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Mar 3, 2010 11:09 PM

Jul 2008
I actually like Kikyou having some minions of her own even though they aren't as alive as Naraku's one :D I would be fairly disappointed if Kagome chose not to save Kikyou out of jealously but luckily she put all her emotions aside and do the right thing^^
Jul 1, 2010 9:07 AM

Dec 2008
How many times is Kikyou going to have to die and be revived? I'm glad Inuyasha decided NOT to go after Kikyou and chose to stay with Kagome. Now maybe they can finally move forward in their relationship.
Jan 20, 2012 4:13 AM
Dec 2010
haha i knew it , i knew it's Kikyo!!

Villetta_Nu said:
How many times is Kikyou going to have to die and be revived? I'm glad Inuyasha decided NOT to go after Kikyou and chose to stay with Kagome. Now maybe they can finally move forward in their relationship.

Technically she was revived just once, this time she was just badly damaged / injured.
Yeah they could already move forward little bit in their relationship, agreed.

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greenmartyJan 20, 2012 4:17 AM
( Currently interested in OP MC genre. Recommendations are welcomed, preferable those yet not on my list )
Mar 15, 2013 4:32 PM

Sep 2010
I wonder how on Earth Kagome and Inuyasha are ever going to get toguether with Kikyo still alive.
"If you can eliminate all the other choices, the remaining choice, no matter how improbable, it is the answer."- Sherlock Holmes
Jan 3, 2014 2:29 PM
Jun 2013
If Kagome would have had that face Inuyasha would have gone after Kikyo...actually he said that and he only remains because he felt guilty.
Feb 19, 2014 4:30 PM

Apr 2013
ShanaFlame said:

I actually like Kikyou having some minions of her own even though they aren't as alive as Naraku's one :D I would be fairly disappointed if Kagome chose not to save Kikyou out of jealously but luckily she put all her emotions aside and do the right thing^^

I too like Kikyou, and too would be disappointed if Kagome chose not to save Kikyou.

The Heart of Kagome is so pure.
Apr 27, 2014 3:36 PM
Mar 2013
forever777me said:
I wonder how on Earth Kagome and Inuyasha are ever going to get toguether with Kikyo still alive.
It's true. I doubt Inuyasha will ever let go of Kikyo even though she is not one of the living anymore.

And good to see Kagome help Kikyo out. For a dead woman Kikyo sure requires a lot of saving xD
Apr 2, 2015 3:10 PM

Nov 2014
I'm glad she saved Kikyou, but come on. There's NO WAY she could have held her breath THAT long. xD

Too bad InuYasha hesitated at the question of going after Kikyou. In a previous episode he promised Kagome that if he found out Kikyou was close by, or alive, that he would not go after her.*Sigh*
BlackFox24Apr 2, 2015 3:13 PM
Jul 19, 2015 11:56 AM

Jul 2011
Eh, a bit of MC glorification. No hesitation in saving her love rival whom she has no obligation to save. Though I was happy that she felt a bit of regret/resentment saving Kikyo. I think that was well handled.

Funny how Inuyasha got hurt when Kagome said she hated him. But she completely forgot. XD
Sep 13, 2015 2:50 PM

Aug 2013
Everything get so moody when it's about Kikyo. That love triangle is depressing. Kagome feel so much like the ''replacement''... And in the end, she always make the choices that suck the most for her.
«Time is passing so quickly. Right now, I feel like complaining to Einstein. Whether time is slow or fast depends on perception. Relativity theory is so romantic. And so sad.»
- Kurisu Makise a.k.a. The Zombie
Sep 17, 2015 6:36 AM

Feb 2010
myha14 said:
If Kagome would have had that face Inuyasha would have gone after Kikyo...actually he said that and he only remains because he felt guilty.

That's exactly what I meant in my comment to previous ep. It's bad enough Inuyasha is so "caring" for Kagome, while he realy wants to be with Kikyou, but Kagome makes it worse. She might have feelings for Inuyasha, but they are not nearly as strong (or important) as Inuyasha's and Kikyou, yet she acts as if he was cheating on her. Kagome might have a good "heart" when she acts not thinking, but she still has to act like 15 year schoolgirl she is, too bad so much depends on her decisions, as Inuyasha being not better. I feel sorry for Kikyou for that as well, having to fall for useless half-demon, who cannot be honest to himself.
Hell is empty and all the devils are here.
Feb 19, 2016 11:43 AM

Jun 2015
Kikyo is back, I'm so glad
If you are going to disagree with me, don't bother talking to me. I will seriously hurt you!
Feb 25, 2016 9:32 AM
Oct 2011
burbels said:
myha14 said:
If Kagome would have had that face Inuyasha would have gone after Kikyo...actually he said that and he only remains because he felt guilty.

That's exactly what I meant in my comment to previous ep. It's bad enough Inuyasha is so "caring" for Kagome, while he realy wants to be with Kikyou, but Kagome makes it worse. She might have feelings for Inuyasha, but they are not nearly as strong (or important) as Inuyasha's and Kikyou, yet she acts as if he was cheating on her. Kagome might have a good "heart" when she acts not thinking, but she still has to act like 15 year schoolgirl she is, too bad so much depends on her decisions, as Inuyasha being not better. I feel sorry for Kikyou for that as well, having to fall for useless half-demon, who cannot be honest to himself.
He can't be with Kikyo because she is dead. THe only thing keeping her going is her will to wipe out Naraku and there is NO WAY for her to survive past that. Kikyo symbolizes Inuyasha's past, while Kagome is his future.
Apr 30, 2016 9:51 PM
Apr 2016
The real question probably is why didn't Kikyo wanted to see Inuyasha. When this part first began, I only had one question. Was Kikyo alive? This episode just added many more....

Why didn't Kikyo wanted to Kagome? I like Kikyo, but Kagome did something that not many love rivals would have done.

How do Kagome and Kikyo feel about each other? From this standpoint, Kagome felt she did not receive gratitude while Kikyo felt Kagome was a good person in some ways.

All in all, Kagome is beginning to accept Kikyo as someone Inuyasha could never forget while Kikyo appears to be slowly distancing herself. Sigh*. Even though I'm bias for one person, I could tell both respective parties are agreeing on something with their relationship with Inuyasha. Although episode 147-148 at one point made me feel Kikyo and Inuyasha could really have work out.
Aug 6, 2016 4:56 PM

Jun 2015
Poor Kagome.
I was hoping so much for that moment that Kikyo would actually thank her but when she said that she won't thank her just because Kagome said that she didn't had another choice made me in a second from beeing all emotional to actually angry. My mind was just empty for a second.
Dec 24, 2016 1:14 AM

May 2013
Great episode, I'm so happy that Kagome saved Kikyo she really has a good heart. I get it but I get annoyed whenever she gets mad at InuYasha for his feelings for Kikyo, she was his first love and he wants answers. I think if she doesn't get in the way, InuYasha WILL come back to her I don't think he'd really out right leave Kagome for Kikyo (even tho I enjoy InuYasha/Kikyo more). Episodes with Kikyo are always exciting.

Feb 4, 2018 2:54 PM

Sep 2011
Pikaccino said:
Poor Kagome.
I was hoping so much for that moment that Kikyo would actually thank her but when she said that she won't thank her just because Kagome said that she didn't had another choice made me in a second from beeing all emotional to actually angry. My mind was just empty for a second.

She should have still thanked her, yeah... What an ungrateful douche :/
Feb 10, 2019 7:00 AM
Mar 2018
This was a good episode. Especially the first half with Kagome reviving Kikyo was excellent, and very well-done direction-wise. The rest didn't measure up, but was still good on the whole.
Aug 28, 2019 2:49 AM

Jul 2015
Kagome basically saved Kikyo, and didn't even get a simple 'thank you', poor kagome

Nov 8, 2020 6:06 AM

Dec 2007
though i would usually get annoyed by kagome's angry on inuyasha, this time i think she's the more mature one.

and that kikyo seriously didn't thanked here??
Mar 24, 2021 2:33 PM

May 2016
Lmao Kikyo can sure be hard headed, I can where she coming from for not thanking her, not having a big issue with that.
Kagome was acting like a ghost telling her that is not Inuyasha poor girl how she knows, she didn't know him for that long
and it wouldn't have been surprising if she was getting tricked by Inuyasha.

Kagome for once acting a bit more mature here but forgets that he told him that she started to hate Inuyasha ugh girls....
Jun 27, 2021 12:34 AM

May 2019
It's a good episode when you get to see Inuyasha and Kagome could talk more openly and honest concern of one another. Both Kagome and Kiyko are great female characters in their own rights. Kagome is understanding and mature enough to put up with his tendency looking out for Kiyko all this time. At least Inuyasha stay with Kagome in the end.

Aug 12, 2021 12:44 AM
May 2021
First time watcher here.

I love the character of Kikyo, her motivations and her tragic story. Her involvement with Naraku and stuff is also super compelling, but everything interesting about her love for Inuyasha ended when she died the first time for me. Her involvement with Inuyasha and Kagome in this journey is single handedly ruining love triangles for me lol. Countless times she’s been so cold to Kagome, a character that’s saved her despite her almost crippling jealousy multiple times. And her presence just details the story whenever she’s there. This is also coming from a person whose favorite episodes so far were the recap by Kaede about their tragic romance. She’s such an interesting character reduced to a spanner in the works in terms of the romance aspect and that sucks.

Also Inuyasha has started to annoy me too. After *checks notes* 6 SEASONS, the dude still just listens to Kagome basically be the adult, whispers “Kagome” softly, and then does the same shit in like 10 episodes. Sigh. Sorry. Rant over. I love the series and the characters, but this love triangle is so taxing, especially after the same shit throughout 150 episodes.
Oct 30, 2021 3:43 AM

Apr 2013
At least this time Kagome realized how awful it is to respond with violence every time Inuyasha annoys her.
Jan 31, 2022 1:35 AM

Sep 2012
I find the writing to be pretty poor. How many times is this show going to remind us that Kagome is a mature person when it comes to love? Like, I get it. Kagome is mature. I don't need to be reminded the 20th time. This entire love triangle is just so extremely repetitive at this point when it's the same thing every time. It's so predictable. Also, I find Kikyo to be such a terrible character.
FlamingMangosJan 31, 2022 1:42 AM
Jul 19, 2022 9:47 AM
Jun 2020
I really like kikyo and Kagome to get along...
Nov 18, 2022 3:06 AM

Jan 2018
That "baby" clearly has grey hair and pale skin. Yet the father thinks it's his heir? As if everyone dying in the room wasn't a clear enough sign.

Kagome tried so hard to save Kikyo yet she didn't even get a thank you... Why does Kikyo have to be such a bitch...? Kagome didn't have any ill will towards Kikyo, at least not at this moment. She prioritized her life over her jealousy and ended up getting burned for it. In the end, she took out her anger on Inuyasha who was just concerned about Kikyo AND Kagome. Why does Inuyasha always have to be the punching bag? He says stupid shit sometimes but he doesn't deserve to be treated like this by his own friends... This aspect of Inuyasha still eludes me.

16 more episodes to go.
Feb 17, 2023 10:00 AM

Aug 2013
is this the first time kagome actually apologizes for taking out her petty feelings on inu yasha? okay slight character development, i see u! 
in all seriousness, this is prob one of my fav episodes. i love how kagome and kikyo finally get along. they are one in the same after all. 
May 7, 2024 5:22 PM
Sep 2018
Reply to FlamingMangos
I find the writing to be pretty poor. How many times is this show going to remind us that Kagome is a mature person when it comes to love? Like, I get it. Kagome is mature. I don't need to be reminded the 20th time. This entire love triangle is just so extremely repetitive at this point when it's the same thing every time. It's so predictable. Also, I find Kikyo to be such a terrible character.
@FlamingMangos can you explain what makes you think Kagome is "mature?" Because it's been the exact opposite. She gets mad at Inuyasha for having feelings for his first love. Inuyasha has had a rough life and he met someone that was able to bring down all those walls and he ends up being set uo and betrayed. Kagome knows that but still reacts violently and gets pissy whenever kikyo is even mentioned. Not to mention she's never even told inuyasha how she feels yet she acts like he's cheating on her

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