hope this clarifies things xD Lol because they went mad in the T-o-W and CW haha guilty
Ohhh OK, I wasn't sure if I needed to or not XD OK thanks!
Tbh I was too scared to post in the thread sometimes, the posts would be like "10 seconds ago", "8 seconds ago", "3 seconds ago" ... O_O
EvianBubble said: Tbh I was too scared to post in the thread sometimes, the posts would be like "10 seconds ago", "8 seconds ago", "3 seconds ago" ... O_O
Name: Ritshiro
Deliver to: Link in sig~
★ Cute Stuff: 2 Berry Silvers - a picture of Rei's cats - #c4tn00dsbois
Comments/Suggestions: CAAAAAAAAAATSSSSS \O/ and almost got 500 BS - I'll buy something next month huhu
Not getting anything but just wanted to throw out there:
Great work for counting up all the points megu + staff! :D Really impressed how organized these team games are. Must've taken a lot of time
Team Blueberry Ice will getcha this month! :) Let's do this
Name: NaineLIEz
Deliver to: profile
★ Graphics: ★2 - 500 Berry Silvers - Request all cards from a card maker in an open edition huehue
★ Game Power-ups:
★ Cute Stuff: ★1 2 Berry Silvers - a picture of Rei's cats - #c4tn00dsbois why not xD
★ Team Upgrades:
Comments/Suggestions: thanks! Looking forward to the participation and anime whiz badge (/*-*)/
And a question -- if I'm buying a game power up, is this power up only valid for this month? :o same equation for the graphics request xD
Name: Kajo_Senpai69
Deliver to: profile
★ Cute Stuff: 2 Berry Silvers - a picture of Rei's cats - #c4tn00dsbois
Comments/Suggestions: Might as well buy the only thing I can afford at the moment xD Send moi them noods and please add my name in it in a flirty way if possible lol like "To Kajo with love, *cat's name*"
Name: tbeans10
Deliver to: Link in sig
★ Cute Stuff: ★1 2 Berry Silvers - a picture of Rei's cats - #c4tn00dsbois
Comments/Suggestions: How is everyone not getting a picture of the cat!? Also, I'm a little confused about all the other stuff. Not the buying stuff but like the badges... those just automatically come or something? We just gotta wait?
tbeans10 said: How is everyone not getting a picture of the cat!? Also, I'm a little confused about all the other stuff. Not the buying stuff but like the badges... those just automatically come or something? We just gotta wait?
Yup! And you have to wait for.. I think 3 badges? xD
@NaineLIEz still you were a great help! ^^ We gotta do our jobs.. too bad we don't receive paychecks hahahaha
I cannot view the berry silvers and gold tally. It keep bringing me back to my google page. Anything that can help me view it would really be a great help.
Turns out my laptop didnt have tge google sheets app... So I turn to my phone and I can view the tally now... Sorry for the inconvenience
Name: Maram
Deliver to: profile
★ Graphics: ★1 500 Berry Silvers - +1 request in every open edition (not +1 for every CM) for the whole month. (Slips: 3)
★ Game Power-ups: ....
★ Cute Stuff: .....
★ Team Upgrades: ....
Comments/Suggestions: I had 840 now i have 340 where will they be ,Will they be added to the new ones !!!
★7 100 Berry Golds** - +1 TP for every correct answer in the Guess The Anime game. (does not stack)
★8 100 Berry Golds** - +1 TP for every correct answer in the Guess The Anime Character game. (does not stack)
★9 100 Berry Golds** - +1 TP for every correct answer in the Better Than It Sounds game. (does not stack)
★10 100 Berry Golds** - Subtract 1 to the other team’s TP for every correct answer your team gets in the Guess The Anime game. (does not stack)
★11 100 Berry Golds** - Subtract 1 to the other team’s TP for every correct answer your team gets in the Guess The Anime Character game. (does not stack)
★12 100 Berry Golds** - Subtract 1 to the other team’s TP for every correct answer your team gets in the Better Than It Sounds game. (does not stack)
@NaineLIEz@Maram_118 just reminding you of your purchases here in case you forgot them. You can use them now if you want :3 Just link your post here when you're gonna use them xD
Name: Kreyul
Deliver to: -
★ Team Upgrades: +6 Member Slot
Comments/Suggestions: Should have 178 bg left after this
Actually, let me just use up as much as I can
Name: tbeans10
Deliver to:
★ Team Upgrades: +5 Member Slot
Comments/Suggestions: Megu and me think we should open up our member slots so that more people feel like joining Raspberry's army~
Name: NaineLIEz
Deliver to: profile
★ Graphics: ★1 500 Berry Silvers - +1 request in every open edition (not +1 for every CM) for the whole month
★ Ritshiro's Claim Permits:-
★ Game Power-ups: -
★ Cute Stuff: ★1 2 Berry Silvers - a picture of Rei's cats - #c4tn00dsbois (if this is another pic then yes pls xD)
★ Team Upgrades: -
Comments/Suggestions: I hope the +1 request is enough for the 22nd ;-;
*Waiting for the other team games power-up* 😂