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Attack on Titan
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Mar 28, 2021 6:58 AM

Mar 2018
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Koito91Mar 28, 2021 8:38 AM

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Mar 28, 2021 8:38 AM

Feb 2019
9/10. Sorry MAPPA. TL;DR: I moan about CGI and seemingly poor story choices.

Before you lose your mind and start swatting at my points, just know that I probably won’t bother to read any replies. If you agree, that’s cool; if you don’t, good for you.
I didn't enjoy this season anwhere near as much as the others, which pains me as AOT is my fav anime.

My biggest issue is the animation, I absolutely hate the CGI. Don’t even get me started on the Levi vs Beast titan 3D animation. (Yes, I know about the 10 month limit, yes I know MAPPA tried as hard as they could. That doesn't mean I have to enjoy it). But we’ve heard it all before so I’ll skip over that. It’s a shame, because the new art style and character designs really show(s) how much the characters have matured over the 4 year story gap. I think that this art style probably wouldn’t have looked as good on the first three seasons, just as WIT’s art style wouldn’t have looked as good on the 4th.

The other issue I have, and probably the more important one for others, is the story. Don’t get me wrong, the story is still amazing. But I can’t accept that Eren has turned into the fattest pile of steaming horse excrement on the planet. Neither the Euthanasia plan nor his treatment of Mikasa speak of "freedom" to me. We’re just supposed to accept that Eren hates Mikasa, when we’ve had no indication about this from any previous seasons? (Maybe all this is answered in S4P2, I don’t know. Still doesn’t make up for his fall from grace).

My last nitpick is the voice acting. I primarily rely on the dubbed version (shut up, I know, but I think the dubbed is better). The audio quality was severely reduced (presumably because most of the VA’s recorded from home). I love Matthew Mercer, and his S3 Levi was INSANE, but he literally said “Grrrr” when he took down the beast titan in ep 7. Only Onyankopon impressed me. As for the subbed, Yuki Kaji (Eren) just didn’t cut it. It's obvious he's making his voice deeper to show that Eren has grown. I laughed when he said "yeah" to Floch in ep 13 (the restaurant episode) in this ridiculously fake deep voice. I also would have preferred if Sawano had written the whole OST. Sure, Ashes on the Fire was great, but it’s not as epic as CAM or as badass as YSBG.

Get’s a 9 because it still kept me intrigued throughout the whole season, and Eren was an absolute badass in this episode. I’m excited for P2 but also dreading it's going to have CGI. They should have let WIT work on it while MAPPA was making P1.

Edit: Mikasa's nose and haircut is weird
Edit after finishing the dubbed version: I don't know what happened to Zeke's VA in the Levi fight, but my god if I ever rewatch this season I will only watch the subbed version. Disgraceful. He did such a good job in the previous seasons. He even had an absolutely badass scream in the first episode!!! What happened??
Unusual_KmcApr 19, 2021 7:34 AM
I am not a weeb, I simply enjoy 2D girls
Mar 28, 2021 8:38 AM

Apr 2020
Finally reached the final episode.

Damn, That titan put Zeke into his stomach.
I didn't expect Pieck to be wearing a survey corp outfit.

Pieck wants to help Eren ?! it turned out to be a lie, and Eren almost got eaten ...

Lets goooo boys! Final Season Part 2 Ep 76 coming Winter!!!
KaisekiMar 28, 2021 8:45 AM
Mar 28, 2021 8:38 AM

Jul 2019
Great episode. It is really time for the final showdown haha. The next part going to be hella lit.

That ending teaser was good too lol.
Mar 28, 2021 8:38 AM

Jul 2020
that was fucking intense Finale episode, that rotten skit of Pieck didn't go well.

Eren and Reinder met again. I hope part 2 will adapt very well.

edit: Part 2 is coming Winter 2022

Mod Edit: Only one image.
daedalus11Mar 28, 2021 8:45 AM
Mar 28, 2021 8:38 AM

Sep 2019
They ended the fucking season on a cliffhanger lmao. I liked the titan transformation scene a lot, it was probably the best looking scene in this season.

This season had too much good thing going on, its production wasn't one of them. I loved MAPPA's character designs, they look really good. This season's 2D animation was fine overall but the CG was very bad. I hope they can have a better schedule for the continuation of this season.
Mar 28, 2021 8:39 AM

Nov 2011
Oh man, the fear on Gabi's eyes...

I almost find it amusing. The way this episode played its psychology was brilliant. Felt bad for Falco for being in this mess though.

The overall execution of this episode is definitely setting up for the final arc. Eren's not playing around. 8/10.

Final Season part 2 episode 76 coming Winter!
Mar 28, 2021 8:40 AM

Jan 2009
damn they skipped the Zeke and Levi last part

the Attack Titan in the end is the only 2D animation of it this season lol

waiting for the sequel in Winter

Pieck Supremacy!
degMar 28, 2021 8:48 AM
Mar 28, 2021 8:40 AM
Aug 2016
Eren and Pieck simps assemble! 2D titans were a pleasant surprise. Let's hope they go full 2D for peak fiction chapters 117-122

5/5 as usual. Overall rating 10/10 for me.
Mar 28, 2021 8:41 AM

Jun 2014
Ended exactly where I expected it to. I like how Eren's titan transformation wasn't CGI in the final scene. We're in the endgame now, boys.

Overall I think MAPPA did a good job for this season, especially considering all I've heard about the atrocious schedule they had to work with. Was it perfect? Of course not. Could it have been better in certain areas? Obviously, but again, given their circumstances I feel like it turned out much better than what we could have otherwise ended up with. Instead of complaining about "MUH ANIMATION" OR "MUH OST MUH YSBG" I'm just grateful that we still got a solid season. Looking forward to the true final season next year!
thebrentinator24Mar 28, 2021 8:45 AM
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Mar 28, 2021 8:41 AM
Jan 2021
masterpiece this episode, was phenomenal
Mar 28, 2021 8:41 AM

Oct 2017
A great finale for this season and a good set up for upcoming part 2.

This was an incredible season, so much stuff happened. Too bad MAPPA didn't get enough time to make it a rock solid adaptation but it was still good.
Mar 28, 2021 8:42 AM

Mar 2014
The animation was okay I guess, nothing stellar but average. I like how they adapted this chapter, Pieck's scene where she pointed at Eren as the enemy was goat. It was a great finale in terms of pacing, and the Attack Titan at the end in 2D was amazing.

This season's adaptation was a bit shaky, Marley arc had some rushed bits but it was very satisfying, while WFP had a better pace on that regard. The character designs were faithful to the manga most of the time. I hope part 2 will have a better pace and animation. Since it must already be in production, its quality will be great most likely!

Part 2 teaser let's fucking goooooooooooo
Mar 28, 2021 8:43 AM
Jan 2021
SingleH said:
I can’t tell what’s more of a shame: that they couldn’t finish adapting it, or that they even tried with this incapable team and this short, unreasonable timeframe. Even after learning the episode was going to be titled Above and Below, I still didn’t expect them to make the cliffhanger this unfulfilling.

I usually wait for high quality torrents, but I just watched the hijacked NHK G feed from a 4chan poster’s vaughn dot live stream. For those who don’t watch illegally or can’t understand Japanese, it’ll be out on Crunchyroll with subtitles at 3:45 CST. Don’t hold your breath.

That is where the chapter named Above and Below ends, what are you talking about?

Mod Edit: Modified quote of edited post.
Mar 28, 2021 8:44 AM

Apr 2013
While I do have my issues with this season of AOT, I had my issues with WIT’s seasons too. The final episode of part 1 was good and set things up for part 2, but what a brutal cliffhanger to leave us at. Not as bad as it would’ve been if it ended at chapter 119 but still a buzzkill. Here’s hoping MAPPA gets more time to adapt part 2 which will be an even bigger challenge. Give the first few episodes of part 2 a solid adaptation with good animation and the horde of whiners will disappear. Who am I kidding, this fandom will still complain about the smallest thing either way.

We saw a peek of a small blonde loli when Zeke was half conscious and stuffed into a titan’s belly. Glad they kept the rest of that scene for the next part as I dont think it would fit here, but man so many questions that anime onlys will have to avoid spoilers too.. good luck.

Here’s hoping chapters 117-122 at least get a 10/10 adaptation. Winter 2022 here we come.
KneelBeforeMeMar 28, 2021 8:53 AM
Mar 28, 2021 8:44 AM

Jun 2017
Fitting and epic finale to Part 1 of the Final Season. FMA:B being overthrown was a nice treat in advance but honestly that doesn't really mean much.

Pieck's speech plus her whole handling of the situation until the climax was pretty dope, ngl. She's been best girl this season and it's fantastic to see more of her to call it a close for the first part.

Meanwhile, Yelena shooting the brains out of the chatterbox definitely surprised me, xD. I totally forgot about this. That's just stallar Yelena for you.

Lots of pondering going on inside the prison. Jean is starting to hint at something. Armin crying over Yelena and the two then having a moment though, lol.

I was honestly expecting the episode to cover a tinee bit more but hey, I'm not complaining one bit.

MAPPA has done a fantabulous job with this season and I'm all but praise at the moment. Had my doubts at the start like many but given the schedule that the Staff was bombarded with, I honestly believe they outdid themselves and I'm very grateful for that. Perhaps Wit Studio might've been able to make it a bit more appealing to the eye but the directing here for the most bit plus the soundtrack was on point so it's an easy 9/10 from me.

Oh, and the Op & ED. Please give us another set of bangers! Would be especially great if Linked Horizon could feature one last time.

Message from our wonderful VAs who seriously deserve all the praise in the world:

Beautiful illustration to bid farewell until Winter:
_MushiRock11_Mar 28, 2021 8:49 AM
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Mar 28, 2021 8:45 AM

Jun 2015
Part 2 in winter yay! I hope the animators and all the team don't have to overwork this time. I really don't mind waiting, it would be better for everyone

The cliffhanger was painful LMAO I'm really glad I was part of this, it was a crazy ride and I loved everything :)
Mar 28, 2021 8:46 AM

Mar 2018
fantastic episode, the last 5 minutes looked increadible
Mar 28, 2021 8:47 AM
Mar 2020
Im sad they didn't do a teaser like WIT did in s3p1
Mar 28, 2021 8:48 AM
Mar 2020
YESSIRRRR EPISODE 76 THIS WINTER! What a point to end it. Woulda liked to see what happened to Levi (yes ive read the manga), but 10/10 nonetheless. This season was 16 for 16 imo, all bangers. Can't wait for Ep 17 now
Mar 28, 2021 8:48 AM

Jul 2012
Best part of the series coming Winter 2022
A whole year for Mappa to give their best treatment as well, I'm even more hyped now <3

Overall solid 9/10 season, some of the best parts in the whole manga mostly gloriously well-adapted (they just rushed very few bits in the first couple of eps, despite including all needed information anyway).
Mar 28, 2021 8:48 AM

Nov 2016
Intense as fuck cliffhanger, I probably wouldn't be able to hold myself from reading the manga after this. I don't understand why so many expressed their disappointment when it was announced that the season would end here. It works wonderfully imo and it is frankly the best point.

Now as for the season as a whole. It was honestly a step down from the previous one for obvious reasons... S3 PT2 had too much pay-off and the lukewarm politics we had this seaon were fun to watch, but not really that great if compared to other anime. Where Shingeki always exelled was action and goosebumps and I'm looking forward to more of it when S4 PT2 comes around.

Eren more interesting than before, but also pretty cringe and unlikeable at times.

FMmatronMar 28, 2021 8:51 AM

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Mar 28, 2021 8:48 AM

Aug 2013
It's perhaps the most boring final episode I've seen recently.
Mar 28, 2021 8:48 AM

Feb 2016
what a great season, what a great episode , what an amazing ending!
10/10 for me since start to finish
Just because you are doing something for someone else doesn't make it right. Kindness and beauty can sometimes become cruel.
Mar 28, 2021 8:49 AM
Aug 2017
Finally 2d fucking titans, erens eyes looked lame tho. The only good episode from this season.
Mar 28, 2021 8:49 AM

Jul 2012
Well looks like the start of another war again. I hope Levi is alright no update on him after that boom. Reiner looks like he has more conviction this time. Part 2 seems so far away.
Mar 28, 2021 8:49 AM
Jun 2015
Damn that fuckin cliffhanger! Mappa nailed it! Fuck the haters! This shits back at #1 bitches! But damn next winter?! That's fine. I got Shaman King greatness to keep me busy! 😎😎😎
Mar 28, 2021 8:50 AM

Feb 2016
loli_a_ravioli said:
It's perhaps the most boring final episode I've seen recently.

did we watch the same episode ?
Just because you are doing something for someone else doesn't make it right. Kindness and beauty can sometimes become cruel.
Mar 28, 2021 8:53 AM

Sep 2017
damn this cliffhanger was a total ass lol as expected tho. i wonder why they skipped Levi and Zeke scene, perhaps for the opening part 2?

this entire season is a solid 9 for me, but i still give it a 10 because why not lol

to be continue and see you again on Winter 2022 guys! i hope they will give their best again and a lot better in part 2.

Mar 28, 2021 8:53 AM

Oct 2020
Amazing. Simply amazing. Probably the best ending to an AOT episode yet. When all is said and done, I am glad Mappa did this season. We are looking at 9-11 months before the airing of Part 2 and if the leakers are right they've been working on it for 6 months already. The production should be better.
Mar 28, 2021 8:53 AM

May 2017
Madlaad said:
Finally 2d fucking titans, erens eyes looked lame tho. The only good episode from this season.

the only good episode yet you gave the season a 10 but then again you gave things like seven deadly sins and noragami a 10 as well so that basically nullifies your opinion
Mar 28, 2021 8:54 AM

Aug 2013
L0sMichal0s said:
loli_a_ravioli said:
It's perhaps the most boring final episode I've seen recently.

did we watch the same episode ?

Yes we watch the same episode. What part of it is exciting actually? Titanren is the only semblance of effort I've seen in this episode and even then it's just 3-4 seconds at the end of runtime.
Mar 28, 2021 8:54 AM
Oct 2019
Well, they have 9 months to animate the second part, a great season, thanks to MAPPA staff and their hard work
Mar 28, 2021 8:56 AM

Feb 2016
loli_a_ravioli said:
L0sMichal0s said:

did we watch the same episode ?

Yes we watch the same episode. What part of it is exciting actually? Titanren is the only semblance of effort I've seen in this episode and even then it's just 3-4 seconds at the end of runtime.

idk what were your expectations ? butcher the story to deliver 24 minutes of high octane action ? it was hype and my heart was racing on the whole roof scene
Just because you are doing something for someone else doesn't make it right. Kindness and beauty can sometimes become cruel.
Mar 28, 2021 8:57 AM

Apr 2013
Madlaad said:
Finally 2d fucking titans, erens eyes looked lame tho. The only good episode from this season.
See the positives, you dont have to force yourself to watch AOT or stick around here for another 10 months complaining every day. You can take some time off and come back Winter 2022 to start doing so again.
Mar 28, 2021 8:59 AM

Jun 2019
Great final episode and a great season overall. Really enjoyed it. MAPPA did an amazing job with the animation. As for the episode, Good for the final episode. Reiner, Pieck are back as well. Gabi was looking scared... Damn.
Overall... great job MAPPA. Part 2 coming in winter 2022.
Pre_YumMar 28, 2021 9:04 AM
Mar 28, 2021 8:59 AM

Apr 2013
loli_a_ravioli said:
L0sMichal0s said:

did we watch the same episode ?

Yes we watch the same episode. What part of it is exciting actually? Titanren is the only semblance of effort I've seen in this episode and even then it's just 3-4 seconds at the end of runtime.
Animating 2D titans is the only thing this godawful fanbase cares about. “Effort” gtfo.
Mar 28, 2021 8:59 AM

Nov 2016
zalapeno said:
damn this cliffhanger was a total ass lol as expected tho. i wonder why they skipped Levi and Zeke scene, perhaps for the opening part 2?

this entire season is a solid 9 for me, but i still give it a 10 because why not lol

to be continue and see you again on Winter 2022 guys! i hope they will give their best again and a lot better in part 2.

Evidence that 10's get handed out like candies. Don't need bots to inflate the score when fanboys do the job just as well :P

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Mar 28, 2021 8:59 AM

Feb 2016
Sourire said:
Madlaad said:
Finally 2d fucking titans, erens eyes looked lame tho. The only good episode from this season.
See the positives, you dont have to force yourself to watch AOT or stick around here for another 10 months complaining every day. You can take some time off and come back Winter 2022 to start doing so again.

"Finally 2d fucking titans, erens eyes looked lame tho. The only good episode from this season."
and he rated it 10/10 i guess we are being edgy just to be edgy since being toxic and "cg bad" is really popular nowdays
Just because you are doing something for someone else doesn't make it right. Kindness and beauty can sometimes become cruel.
Mar 28, 2021 9:00 AM
Aug 2017
shayed__ said:
Madlaad said:
Finally 2d fucking titans, erens eyes looked lame tho. The only good episode from this season.

the only good episode yet you gave the season a 10 but then again you gave things like seven deadly sins and noragami a 10 as well so that basically nullifies your opinion

Want me to lower the ratings for noragami and 7ds? This season is a solid 1. Am going to change.
Mar 28, 2021 9:01 AM
Jun 2020
No one is ready for what's coming ... not even manga readers (me included)
Luckily they have already confirmed the second part for winter 2022.
This season was great, the animation did not accompany as much as in previous seasons, but in general MAPPA and the SNK staff did a great job for the little time they were given.
See you on April 9 when the manga ends! and in winter when the second part begins!
It was an honor to see this season on air!
Mar 28, 2021 9:02 AM

Sep 2019
FMmatron said:
zalapeno said:
damn this cliffhanger was a total ass lol as expected tho. i wonder why they skipped Levi and Zeke scene, perhaps for the opening part 2?

this entire season is a solid 9 for me, but i still give it a 10 because why not lol

to be continue and see you again on Winter 2022 guys! i hope they will give their best again and a lot better in part 2.

Evidence that 10's get handed out like candies. Don't need bots to inflate the score when fanboys do the job just as well :P
don't worry, I will balance it out with my score.
"I think I wanted to attack something. Like betraying people or hurting people. And, well, it's not exactly nice, but hurting the readers too... In all honestly, I feel that's what I really wanted to do. For me, as a reader, when I think, "this manga will remain in my heart," it means, for example, it phenomenally hurt me: It's those kinds of experiences I'm after." - Pajime Hisayama (My favourite hurting author).
Mar 28, 2021 9:02 AM

Aug 2020
goddamn that was tense, even for an episode about talking. Directing is top tier holy shit. 2D Titans look pog.


hyped for episode 76!
Mar 28, 2021 9:02 AM

Feb 2016
Sourire said:
loli_a_ravioli said:

Yes we watch the same episode. What part of it is exciting actually? Titanren is the only semblance of effort I've seen in this episode and even then it's just 3-4 seconds at the end of runtime.
Animating 2D titans is the only thing this godawful fanbase cares about. “Effort” gtfo.

yeah i guess i love people like that lmao XD their description of tense/action/exciting is just brainless nonstop action i guess lets ignore the build up, story and other pointless stuff
at least there is anime that is perfect pick for those people
The God of High School
Just because you are doing something for someone else doesn't make it right. Kindness and beauty can sometimes become cruel.
Mar 28, 2021 9:04 AM

Aug 2013
L0sMichal0s said:
loli_a_ravioli said:

Yes we watch the same episode. What part of it is exciting actually? Titanren is the only semblance of effort I've seen in this episode and even then it's just 3-4 seconds at the end of runtime.

idk what were your expectations ? butcher the story to deliver 24 minutes of high octane action ? it was hype and my heart was racing on the whole roof scene

Made the table talks actually interesting to watch? Or just trim the scene so they could continue with Zeke's part instead?

This episode painfully reminds me of those badly directed episodes in Index 3, mindbogglingly bad creative directions and zero fucks given.
Mar 28, 2021 9:04 AM
Jan 2019
OMG, 10/10 episode

Mar 28, 2021 9:04 AM
Aug 2017
Sourire said:
Madlaad said:
Finally 2d fucking titans, erens eyes looked lame tho. The only good episode from this season.
See the positives, you dont have to force yourself to watch AOT or stick around here for another 10 months complaining every day. You can take some time off and come back Winter 2022 to start doing so again.

Gtfo man it was very pleasant to not have you dick ride mappa on every comment of mine. Please fuck off and keep dick riding . Please just fuck off Don't bother replying because i won't be reading your shit.
MadlaadMar 28, 2021 9:28 AM
Mar 28, 2021 9:05 AM

Feb 2016
loli_a_ravioli said:
L0sMichal0s said:

idk what were your expectations ? butcher the story to deliver 24 minutes of high octane action ? it was hype and my heart was racing on the whole roof scene

Made the table talks actually interesting to watch? Or just trim the scene so they could continue with Zeke's part instead?

This episode painfully reminds me of those badly directed episodes in Index 3, mindbogglingly bad creative directions and zero fucks given.

i suggest you to watch The God of High School it will be definitely 10/10 for you
Just because you are doing something for someone else doesn't make it right. Kindness and beauty can sometimes become cruel.
Mar 28, 2021 9:07 AM

Jul 2020
This is what we called a masterpiece. goddamn Isayama you're a god
Mar 28, 2021 9:07 AM
SHSL Good Luck

Apr 2015
The directing in this episode was excellent as usual. All around an intense episode and a great mid-season finale! Anime-only viewers are gonna have a hard time avoiding the manga with a cliffhanger ending like this. And anime-only viewers who are patient enough to wait for next Winter will have to avoid AoT spoilers for a year, lol.

I'm glad the anime stopped at chapter 116 and didn't try to go up to 119 or 122. The second-half of this season has been excellently-paced, and I'm glad they weren't cramming two chapters per episode. In general, I thought the pacing was pretty good. The only episode that felt off was the 3rd episode. But in the end, there's no point in crying over one episode when the rest of the season was well-handled.

In terms of production values, this season obviously doesn't meet the quality seen in the previous seasons (especially S1 and S3). Though the quality's not far off from S3 imo. That being said, this season still looked excellent overall. There was one episode with a lot of off-model characters, but other than that, this season was very consistent with it's art quality, and its CG animation was impressive. Most of the titans looked great, especially the Armored, Jaw, and Cart Titan. Attack and Warhammer looks pretty decent. The Beast Titan was a bit off though. The furry look of the titan didn't translate well to CG. But overall, I was impressed with the CG enough and I'm looking forward to it in the next season. I just hope they don't do CG for the 3DMG scenes often (mainly the character models).

What makes this season still feel like an adaptation that's on-par with the previous seasons is the directing. Seriously, the way they adapted and handled some of the dramatic scenes was insane. Stuff that I found alright in the manga felt like a whole new experience in the anime. Great voice acting also helped with that too. The music in this season was fine, nothing too remarkable. There was one or two great new tracks and some nice rearrangements, but the lack of Sawano did show.

Overall, this was easily my favorite AoT season, since it adapted my second-favorite arc, and the first-half of my favorite AoT arc (pretty sure that's the same for a lot of people). The start to the next season's gonna be insane. If things are handled well, the first 3-4 episodes of the next season will be peak AoT stuff.

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