Aug 31, 2017 11:10 PM
Thank you very much for all the hard work you put into making cards for us. I love every single card I request, and I'm so thankful that you take the time to make and send them. Card makers are amazing ♥ |
AzureRikkaiSep 3, 2017 12:00 AM
🐉 Dragcave Scroll 🐉 🐉 Dragcave Checklist 🐉 |
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Sep 4, 2017 4:28 AM
Official Member Card Thanks for requesting! ♥ Ctrl+F to find your cards. Remember to save and rehost ~ links expire in 7 days. If you have any problems PM me. |
Sep 8, 2017 4:07 PM
SEPTEMBER 2017 (FIRST ISSUE) This is CCON's first official Newsletter! Woohoo! If you wish to contribute to our newsletter, please submit your entry before the deadline of the next issue. We welcome all sorts of stories but beware that we'll edit your submission a little bit if there are slightly inappropriate scenes. Swear words are allowed but keep it light. This newsletter is divided into three parts: 1) Club Info: Where important information regarding the club will be posted 2) Stories via Submission (takes up half of the space) 3) CCON Official Story (The start of our very own story!) Club Info: We're in need of cardmakers. So if you want to try cardmaking out, please do join us <3 Please remember that this newsletter is made possible only with your contribution > < So please contribute as much as you can! From: A.R I've suffered from an Anxiety disorder my entire life. I'm not sure when it developed, or if I was just born with it. But it has made my life hell, and through this story, I hope I can help someone else that may find themselves in the same or a similar position. Growing up, I found it impossible to fit in with any of the "groups" in my school. From the time I started school, I cycled through every single group available to me - the skaters, the straight a students, the rebels -, I was so desperate to be accepted that I did things I shouldn't have just to fit in. Stealing from the teacher is just one example of these things. As time passed, I became isolated despite being surrounded by so many others every day. My grandmother was my guardian at the time, and after begging and pleading, she agreed to enroll me in home school. This was in sixth grade. Ever since that day, my life has taken a downward spiral. I've become more isolated; the only people I talk to are online, and my disorder makes even that hard to do - I'm constantly questioning myself, and I still haven't found a place to call my own. Friends who aren't really friends - they don't know anything about me, and if they found out, they'd leave just like everyone else has. History always repeats itself, doesn't it? Everyday, I wake up late in the afternoon, I eat, play video games, watch anime, and mess around online. Sounds like a dream, right? In some sense, I suppose I'm... lucky? Blessed? I don't know what to call it. But no one knows the other side of the coin. They just hear that and think, "Oh she's lucky. What is she complaining about? She's not mentally ill, she's just lazy." My mental illness is very real. But that's not the point. Believe me or not, it makes no difference. What I'm trying to say is that... the other side of the coin is painful. A quote from Fairy Tail pretty much sums up my feelings perfectly. “There are people in this world that enjoy being alone, but there isn't a single person that can bear solitude.” - Makarov Dreyar Oh, how right he is. I always told myself that I'd be fine. "I enjoy being alone. I don't like the way people make me feel. I'm fine." While it's true that I prefer being alone rather than being around a bunch of people... spending my life alone, stuck to this chair with no one to speak to about my feelings. It's like stepping on glass every time I talk to someone. I know this is a lot to take in, and it's probably depressing to. But it's important. To anyone that may be struggling or share any of these feelings, please don't give in. Please don't let it take you over. Don't give up, keep fighting and do what I wasn't strong enough to do, what I was too afraid to do. Those suffering from mental illness, remain strong. Don't care what others say or think about you. Your illness is real, and it genuinely affects you, don't let anyone try to tell you otherwise, and don't feel insecure about yourself. Every single one of you are special and precious, and you deserve all the happiness in the world, even if you don't believe it. You're not alone. From: Q Suicide. I know that suicide is an act of coward. And I'm too much of a coward to even commit it. Yet everytime I feel down, my thoughts are drawn to suicide. I thought, like in anime and books, my relatives, friends, family, will miss me. That's what I want to believe. But I don't know if it's really true. There're so many facades that we can hide behind and I'm not a detective. I don't know which ones are real and which ones aren't. And that scares me. It's almost like natural instincts that makes people want to be noticed, to be the center of someone else's attention. I'm one of them. I want someone to know my existence, to love me, to care for me, and to miss me if I do die. I don't know how to confirm it. I can't just walk up to them and ask them if they'll miss me if I die. I'm not that sentimental, at least I don't think I am in their eyes. They'll think I'm mental or something. I want to be normal. But pressure is everywhere and coming from everyone. I don't know what to do. One day I'll never wake up and finally be happy Is that really the truth? If I don't wake up, how will I be happy? Will I really be happy? I don't know. It scares me. I tell myself that I am not scared of dying. I don't know if that's the truth or just myself trying to be ignorantly brave. But it doesn't matter anymore. I find joy in my every day life. I find that if I just emerse myself in my life, to just feel the friendships, the love I feel I'm receiving, and give it my very best, my life will be meaningful -- even if it's only to me. It's hard not to care about what others think of you, but I'm trying. I'm trying to be indifferent. But is that really the solution? I questioned myself numerous times, but never once receiving a satisfying response. The answer is more than 'Yes' and 'No'. It can't be answered that simply. So, I guess, if you put a smile on your face each day and give it your best, you will feel better. It wouldn't be fine, heck, no, it wouldn't be all right either. But it'll be better. Find inner satisfication in everything, and...I guess, just pray. Praying won't work, I know, but at least there's something that keeps you alive. Even if it's no more than a thin thread that's ready to snap. Hang on to that until it really snaps. And then, hopefully, your life wouldn't be regretful. From: The Pink Fluff I've a crush on this guy for like 2 years but I don't think he'd really notice me. I sat next to him before but like, I don't know if I'm more to him than the 'smart kid next door'. So once this other kid asked him who he would choose to take to a dance, if he has to go to one. And he said my name. Okay, I freaked out. I really did. But then I remembered that there was this other kid who has the same name as me that's like really good friend with the guy. I don't know who he's talking about, me or the other one. So out of embarrassment, I said 'the other one' out loud. This other person at my table heard it and he thought I said 'rejected' and he started laughing. I'm sure the guy I had a crush on heard it as 'rejected' as well. Now that I think about it, maybe he really meant me. And my fake 'rejected' just kind of ruined it.. *hides face* God I feel so bad everytime I think about it. From: Tsuka I rlly like these songs. I think they aren't getting enough popularity. So here: > Arrows to Athen < > Angel with a shotgun < From: Pseudolol Um. Dunno wat to say. California's really hot. So. Bring sunscreen, and like, hats. Don't go to the beach unless you want to burn yourself. Wish we have a flood. It might be fun to feel water like that. And get an AC. Wonder if Florida is hotter than Cal. From: Autumnisthebest Beijing's getting more and more polluted. I was there about seven years ago. It was so amazing back then. I remember going there wanting to see snow for the first time. It didn't snow. But there was ice. Not exactly satisfying but okay lolz. We ate a whole week of fastfood. It was amazing. Chinese food is always amazing for me anyways. We walked so much that my feet were sore. We climbed the great wall too. Got a medal (the one where you have to buy and not exactly worth it) even though I barely made it halfway to the second dome thing. it was fun anyways. Should go if you have the chance. Yeah, the duck's amazing too. And the lights at night. I don't know how it's now, but I hope it's still livable. |
Sep 18, 2017 4:10 PM
Sep 26, 2017 3:57 PM
BL Collection: Day 12 » DAY 13: NOW OPEN! « Thanks for requesting! ♥ Sorry for the super late delivery guys, classes started ;__; Ctrl+F to find your cards. Remember to save and rehost! If I made a mistake, feel free to PM me. |
Oct 3, 2017 4:01 AM
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Use Ctrl+F to find your cards faster. Remember to save and rehost. PM me if you're having any problems. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ |
sᴇᴛ ʙʏ ᴋᴏᴛᴏʀɪsᴀᴜʀᴜs w |
Oct 4, 2017 8:52 PM
✧ Deliveries ✧ Cypsela Imperium ✧ Forum set by meeee lmao |
Oct 9, 2017 6:30 PM
October 2017 Woohoo. We're finally heading into October! Since our newsletter doesn't really contain summarizing materials, it's not exactly logical to distribute it at the end of each month. Anyway, with that said, this is our second issue ❤. The last issue has been a pretty decent success, but like always, we're always looking for more submissions to amp up our publication. After reconsideration and to promote more submissions, we've decided to make the submissions entirely annonymous: through google form. It's entirely optional and your choice to put down your MAL username or not. We hope that by doing so it will encourage more people to submit So do remember to send your submissions to this form before our next issue! Halloween is drawing near! In case you haven't seen our Halloween special slip, do check it out here! Club Info: I'm going to start off by saying that thank you all for joining this club and it's only with your help that we managed to reach 300 members! so cheesy Secondly thank you for all those who had applied as Cardmaker! The position is always open so if you're new to cardmaking, you can always apply to try out your skills ❤. If you're experienced, feel free to join as well~ In the future, we're planning little more activities involving other clubs. You might have noticed our recent cardmaker exchange program with Eye Candy Cards. I hope the cardmakers enjoyed the program and had fun! If you have any suggestions, please feel free to tell us! Also, our halloween event is now open! Request a slip so that you can participate! Sections: - Club Info - Submissions - CCON story From: Q When I was seven, I thought I would be able to stay in the happy life I lived in. When I was eight, we moved. It was scary. Not like horror-story scary, but scary in a sense that everything would be lost: my life-long friends and the boy that I had a stupid crush on (even till today). In the short span of two years, I lost touch with them almost completedly. We're, after all, half a world apart. I don't really matter to them anymore.. They found new friends to replace me, new people to stand in my position. I don't blame them because I was doing the same. When I was thirteen, my parents almost decided to move to a place a little farther away. I was scared that I had to change school. In the end, we didn't move that far because they found a better house only two blocks down from where we lived. I think I was happy back then. I still think about the boy I had a crush on ages ago. We were in touch almost constantly since last month, texting back and forth about how things are, how life is, and how we are. I like him. I don't know if he likes me back, but I'm satisfied just to be able to talk to him. And it's during that period of time that I really want to go back, to see them, to see him, again. It's funny because they probably barely remember what I look like and my name's probably a memory n their distant past. I really miss them. I really miss him. I'm a pretty awkward person. I don't understand others that well and I try my best to keep everything I said gentle and kind because I don't want them to look hurt. But when he didn't reply to my text for a week, I wondered if he was getting bored of me, someone who lived so far away from him. That's when I realized how much I depend on others. I always try to be cool, to be a tomboy and be flawless. But it's always when I have someone else near me. I feel out of my comfort zone when I'm alone in a busy world. It's scary how dependent I am. He texted me back a few days later with a smiley face and an apologetic note saying that he had major exams to take care of. I was happy. Beyond happy. I replied immediately, even though I knew that he wouldn't reply until almost a day later. And I think, that was how my life has been: waiting for someone's reply, relying on my friends, awkwardly trying to strike up a conversation, and feeling left out every second of my life. I kept telling myself that I have a lot of friends. Sure, I do, but when I looked around, they're all in pairs. Odd numbers, there was always an odd number of us. I remember for the past five years, I'd always made sure to be in a group of even numbers so that I wouldn't be left out when we had to pair up for whatever reason. And as I was waiting for his text back, I went through the group chat my class created when I was seven. It was like a dead chat, because they'd stepped away from the old life I had hang onto for so long. Yet I still can't give up on them, because I still pray for the day that I can go back and see them again. Two days later, he returned the text. And I was happy once again. From: Jhaz As a kid my brother nd i were very close. When i was 4 and he was 6 we were playing a game. He climbed the window, jumped off and sprained his ankle. He was sent to the doctors and came back with crutches. I remember i took his crutches as he was using them and i used them to hit my brothers sprained ankle. He chased me hopping around on one leg while i was laughing. This september my family nd i sent him to college across the country. As we left him he hugged everyone and when it came to me he said "im not hugging this one" thats when i realized im a great sister! From: Fana I know this's probably stupid, but it's really something I want to get off my chest. Highschool sucks, really. Sure, you got friends and laughs out of it, but it's stressful. APs, competitions, college, and pretty much everything else that highschool's really supposed to be for. It isn't for friendship and all that. Hell, if you get into different schools, that pitiful 4 years of friendship die almost completely with it. And god, all those lovey-dovey things. I'm not against them, really, I'm just saying how sad it is when they have to break up because of different school they go to. Things change, people changes. I hope I don't ever have to relive highschool again. From: Kookie I was never great at conversations. I don't start a conversation, I never do. I always answer a question and try to follow it up with something interesting. I'm awkward and pretty much anti-social except for the comfort MAL gave me. I don't understand people that much and my comments are sometimes rather blunt irl. I don't know what is right and what is not right. I want to be funny, likable, but I don't know if my supposed-funny comments are actually funny or they're just hurting others. They seem to like me, and I can say that I think I have friends. But I don't know after awhile. It makes me jealous to see my friends talking with other people. No, not exactly jealous, more like a pang of loneliness. Okay, I'm being a little bit overdramatic. I'm really not great with people and I care too much about who I am, what I wear, and what I should be to others. The nice kid with strangers, the funny kid with friends, the gentle and kind kid with new friends, and the funny but hardworking kid to adults. I think I care too much. Now, moving on to the boasts of existential crisis that often hits me right now when I'm thinking about life. Whenever I care too much, I would tell myself that nothing's real. No one else in the world is real, it's just you and you have to figure out the meaning of someone else's presence. Why do they exist? What do they mean in my life? I'm the only one playing this first-person virtual game. I don't know if the other players are real or if they're NPC. I can't ask them, because they're 'programmed' to say things. I really think I care too much. How do I stop caring? From: Monoc I have a brother. I'm always shadowed by my brother. He's the good-one, the nice guy, the cool guy, the cool guy. I'm constantly being compared to my brother, from his peers, to my peers, and to my parents. But I like him nonetheless. It's kind of silly, because sometimes I'm so angry at him for such petty things and in the end we just laugh it off. It's like I'm some sort of weed and he's like a pole. I use him to make me look better. Sometimes, I would introduce myself and then tell them that I'm his sister. It makes me feel good sometime, to know that I'm more to them after they know that I'm his sister. But at the same time, it makes me feel disgusted. Digusted that I can't make friends with my own ability, disgusted that I use others to make myself look better. I want to be better, but I don't know how to surpass him. He's older than me, more experienced, and much more easy-going. I feel like I can only ever stand in his shadow and try to pull myself up bits by bits, little by little. From: Kookie Reality is so much scarier than the virtual world. You know people, and you have to be friends with them to not become a 'social looser'. You have to care, you have to matter, or you will fail the supposing 'natural selection'. MAL is like a home I never had, a place where I am accepted for whoever I am. I can fit in, I don't have to matter a lot to make friends. It's easy to go through and honestly, MAL has become something that I go to every time I have the chance. There're so many things that you have to show empathy or understanding to. School, hates, loves, teachers, friends, and so many other disastrous things that just simply complicated life. They say to face reality, but I think I understand why some simply don't want to. Reality is not what they want to face. At all. |
Nov 1, 2017 4:29 PM
|| Autumn Rain || ◈ Magic Limited Edtion || Cards ◈ ---------------------------------- Cards will be deleted 12 DAYS after the end of the edition. Please save and re-host your cards. CTRL + F to find your username. If something is wrong, feel free to message me here. Thanks for requesting! Hope to see you in the next edition! ---------------------------------- || Cards Made by Odessys Reign || |
Nov 2, 2017 9:11 AM
|| The Moonlit Clearing || Halloween Big Edition || Cards Here ☽ Use Ctrl+F to find your card ☽ ★ Please save and rehost within 7 days ★ ♪ If you have any problems, PM me ♪ Thanks for requesting! Cards by: Serenitymae || Delivered by: skyfer |
Nov 3, 2017 6:07 AM
Please Save and Rehost Within 14 Days Ctrl+F and then type your username to find your cards If you found any problem please PM me Thank you for requesting ^.^ Autumn Rain ☁ Magic LE || >>Cards<< Romance SE || >>Cards<< Blonde Hair CE || >>Cards<< Halloween HE || >>Cards<< Majestic Altair Armor Edition || >> Cards << 1400+ Goal Edition || >> Cards << 3 Years Anniversary || >> Cards << Rizkiawan-kun Birthday Edition || >> Cards << Kiyotaka Ayanakouji Birthday Edition || >> Cards << Cards made by : FRamzy |
Nov 4, 2017 9:44 AM
Delivery for The Moonlit Clearing: Mafumafu Solo Edition || Cards (72) Use Ctrl+F to find your cards Please save and rehost within 14 days If there are any problems, please PM me Thank you very much for requesting Cards made by: _Nagisa || Delivered by: FamousWolfMoon |
Nov 5, 2017 2:06 PM
Nov 6, 2017 6:30 AM
Remember to sᴀᴠᴇ and ʀᴇʜᴏsᴛ ᴘᴍ ᴍᴀʀʟᴏ for any card-related problems . . . Haikyuu! Special Edition || ᴄᴀʀᴅs Shounen Ai Rare Edition || ᴄᴀʀᴅs Halloween Big Edition || ᴄᴀʀᴅs Masks Special Edition || ᴄᴀʀᴅs Supernatural Special Edition || ᴄᴀʀᴅs Blonde Haired Collection Edition || ᴄᴀʀᴅs Games Limited Edition || ᴄᴀʀᴅs Halloween Special Edition || ᴄᴀʀᴅs Costumes Monthly Edition || ᴄᴀʀᴅs |
Nov 6, 2017 7:13 AM
Delivery for The Moonlit Clearing: Haikyuu! Special Edition || Cards (188) Use Ctrl+F to find your cards Please save and rehost within 14 days If there are any problems, please PM me Thank you very much for requesting Cards made by: _Nagisa || Delivered by: skyfer Named by: Dechromarlo |
Nov 6, 2017 4:02 PM
The Moonlit Clearing ↳ Danganronpa II Solo Edition ▪ CARDS [326] ↳ Villains Special Edition ▪ CARDS [290] ↳ Dance with Devils Solo Edition ▪ CARDS [108] ➧ Date of Delivery: 11/6/17 ➧ Date Expires: 11/13/17 ➧ Use Ctrl+F to find your cards faster. ➧ Save and rehost after one week. ➧ Date of delivery is your reminder so please make sure you save after a week. ➧ Please PM me if there are any problems. ➧ Thank you for requesting! Till next time! ♥ ➧ Sorry for the delay in deliveries! Please enjoy your cards! ➧ Cards by: BriiSama || ➧ Delivered by: BriiSama Cards #5-14 in Villains ED Named by: Vegetto1997 |
Nov 7, 2017 8:52 AM
Nov 8, 2017 9:11 AM
Delivery for The Moonlit Clearing: Halloween Big Edition || Cards (111) Use Ctrl+F to find your cards Please save and rehost within 14 days If there are any problems, please PM me Thank you very much for requesting Cards made by: _Nagisa || Delivered by: FamousWolfMoon |
Nov 9, 2017 2:47 AM
Nov 9, 2017 9:38 AM
Thanks for requesting! ♥ Ctrl+F to find your cards. Save and rehost ~ links expire in 7 days. If you have any problems PM me. |
Nov 9, 2017 9:10 PM
Hi! Kotarou with the massive deliveries again~ I am trying but... The more I say I wont be late the more I am... And yes it was me! It was me all along! I am Oshiyetes~ Boku no Hero Academia Special Edition 🍃 Cards (128) 1500 Members Milestone Edition 🍃 Cards (92) Fate Grand Order Dual Edition 🍃 Cards (187) Danganronpa Special Edition 🍃 Cards (84) Monogatari Solo Edition 🍃 Cards (106) Neko III Special Edition 🍃 Cards (112) Witches Special Edition 🍃 Cards (112) Villains Special Edition 🍃 Cards (111) Archer Special Edition 🍃 Cards (93) Bullet Club Solo Edition 🍃 Cards (28) Ships Special Edition 🍃 Cards (95) Tattoos Rare Edition 🍃 Cards (54) Hoodies Limited Edition 🍃 Cards (74) Coffins Limited Edition 🍃 Cards (58) Boku No Hero Academia Character Edition 🍃 Cards (46) |
Nov 11, 2017 12:08 AM
Boku no Hero Academia Special Edition Shokugeki no Soma Rare Edition School Uniform Special Edition Books Special Edition Loli Rare Edition Halloween Big Edition Supernatural Special Edition Click on the cards for the edition you've signed up for. You can use Ctrl+F to search for your cards. Also, don't forget to save and rehost within two weeks~ If you have any issues, don't hesitate to PM me! |
« If you want to be yourself, then you must become strong and beautiful. » - Vil Schoenheit |
Nov 12, 2017 4:46 AM
Ctrl+f your name to find your cards please save and rehost within two weeks If there are any problems, feel free to PM me Thanks for requesting! Anime Watching Challenges 1 Year Anni: Newsletter Edition » Cards Trick or Treat Limited Edition » Cards |
"Happy Unbirthday." set by ani ♥ |
Nov 12, 2017 9:45 AM
Remember to sᴀᴠᴇ and ʀᴇʜᴏsᴛ ᴘᴍ ᴍᴀʀʟᴏ for any card-related problems . . . |
sᴇᴛ ʙʏ ᴋᴏᴛᴏʀɪsᴀᴜʀᴜs w |
Nov 12, 2017 10:46 PM
Just Another Yaoi Club BriiSama Birthday Edition | Cards 100+ Members Edition | Cards Ctrl + f to find your cards. Cards expire after 7 days. Please contact Dancho if there are any problems. As always, thanks for requesting!! Delivered by: AkatsukiNoTeaaa |
Nov 14, 2017 9:10 AM
✉ ---- ✉ ---- ✉ ---- ✉ All cards will expire in 30 days, please save before then ★ Official Member Card ★ || Cards || ★ Challenge Completion Rewards ★ || Cards || ★ Trick or Treat Edition ★ || Cards || It will not offend me if you do not save/keep the card ^^; ★ Happy Birthday AngelHana! ★ || Cards || WARNING: You may have more than 1 card; they're not in alphabetical order If you have any issues, please PM me. |
Nov 14, 2017 11:23 AM
Anime Watching Challenges Trick or Treat Edition » Cards Thanks for requesting ! Please remember to save and re-host within 14 days! If there are any problems, feel free to PM me. |
Nov 20, 2017 8:24 AM
Trick or Treat Limited Edition Click here for your cards. They should be sorted alphabetically. If there are any issues, feel free to PM. |
Nov 22, 2017 4:43 PM
Nov 24, 2017 12:02 AM
Thank you for requesting! A lot of these date back to September; I'm so sorry! I got slammed with irl things in September and October... T.T Use ctrl+F (search your username) to find your cards; make sure to scroll to the bottom of the page first, otherwise it might not work. Please PM ElleGrace if any problems or questions come up! The Moonlit Clearing: ~Mystic Messenger SE~ | ~Cards~ | ~Bonus 2 (spoilers uncensored)~ ~Suits SE~ | ~Cards~ ~Bishies SE~ | ~Cards~ ~Books SE~ | ~Cards~ ~Dragons SE~ | ~Cards~ ~1500+ Members~ | ~Cards~ ~Halloween Edition~ | ~Cards~ ~Supernatural Edition~ | ~Cards~ Delivered by~ skyfer |
Nov 29, 2017 12:10 PM
Nov 30, 2017 8:21 AM
☆Anime Adventures☆ ☁Love Live WE All Editions | Cards(43) ☆Autumn Rain☆ ☁Megane SE | Cards(60) ☁Butterflies SE | Cards(76) ☁Halloween HE | Cards(52) ☁Romance SE | Cards(53) ☁Cat Ears SE (named by Skyfer) | Cards(45) ☁Loli LE | Cards(48) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Use Ctrl F to find your cards. Please save and rehost within 7 days. Sorry for taking so long with the cards ~ these were only completed with the help of my awesome namers thanks so much guys! Cards by Raichibi | Delivered by: Rinkari PM me if any problems |
クル・キガル・イルカルラ。 ★ deliveries ★ ★ beautiful set by bunnyama ★ |
Dec 4, 2017 12:00 PM
💕The Moonlit Clearing💕 💕Dragons II Solo Edition ~ Cards💕 💕Masks Special Edition ~ Cards💕 💕Reminder💕 Please save and rehost as soon as possible. Card link will be deleted in ca. a month. Use CTRL + F to find your cards. If there is any issues, please contact me. 💕Thankies for requesting. Sija again!💕 💕 Cards by: CuddyKat 💕 Delivered by: FamousWolfMoon 💕 |
Dec 10, 2017 8:58 PM
Masks Special Edition [ Cards Pick-Up ] The Moonlit Clearing 1 Year Anniversary Edition [ Cards Pick-Up ] Delivered by: nguyenafobjulie Ctrl+F to find your cards. Remember to save and rehost within 7 days. If you have any problems feel free to PM me. Thanks for requesting~! ❤︎ |
Jan 10, 2018 3:03 AM
Thanks for requesting! ♥ Ctrl+F to find your cards. Remember to save and rehost! If I made a mistake, feel free to PM me. |
Jan 22, 2018 6:00 AM
Anime Watching Challenges Ora! Ora! Ora! It's over 4000! Limited Edition Please save and re-host within 14 days.--------------------------------------------- click here to pick up your cards --------------------------------------------- If there's anything wrong with banners, let me know. Thanks for requesting |
signature set credited to Bunnyama 「No human has ever been whole. 」 |
Jan 30, 2018 11:10 PM
Anime Watching Challenges 1 Year Anniversary: Newsletter Edition Please save and re-host within 14 days.--------------------------------------------- click here to pick up your cards --------------------------------------------- If there's anything wrong with cards, let me know. Thanks for requesting |
signature set credited to Bunnyama 「No human has ever been whole. 」 |
Feb 7, 2018 2:54 PM
JUST ANOTHER YAOI CLUB ✨ --- ☆ Love Stage!! Edition - CARDS ☆ ☆ Doukyuusei Edition - CARDS ☆ ☆ 100+ Members Edition - CARDS ☆ --- Thank you for requesting ! Ctrl+F to find your cards. Please, save and rehost within 14 days. No need to thank me, you're welcome in advance. If there are any problems, please PM me. |
Feb 22, 2018 3:19 PM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
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