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Fire Force
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Jul 12, 2019 9:48 AM

Nov 2011
Oh boy, Shirna has a rival in this show. Episode seemed goofy with lighthearted humor.

I find the character chemistry very entertaining however. Maki is such a badass girl this early in the show. She's quite a skilled firefighter for the amount of talent she's showing already. I kinda like how this show is keeping every character relevant so far.

Each of them is unique in their own way.
Jul 12, 2019 10:24 AM

Aug 2017
I'm glad that the animation is still good. Ofc, the typical rival is here.
NurguburuJul 13, 2019 4:47 PM
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We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Jul 12, 2019 10:45 AM

Apr 2015
That entire scene with the father sitting at the table with his head bursting in flames was so unsettling and so well done. Muted colours, barely any light and pure silence, what an atmosphere especially when the execution happened. If most of the encounters are of this quality then ho boy!

This episode even more so than the first one was just dripping Shaft aesthetics left & right. Really like how this makes for a more ominous world & overall vibe which surprisingly clashes quite well with the quirky character moments.
Jul 12, 2019 10:57 AM

Sep 2013
I wonder what the point of the fire fighters fighting each other is. We got the Rookie games next week, but from everything we've seen, the way they fight and the way the infernals fight have little in common.
RetoleeJul 12, 2019 11:47 AM
Jul 12, 2019 11:00 AM

Jan 2009
Maki is hot in a sexy way that is

and that second half of this episode has some great directing that captured the drama well even though there is decrease in overall animation quality but meh it did not need any good animation on those parts anyway
Jul 12, 2019 11:02 AM

May 2015
the art is too flat
Jul 12, 2019 11:02 AM
Apr 2016
Shinra really does look like a Devil when he smiles, damn. Maki is great. Honestly, this anime bores me, it serves no purpose, there's no goal in it, makes it like a slice of life action show.
Jul 12, 2019 11:03 AM

Nov 2015
Slow but ok episode.

Mod Edit: Added spoiler tags; please hide plot details.
KuniiJul 3, 2020 8:27 PM
HACKs! 🤢🤮
Jul 12, 2019 11:07 AM
Nov 2017
2ego said:
Shinra really does look like a Devil when he smiles, damn. Maki is great. Honestly, this anime bores me, it serves no purpose, there's no goal in it, makes it like a slice of life action show.
what ? The goal is to discover the mystery of why people are combusting . The show literally said that in episode 1 or are you just not paying attention . Nothing here felt slice of life besides them at the ramen shop
Jul 12, 2019 11:11 AM

May 2015
and why the fuck they continue to skipping things
Jul 12, 2019 11:17 AM
Sep 2015
Now this is much better episode from the first one, partly due to my favorite boys are sleeping in the same room (should be same bed!), but mainly due to the scariness of this human fire phenomenon is giving its important here. It can occur to any one, innocent lives, or even occur to Fire Force. I think it's gonna be detail later on the condition or how some villain organization can manually create the phenomenon.

Next episode rookie game, I see no point on fire force fighting each other, but also this is the adaptation of traditional unity game that some occupations like soldier, police, and also firefighter have. Another firefighter tradition that I hope to see in Fire Force is being a naked model for charity calendar.
Jul 12, 2019 11:18 AM
Apr 2016
MonkeyDJasper said:
2ego said:
Shinra really does look like a Devil when he smiles, damn. Maki is great. Honestly, this anime bores me, it serves no purpose, there's no goal in it, makes it like a slice of life action show.
what ? The goal is to discover the mystery of why people are combusting . The show literally said that in episode 1 or are you just not paying attention . Nothing here felt slice of life besides them at the ramen shop

No, it doesn't serve as a goal, as they're not moving towards it, and there's no given way to move towards it. Leaving it as "people are combusting without a reason and we don't need a reason, let's just live" without a question to why would instantly make the story "bad." I presume it will move later though, so I'm not saying this is by any means "bad."
Jul 12, 2019 11:20 AM

Sep 2015
Finally Joker has arrived I have been waiting for him since I have read the manga.
Anime/MangaFan Mahwa fan
Jul 12, 2019 11:43 AM

Sep 2014
So, we got the typical rival in this and it seems we will get the a tournament arc from next week onwards. The whole scene with that man staying peacefully in his house after combusting and his death was just brilliant. This episode was a major improvement compared to last week.
MonkeyDHunterJul 12, 2019 11:46 AM
Jul 12, 2019 11:43 AM

Sep 2015
nanashi796 said:
and why the fuck they continue to skipping things
I noticed that too since reading the manga.
Anime/MangaFan Mahwa fan
Jul 12, 2019 11:46 AM
Sep 2016
The first half of this episode felt a little all over the place, and I think I felt the same way when reading the manga, but the second half being much less goofy was much better and gave us some more insight in what being a part of the fire force means. There is definitely something about fire force that I think is holding it back compared to other shounen manga/anime (the start at least) but I quite can't put my finger on it. Perhaps it's the fact that we're introduced to so many characters so soon and with a lack of any clear goal it currently feels a bit aimless, and at this point there's no characters that have been developed enough that I'm thoroughly invested. Iris, the sister however has piqued my interest mainly due to the Ed being presumably about her, and her small scene which I assume is foreshadowing when she attempts to grab the fire.

What it has done well so far is it's already put a lot of things into place for more to occur later on as well as having some very interesting concepts with the whole spontaneous combustion and a focus on fire fighters, this makes the world something very unique and something I think is worth sticking with the series to see more of.
Jul 12, 2019 11:54 AM

Aug 2013
Not a bad episode. Shinra has a rival. Maki is a bad ass, especially the way she fought Shinra and Arthur. As expected of a former a soldier.

Jul 12, 2019 11:56 AM

Jul 2016
Good episode. I just don't get the rush, they already started cutting out stuff.
Jul 12, 2019 12:07 PM
Feb 2019
THIS ANIME IS SO BADLY DIRECTED I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU DISAGREE WITH ME it's ok because everyone is allowed to have their own opinions, I kinda understand if u like it because the animation and the effects are beautiful but the direction is a awful but I probably gonna drop it because it is so hard to watch
Jul 12, 2019 12:11 PM
Jan 2018
nanashi796 said:
and why the fuck they continue to skipping things
Because not everything from the chapters they adapted were necessary.

SorveteDeNata said:
THIS ANIME IS SO BADLY DIRECTED I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU DISAGREE WITH ME it's ok because everyone is allowed to have their own opinions, I kinda understand if u like it because the animation and the effects are beautiful but the direction is a awful but I probably gonna drop it because it is so hard to watch
What problems do you have with the direction?
BarnaldJul 16, 2019 7:21 AM
Jul 12, 2019 12:16 PM

Feb 2011
ovo4 said:
nanashi796 said:
and why the fuck they continue to skipping things
Because not everything from the chapters they adapted were necessary.

If this was a groundbreaking psychological thriller I would've been mad, but it's a shounen, calm down.
Jul 12, 2019 12:17 PM

Jul 2014
Pretty good ep, dont know what were cut but I dont mind, were they important to how the scenes go?
Maki gave me Erza PTSD vibes, so are 2nd gens stronger than 3rd? she can nullify their fires whenever she wants AND use their fire if she wants to, thats OP in a series full of fire users.

I know this is a recurring theme in a shonen show but... will Shinra keep getting his ass handed to him like this?
-StrayJul 12, 2019 12:24 PM
Jul 12, 2019 12:17 PM

Feb 2019
This episode flew by and the Shaftism on the direction is great, and that scene with the dad silently sitting on the table was, as someone already said, unsettled. And the comedy on this show is pretty good, I loved the first half of the episode!
cross3773Jul 12, 2019 12:26 PM
Jul 12, 2019 12:19 PM

Jun 2014
They cut out some stuff again, but it wasn't anything major. Are they aiming to give this less of a horror show feel like in the manga? I noticed how a Chinese company is on the production Committee so I hope they won't make the anime "friendlier" so it caters to that audience, the show is airing on a late night TV anime block in Japan after all. They did adapt 3 chapters in this episode so I suppose it's somewhat justifiable they cut some stuff out.
alpha_shadowJul 12, 2019 12:30 PM
Jul 12, 2019 12:19 PM

Jun 2019
It was a pretty chill episode, I really like how Arthur is supposed to be Shinra's rival but acts pretty maturely in situations and not all over Shinra's face, he seems to be a really compassionate rival to me. Other than that, the Maki scene tho new respect for her.

I keep seeing people commenting about how this was pretty bad directed as they have already skipped and cut stuff out from the original manga, personally I didn't think the pacing was bad even though I didn't read the manga but maybe I'll check it out now.
Jul 12, 2019 12:21 PM

Sep 2017
A lot of wide shots and planar composition. Very SHAFT, but it's kinda weird in a Shounen show to constantly create coldness, eeriness and distance from the characters this way.

Btw girl's muscle is sexy. Need more of her.
Jul 12, 2019 12:24 PM

Jun 2014
MildlyRetarded said:
It was a pretty chill episode, I really like how Arthur is supposed to be Shinra's rival but acts pretty maturely in situations and not all over Shinra's face, he seems to be a really compassionate rival to me. Other than that, the Maki scene tho new respect for her.

I keep seeing people commenting about how this was pretty bad directed as they have already skipped and cut stuff out from the original manga, personally I didn't think the pacing was bad even though I didn't read the manga but maybe I'll check it out now.

The pacing is good. What they cut out isn't anything massive, it's just a few panels.
Jul 12, 2019 12:28 PM

Jun 2019
alpha_shadow said:
MildlyRetarded said:
It was a pretty chill episode, I really like how Arthur is supposed to be Shinra's rival but acts pretty maturely in situations and not all over Shinra's face, he seems to be a really compassionate rival to me. Other than that, the Maki scene tho new respect for her.

I keep seeing people commenting about how this was pretty bad directed as they have already skipped and cut stuff out from the original manga, personally I didn't think the pacing was bad even though I didn't read the manga but maybe I'll check it out now.

The pacing is good. What they cut out isn't anything massive, it's just a few panels.

Oh is that so? Judging by the amount of people that said so I thought they cut out a whole chapter or something, maybe I will hold off on reading the manga then.
Jul 12, 2019 12:31 PM

May 2015
What's up with all these long awkward pauses?

It was even worse than the first episode, boring characters and boring overall, definitely not my cup of tea.
Jul 12, 2019 12:31 PM

Oct 2017
Well they cut some panels which wasnt anythng major, the directings great so far. Well im loving this adaptation so far and hope they keep doing a gd job.
Jul 12, 2019 12:33 PM

Jul 2014
MildlyRetarded said:
alpha_shadow said:

The pacing is good. What they cut out isn't anything massive, it's just a few panels.

Oh is that so? Judging by the amount of people that said so I thought they cut out a whole chapter or something, maybe I will hold off on reading the manga then.

People seems to have made a big deal out of some panels cut (and some inner monologues of Shinra) try checking out ch 2-4 to compare. Not much difference.
Jul 12, 2019 12:36 PM

Mar 2018
Well that scene where the father was just sitting at a table caugh me off guard. When he saw them, he knew what was happening, and he just accepted it. The clean direction, slow editing and slow background music made it more impactful than it had the right to be. I really loved how dramatic it was, and I also really like how Arthur reacted, it made me feel emotions I would have never suspected this show to give.

Otherwise the "rival" is here and I liked that chat at the end.

Sound design is still not the show stongest point but it was better than episode 1, also the editing can be really...weird at times.
Jul 12, 2019 12:40 PM

Nov 2017
Ten said:
What's up with all these long awkward pauses?

It was even worse than the first episode, boring characters and boring overall, definitely not my cup of tea.

Same here. Another mindless battle shounen joins the circus. I'm getting too old for these kindergarden bullshits.
Jul 12, 2019 12:52 PM

Oct 2010
A lot of Shaft comments from people that apparently attribute normal things to Shaft just because Shaft does them more often than other companies.

So apparently this is gonna be 24 episodes of me being annoyed that Crappyroll is translating what should be "Eternal Flame" as "Great Flame of Fire" for no logical reason.
Jul 12, 2019 12:54 PM
Jan 2018
For the people complaining about content being cut, it wasn't anything important. This episode adapted from chapters 2-4 (72 paged in total). They removed unnecessary exposition and monologues(such as shinra explaining why he used his powers to get away from Maki). They did cut out a panel with very important information, but this information is reiterated a couple times later in the manga so the anime will get to it later. The anime also gave a brief summary of author Boyle' s power instead of a lengthy explanation. There was a brief moment in the manga where the girl saw her father become an infernal, this was removed in the anime. There was another page showing an important character but this was removed (and will probably be shown later on) to allow the episode to flow in better chronologically. The anime did add in a few scenes from the such as the the final scene in the episode and a iris' "vision" (good foreshadowing).
The author of fire force has already stayed that he likes when anime studios take creative liberty with his works (that proved to be both good and bad for soul eater) so these changes and rearrangements shouldn't come as a surprise.

Also for the people who have a problem with the direction, the show is directed by an ex shaft director so these experimental choices will become the norm in the upcoming episodes so you either get used to them or drop the series. This won't be a panel for panel adaptation like MHA, they will be changing the storyboard at times to better suit the anime format instead of straight up copying the manga format.You may not be used to seeing this in a shounen adaptation (especially if you read the manga before)so it may be off putting.
Jul 12, 2019 12:57 PM

May 2015
iliyanski89 said:
Ten said:
What's up with all these long awkward pauses?

It was even worse than the first episode, boring characters and boring overall, definitely not my cup of tea.

Same here. Another mindless battle shounen joins the circus. I'm getting too old for these kindergarden bullshits.

Have you actually watched the show? Because it's not on your list.

Jul 12, 2019 1:02 PM
Sep 2017
Ok, there 2 things that make this show weird. BGM and Transition, it doesnt even match at all and just make this show look bad.
Jul 12, 2019 1:02 PM
Feb 2018
This episodes first half felt very choppy and all over the place, especially the jump to the opening. Overall it was an enjoyable episode definitely not as good as the first though.
Jul 12, 2019 1:05 PM

Dec 2016
A good second episode, this series having four cours is amazing, especially if David Productions can keep it looking good
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy
Jul 12, 2019 1:10 PM

Nov 2017
TsukuyomiREKT said:
iliyanski89 said:

Same here. Another mindless battle shounen joins the circus. I'm getting too old for these kindergarden bullshits.

Have you actually watched the show? Because it's not on your list.

I've already delete it.
Jul 12, 2019 1:11 PM
Jun 2014
actually quite like all the characters. i don't like when there's this useless girl in these anime, though. they're just in the way :<
i feel so bad for Makiko... losing both her parents at such a young age. tears welled up

Jul 12, 2019 1:14 PM
Mar 2019
That intro was pretty cool, not sure what about it necessarily but it gave me chills.

ohh..this fourth wall breaking.. I don't know 'bout that one chief...

Comedy is just not landing for me, I find it very forced; though Maki's reactions to her flame critter being wiped out made me chuckle a little

It would have been refreshing to kick off this series with an actual conflict, but it seems as if the direction is going towards competing with the shounen giants like MHA. The tournament arc is going to have to do something huge to stand out, I don't think 3d camera will be able to carry this show alone.

Nice impact frame on excalibur slicing through that infernal, sometimes less is more.

I hope the character introduced at the end isn't the main antagonist, he looks like a clown

Kougeru said:

So apparently this is gonna be 24 episodes of me being annoyed that Crappyroll is translating what should be "Eternal Flame" as "Great Flame of Fire" for no logical reason.

Ah thank you for that, I was getting really cheesed with that line, glad it's just a mistranslation. Great flame of fire is a bit redundant

Trentin said:
The first half of this episode felt a little all over the place, and I think I felt the same way when reading the manga, but the second half being much less goofy was much better and gave us some more insight in what being a part of the fire force means. There is definitely something about fire force that I think is holding it back compared to other shounen manga/anime (the start at least) but I quite can't put my finger on it.

Personally I think what's holding it back is the very formulaic direction these first two episodes have taken. While of course every genre is going to follow suit to some tropes, this show in particular seems to hit them all on the head. It leaves nothing to be desired from the viewer especially when the protagonist's goal is so transparent
KidLeafJul 12, 2019 1:26 PM
Jul 12, 2019 1:15 PM

Feb 2016
Why do I see people complaining about a shounen being a shounen? lmao

Good episode nonetheless, the scene of that ignited guy was really good. I felt bad for the girl that was left alone.
"We could make the world better, but it's easier to just shut our eyes."
Jul 12, 2019 1:40 PM
Sep 2016
First episode was okay but this one is really good, I was a bit worry about the rival at first but finaly he seems interesting and isn't annoying, his relationship with the MC is also cool not the boring, constant complaining and fighting each other, like in a lot of other shounen.
The only real problem would be the vilain who look like a very obvious vilains, seriously why is he near the incident site, evily laughting doing strange shit with his cigarette smoke, if there's a security camera he is busted.
Jul 12, 2019 1:40 PM

Jun 2015
HereticHunter said:
Why do I see people complaining about a shounen being a shounen? lmao

Because, even if it's shonen, it needs to make some sense. Why would firefighters fight amongst themselves, specially the rookies? If if was the entrance exam for them, or a yearly evaluation of the firefighters, it could make sense. But these guys are fresh out of the academy, what's the point in evaluating them now? It seems extremely out of place here, kind of like the tournaments in Shokugeki no Souma or Yakitate Japan.

Authors throw in these arcs when they're out of ideas or want their characters to develop quickly. But it's episode 3 we're talking about. There hasn't been any plot or character development yet. We don't even know these people.
Jul 12, 2019 1:56 PM
Jun 2015
Ten said:
What's up with all these long awkward pauses?

It was even worse than the first episode, boring characters and boring overall, definitely not my cup of tea.
it's only been two episodes, In order to truly witness the brilliant character development and too witness their cohesiveness as a team improve you have to give it time. You don't pluck out a flower until its fully bloomed otherwise you don't get truly experience the beauty of said flower. However from your comment am I correct to assume that you crave action and just action
Jul 12, 2019 1:59 PM

Jan 2010
Trentin said:
The first half of this episode felt a little all over the place, and I think I felt the same way when reading the manga, but the second half being much less goofy was much better and gave us some more insight in what being a part of the fire force means. There is definitely something about fire force that I think is holding it back compared to other shounen manga/anime (the start at least) but I quite can't put my finger on it. Perhaps it's the fact that we're introduced to so many characters so soon and with a lack of any clear goal it currently feels a bit aimless, and at this point there's no characters that have been developed enough that I'm thoroughly invested. Iris, the sister however has piqued my interest mainly due to the Ed being presumably about her, and her small scene which I assume is foreshadowing when she attempts to grab the fire.

What it has done well so far is it's already put a lot of things into place for more to occur later on as well as having some very interesting concepts with the whole spontaneous combustion and a focus on fire fighters, this makes the world something very unique and something I think is worth sticking with the series to see more of.

Yeah that and the comedy totally falls flat. I can't help but wonder if a lot of the episodes are gonna be like this, where the second half of the episode is where it's at its best when they fight an Infernal.
Jul 12, 2019 2:02 PM

Mar 2017
This week had a different tone to last weeks episode but i still liked it. Instead of the action of last week, this week it seemed more focused on the devastation that the Infernals cause emotionally.

Arthur seems like a good addition to the characters with that lovable dick kinda feel haha Maki was so awesome this ep too; it's nice to see a girl in anime who has a more athletic body shape rather than the usual slim body shape
Jul 12, 2019 2:03 PM
Jun 2015
AnotherGuy said:
HereticHunter said:
Why do I see people complaining about a shounen being a shounen? lmao

Because, even if it's shonen, it needs to make some sense. Why would firefighters fight amongst themselves, specially the rookies? If if was the entrance exam for them, or a yearly evaluation of the firefighters, it could make sense. But these guys are fresh out of the academy, what's the point in evaluating them now? It seems extremely out of place here, kind of like the tournaments in Shokugeki no Souma or Yakitate Japan.

Authors throw in these arcs when they're out of ideas or want their characters to develop quickly. But it's episode 3 we're talking about. There hasn't been any plot or character development yet. We don't even know these people.
firstly the reason they fought was to see their affinity in combat against a skilled adversary that of which being Maki and to evaluate their cohesiveness as a team as both of them are third generational fire soldiers and lastly the reason Arthur and shinra were going to fight is because of their previous rivalry in the academy. I'm starting to think that you didn't focus or even watch the episode properly
Jul 12, 2019 2:05 PM
May 2017
I just want this Anime to continue and finish as strong as it started. The animation is flawless with huge amounts of detail, like did ya'll see the teeth of Arthur flying when Maki punched him? Amazing. This could be very well a new top 10 anime if they continue as strong. Especially with the upcoming tournament arc and the introduction of the main antagonist (possibly crashing the tournament arc?) Story seems awesome and very vell executed aswell as polished so far.
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