May 25, 2018 10:11 AM
☽ STAFF FAVOURITE SERIES: FAVOURITE GACHA HELL GAME One of our biggest editions yet; we have layout makers, solo card makers, claim makers, and yes even messengers participating!! <3 Find out what our staff are trash for in gacha hell and tell us who you relate to ;'D... - Interested in being a card maker/claim maker/layout designer for LSK? Check out this thread, we'd be happy to consider you (: PLEASE DON'T REQUEST IF YOU DON'T PLAN ON SAVING! (◕︿◕✿) ● c a r d s ● lunafly Desperate Fire Emblem Heroes Summoner Members: 1 Staff: 2 +1 if you play Fire Emblem Heroes or have snowflakes-zura role +another 1 if you have a horse emblem [ my infantry emblem (‘∀’●)♡ ] @/Omikami just save! 1 || 2 3 || 4 [ my horse emblem (◕ω◕✿) ] @/ShadowSpirit just save! 5 || 6 7 || 8 Omikami Desperate FGO Master Members/Staff: 1 Paper Temple Residents that are LSK Staff can have any Slips won't work. Based on my FGO team (JP) sorry for the crappy sloppy design, real life happened 1. Saber | 2. Archer 3. Lancer | 4. Rider 5. Caster | 6. Assassin 7. Berserker | 8. Alter Ego Shuuka Desperate Tales Adventurer Members: 1 Staff: 2 1 ~ 2 3 ~ 4 5 ~ 6 Promise Desperate Valkyrie Crusader Members: 1 Staff: 2 Post limit: #20 @Reinasaurus can save~ 1 || 2 3 || 4 ryuubus Desperate Utapri Photographer Members: 2 Staff: 3 Post limit: #27 protecc squad can ignore the post limit and request 1 extra card the cards i want and i will never have cuz the gatcha hates me - typo will be fixed upon delivering the cards - reiji || ranmaru || rencrawls into a hole of stress aghhh i wanted to make better cards but im slowly dying cuz school, soo pls forgive me sep. update: typo has been fixed gomen ;;;;;;; otoya || tokiya || syo masa || ai || camus natsuki || cecil Reinasaurus Desperate Granblue Fantasy Danchou-chan Member/Staff: 1 Post Limit: #25 Reinabanana can ignore post limit. Here's my rent, @Omikami senpoi ♥ Please take care of the waifus! @Promise can take all the husbandos ♥ 1 || 2 3 || 4 5 || 6 7 || 8 9 || 10 11 || 12 ShadowSpirit Desperate SINoALICE Storyteller Members | Staff: 1 Post limit: #25 (23) +2 for Shadow Memoir Dolls/Paper Days (YPD) Cast @Omikami can just save Alice . . . Snow White Gretel . . . Little Mermaid Briar Rose . . . Red Riding Hood Kaguya . . . Cinderella Pinocchio . . . Dorothy GalaXys Desperate LoveLiver <w< Members | Staff: 2 from each set Post Limit: #35 Guardians can ignore posto limito ♥ Made it bigger than normal cuz these babies deserve it ♥ I-I was blocked,,, from making LL cards ;w; @Reinasaurus can save set A (µ's) @Omikami can save set B (Aqours) 1 | 2 | 3 4 | 5 | 6 7 | 8 | 9 1 | 2 | 3 4 | 5 | 6 7 | 8 | 9 KarenShirotori Desperate IDOLiSH7 Manager Members/Staff: 2 Post Limit: #25 +1 if you have watched the anime/played the game (show screenshot or game id) +3 if anything related to the series is in your faves Let's test your luck: Choose a number between 1-12. You'll know the result when cards are delivered! (ゝω・)ノ [Pudding Poppers can ignore this o(〃^▽^〃)o] Bless me not <( ̄︶ ̄)> Iori Izumi | Yamato Nikaidou Mitsuki Izumi | Tamaki Yotsuba Sougo Ousaka | Nagi Rokuya Riku Nanase | Gaku Yaotome Tenn Kujou | Ryuunosukue Tsunashi Momo | Yuki KonoDioDakeda Jojo's Bizarre Stardust Shooter Members: 2 || Staff: 4 All if you guess my fav character Any if you think that Speedwagon is best waifoo 1 || 2 3 || 4 5 || 6 7 || 8 09 || 10 11 || 12 Rinkari Desperate Bandori New Staff Members | Staff: 5 +1 if you watched the anime +1 if you have anything related on faves +1 if you play BanG Dream! [[attach a screenshoot or give me your ID]] Paper Temple Residents that are LSK Staff can have +2 Please take good care of my babies <3 1 x 2 3 x 4 5 x 6 7 x 8 9 x 10 11 x 12 13 x 14 15 x 16 17 x 18 19 x 20 21 x 22 23 x 24 25 special credits to yuyu FORM NAME: Shortened: Deliver to: ✧ lunafly: ✧ Omikami: ✧ Shuuka: ✧ Promise: ✧ ryuubus: ✧ Reinasaurus: ✧ ShadowSpirit: ✧ GalaXys: ✧ KarenShirotori: ✧ KonoDioDakeda: ✧ Rinkari: Comment: ● u p c o m i n g // s c h e d u l e d // e d i t i o n s ● **Surprise/Solo editions will not appear in this list but will open at random times so check in to LSK frequently ^^** 800+ Goal LE (MAY 30) Staff Love/Hate Characters v.2 (JUN 3) Verbal Tics LE (JUN 8) Honey LE (JUN 15) Mudkip LE (JUN 20) Reinasaurus Birthday SE (JUN 21) |
ryuubusSep 25, 2018 1:11 PM
May 25, 2018 10:12 AM
ST✦FF REQUEST Copy your request and REFRESH THE PAGE before editing the post. NAME: Reinasaurus Shortened: Reina Deliver to: Here ✧ lunafly: 2, 5 ✧ Omikami: Saber, Archer, Caster, Assassin (Paper Temple Residents and staff) God bless Yuyu! ✧ Promise: Thank you, Demicchi <3 ✧ ryuubus: Ranmaru, Otoya + Tokiya, Ai ✧ ShadowSpirit: Alice + Snow White, Little Mermaid (Shadow Memoir Dolls) ✧ GalaXys: Set A: Thank you so much bebehhh || Set B : All please ✧ Rinkari: 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 + 6, 11 (Paper Temple Residents and staff) + 15 (Playing) Comment: Thank you so much minna <3 ----- NAME: _Nagisa Shortened: Deliver to: here ✧ lunafly: 1 4 + 6 7 (play FEH and I have Lyn on a horse \o/) ✧ Omikami: 1 3 4 5 useless miko here ✧ ryuubus: otoya tokiya syo ✧ Reinasaurus: 1 3 5 7 9 12 ✧ Rinkari: 4 5 7 11 13 23 Comment: thanks,, ----- NAME: Rinkari Shortened: Deliver to: profile ✧ lunafly: 1, 2 + 5 ✧ Omikami: In name of my sword, my bones and my soul... GIVE ME ALL PLEEEEEASE ✧ Shuuka: 1,5 ✧ Promise: 3,4 ✧ ryuubus: ranmaru, syo, ai ✧ Reinasaurus: 6 ✧ ShadowSpirit: Briar Rose ✧ GalaXys: 1,5 // 6,7 ✧ KarenShirotori: 10, 11 + 12 // slip ✧ KonoDioDakeda: 7, 12 Comment: thank you a lot ;w; the cards are so pretty!!! ----- NAME: Shuuka Deliver to: here ✧ lunafly: 1, 2 + 5 ✧ Omikami: 8 ✧ Promise: 1, 4 ✧ ryuubus: otoya, tokiya, syo ✧ Reinasaurus: 9 ✧ ShadowSpirit: Gretel ✧ GalaXys: 5, 6 // 5, 9 ✧ KarenShirotori: all plsu o/ sorry for the abuse Comment: thanks! ----- NAME: Ritshiro Shortened: Ritsu Deliver to: Here ✧ lunafly: 1, 6 ✧ Omikami: 6 ✧ Shuuka: 6 ✧ Promise: 1, 4 ✧ ryuubus: Ranmaru, Ren, Otoya ✧ Reinasaurus: 1 ✧ ShadowSpirit: Red Riding Hood ✧ GalaXys: Set A 1, 8 | Set B 3, 4 ✧ KarenShirotori: 2 + 6 + 12 | Watched ✧ KonoDioDakeda: 1, 2, 4, 6 ✧ Rinkari: 3, 6, 10, 14, 24 Comment: Thank you so much all of you!!! ----- NAME: GalaXys Shortened: Gala Deliver to: xx ✧ lunafly: 2 + 5 ✧ Omikami: 1 + 2 + 5 + 6 + 8 (Resident and staffu) s-sorry,,, not sorry. ✧ Shuuka: 5 + 6 ✧ Promise: 1 + 4 ✧ ryuubus: Tokiya + Syo + Masa + Ai [img]REMIND ME TO ATTACH. NEED TO GO OUT… SORRY[//img] ----- NAME: lunafly Shortened: - Deliver to: profile ✧ lunafly: yikes ✧ Omikami: Saber, Caster, Archer, Alter Ego <3 ✧ Shuuka: 1, 4 ✧ Promise: 1, 2 ✧ ryuubus: otoya, tokiya, syo ✧ Reinasaurus: 8 ✧ ShadowSpirit: suppp my homie ✧ GalaXys: [5, 6] [2, 7] ✧ KarenShirotori: I'll pick 10 ✧ KonoDioDakeda: 3, 5 ✧ Rinkari: 4, 7, 8, 9, 19 + 22, 24 Comment: Thanks for this awesome edition everyone <3 I love this participation ^^ ----- NAME: ShadowSpirit Shortened: Shadow Deliver to: here ✧ lunafly: Infantry emblem please ✧ Promise: 2, 4 ✧ ryuubus: Ranmaru, Ren, Tokiya ✧ Reinasaurus: 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 OTL Sorry for the slip abuse ✧ Rinkari: 4, 15, 17, 21, 22, 23, 25, (paper temple) Comment: Thank youu, all these glorious gacha hell games! (Skipped out on the ones I didn't really know about sorry D:) NAME: Omikami Deliver to: Here ✧ lunafly: 5 | 6 + 7 (Play FEH) + 8 (B!Lyn, Reinhardt, G!Olwen and Sigurd / Elise) ✧ Omikami: AND NOW I HAVE OKITA I'M CRYING ✧ Promise: hi gib all ofc ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ °) ✧ ryuubus: otoya | tokiya | syo ✧ Reinasaurus: why yes i'll take care of them ( ✧≖ ͜ʖ≖) ✧ ShadowSpirit: oh boi do I love being spoiled (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖) ✧ GalaXys: Set A: Gib all pls | MORE SPOILING HAHA YES ✧ KarenShirotori: 4 | 11 ✧ Rinkari: 6 | 7 | 10 | 18 | 22 Comment: how does one escape from gacha hell is the true question NAME: Bunnyama Shortened: Bunny Deliver to: IN MY HEART ✧ lunafly: 1, 2, 5, 6 ✧ KonoDioDakeda: 3, 4, 12 ✧ Rinkari: 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 Comment: I have no shame. I regret nothing. Thank you dears <3 |
BunnyamaMay 26, 2018 10:30 AM
May 25, 2018 10:17 AM
NAME: qeesa Shortened: Deliver to: ✧ lunafly: 4 ✧ Omikami: 5 ALL PURISUU (BEWBSSS) ✧ Shuuka: ✧ Promise: 3 ✧ ryuubus: Ranmaru and Ren ✧ Reinasaurus: all pls~ i'm abusing the slip :sob: ✧ ShadowSpirit: Alice ✧ GalaXys: 2, 4 || 8, 9 ✧ KarenShirotori: ✧ KonoDioDakeda: ALL PURISUUU your fave are Dio and Polnareff; AND OF COURSE SPEEDWAGON IS BESTO WAIFU >:d he's a snack~ ✧ Rinkari: 6, 7, 8, 23, 24 Comment: these are a lot, sankyuu~ |
qeesaMay 25, 2018 10:43 AM
May 25, 2018 10:21 AM
NAME: Moune-Chan Shortened: Moune Deliver to: Here ✧ lunafly: 3 ✧ Omikami: 2 ✧ Shuuka: 6 + 1 First time I use, sorry if I haven't used before, I thought it can be only use one time but look like I can use anytime before the expiration date. ✧ Promise: 4 ✧ ryuubus: Masa and Ranmaru (Sorry Tokiya) ✧ Reinasaurus: 8 ✧ ShadowSpirit: Pinocchio ✧ GalaXys: Set A: 6, 7 / Set B: 6, 8 ✧ KarenShirotori: 3, 9 ✧ KonoDioDakeda: 8 ✧ Rinkari: 2, 5, 6, 22, 23 Comment: Thank you! Gacha hell is my fav type of game :3 |
Moune-ChanMay 26, 2018 3:11 AM
May 25, 2018 10:22 AM
NAME: CXNT Shortened: CXNT Deliver to: Profile ✧ lunafly: 6 ✧ Omikami:4 ✧ Shuuka: 5 ✧ Promise: 4 ✧ ryuubus: ranmaru,tokiya ✧ Reinasaurus: 5 ✧ ShadowSpirit: 1 ✧ GalaXys: [2,3] [5,6] ✧ KarenShirotori:6,4 ✧ KonoDioDakeda: 1,6 ✧ Rinkari:2,6,20,21,23 Comment:Thanks |
CXNTMay 26, 2018 2:59 AM
May 25, 2018 10:24 AM
NAME: nguyenafobjulie Shortened: Julie Deliver to: Profile ✧ lunafly: 2 ✧ Omikami: Alter Ego ✧ Promise: All please ♥ ✧ ryuubus: Tokiya, Syo ✧ Reinasaurus: 4 + 7, 9, 10 ✧ ShadowSpirit: Gretel ✧ GalaXys: I'm sorry but all please ;w; ♥ ✧ Rinkari: 2, 6, 19, 22, 24 Comment: Thank you so much for the great cards <3 |
May 25, 2018 10:27 AM
NAME: foxxykat1223 Shortened: foxxykat Deliver to: LIS ✧ lunafly: 6, +7 ✧ Omikami: 2 ✧ Shuuka: 4 ✧ Promise: 2 ✧ ryuubus: otoya, syo ✧ Reinasaurus: 5 ✧ ShadowSpirit: Gretel ✧ GalaXys: 4, 5 / 7, 8 ✧ KarenShirotori: 4, 7, 12 (+1 LIS) ✧ KonoDioDakeda: 9, 10 ✧ Rinkari: 8, 17, 19, 23, 24 Comment: Ok, you guys make such good cards that it's so hard to choose. Thank you! |
foxxykat1223May 26, 2018 3:31 AM
🍀🌈💰🍀🌈💰🍀🌈💰🍀🌈💰🍀 |
May 25, 2018 10:28 AM
NAME: Kuollut98 Shortened: Kuollut Deliver to: Link in sign ✧ lunafly: 6 ✧ Omikami: ✧ Shuuka: 2 ✧ Promise: ✧ ryuubus: Ranmaru + Tokiya ✧ Reinasaurus: 5 ✧ ShadowSpirit: Pinocchio ✧ GalaXys: ✧ KarenShirotori: 6 + 8 + 10 ✧ KonoDioDakeda: 1 + 5 Is you favourite Dio? ✧ Rinkari: Comment: Thank you ^^ |
Kuollut98May 25, 2018 11:32 PM
May 25, 2018 10:33 AM
NAME: Marlo Deliver to: Click my sig ✧ lunafly: 7 ✧ Omikami: 1 + 6 👀 ✧ Shuuka: 4 ✧ Promise: 2 ✧ ryuubus: Ranran & Natsuki ✧ Reinasaurus: yes yes, aboose ✧ GalaXys: 1, 3 | 2, 9 ✧ KarenShirotori: Gaku & Ryuu ✧ Rinkari: 7, 9, 17, 20 Comment: Awesome work, thanks everyone! \o/ |
sᴇᴛ ʙʏ ᴋᴏᴛᴏʀɪsᴀᴜʀᴜs w |
May 25, 2018 10:35 AM
NAME: Amulet_Heart Shortened: Amu Deliver to: Profile ✧ lunafly: 4 ✧ Omikami: 5. Caster ✧ Shuuka: 3 ✧ Promise: 1 ✧ ryuubus: syo & ranmaru ✧ Reinasaurus: 3 ✧ ShadowSpirit: Alice ✧ GalaXys: Set A - 4, 5; Set B - 8, 9 ✧ KarenShirotori: 7, 8 + 3 ✧ KonoDioDakeda: 5, 11 ✧ Rinkari: 4, 12, 19, 23, 24 Comment: Thank ya~ Edited: Fixed @KarenShirotori ~ Thank you for explain it to me! |
Amulet_HeartMay 26, 2018 2:37 AM
May 25, 2018 10:39 AM
NAME: Phraze Deliver to: profile ✧ lunafly: 2 ✧ Omikami: Rider ✧ Shuuka: all pls ✧ Promise: 2 ✧ ryuubus: ranmaru, tokiya ✧ Reinasaurus: 3 ✧ ShadowSpirit: Red Riding Hood ✧ GalaXys: A1, A6, B3, B9 ✧ KarenShirotori: 3, 7 my #3 was referring to the gacha number... @KarenShirotori @Phraze yes it is but the other 2 aren't numbers, so you really have to choose 1 more number to make to 2 since you won't know what card you get until it has been delivered. ok I think I get it now ✧ KonoDioDakeda: 3, 4 + 7 (Dio?) ✧ Rinkari: 1, 4, 8, 17, 22 Comment: thanks. and that is alot o.o; |
PhrazeMay 25, 2018 8:20 PM
May 25, 2018 10:42 AM
NAME: Tarandeep_singh Shortened: Taran Deliver to: link in the signature ✧ lunafly: 2 ✧ Omikami: 1. Saber ✧ Shuuka: 1 + 5 and 6 ✧ Promise: 3 ✧ ryuubus: tokiya and ai ✧ Reinasaurus: 4 ✧ ShadowSpirit: Red Riding Hood ✧ GalaXys: Set A (4 and 7) and Set B (6 and 8) ✧ KarenShirotori: Mitsuki Izumi and Sougo Ousaka ( I didn't got number part, if it's not only for extra but we have select using it then my number are 8 and 9) ✧ KonoDioDakeda: 5 and 12 ✧ Rinkari: 2 , 8 , 13 , 15 , 23 + 24 (play bang g mobile game, id = 1085264 ) Comment: thanks for the cards!!! |
Tarandeep_singhMay 25, 2018 11:30 AM
May 25, 2018 10:44 AM
NAME: Venelia Shortened: Brii Deliver to: Inbox ✧ ryuubus: masa, ai ✧ GalaXys: Set A: 5, 7 || Set B: 1, 9 ✧ KarenShirotori: GIMME ALL PLS ✧ Rinkari: 4, 8, 11, 15, 23 Comment: I just want the idol gatcha cards ;-; sorry everyone~! they are all beautiful but idol gatcha!! Thank you!! |
removed-userMay 25, 2018 7:52 PM
May 25, 2018 10:45 AM
NAME: jayyyyyyy7 Shortened: Jay Deliver to: link in sig ✧ lunafly: 3 ✧ Omikami: 1 ✧ Shuuka: 3,5 ✧ Promise: 1 ✧ ryuubus: otoya,cecil ✧ Reinasaurus: 12 ✧ ShadowSpirit: Dorothy ✧ GalaXys: A1,A8,B6,B9 ✧ KarenShirotori: 1,7,12 ✧ KonoDioDakeda: 5,8 ✧ Rinkari: 2,3,6,10,25 Comment: Thanks |
mikadotrashMay 25, 2018 10:28 PM
May 25, 2018 10:46 AM
NAME: BT-kun Shortened: Deliver to: Profile ✧ Shuuka: 4 ✧ ryuubus: Otoya, Syo ✧ Reinasaurus: 9 ✧ KarenShirotori: 4, 10 + 11 (Watched the anime and former player of the game) Comment: Thank you! |
BT-kunMay 25, 2018 7:43 PM
May 25, 2018 10:46 AM
May 25, 2018 10:57 AM
NAME: cheyl Deliver to: profile ✧ lunafly: 3 ✧ Omikami: 4 ✧ Shuuka: 5 ✧ Promise: 1 ✧ ryuubus: syo, ai ✧ Reinasaurus: 8 ✧ ShadowSpirit: gretel ✧ GalaXys: a: 5,7 | b: 1, 8 ✧ KarenShirotori: 2, 9 ✧ KonoDioDakeda: 6, 12 ✧ Rinkari: 8, 24 Comment: thank you! |
cosmosdevilMay 26, 2018 11:34 AM
May 25, 2018 11:13 AM
NAME: Valiso Shortened: Deliver to: Link in sig. ✧ Shuuka: 5 ✧ ryuubus: Otoya & Syo ✧ Reinasaurus: 12 ✧ ShadowSpirit: 1 ✧ GalaXys: Set A: 2 & 7 | Set B: 6 & 7 ✧ KarenShirotori: Sogo & Momo | 11 Comment: Thank you. I'm only snagging the ones I actually know of. Sorry to the rest of you. ; w ; |
ValisoMay 26, 2018 9:28 AM
May 25, 2018 11:34 AM
NAME: dianali Shortened: Deliver to: Profile ✧ lunafly: 5 ✧ Omikami: 8 ✧ Shuuka: 4 ✧ Promise: --- ✧ ryuubus: Ranmaru, Syo ✧ Reinasaurus: 5 ✧ ShadowSpirit: Gretel ✧ GalaXys: Set A: 2, 5 Set B: 6, 8 ✧ KarenShirotori: Mitsuki Izumi, Gaku Yaotome ✧ KonoDioDakeda: 3, 6 ✧ Rinkari: 1, 2, 7, 8, 22 Comment: thank u :) |
dianaliMay 26, 2018 6:01 AM
May 25, 2018 11:36 AM
May 25, 2018 12:14 PM
NAME: Dauner Deliver to: Profile ✧ lunafly: 2 ✧ Omikami: 5 ✧ Shuuka: 5 ✧ Promise: - ✧ ryuubus: syo, ai ✧ Reinasaurus: 12 ✧ ShadowSpirit: Alice ✧ GalaXys: A: 2, 5 || B: 3, 8 ✧ KarenShirotori: 1, 7 + 10 ✧ KonoDioDakeda: 2, 4 ✧ Rinkari: 5, 8, 15, 21, 23 Comment: Thank you :) |
DaunerMay 25, 2018 9:28 PM
May 25, 2018 12:22 PM
NAME: Aur0ra Deliver to: LIS ✧ lunafly: 1 ✧ Omikami: 1 ✧ Shuuka: 4 ✧ Promise:-- ✧ ryuubus: ranmaru, camus ✧ Reinasaurus: 1 ✧ ShadowSpirit: Gretel ✧ GalaXys: A5, A7, B6, B8 ✧ KarenShirotori: 2, 5, 10 ✧ KonoDioDakeda: 8, 9 ✧ Rinkari: 4, 9, 15, 17, 21 Comment: Thanks~ @KarenShirotori - Fixed~ |
Aur0raMay 26, 2018 6:45 AM
May 25, 2018 12:37 PM
NAME: Lokester Shortened: Julia Deliver to: Profile ✧ lunafly: 2 ✧ Omikami: 1 ✧ Shuuka: 5 ✧ Promise: - - - ✧ ryuubus: Ren, Tokiya ✧ Reinasaurus: 9 ✧ ShadowSpirit: Snow White ✧ GalaXys: 5,6 + 7,8 ✧ KarenShirotori: 2,5,11 ✧ KonoDioDakeda: 1,5 ✧ Rinkari:4,8,11,13,21 Comment:Thankyuu ! I LOVE GACHA HELL IM GONNA PLAY ALL THESE GAMES NOW |
LokesterMay 25, 2018 8:32 PM
May 25, 2018 12:37 PM
NAME: Carol Shortened: Deliver to: Link in sig ✧ lunafly: 1 ✧ Omikami: Saber ✧ Shuuka: 4 ✧ Promise: - ✧ ryuubus: otoya, tokiya ✧ Reinasaurus: - ✧ ShadowSpirit: - ✧ GalaXys: 2,6 + 5, 8 ✧ KarenShirotori: - ✧ KonoDioDakeda: 1, 3 ✧ Rinkari: 5, 8, 13, 21, 22 Comment: Thanks~ |
CarolMay 25, 2018 12:41 PM
~ Forum set by Cat ♡ |
May 25, 2018 12:43 PM
May 25, 2018 12:58 PM
NAME: Kawiiki Shortened: Deliver to: link in signature ✧ lunafly: 3 ✧ Omikami: 1 ✧ Shuuka: 5 ✧ Promise: -- ✧ ryuubus: -- ✧ Reinasaurus: -- ✧ ShadowSpirit: -- ✧ GalaXys: Set A: 2 | 5 Set B: 7 | 8 ✧ KarenShirotori: -- ✧ KonoDioDakeda: -- ✧ Rinkari: 4 | 15 | 17 | 22 | 23 Comment: thank you!! |
⋮ Creator of Mischief & Art ⋮ ⋮ Call me Kiwi ⋮ °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° |
May 25, 2018 1:55 PM
NAME: Zenit Deliver to: Profile ✧ lunafly: 2 + 6 (playing) ✧ Omikami: 2 ✧ Shuuka: 6 ✧ GalaXys: A: 5, 6 | B: 1, 5 ✧ KonoDioDakeda: 1, 2 ✧ Rinkari: 6, 14, 15, 19, 25 Comment: Thank you ^^ |
May 25, 2018 2:09 PM
NAME: DarkNighte Shortened: Nighte Deliver to: link in sig ✧ lunafly: 2 ✧ Omikami: 1 ✧ Shuuka: 4 ✧ KonoDioDakeda: 3, 4 ✧ Rinkari: 8, 13, 21, 23 Comment: Thank you!! |
KishuoMay 25, 2018 2:18 PM
【 有馬 貴将 】 fs by usagimadoki- |
May 25, 2018 2:17 PM
May 25, 2018 2:26 PM
NAME: FannyFantasy Shortened: F.Fantasy Deliver to: Profile ✧ lunafly: 1 ✧ Omikami: 5 ✧ Shuuka: 1 + 4, 5 ✧ Promise: -- ✧ ryuubus: -- ✧ Reinasaurus: -- ✧ ShadowSpirit: -- ✧ GalaXys: 5, 6 || 1, 6 ✧ KarenShirotori: -- ✧ KonoDioDakeda: 1, 8 ✧ Rinkari: 3, 13, 15, 19, 25 Comment: Thank you so much..!! |
fannyfantasyMay 25, 2018 2:35 PM
May 25, 2018 2:30 PM
NAME: kawaii-mio Shortened: kawaii Deliver to: Profile ✧ lunafly: 4 ✧ Omikami: 1 ✧ Shuuka: 5 ✧ GalaXys: set 1: 2, 4 | set 2: 7, 8 ✧ KonoDioDakeda: 3, 10 ✧ Rinkari: 3, 5, 7, 23, 24 Comment: Thanks |
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines. |
May 25, 2018 2:37 PM
NAME: rhynne Shortened: -- Deliver to: Profile comments ✧ lunafly: 4 ✧ Omikami: 1 ✧ Shuuka: 6 ✧ Promise: -- ✧ ryuubus: -- ✧ Reinasaurus: -- ✧ ShadowSpirit: -- ✧ GalaXys: 5, 6 // 4, 7 ✧ KarenShirotori: -- ✧ KonoDioDakeda: -- ✧ Rinkari: 4, 8, 13, 15, 23 Comment: I feel this pain >.< Thanks!~ |
May 25, 2018 2:54 PM
NAME: Dhoha Deliver to: Link in sig ✧ lunafly: 2 ✧ Omikami: 4 ✧ Shuuka: 4 ✧ Promise: 1 ✧ ryuubus: Masa, Al ✧ Reinasaurus: 6 ✧ ShadowSpirit: Gretel ✧ GalaXys: A: 2, 6 B: 5, 8 ✧ KarenShirotori: Sougo Ousaka, Momo ✧ KonoDioDakeda: 5, 11 ✧ Rinkari: 8, 14, 15, 17, 23 Comment: Awesome cards thank you! |
May 25, 2018 4:05 PM
NAME: Soranyu Shortened: Sora Deliver to: link in sig ✧ lunafly: 1, 2 + 5 + 8 (I play feh and have Lyn~) ✧ Omikami: 6 ✧ Rinkari: 8, 13, 15, 19, 24 Comment: thanks for the cards ♥ |
May 25, 2018 5:35 PM
NAME: universe Deliver to: here thank you uwu ✧ lunafly: 2 + 3 (i play fe~) ✧ Omikami: 6 ✧ Shuuka: 5 ✧ Rinkari: 6, 11, 16, 19, 24, 25 Comment: thank you so much c: |
the places i'll wander. no longer rooted, but gold, flowing. i feel a thousand capacities spring up in me. ○ ○ ○ blog. forum sets. |
May 25, 2018 6:22 PM
NAME: Charlotte1412 Shortened: Charlotte Deliver to: Link in sig ✧ lunafly: 8 ✧ Omikami: Caster ✧ Shuuka: 5 ✧ Promise: :( ✧ ryuubus: :( ✧ Reinasaurus: :( ✧ ShadowSpirit: :( ✧ GalaXys: :( ✧ KarenShirotori: :( ✧ KonoDioDakeda: 1, 7 ✧ Rinkari: 4, 8, 9, 13, 23 Comment: Ty~ |
Charlotte1412May 25, 2018 6:29 PM
May 25, 2018 6:52 PM
NAME: EvianBubble Shortened: Evian Deliver to: Profile ✧ lunafly: 1, 2, 5, 6, and 8 please (slip in sig~ :3 #shameless) ✧ Omikami: 6 ✧ Shuuka: 2 and 4 (in sig) ✧ Promise: ✧ ryuubus: ✧ Reinasaurus: ✧ ShadowSpirit: ✧ GalaXys: ✧ KarenShirotori: ✧ KonoDioDakeda: 4 and 7 ✧ Rinkari: 8, 9, 11, 17, and 24 Comment: Thank you :) |
May 25, 2018 7:50 PM
NAME: Sharon56706 Shortened: Sharon Deliver to: Profile ✧ lunafly: 2 ✧ Omikami: 1 ✧ Shuuka: 5 ✧ Promise: -- ✧ ryuubus: -- ✧ Reinasaurus: -- ✧ ShadowSpirit: -- ✧ GalaXys: -- ✧ KarenShirotori: -- ✧ KonoDioDakeda: 8, 12 ✧ Rinkari: 8, 11, 13, 19, 21 Comment: Thanks~! |
removed-userMay 25, 2018 7:54 PM
May 25, 2018 8:05 PM
May 25, 2018 8:09 PM
NAME: Visperia Shortened: Visp Deliver to: LIS ✧ lunafly: 4 ✧ Omikami: 2 ✧ Shuuka: YOU BETTER GIVE ME ALL WIFE REEEEEEEEEE ✧ KarenShirotori: 2 and 12 ~~wish i can have all cry~~ ✧ KonoDioDakeda: 1 and 2 ✧ Rinkari: 11,12,13,14,15 Comment: thanks! |
VisperiaMay 25, 2018 8:18 PM
(☞゚∀゚)☞ ღ Sig Set By Reinasaurus ღ |
May 25, 2018 8:57 PM
NAME: L0ro Deliver to: Profile ✧ lunafly: 4,7 ✧ Omikami: 4 ✧ Shuuka: 2,4,5 ✧ Promise: ✧ ryuubus: ✧ Reinasaurus: ✧ ShadowSpirit: ✧ GalaXys: ✧ KarenShirotori: ✧ KonoDioDakeda: 3,7 ✧ Rinkari: 2,15,17,22,23 Comment: ty!~ |
L0roMay 25, 2018 9:03 PM
May 26, 2018 12:15 AM
NAME: adaptativee Shortened: ada Deliver to: link in the sig ✧ lunafly: 2 ✧ Omikami: 8 ✧ Shuuka: 1 + 3 ✧ KonoDioDakeda: 3 & 8 ✧ Rinkari: 4, 7, 8, 19 & 23 + 24(playing the game - ID: 1120761) Comment: thank you all *^^* |
May 26, 2018 12:37 AM
May 26, 2018 4:45 AM
NAME: PurpleStrawberry Shortened: Sino-kun (Only use if my username is too long) Deliver to: Link in sig ✧ lunafly: 1, 2, 5 (I play the game and of course I have a horse emblem lol) ✧ Omikami: 5. Caster ✧ Shuuka: 4 ✧ Rinkari: 4, 8, 13, 21, 22 Comment: Thank you! |
May 26, 2018 5:05 AM
May 26, 2018 7:30 AM
NAME: Yorozuya-no-Yume Shortened: Yume Deliver to: via PM ✧ lunafly: 1, 3, 4 (Thanks a lot! I just edited <3) I'm playing FE Heroes and omg our Horse Emblem is the same :'3 ✧ Omikami: Rider ✧ Shuuka: 5 ✧ KonoDioDakeda: 4, 5 ✧ Rinkari: 2, 4, 5, 9, 20 Comment: Nice cards, too bad I missed most of them. Thank you :D @Yorozuya-no-Yume OMG LOL we have the same horse emblem!!! I'll give you all the horse emblem cards <3 you can pick others from my infantry emblem if you'd like! -lunafly |
Yorozuya-no-YumeMay 26, 2018 1:13 PM
Fuchsia said: disgusting metalhead :o |
May 26, 2018 1:53 PM
NAME: staresque Shortened: Deliver to: profile pls ✧ lunafly: 2 ✧ Omikami: 5 ✧ Shuuka: 1 ✧ KonoDioDakeda: 1, 4 ✧ Rinkari: 4, 8, 9, 13, 23 Comment: ahh tysm <3 love these cards oml |
i'm all yours if you're all mine. /stär əsk/ |
May 26, 2018 2:56 PM
NAME: LuplicaLaplace Shortened: Luplica Deliver to: Profile ✧ lunafly: 2 ✧ Omikami: 6 ✧ Shuuka: 5 ✧ KonoDioDakeda: 3 & 5 ✧ Rinkari: 2, 3, 5, 8 & 19 Comment: Lost data on BanG! Dream! ; 3 ; |
May 26, 2018 5:54 PM
NAME: TeruNoYuki Shortened: Teru Deliver to: Here ✧ lunafly: 2 & 8 ✧ Omikami: 3 ✧ Shuuka: 5 ✧ Rinkari: 5 & 13 & 16 & 23 & 25 Comment: Sankyuu~ |
May 26, 2018 11:57 PM
NAME: Deathmemo Shortened: Death Deliver to: Profile ✧ lunafly: 2, 8 (play fire emblem heroes) ✧ Omikami: 2(Rider) ✧ Shuuka: 4 ✧ Promise: -- ✧ ryuubus: -- ✧ Reinasaurus: -- ✧ ShadowSpirit: -- ✧ GalaXys: -- ✧ KarenShirotori: -- ✧ KonoDioDakeda: 7, 9 ✧ Rinkari: 6, 7, 8, 12, 19 Comment: Thank you!! |
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