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Love and Lies
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Sep 4, 2017 8:23 AM

Nov 2011
Ha, Nisaka was still in his outfit this episode.
I think Lilina and him are on better terms with each other now. (at least compared to their first appearance)

Shuu's conversation with Misaki is kinda interesting, seems she understands her a lot compared to some of the other characters.
Sep 4, 2017 9:38 AM

Apr 2010
Some revelations this episode tho if one thing became clear towards to ending it's that Lilina and Yukari got closer towards each other.
For now the question is what are they going to do with their new gained knowledge seeing as the outcome became clear to them.
Sep 4, 2017 10:17 AM

Jun 2015
Yukari got an invitation to got to Nisaka brother's wedding. That's nice. Nisaka being teased by his brother because of the costume was funny. Him and Lilina got a bit more closer to each other after what they heard from Shuu. It was very interesting. Got to see her backstory with Misaki. She really cares for her.
Sep 4, 2017 11:24 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
I hate this stupid notice system
Sep 4, 2017 11:35 AM

Aug 2013
Lilina and Yukari got closer together in this episode. Igarashi only wants to protect Misaki which is probably why she sent notice text to Yukari.

Sep 4, 2017 12:12 PM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
Yukari's face when he saw the rejection was nightmare fuel LOL

The last scene was very sweet.

Not too fond of Igarashi still.
Sep 4, 2017 12:13 PM
Nov 2016
Igarashi spoke quite a lot huh.
Guess things are going to come to a head between Nejima and Ririna pretty soon.

We got little of Misaki this episode.
Sep 4, 2017 12:14 PM
May 2017
For those who still ship misaki x yukari, i suggest y'all go and read chapter 115 ~ 124. I bet 90% of you will jump ship
Sep 4, 2017 12:22 PM

Feb 2017
Yay, I was waiting for this! But is it me, or they are skipping some events? And what was that at the preview, is Onsen Arc coming? That's even more skipping...
Anyway, good as always. So sad it will end in two weeks...
Sep 4, 2017 12:28 PM

Nov 2016
Shuu is such a good friend.

And lol I honestly still don't know which girl Yukari is going to pick in the end and also for which pairing I should root for -.- If we will get a conclusion this season it's going to be painful anyway :/

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Sep 4, 2017 12:55 PM
May 2017
I had the feeling this episode was more of a buildup for what's to come in the last 2 week. There's still quite to be covered and a movie adaption was announced too! Looking forward to the last 2 episodes.
Sep 4, 2017 1:09 PM

Jan 2016
Damn, calm before the storm type of episode. The last scen was adorable asf. Let's hope that the last 2 episodes are not rushed
Sep 4, 2017 2:07 PM

Aug 2014
I continue to watch this even though it is the most cringe worthy show this season... maybe because the pacing is really good and you feel as if you got your 23 minutes worth :D
Sep 4, 2017 2:08 PM

Jan 2014
Um, did anyone see the clip at the end? Who was that girl? "Hi, I'm Aoi Morikawa. I'll be playing Aoi Nisaka in the movie adaptation of 'Love and Lies'". I've never seen those two names in this show?

Three things cannot be long hidden..
...the s u n, the m oo n, and the tr u th.

Sep 4, 2017 2:09 PM

Jan 2014
nanikorewa said:
For those who still ship misaki x yukari, i suggest y'all go and read chapter 115 ~ 124. I bet 90% of you will jump ship

S.P.O.I.L. I.T. F.O.R. M.E. P.L.E.A.S.E.

Three things cannot be long hidden..
...the s u n, the m oo n, and the tr u th.

Sep 4, 2017 2:37 PM

Jul 2014
nanikorewa said:
For those who still ship misaki x yukari, i suggest y'all go and read chapter 115 ~ 124. I bet 90% of you will jump ship

He don't deserve her.
Sep 4, 2017 2:42 PM

Mar 2016
Not really much to this was just a so-so development episode and maybe there is some foreshadowing for the final two episodes...but it doesn't feel like the plot really moved forward in a significant way with this episode. I guess we'll see what happens next episode!
I shall rule over the realms of anime and manga! Mwahhahahahaha!!!
Sep 4, 2017 2:43 PM
Sep 2017
i have a feeling there is something missing with the current calculation of marriage notices and shuu igarashi discovered them. just like x+y=z which should have been x+y-z=z1.

nisaka is gay thats for sure... his dad is prolly gay as well but nisaka's mother love him even though he is gay. prolly that.
ririna changed a lot .... but human's changed a lot when they are inlove whether its for better or worst it still is love.

They didnt really tackle divorce rate and shit. as they have said. we prolly gonna have an open ending coz the manga isnt finish yet or something.
well after watching tons of drama and animes i concluded that each shows i watched doesn't really have the depth that real life has. its like we are looking thru a one way mirror. it only shows what is directly in front of us but not the details of the entire surroundings.

they started a 3 way poll in reddit misaki,ririna,nisaka wtf,
i'm rooting for takasaki coz im a sucker for that kind of love. the love that is willing to give up her/his love. im not an anime critic. but this anime just gives me the feels. and i would recommend it for guys like me.

**The notices sux for others but i think if it was me. the notices is my savoir coz i wouldnt really be able to marry someone coz they dont like me . i think igarashi's grandma was a hopeless romantic and cheated her marriage with the system. (this last part is just my imagination)
Sep 4, 2017 3:17 PM

Jul 2014
Zelev said:
Um, did anyone see the clip at the end? Who was that girl? "Hi, I'm Aoi Morikawa. I'll be playing Aoi Nisaka in the movie adaptation of 'Love and Lies'". I've never seen those two names in this show?

There's going to be a live action film that will be released next month focusing on a girl name Nisaka Aoi who is the niece to Nisaka Yuusuke. The film takes place after the events of the manga/anime and there was an epilogue chapter 10 years later that focused on her.
Sep 4, 2017 3:18 PM

May 2009
Misaki is best waifu, Nejima doesnt deserve her
<img src=""/>
Sep 4, 2017 3:42 PM

Jul 2015
At this point I'm not even sure if I like or not this anime, I can't feel too connected with the characters.
Sep 4, 2017 3:45 PM

May 2016
i cant even say that it's nisekoi all over again. i mean i want the best for everybody and it seems to be impossible. any pair between any of them (yes ANY of them) would be beyond perfect. there's only 2 epsodes left and god damn i would watch 10 more and still not get bored.
Sep 4, 2017 3:45 PM

Jan 2014
koto said:
Zelev said:
Um, did anyone see the clip at the end? Who was that girl? "Hi, I'm Aoi Morikawa. I'll be playing Aoi Nisaka in the movie adaptation of 'Love and Lies'". I've never seen those two names in this show?

There's going to be a live action film that will be released next month focusing on a girl name Nisaka Aoi who is the niece to Nisaka Yuusuke. The film takes place after the events of the manga/anime and there was an epilogue chapter 10 years later that focused on her.

Ohhhhh okay, thank you for clarifying. I was so confused.

Three things cannot be long hidden..
...the s u n, the m oo n, and the tr u th.

Sep 4, 2017 5:02 PM

Nov 2014
As a Ririna fan, I thought the ending was beautiful. But I still feel awful for Misaki. Considering her history, and how strong and clear her feelings are, she kinda deserves to be with Neji more. This is such a mess. There are going to be some broken hearts either way when this is over.

Sep 4, 2017 5:18 PM

Oct 2012
Hmm, didn't really like this episode... or should I say it's execution? The story and everything was still there but all the emotions in dialogues and atmosphere from the manga were simply gone.
VAs were really bad (mechanical reading of given lines is not acting), the animations were bad (mainly in emotions department.. it really felt unnatural and at times those faces were just weird) and the music was somehow off as always.
Not really the best experience for the viewer.

And it doesn't help everything just felt so rushed, the collection of scenes with no real attempt to tie everything together, it didn't really flow well.
I start to thinking that everything is just one big advertiment for the movie.
Sep 4, 2017 6:19 PM

Jul 2015
This ep was a bit of a slip from the last, but I still enjoy the story.

I thought there could have been more oomph when describing Misaki's love, but it resonated slightly. That part had a lot of potential to be powerful, when Misaki said she wanted Neji's future wife to know everything good about him.

Still looking forward to next weeks though ~
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anime_list | BN_ID: #1404 | LoL: mmredvelvet

let's eat good food and play games together ~
Sep 4, 2017 7:37 PM

Jan 2011
12 episodes...a crime. Starting to feel the time pinch this episode.
Sep 4, 2017 8:13 PM

Aug 2017
From this episode I think it is going to go the same way as the manga where Ririna and Neji will agree for him to pick Misaki. To be honest I think this is the best option to avoid the most heartbreak, it's clear that Neji and Ririna love each other in some amount but this is Ririna's first experience with love and so even if Neji picks Misaki she will be able to get past it and find someone else. Misaki on the other hand would have a much, much harder time moving past it since she is deeply in love with Neji. Imagining this show to be like a game, picking Misaki would be the 'good' ending since all 3 of them will still be able to find happiness.

Also importantly, what I would really like to see before the end is some resolve to the story of Yajima and Ichijou. We know from the manga that him and his partner are separated, it would be a really nice plot twist to be that the same thing is happening with Ichijou and she is just putting up a facade for her job and in reality she is still in love with Yajima. The explanation for why she has not spoke to him about this is that she maybe doesn't realise that he is separated from his partner and so she is hiding her feelings.
UnknownAKSep 4, 2017 8:37 PM
Sep 4, 2017 8:44 PM

Dec 2013
Shuu playing with the cats was unexpectedly cute. I hope we see more of her.
Sep 4, 2017 10:20 PM

Dec 2014
Ririna was so adorable this episode. <3

Can't say this episode was too eventful but it was fun watching Igarashi wrecking Nejima with her jabs. xD
Sep 4, 2017 10:45 PM

Nov 2016
im really hoping this doesnt end in some big bombshell twist
Sep 4, 2017 11:03 PM
Mar 2014
Who else wants this show to turn into bloody war between MC and the government pushing MC into unwanted marriage where MC wins to change the constitution for the whole country under a threat (using weapons) of doing big damage to state and its citizens (almost like anti hero) and after that romance can go on. :D
Sep 5, 2017 12:00 AM
Sep 2017
UnknownAK said:
From this episode I think it is going to go the same way as the manga where Ririna and Neji will agree for him to pick Misaki. To be honest I think this is the best option to avoid the most heartbreak, it's clear that Neji and Ririna love each other in some amount but this is Ririna's first experience with love and so even if Neji picks Misaki she will be able to get past it and find someone else. Misaki on the other hand would have a much, much harder time moving past it since she is deeply in love with Neji. Imagining this show to be like a game, picking Misaki would be the 'good' ending since all 3 of them will still be able to find happiness.

Also importantly, what I would really like to see before the end is some resolve to the story of Yajima and Ichijou. We know from the manga that him and his partner are separated, it would be a really nice plot twist to be that the same thing is happening with Ichijou and she is just putting up a facade for her job and in reality she is still in love with Yajima. The explanation for why she has not spoke to him about this is that she maybe doesn't realise that he is separated from his partner and so she is hiding her feelings.

i think kamijou and her partner is separated as well. the manga she says "life sux" I dont think she is happy @ all with her marriage and everything.
*spoiler she still hides the freakin birthday present-ooooooo by yajima.. who hides birthday presents from ex. nobody. *

im a bit conflicted @ when the manga creator made ririna fall inlove with nejima. it should have been easier . well these things don't happen to real life so.

i think this will happen based on chapter 140 of manga.
nejima and misaki have a relationship but then .......nejima can't hide the fact that she fell in love with ririna and broke it off .... misaki devastated .. he went to ririna but ririna already moved on. and poof nisaka and nejima married hahaha fk that
this manga/anime started with good plot. but then the manga artist ruined it by making it difficult.
there's too many variables that when you take a look @ it. you will be mind fcked.

love is a futile thing. you can be swayed anyway as long as there is proximity.
i think in the end misaki will realise she doesnt love nejima. fck that ending.

who ever said to me read chapter 115 messed me up real good. atleast i know kamijou and najima still have feelings for each other.
Sep 5, 2017 1:48 AM

Nov 2016
Nisaka and his brother were so funny, one of the best parts of this ep for me
Guess the next ep will be at Nisaka's brother wedding?

I really like Igarashi, she's a really good friend and her intentions are good
The neko cafe scene was so cute~

I think this ep was more of an explanation to clarify the thing about the notices, Yukari seems not so sure he'll choose Misaki, wanting it or not he and Ririna became closer
I'm curious of how it will all turn out in the end...
Sep 5, 2017 2:14 AM

Dec 2013
UnknownAK said:
From this episode I think it is going to go the same way as the manga where Ririna and Neji will agree for him to pick Misaki. To be honest I think this is the best option to avoid the most heartbreak, it's clear that Neji and Ririna love each other in some amount but this is Ririna's first experience with love and so even if Neji picks Misaki she will be able to get past it and find someone else. Misaki on the other hand would have a much, much harder time moving past it since she is deeply in love with Neji. Imagining this show to be like a game, picking Misaki would be the 'good' ending since all 3 of them will still be able to find happiness.

Also importantly, what I would really like to see before the end is some resolve to the story of Yajima and Ichijou. We know from the manga that him and his partner are separated, it would be a really nice plot twist to be that the same thing is happening with Ichijou and she is just putting up a facade for her job and in reality she is still in love with Yajima. The explanation for why she has not spoke to him about this is that she maybe doesn't realise that he is separated from his partner and so she is hiding her feelings.

Wait, but during the lecture, didn't she put on a face of pure ecstasy when telling all the boys and girls that "doing it" with your assigned partner was the best feeling ever, or something like that?
Sep 5, 2017 2:58 AM

Jul 2014
Well, that meeting with Igarashi cleared up virtually nothing, other than her flashback showing just how little there really is to Misaki's "love" of Nejima. Besides, it's starting to seem as if Ririna and Nejima are noticing their feelings for each other, hence explaining that ending scene and why Ririna was so determined to question Igarashi about what she said at the end of the last episode.
Sep 5, 2017 3:38 AM
Jul 2010
I just can't understand what this show is trying to do. The answer is clear, Misaki loves Yukari, and Yukari loves Misaki, what is the problem? Why is there a need for this beating around the bush?

I just want to yell at these kids. STOP THIS NONSENSE!, talk with each other honestly, understand whether your feelings are the same and if you are willing to go all the way, then go and file an act to cancel the notice or something, i am sure it is possible to do that. IS this so hard to have a honest talk with each other? The sooner they do this, the better is for everyone.
It's like characters in this show are deliberately made stupid in order to drag the story and falsely deepen the drama and emotions.
I mean, the show is ending very soon, and we still have no resolution to anything. Creators had some interesting ideas with this anime, yet they fail to properly convey them. I would't be rooting for Ririna, if the show would be doing its job well.

nanikorewa said:
For those who still ship misaki x yukari, i suggest y'all go and read chapter 115 ~ 124. I bet 90% of you will jump ship

I truly hope that anime just ends with some form of closure and doesn't continue with this nonsense.

Urban_DruidSep 5, 2017 11:00 AM
Sep 5, 2017 4:10 AM

Mar 2015
i finally made up my mind to root for Ririna but this episode made me think of rooting for misaki again but the ending removed that idea again. one thing this episode made me realize, though, is that i sure wish that notice system doesn't exist in real life. it just complicates everything between everybody. what was that thing at the preview? a movie adaptation?
Sep 5, 2017 5:15 AM
Oct 2015
2/3 more episodes left huh, and im still on the neutral team
Heckle was here...
Sep 5, 2017 6:53 AM

Mar 2013
Dunno why but this episode made me sick. Screw that system.
Sep 5, 2017 8:38 AM

Aug 2017
Modo942000 said:
i finally made up my mind to root for Ririna but this episode made me think of rooting for misaki again but the ending removed that idea again. one thing this episode made me realize, though, is that i sure wish that notice system doesn't exist in real life. it just complicates everything between everybody. what was that thing at the preview? a movie adaptation?

Yeah they are making a live action adaptation of Koi To Uso which apparently is going to be about Nisaka's niece. It could be quite interesting and it might even reveal who Neji stayed with in the future.
Sep 5, 2017 10:26 AM
Mar 2016
So according to Igarashi she was trying to protect Misaki, but it kinda looks like she's just making things more complicated with Nejima and Ririna, so now I'm at a lost as to what is official the Notice itself or the text message
Sep 5, 2017 10:43 AM

May 2017
Zelev said:
nanikorewa said:
For those who still ship misaki x yukari, i suggest y'all go and read chapter 115 ~ 124. I bet 90% of you will jump ship

S.P.O.I.L. I.T. F.O.R. M.E. P.L.E.A.S.E.

Its only 12 eps, can the anime cover that far?
Sep 5, 2017 10:54 AM
Jul 2010
TsundeReaper said:
Zelev said:

S.P.O.I.L. I.T. F.O.R. M.E. P.L.E.A.S.E.

Its only 12 eps, can the anime cover that far?

I hope they end it with some sort of original ending then. There is no need to repeat all this nonsense again and again for the sake of creating additional drama between these idiotic characters.
Sep 5, 2017 12:38 PM
May 2017
DNI_R said:
I just can't understand what this show is trying to do. The answer is clear, Misaki loves Yukari, and Yukari loves Misaki, what is the problem? Why is there a need for this beating around the bush?

I just want to yell at these kids. STOP THIS NONSENSE!, talk with each other honestly, understand whether your feelings are the same and if you are willing to go all the way, then go and file an act to cancel the notice or something, i am sure it is possible to do that. IS this so hard to have a honest talk with each other? The sooner they do this, the better is for everyone.
It's like characters in this show are deliberately made stupid in order to drag the story and falsely deepen the drama and emotions.
I mean, the show is ending very soon, and we still have no resolution to anything. Creators had some interesting ideas with this anime, yet they fail to properly convey them. I would't be rooting for Ririna, if the show would be doing its job well.

nanikorewa said:
For those who still ship misaki x yukari, i suggest y'all go and read chapter 115 ~ 124. I bet 90% of you will jump ship

I truly hope that anime just ends with some form of closure and doesn't continue with this nonsense.

IMO, yukari and ririna is true love where as yukari and misaki is more of an infatuation. Yukari and misaki didnt interact MUCH until a day b4 yukari received his notice. Whereas yukari and ririna, they interacted almost everyday thru text msg, phone calls and hanging out with each other be it at their respective homes or outside for a meetup just like a normal couple would do. The time they spent with each other is definitely much more than yukari with misaki. So true love = looking someone and love them from a far instead of spending time together knowing more about each other (ririna love yukari for his personality and also invested some of her time to learn about yukari's hobby on kofun and yukari love ririna for her personality thru their interactions) ? If that's ur definition of true love (yukari x misaki, 0 interactions but they juz love each other lmao, if this isnt infatuation then what is it?), so be it.
Sep 5, 2017 2:22 PM

Feb 2008
At least Ririna made an appearance. She probably managed to come to terms with her feelings as well, if only a bit. Igarashi's motivations were left as unclear as they were before. The veil of mystery is becoming slightly irking.
Sep 5, 2017 5:11 PM
Aug 2016
Yukari x Misaki all the fucking way!!!
Sep 5, 2017 8:12 PM

Nov 2014
You know, I sent you a friend request, but I think your account might be bugged! I got blocked.
Hi there
Sep 5, 2017 11:47 PM
Jul 2010
nanikorewa said:
IMO, yukari and ririna is true love where as yukari and misaki is more of an infatuation. Yukari and misaki didnt interact MUCH until a day b4 yukari received his notice. Whereas yukari and ririna, they interacted almost everyday thru text msg, phone calls and hanging out with each other be it at their respective homes or outside for a meetup just like a normal couple would do. The time they spent with each other is definitely much more than yukari with misaki. So true love = looking someone and love them from a far instead of spending time together knowing more about each other (ririna love yukari for his personality and also invested some of her time to learn about yukari's hobby on kofun and yukari love ririna for her personality thru their interactions) ? If that's ur definition of true love (yukari x misaki, 0 interactions but they juz love each other lmao, if this isnt infatuation then what is it?), so be it.

You're right, these are my thoughts exactly too. I've stated in the discussions of previous episodes, that "forced" relationship feel more realistic and grounded than this so called "natural" love. But from now on i just don't think that Ririna x Yukari is the message, that this show wants to send. I really doubt that anime wants to admit that "system is good", even if all your mentioned points are exactly right.
That's why i wholeheartedly want for the show to come to a conclusion, whatever it may be. I want for Yukari and Misaki to have a honest talk, to understand if what they feel for each other can be something more than saliva exchange, whether they actually would like to have a life together in the future as husband and wife. Because that's what system is about - definitive future without divorces, so they need to prove that their love can lead to such a future too (which i doubt they can). That means for Yukari to stop being such an idiot and actually do something. If they can't come to a right conclusion, then they shouldn't keep this thing up for longer, because the more time passes the more painful it will become for everyone, when the time comes for him to choose (which i am sure this is what manga wants - more additional drama and tears and etc.)

P.S. Well that's how love is portrayed in media. Call it infatuation, blind love, love from the first sight or whatever, you can't really blame Yukari if he feels something more towards Misaki than Ririna (which we actually don't know, because he is an indecisive idiot, but well - he confessed to her in the beginning so that probably means something), but that's how this stuff is portrayed in majority of movies, shows and etc. The show itself asks that question "What is love" in one of the episodes :D, and there is no real answer to that.
The problem is that the show is caught in this duality where Ririna x Yukari feels more realistic and grounded, but is "wrong" relationship and Misaki x Yukari is "right, natural" relationship, but doesn't have any base to it that normal relationship should have. And it feels like this anime just can't get out of this hole that it dug for itself.
Urban_DruidSep 6, 2017 5:18 AM
Sep 6, 2017 1:48 AM

Apr 2015
nanikorewa said:

IMO, yukari and ririna is true love where as yukari and misaki is more of an infatuation. Yukari and misaki didnt interact MUCH until a day b4 yukari received his notice. Whereas yukari and ririna, they interacted almost everyday thru text msg, phone calls and hanging out with each other be it at their respective homes or outside for a meetup just like a normal couple would do. The time they spent with each other is definitely much more than yukari with misaki. So true love = looking someone and love them from a far instead of spending time together knowing more about each other (ririna love yukari for his personality and also invested some of her time to learn about yukari's hobby on kofun and yukari love ririna for her personality thru their interactions) ? If that's ur definition of true love (yukari x misaki, 0 interactions but they juz love each other lmao, if this isnt infatuation then what is it?), so be it.

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