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does no one know this is by the Pandora hearts author? there is gonna be no yaoi lol

The Case Study of Vanitas
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Jul 4, 2021 4:52 PM
Oct 2015
why is everyone acting like this is gonna be some yaoi shit,
read the author's previous works, there is literally NO yaoi at all, just like in the end of Pandora hearts where the protagonist ends up with no one.

the author simply writes like this lol. characters act very kind to one another and some how Americans assume any form of closeness is apparently a sign that two males are gay.

also i hope the anime doesn't end up like pandora heart's anime, and have a changed ending and unfinished

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Jul 4, 2021 5:00 PM

Mar 2021
Neostorm-X said:
why is everyone acting like this is gonna be some romance shit,
read the author's previous works, there is literally NO romance at all, just like in the end of Pandora hearts where the protagonist ends up with no one.

the author simply writes like this lol.

also i hope the anime doesn't end up like pandora heart's anime, and have a changed ending and unfinished

Umm, did you read the manga? Because you should.

Jul 4, 2021 5:10 PM
Oct 2015
meyve said:
Neostorm-X said:
why is everyone acting like this is gonna be some romance shit,
read the author's previous works, there is literally NO romance at all, just like in the end of Pandora hearts where the protagonist ends up with no one.

the author simply writes like this lol.

also i hope the anime doesn't end up like pandora heart's anime, and have a changed ending and unfinished

Umm, did you read the manga? Because you should.

fuck i misworded that, i meant NO YAOI
not romance, since they do have love interests. fuck now i need to edit the title
Jul 5, 2021 12:53 AM
Mar 2020
uhm.... I don't want to burst your bubble but Gil and Oz's romantic feelings for each other are canon in the novel lol (and the novel is canon)
Like, MochiJun loves writing tragedy, but them and Elliot & Leo are proof that she isn't afraid of including queer characters in her stories. Same goes for Dominique, who openly flirts with men and women all the time
Jul 5, 2021 1:31 AM

Nov 2019
VelCake said:
uhm.... I don't want to burst your bubble but Gil and Oz's romantic feelings for each other are canon in the novel lol (and the novel is canon)

Just saying, Jun didn't write the novel, she drew the pictures. And I think if she ships someone, i.e. they are canon, she goes all out. There's no bait. Same sex or not, she'll freaking progress their 'plot' faster than 90% of the romance manga out there. They might not have a happy ending, but she'll ship them to the end <3
"All truth is meaningless. In the end, 'meaning' comes from the mind of each individual human. Even when there is a single truth, it can mean different things to different individuals. The truth has no meaning in itself!" - Erika Furudo
Jul 5, 2021 10:18 AM

Oct 2009
I won't elaborate on VaniJeanne, but I wouldn't really go as far as say Dominique is Noé's love interest since her feelings remain one-sided
. Her having feelings for him doesn't mean they'll eventually be reciprocated.

Also, not trying to stir any controversy (I really like the way this discussion is progressing these last posts and agree re: Mochijun deliberately coding and/or writing her characters as queer both in PH and VnC, which would not automatically turn her work into BL or yuri
), but while she didn't write the novels herself, she watched over the entire writing process and even contributed, so it would be fair to say that everything in them is also canon and personally approved by the author!

This is an ​excerpt from Wakamiya Shinobu's afterword in volume 3 of Caucus Race:
coalasJul 5, 2021 10:27 AM
Jul 5, 2021 11:26 AM

Jun 2021
coalas said:
I won't elaborate on VaniJeanne, but I wouldn't really go as far as say Dominique is Noé's love interest since her feelings remain one-sided
. Her having feelings for him doesn't mean they'll eventually be reciprocated.

Also, not trying to stir any controversy (I really like the way this discussion is progressing these last posts and agree re: Mochijun deliberately coding and/or writing her characters as queer both in PH and VnC, which would not automatically turn her work into BL or yuri
), but while she didn't write the novels herself, she watched over the entire writing process and even contributed, so it would be fair to say that everything in them is also canon and personally approved by the author!

This is an ​excerpt from Wakamiya Shinobu's afterword in volume 3 of Caucus Race:
I'm pretty sure Noe also loves Domi, but unfortunately Noe is someone that isn't heedful, some scenes in the manga also indicate that Jun hints Domi is Noe's love interest, but for Vanitas x Jeanne
btw saying it would be fair to say that everything in them is also canon, you sound like fujoshi that act as if all their ships are canon and attack those who disagree.
Jul 5, 2021 1:16 PM
Jul 2020
VelCake said:
uhm.... I don't want to burst your bubble but Gil and Oz's romantic feelings for each other are canon in the novel lol (and the novel is canon)
Like, MochiJun loves writing tragedy, but them and Elliot & Leo are proof that she isn't afraid of including queer characters in her stories. Same goes for Dominique, who openly flirts with men and women all the time
Gil and Oz dont have romantic feelings??..i can say for certan if you read the novel you misinterpted it.In one of interviews i read that author said if Oz wanted to persude any kind of romantic reletionship he would choose Echo.I dont want to say you are wrong... but it what you said really doesnt seem right.
Jul 5, 2021 1:39 PM

Jan 2020
Neostorm-X said:
just like in the end of Pandora hearts where the protagonist ends up with no one.

Delete this part, it's spoiler
Jul 5, 2021 2:56 PM

Oct 2009
Lguanlin92 said:
I'm pretty sure Noe also loves Domi, but unfortunately Noe is someone that isn't heedful, some scenes in the manga also indicate that Jun hints Domi is Noe's love interest, but for Vanitas x Jeanne
btw saying it would be fair to say that everything in them is also canon, you sound like fujoshi that act as if all their ships are canon and attack those who disagree.

Vanitas literally uses a word with heavy sexual connotations to describe the way Noé and Dominique act and drink each other's blood and Noé's only reaction is to go "hey, don't say stuff like that, you'll damage her reputation", which means he realizes the implications. He's just not in touch with his own feelings, whatever they end up being, but he's an adult and he's not stupid. It's obvious he cares about Dominique's wellbeing, enjoys her blood and wants to see her happy, but it is not portrayed as a romantic thing for him, which is exactly why he does not perceive her affections - like I said previously, just because she has feelings for him doesn't mean they'll be reciprocated in the end. I'm not saying things can't change and I honestly think these two would be cute if they got together, but as far as we've been shown (in multiple occasions), Noé doesn't see her that way at all.

As for the novels, I don't think you understood what I said, so let me rephrase it: I meant that, since the novels are tie-in material that has been supervised and approved by the author herself, with the writer having received her direct creative input, they are a valid part of the Pandora Hearts canon and should be treated as such the same way you would with, say, extra stories from the volumes. I wasn't really talking about treating pairings as official when they were never outwardly confirmed when I said that, only that the text in them should be taken in consideration when talking about additional scenarios and characterization. I didn't attack anyone; I'm keeping my cool here and I won't really take it as a derogatory thing if you call me a fujoshi just for stating that simple fact lmao.
coalasJul 5, 2021 8:00 PM
Jul 6, 2021 12:27 AM

Jan 2021
Because people think two boys team = yaoi. Idk why they, its pretty dumb thing to think.
Jul 6, 2021 1:28 AM
Oct 2015
VelCake said:
uhm.... I don't want to burst your bubble but Gil and Oz's romantic feelings for each other are canon in the novel lol (and the novel is canon)
Like, MochiJun loves writing tragedy, but them and Elliot & Leo are proof that she isn't afraid of including queer characters in her stories. Same goes for Dominique, who openly flirts with men and women all the time

thats completely false,
the author stated many times that oz has a very strong friendship with gil and has no romantic feelings whatso ever.

and eliot and leo aren't in a relationship ether they are literally very good friends who feel indebted to one another, you are literally making up shitty headcanons
next you will say that gon is gay for killua, and naruto loves sasuke.
Jul 6, 2021 8:35 AM

Oct 2009
Neostorm-X said:
VelCake said:
uhm.... I don't want to burst your bubble but Gil and Oz's romantic feelings for each other are canon in the novel lol (and the novel is canon)
Like, MochiJun loves writing tragedy, but them and Elliot & Leo are proof that she isn't afraid of including queer characters in her stories. Same goes for Dominique, who openly flirts with men and women all the time

thats completely false,
the author stated many times that oz has a very strong friendship with gil and has no romantic feelings whatso ever.

and eliot and leo aren't in a relationship ether they are literally very good friends who feel indebted to one another, you are literally making up shitty headcanons
next you will say that gon is gay for killua, and naruto loves sasuke.

I am begging you to do some reading on the concept of coding in fiction instead of just claiming every argument towards a different interpretation is a delusional fan's ramblings, seeing Elliot and Leo have quite enough subtext and parallels to other relationships in canon for that interpretation to arise. This phenomenon tends to happen when studying literature and, most recently, cinematographic media, so I do not see why that could not apply to a manga as well.

coalasJul 6, 2021 9:08 AM
Jul 6, 2021 9:15 AM

Oct 2020
coalas said:
Neostorm-X said:

thats completely false,
the author stated many times that oz has a very strong friendship with gil and has no romantic feelings whatso ever.

and eliot and leo aren't in a relationship ether they are literally very good friends who feel indebted to one another, you are literally making up shitty headcanons
next you will say that gon is gay for killua, and naruto loves sasuke.

I am begging you to do some reading on the concept of coding in fiction instead of just claiming every argument towards a different interpretation is a delusional fan's ramblings, seeing Elliot and Leo have quite enough subtext and parallels to other relationships in canon for that interpretation to arise. This phenomenon tends to happen when studying literature and, most recently, cinematographic media, so I do not see why that could not apply to a manga as well.

Bruh, it's the kind of people like you that make Pandora Hearts considered BL bait by many people, because you're pushing too hard that they're canon and they have interest in each other, eventhough it's clearly just Fujo bait.
Jul 6, 2021 9:26 AM

Mar 2021
coalas said:
Neostorm-X said:

thats completely false,
the author stated many times that oz has a very strong friendship with gil and has no romantic feelings whatso ever.

and eliot and leo aren't in a relationship ether they are literally very good friends who feel indebted to one another, you are literally making up shitty headcanons
next you will say that gon is gay for killua, and naruto loves sasuke.

I am begging you to do some reading on the concept of coding in fiction instead of just claiming every argument towards a different interpretation is a delusional fan's ramblings, seeing Elliot and Leo have quite enough subtext and parallels to other relationships in canon for that interpretation to arise. This phenomenon tends to happen when studying literature and, most recently, cinematographic media, so I do not see why that could not apply to a manga as well.

Dude, I think you just live in a fantasy world. you magnify small details and think what you want to think. Has the author confirmed that there is something between them? No. So stop spreading false information to people. They are not gay.

Jul 6, 2021 9:53 AM

Jun 2021
coalas said:
Lguanlin92 said:
I'm pretty sure Noe also loves Domi, but unfortunately Noe is someone that isn't heedful, some scenes in the manga also indicate that Jun hints Domi is Noe's love interest, but for Vanitas x Jeanne
btw saying it would be fair to say that everything in them is also canon, you sound like fujoshi that act as if all their ships are canon and attack those who disagree.

Vanitas literally uses a word with heavy sexual connotations to describe the way Noé and Dominique act and drink each other's blood and Noé's only reaction is to go "hey, don't say stuff like that, you'll damage her reputation", which means he realizes the implications. He's just not in touch with his own feelings, whatever they end up being, but he's an adult and he's not stupid. It's obvious he cares about Dominique's wellbeing, enjoys her blood and wants to see her happy, but it is not portrayed as a romantic thing for him, which is exactly why he does not perceive her affections - like I said previously, just because she has feelings for him doesn't mean they'll be reciprocated in the end. I'm not saying things can't change and I honestly think these two would be cute if they got together, but as far as we've been shown (in multiple occasions), Noé doesn't see her that way at all.

As for the novels, I don't think you understood what I said, so let me rephrase it: I meant that, since the novels are tie-in material that has been supervised and approved by the author herself, with the writer having received her direct creative input, they are a valid part of the Pandora Hearts canon and should be treated as such the same way you would with, say, extra stories from the volumes. I wasn't really talking about treating pairings as official when they were never outwardly confirmed when I said that, only that the text in them should be taken in consideration when talking about additional scenarios and characterization. I didn't attack anyone; I'm keeping my cool here and I won't really take it as a derogatory thing if you call me a fujoshi just for stating that simple fact lmao.
I'm just going to say just look at the next chapter I'm pretty sure Noe's feelings for Dominique are also romantic feelings, no need to explain too long because I'm not great at that. and also why I said you might be the kind of Fujoshi who will attack people who disagree with them. because you are pushing your fantasies too much, what you say will only make people think of Vanitas no Carte and Pandora Hearts as BL bait when clearly they are not. Also romantic interest doesn't mean they have to end up together in the end, if you think all romantic interests always end up together then you are very wrong. romantic interest is a person who is considered to have an attraction to someone. So I'm just begging you to stop making these two shows look like BL bait, because I see you're kind of pushing it that way.

coalas said:
I am begging you to do some reading on the concept of coding in fiction instead of just claiming every argument towards a different interpretation is a delusional fan's ramblings, seeing Elliot and Leo have quite enough subtext and parallels to other relationships in canon for that interpretation to arise. This phenomenon tends to happen when studying literature and, most recently, cinematographic media, so I do not see why that could not apply to a manga as well.

You also made Pandora Hearts looks like BL bait, please don't mess this up and make people who hate BL not read it just because they misunderstood that it was BL bait. it's clearly just Fujo bait.
Lguanlin92Jul 6, 2021 10:08 AM
Jul 6, 2021 10:00 AM

Oct 2009
Nobara98 said:
Bruh, it's the kind of people like you that make Pandora Hearts considered BL bait by many people, because you're pushing too hard that they're canon and they have interest in each other, eventhough it's clearly just Fujo bait.

meyve said:
Dude, I think you just live in a fantasy world. you magnify small details and think what you want to think. Has the author confirmed that there is something between them? No. So stop spreading false information to people. They are not gay.

Did the two of you conveniently skip the part where I clearly stated that these are points that people take as base for reaching such an interpretation and it does not necessarily mean it is canon or was Mochizuki Jun's intention after all? Literally just search these characters up and see what is people's reading of them and why they think the way they do. I assure you not everyone is just a "delusional fujoshi" but, like I said, people who feel their personal experiences are very similar to these characters. "They are not gay" well, they weren't ever clearly stated to be straight either. Stop assuming this is the default and keep in mind just having LGBT+ characters (which VnC already does, by the way) doesn't automatically turn something into a BL or yuri manga. 🤷
Jul 6, 2021 10:01 AM

Oct 2009
Lguanlin92 said:
Also romantic interest doesn't mean they have to end up together in the end, if you think all romantic interests always end up together then you are very wrong. romantic interest is a person who is considered to have an attraction to someone.

You're literally repeating what I said. That was exactly my point.
Jul 6, 2021 10:54 AM

Oct 2020
coalas said:
Nobara98 said:
Bruh, it's the kind of people like you that make Pandora Hearts considered BL bait by many people, because you're pushing too hard that they're canon and they have interest in each other, eventhough it's clearly just Fujo bait.

meyve said:
Dude, I think you just live in a fantasy world. you magnify small details and think what you want to think. Has the author confirmed that there is something between them? No. So stop spreading false information to people. They are not gay.

Did the two of you conveniently skip the part where I clearly stated that these are points that people take as base for reaching such an interpretation and it does not necessarily mean it is canon or was Mochizuki Jun's intention after all? Literally just search these characters up and see what is people's reading of them and why they think the way they do. I assure you not everyone is just a "delusional fujoshi" but, like I said, people who feel their personal experiences are very similar to these characters. "They are not gay" well, they weren't ever clearly stated to be straight either. Stop assuming this is the default and keep in mind just having LGBT+ characters (which VnC already does, by the way) doesn't automatically turn something into a BL or yuri manga. 🤷
Nope, that's a lot different from what you're trying to stating before, my view is pretty clear you're trying to make sure that "hey this is BL", how you go into detail on small details even about Gil and Oz having a romantic interest doesn't make sense to me. Oz confirmed by the author to be with Echo if Echo is still alive. while Elliot and Leo their relationship looks more like Bromance. to me you are just pushing and making people misunderstand that Pandora Hearts was BL bait. though it was obviously just a Fujo bait like I said before.
Jul 6, 2021 10:55 AM

Nov 2014
I wrote a similar topic about this matter. People can say whatever they want, but Vanitas no Carte won't become a BL and this comes from someone who ships Vanitas and Noé ö-ö It is clarified that Vanitas and Noé have their canon female love interests already.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jul 6, 2021 11:18 AM

Jun 2021
TheOneOfSeven said:
I wrote a similar topic about this matter. People can say whatever they want, but Vanitas no Carte won't become a BL and this comes from someone who ships Vanitas and Noé ö-ö It is clarified that Vanitas and Noé have their canon female love interests already.
Nice to hear that, I'm proud of you, don't let you be like Mikayuu shippers from Seraph of the End, they are very delusional, they don't accept when I said Mika and Yuu relationship is just like Bromance they have no romantic feeling at all and they attack me. they insisted that Mikayuu was Canon.
Jul 6, 2021 11:44 AM

Oct 2009
Nobara98 said:

First things first, please tag your spoilers like I did. Not everyone that clicks this thread will be familiar with Pandora Hearts.

Now, let me quote myself:

(...) It is not a far-fetched reading of their bond at all. The thing about coding, whether it's intentional or not, is that is tends to leave room for plausible deniability. I don't mind if you read the manga and only saw them as friends, but given all these factors, you have to understand that people who read them that way are not incorrect regardless of authorial intention being present or not.

1) I listed the points that, if analysed together, would lead to this interpretation, that being the keyword. If said bait is elaborate enough to give people content to feel that way, then you can't really blame them for running with it. Personally, I know much more people that share this particular point of view than yours, so I'm not making it up as I go or being delusional - this is a very common take on Elliot and Leo.
2) Those scenes are still in the novels, whether they're meant to be romantic or not. Look them up and read them if you don't believe me, there's a lot more.

I'm left wondering whatever would be the difference between "BL bait" and "fujo bait" because that separation makes no sense whatsoever, lmao. And for the last time: an eventual portrayal of a same-sex relationship would not turn any manga not specifically marketed as a BL or yuri into one.

It's weird as hell how just saying something as simple as "hey, there's enough basis for people to see this relationship as more than friendly if they want to" gets so many people mad, especially because I'm not trying to force anyone to think the same way I do or say you're wrong to see things from a platonic perspective. Both of us are allowed to have our takes on the original text based on personal experiences and neither is more "correct" than the other. If you have a problem with accepting that, that's on you.

I'm out. I said what I needed to say.

Lguanlin92 said:
Nice to hear that, I'm proud of you, don't let you be like Mikayuu shippers from Seraph of the End, they are very delusional, they don't accept when I said Mika and Yuu relationship is just like Bromance they have no romantic feeling at all and they attack me. they insisted that Mikayuu was Canon.

I mean, it is one-sided.
coalasJul 6, 2021 11:53 AM
Jul 6, 2021 12:20 PM

Jun 2021
coalas said:

Lguanlin92 said:
Nice to hear that, I'm proud of you, don't let you be like Mikayuu shippers from Seraph of the End, they are very delusional, they don't accept when I said Mika and Yuu relationship is just like Bromance they have no romantic feeling at all and they attack me. they insisted that Mikayuu was Canon.

I mean, it is one-sided.
Lmao, Are you Mikayuu shippers?? so does the word i love you mean same as have romantic feelings?? well i love you has many meanings in this case it could mean it is love as family.
Jul 6, 2021 12:35 PM

Apr 2020
@Nobara98 Quick question, did you read Pandora Hearts manga?
Jul 6, 2021 12:44 PM

Oct 2020
nyaaaaaaaaaa15 said:
@Nobara98 Quick question, did you read Pandora Hearts manga?
yes, i did

(Characters limit)
Jul 6, 2021 12:45 PM

Oct 2009
Lguanlin92 said:
coalas said:

I mean, it is one-sided.
Lmao, Are you Mikayuu shippers?? so does the word i love you mean same as have romantic feelings?? well i love you has many meanings in this case it could mean it is love as family.

I'm not. I don't really care about Owari no Seraph, last time I read this was years ago, but I have friends who are very invested in the manga.

As soon as I sent it I was sure you'd claim this scene was platonic because of course it was and you just proved my point, lol. Since "I love you" has many meanings, why is it such an issue for you if this is understood as romantic by some people? You should really stop and think why your first impulse is to try and shoot such an open display of affection from a guy to another guy down while you're also claiming another guy who has never demonstrated any romantic feelings towards a girl is undeniably in love with her but too slow to realize.

Like I said to the person before you: I'm out. This is fruitless.
coalasJul 6, 2021 12:49 PM
Jul 6, 2021 12:49 PM

Jun 2021
coalas said:
Lguanlin92 said:
Lmao, Are you Mikayuu shippers?? so does the word i love you mean same as have romantic feelings?? well i love you has many meanings in this case it could mean it is love as family.

I'm not. I don't really care about Owari no Seraph, last time I read this was years ago, but I have friends who are very invested in the manga.

As soon as I sent it I was sure you'd claim this scene was platonic because of course it was and you just proved my point, lol. Since "I love you" has many meanings, why is it such an issue for you if this is understood as romantic by some people? You should really stop and think why your first impulse is to try and shoot such an open display of affection from a guy to another guy down while you're also claiming another guy who has never demonstrated any romantic feelings towards a girl is undeniably in love with her but too slow to realize.

Like I said to the person before you: I'm out. This is fruitless.
it wouldn't matter if it wasn't from Mikayuu delusional shippers, but as you know Mikayuu shipers are very toxic, I once told them it's impossible Mikayuu become canon, because they Mika and Yuu are brothers eventhough they're not blood related and they only care about each other because they're brothers, but they attack me instead with absurd reasons and accuse me of homophobia. they are the most annoying and delusional Fujo shipers. just my problem with some of toxic Mikayuu shippers.

coalas said:

I'm left wondering whatever would be the difference between "BL bait" and "fujo bait" because that separation makes no sense whatsoever, lmao. And for the last time: an eventual portrayal of a same-sex relationship would not turn any manga not specifically marketed as a BL or yuri into one.
Both are clearly very different, the usual BL bait for a show that doesn't have the Yaoi/Shounen Ai tag but has that element to the story for example like No.6, while Fujo bait is usually to baiting the Fujoshi to watch the show more like queerbaiting. from this alone the two are very different. tbh I just don't like how you kind of push the two and make Pandora Hearts look like BL bait, in fact you wrote a very long post just because someone said these two don't have romantic feelings and are just very good friends. both of them have the feeling of just Fujoshi interpretations when you see two men so close it means they are gay, why spend your time writing that long if you don't try to push and convince it's BL, it's pretty clear seeing your motives here.

I just don't want people who don't like BL/Yaoi to get the wrong idea because your post clearly pushing it's BL bait. thus preventing people who don't like BL/Yaoi from reading or watching Pandora Hearts.
Lguanlin92Jul 8, 2021 12:32 AM
Jul 6, 2021 3:36 PM

Nov 2014
Lguanlin92 said:
TheOneOfSeven said:
I wrote a similar topic about this matter. People can say whatever they want, but Vanitas no Carte won't become a BL and this comes from someone who ships Vanitas and Noé ö-ö It is clarified that Vanitas and Noé have their canon female love interests already.
Nice to hear that, I'm proud of you, don't let you be like Mikayuu shippers from Seraph of the End, they are very delusional, they don't accept when I said Mika and Yuu relationship is just like Bromance they have no romantic feeling at all and they attack me. they insisted that Mikayuu was Canon.
I have nothing to say about the MikaYuu ship to be honest, people can believe whatever they want, same goes with Langa and Reki in SK8. As long as people can come on respectful terms, then we have nothing to worry about.
TheOneOfSevenJul 6, 2021 3:42 PM
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jul 6, 2021 7:53 PM
Oct 2020
Lguanlin92 said:
TheOneOfSeven said:
I wrote a similar topic about this matter. People can say whatever they want, but Vanitas no Carte won't become a BL and this comes from someone who ships Vanitas and Noé ö-ö It is clarified that Vanitas and Noé have their canon female love interests already.
Nice to hear that, I'm proud of you, don't let you be like Mikayuu shippers from Seraph of the End, they are very delusional, they don't accept when I said Mika and Yuu relationship is just like Bromance they have no romantic feeling at all and they attack me. they insisted that Mikayuu was Canon.
ons has cursed fandom lol i wonder why i got involved with the fandom i didn't realize these things while watching seraph until i got involved with discussions on their fandom.i doubt they watched other shows without these things.
Jul 6, 2021 9:01 PM

Nov 2015
No yaoi. But there is some yuri/ girl on girl action.

Old_School_AkiraJul 6, 2021 9:14 PM
HACKs! 🤢🤮
Jul 6, 2021 10:40 PM

Apr 2020
This one isn't about what you said at all.
Jul 7, 2021 11:44 PM
Oct 2015
coalas said:
Neostorm-X said:

thats completely false,
the author stated many times that oz has a very strong friendship with gil and has no romantic feelings whatso ever.

and eliot and leo aren't in a relationship ether they are literally very good friends who feel indebted to one another, you are literally making up shitty headcanons
next you will say that gon is gay for killua, and naruto loves sasuke.

I am begging you to do some reading on the concept of coding in fiction instead of just claiming every argument towards a different interpretation is a delusional fan's ramblings, seeing Elliot and Leo have quite enough subtext and parallels to other relationships in canon for that interpretation to arise. This phenomenon tends to happen when studying literature and, most recently, cinematographic media, so I do not see why that could not apply to a manga as well.

"this [character] is gay because [headcanon] and this [headcanon] is why your wrong about [headcanon] and how they are actually gay because [headcanon] is actually up for interpretation"

"Now, why does that bother you so much (whether it's someone stating their interpretation that's based on a valid reading or the fact that these characters could be seen as anything other than heterosexual by a random stranger on the internet) to the point of acting aggressive while everyone else is being respectful is something else entirely."

it does not bother me at all,
what bothers me is when people try to mislead people by giving false information based on their own conjecture. you are literally trying to confuse people by making your own interpretation to be what the author said which is completely false. and the only person worked up about this is you. my initial post is made to stop people from worrying about this adaptation containing bl and not watching it because of this due to stupid rumors circulating, which is only added by people like you.

its like me recommending jojo to some one as a gay romance series, and telling them yeah theres gonna be lots of romance when its not, the entirety of jojo is more of a mystery action adventure series which practically no romance
its misleading and can get people to turn away from your series.

Jul 7, 2021 11:49 PM
Oct 2015
meyve said:
coalas said:

I am begging you to do some reading on the concept of coding in fiction instead of just claiming every argument towards a different interpretation is a delusional fan's ramblings, seeing Elliot and Leo have quite enough subtext and parallels to other relationships in canon for that interpretation to arise. This phenomenon tends to happen when studying literature and, most recently, cinematographic media, so I do not see why that could not apply to a manga as well.

Dude, I think you just live in a fantasy world. you magnify small details and think what you want to think. Has the author confirmed that there is something between them? No. So stop spreading false information to people. They are not gay.

exactly these delusional fujos keep spreading lies and rumors that scare people off from this amazing series.

hell I can't even tell my friends or recommend them black butler and pandora hearts because of the stupid fanbases that keep making them out to be BL which they ARE NOT IN ANYWAY, BOTH of them are soft seinen series with tragedy and mystery and lots of action scenes.
Jul 8, 2021 12:05 AM

Jun 2021
this dude's motive is very clear, the thread you made is correct so people don't misunderstand the BL bait, but he seems to force his interpretation as if Pandora Hearts and Vanitas no Carte are Yaoi and when they are not. tbh I just don't like how he kind of push the two and make Pandora Hearts look like BL bait, in fact he wrote a very long post just because someone said these two don't have romantic feelings and are just very good friends. both of them have the feeling of just Fujoshi interpretations when you see two men so close it means they are gay, why spend his time writing that long if him don't try to push and convince it's BL, it's pretty clear seeing his motives here.
Jul 8, 2021 1:32 AM
Oct 2015
Lguanlin92 said:
this dude's motive is very clear, the thread you made is correct so people don't misunderstand the BL bait, but he seems to force his interpretation as if Pandora Hearts and Vanitas no Carte are Yaoi and when they are not. tbh I just don't like how he kind of push the two and make Pandora Hearts look like BL bait, in fact he wrote a very long post just because someone said these two don't have romantic feelings and are just very good friends. both of them have the feeling of just Fujoshi interpretations when you see two men so close it means they are gay, why spend his time writing that long if him don't try to push and convince it's BL, it's pretty clear seeing his motives here.

actually the user is a she in their profile so I would assume their just some fujoshi getting triggered that their headcanon ship isn't canon
Jul 8, 2021 9:07 AM

Oct 2009
I've already stated I left this discussion two days ago but, since you insist on misinterpreting what I wrote either out of bad faith or true incomprehension, I'll say my last on this matter.

I did not want to resort to this because I usually hate when people pull this card in discussions, but: First, you cannot tell me I'm "ruining" anything or being unhelpful when I've convinced at least twenty to thirty acquaintances to read PH and VnC throughout the years, constantly put out fanworks and posts promoting both series and financially support Mochizuki's stories. I've been a fan of her work for over a decade now and reread it multiple times. My "nitpicking" of small details is not limited to the relationships between her characters, since I do enjoy trying to find hints and foreshadowing in her worldbuilding and dialogue along with friends, same as I would with any piece of media that strikes my interest. Every creation of hers is an intricate puzzle and trying to put these pieces together is a very pleasurable experience. These things are not mutually exclusive; rather, they're enriching since no one enjoys a story with characters they don't care about. Second, I've received several private messages over the last days in support for speaking up, far more people than there are in this thread feeling validated because they're going four against one. Make of that what you will.

I know this has, unfortunately, been a very common attitude both online and offline for the past few years, but you really need to develop better argumentation skills than saying everyone that disagrees with you on the internet is either hallucinating or in acute mental distress. The usage of the word "triggering" is quite telling in this context. I've remained levelheaded throughout all my posts, cited sources and gave in-depth explanations for my points and why people might reach similar conclusions to the ones I've listed and never said they were an absolute truth; yet, you keep answering me with "you're crazy and there's no way something like this would ever happen because it was never openly stated" (as if fiction has never been nuanced before).

And for the last damn time: even if there were an actual canonically stated relationship between any same-sex characters it would not turn the story into BL - yes, I do have a hard time thinking of a proper reason why anyone would find the idea of reading a story with non-heterosexual characters abhorrent enough to avoid it. I am a lesbian and therefore have no desire to engage romantically with men in real life, but have no problem whatsoever reading or watching a fictional love story between a man and a woman as long as it's well developed, same as I would with BL or GL.

Once again: I'm out. I have no obligation to spend any more of my time exchanging words with someone who's disrespectful.
coalasJul 8, 2021 2:35 PM
Jul 9, 2021 5:36 AM
Jul 2021
VelCake said:
uhm.... I don't want to burst your bubble but Gil and Oz's romantic feelings for each other are canon in the novel lol (and the novel is canon)
Like, MochiJun loves writing tragedy, but them and Elliot & Leo are proof that she isn't afraid of including queer characters in her stories. Same goes for Dominique, who openly flirts with men and women all the time

Gil doesn't love Oz I mean, its supposed that the jury repeatedly brainwashed Gilbert to be loyal to his master (Glen and Oz).
I don't understand why u put your lgbt things, only the characters are written that way.
It does not mean that they are queer, they are only characters with certain characteristics
I hope the people of this movement don't screw up my favorite manga with their commercial garbage
Jul 9, 2021 11:04 AM
Mar 2020
Have you even read the novels? More specifically, the story "Black Widow", and specially the epilogue part (pg. 155 onwards). Because it sounds like you haven't AND you didn't understand Pandora as a whole. It isn't anywhere as simple as Gil only being loyal to Oz due to his "brainwashing" - if it were, he would have simply stopped working with Oz and caring about him or shifted his attitude towards him like he did with Vincent after remembering his past. I am apalled that you are so evidently against "people of this movement" without even paying attention to the story itself.
Jul 9, 2021 11:46 AM

Mar 2021
VelCake said:
Have you even read the novels? More specifically, the story "Black Widow", and specially the epilogue part (pg. 155 onwards). Because it sounds like you haven't AND you didn't understand Pandora as a whole. It isn't anywhere as simple as Gil only being loyal to Oz due to his "brainwashing" - if it were, he would have simply stopped working with Oz and caring about him or shifted his attitude towards him like he did with Vincent after remembering his past. I am apalled that you are so evidently against "people of this movement" without even paying attention to the story itself.

No part of the novel explicitly states that they love each other, and the author has not confirmed this. You can think what you want but you have to stop spreading false information that they are gay. This is getting annoying

Jul 9, 2021 12:32 PM
Mar 2020
meyve said:
VelCake said:
Have you even read the novels? More specifically, the story "Black Widow", and specially the epilogue part (pg. 155 onwards). Because it sounds like you haven't AND you didn't understand Pandora as a whole. It isn't anywhere as simple as Gil only being loyal to Oz due to his "brainwashing" - if it were, he would have simply stopped working with Oz and caring about him or shifted his attitude towards him like he did with Vincent after remembering his past. I am apalled that you are so evidently against "people of this movement" without even paying attention to the story itself.

No part of the novel explicitly states that they love each other, and the author has not confirmed this. You can think what you want but you have to stop spreading false information that they are gay. This is getting annoying

I'm not sure why that seems to make you so mad but... whatever you say.
Jul 9, 2021 1:08 PM

Mar 2021
VelCake said:
meyve said:

No part of the novel explicitly states that they love each other, and the author has not confirmed this. You can think what you want but you have to stop spreading false information that they are gay. This is getting annoying

I'm not sure why that seems to make you so mad but... whatever you say.

Still it doesn't mean they wanna fck eachother you know? As I said again, open statements such as "I love you, I like you, I want to go out with you" were not used. None of this means they have romantic feelings for each other.

Jul 9, 2021 4:00 PM
Oct 2015
VelCake said:
meyve said:

No part of the novel explicitly states that they love each other, and the author has not confirmed this. You can think what you want but you have to stop spreading false information that they are gay. This is getting annoying

I'm not sure why that seems to make you so mad but... whatever you say.

Hey kid look, i get that you never had friends las a kid and stayed in your parents basement all day so you would assume any kindness shown to friends = they fucking.

But you realize sometimes close friends act like this towards each other right? Its extremely common in asian and some european cultures,
Lots of europeans kiss each other to greet friends, you and your amerifats with your progressive agenda is cancer to the anime community, EVERY character needs to be gay to you eh?
Jul 9, 2021 8:27 PM
Dec 2017
Y'all mad bc Vanitas and Noé are fucking
And elliot and leo were fucking too
And Gil and Oz were fucking and every single character is gay bc no straights are allowed
Also every straight hxh character ends up dead so... If they're alive, they're gay too. Same with naruto and sasuke, classic example of gay behavior. And your favorite Shonen characters are also gay. I am gay. You are gay. Your mom is gay too and guess what? We're fucking
Jul 9, 2021 8:32 PM
Dec 2017
Neostorm-X said:
VelCake said:

I'm not sure why that seems to make you so mad but... whatever you say.

Hey kid look, i get that you never had friends las a kid and stayed in your parents basement all day so you would assume any kindness shown to friends = they fucking.

But you realize sometimes close friends act like this towards each other right? Its extremely common in asian and some european cultures,
Lots of europeans kiss each other to greet friends, you and your amerifats with your progressive agenda is cancer to the anime community, EVERY character needs to be gay to you eh?

I also love to kiss my homies and I tell them that I love them on the regular and we sometimes fuck too
Jul 10, 2021 12:00 AM
Apr 2021
Neostorm-X said:
VelCake said:

I'm not sure why that seems to make you so mad but... whatever you say.

Hey kid look, i get that you never had friends las a kid and stayed in your parents basement all day so you would assume any kindness shown to friends = they fucking.

But you realize sometimes close friends act like this towards each other right? Its extremely common in asian and some european cultures,
Lots of europeans kiss each other to greet friends, you and your amerifats with your progressive agenda is cancer to the anime community, EVERY character needs to be gay to you eh?

@meyve What do you expect from her though She's probably a Fujoshi she probably thinks every male friendship is somehow ''gay'' and I wouldn't be surprised if she's one of those people who complain about the sexualisation of girls in Shonen then goes on to read Yaoi ''rape'' manga/fan-fics e.g killing stalking
Jul 10, 2021 5:29 AM

Dec 2020
Neostorm-X said:
VelCake said:

I'm not sure why that seems to make you so mad but... whatever you say.

Hey kid look, i get that you never had friends las a kid and stayed in your parents basement all day so you would assume any kindness shown to friends = they fucking.

But you realize sometimes close friends act like this towards each other right? Its extremely common in asian and some european cultures,
Lots of europeans kiss each other to greet friends, you and your amerifats with your progressive agenda is cancer to the anime community, EVERY character needs to be gay to you eh?

lol, this is hysterical. you're having a hissy fit over whether two fictional guys are fucking each other.

in another manga.
Jul 10, 2021 5:34 AM
Aug 2018
Holy shit people in this are reallly close minded, aren't they? Using fujoshi as if it's an insult and not the word japanese BL shippers have recclaimed for themselves.

Coalas meta is very insightful, clear and respectful, only saying that there are valid reasons some people see lgbt+ coding and ships in Jun Mochizuki's manga, but that equally you could see it all platonic and hetero if that's what floats your boat, so the fact that you people are getting so incensed and offended about it says more about your lack of good, respectful interactions with other kind of fans than any imagined slight against you. Especially as you demostrate an inability or unwillingness to interact in good faith with her and what she has written, repeating yourself and saying she is a fujoshi ruining-mangas when in no moment it's been so.

But then, it's obvious that if someone can't listen or won't listen to reason it's useless to insist. Then you get someone trolling you about your ridiculous insistence that everybody must see and interpret a manga and its characters exactly as you do, invalidating other people fundamented meta and perspectives.

I'm out.
Jul 10, 2021 6:13 AM

Mar 2021
nagi_akuma said:
Neostorm-X said:

Hey kid look, i get that you never had friends las a kid and stayed in your parents basement all day so you would assume any kindness shown to friends = they fucking.

But you realize sometimes close friends act like this towards each other right? Its extremely common in asian and some european cultures,
Lots of europeans kiss each other to greet friends, you and your amerifats with your progressive agenda is cancer to the anime community, EVERY character needs to be gay to you eh?

@meyve What do you expect from her though She's probably a Fujoshi she probably thinks every male friendship is somehow ''gay'' and I wouldn't be surprised if she's one of those people who complain about the sexualisation of girls in Shonen then goes on to read Yaoi ''rape'' manga/fan-fics e.g killing stalking

I just can't stand people spreading misinformation about this manga. I'm not a homophobic I'm okay with the shounen/shoujo ai series but this manga isn't like that and it's so annoying that some people think it is and tell people it is.

Jul 10, 2021 7:16 AM
Apr 2021
I just can't stand people spreading misinformation about this manga. I'm not a homophobic I'm okay with the shounen/shoujo ai series but this manga isn't like that and it's so annoying that some people think it is and tell people it is.[/quote]

Same here a few of them take things to far and act like their ships are canon not to forget how they push away potential fans, though I hope a moderator can delete any irrelevant comments.
Jul 10, 2021 7:46 AM

Jan 2018
Then why were they basically flirting in episode 1?
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