So there are member cards, badges, banners, what-have-you, but, do you have a trading card of yourself?
Interested? Good. If not, that's cool, card collecting isn't for everyone. For those that are, read on!
WTF has Enkii done this time!?
A great question deserves a great answer! In short, I have created a trading card that can be customized for each member of the club! ...Don't believe me?

Ok, those are neat, but how do I get one?
Be active in the club! Since I have to wrack my little brain to come up with a fitting card description (or moves, depending on the card), I only plan to create these for those who are active in the club.
B-but... I don't like chatting in the club chat ;=;
That's cool! Drop by the forums, post some pics, recommend anime to someone you met in the club. The bottom line is, so long as others can see you active in the club, I will too!
What possessed you to do this, MrWolf??
I doodle and sometimes magical things happen; like unicorns and rainbows and... well, you get the idea 8D
What if I want to request my own atk, paw-points, and health?
I'm totally up to requests when I make a card. I can't swear your OVER 9000!! health is going to fly, but, yeah, I'll chuckle at least :D
What if... and I mean if... I wanted to change the colors?
Depending on what you want to change I might consider it. If you're more interested in a black card, hold off for now and request one later *wink wink nod nod* (that is, if you're active in the club and all >.>... lurkers~).
What if I want more than one with different attacks/moves!?!
Depending on how far drowned I am in these things, I'll think about it >.>
These cards look very familiar... -3-
Yep. Totally copied off of Hearthstone when I was doodling in Photoshop. 8D
OH! Will you make spell cards too?!
Are these a limited edition?
These are "When MrWolf doesn't wanna make them anymore, they go poof" edition.
How do these work?
You collect them. You could mock battle with them too, but as of this writing I haven't created any spell or weapon cards so I don't know how far you would get. They're for collecting, after all! 8D
As for the values on the card, it's broken down like so:
(values range from 0 - 9)

Paw-points: Required amount of neko-ness needed to play the card :3 You can an extra paw-point for each round.
Rarity : The color of the sparkle varies depending on the card and who the member is. See the breakdown of those below.
Attack : Attack power.
Special Effect: Some cards might have an additional effect when played.
Health : Health :D You lose health points equal to the enemy's attack.
Title : Power-users or users that are the most active (or officers of the club) will have titles. Otherwise this will say "Member".
Sparkles : Cause the world needs more sparkles 8D
And for the rarity stones:

Feel free to request a card here, but again you must be active in the club for a while before I'll consider making the card. In addition, I work a lot (T-T) so don't expect me to churn these out like the Pillsbury Dough-boy, a'ight? |