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Sabikui Bisco (light novel)
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Mar 28, 2022 8:57 AM

May 2020
It’s on me for having some “not-so-average” expectations out of this, and to say I'm utterly disappointed may be a bit of an exaggeration on my part, but still it doesn’t deny the fact just how predictable and plain the overall writing was. And to no one’s surprise they went for a happy-go-lucky ending like this.

Pretty forgettable, and would be glad if we never see any sort of continuation.
Mar 28, 2022 8:57 AM

Jul 2021
Not sure where the light novel is going to go but even so I did had an interesting journey ahead with this series, learning many various of the fantasy elements here and discovering the strangest creatures that made animal history in 2022 from a mechanical crab, a temple walking turtle, a shooting hippo, it’s latest colossal titan, etc..

Wow the worldbuilding, by no means it’s revolutionary, it’s just fascinating and eye opening that the author could come out with an idea that’s dumb and ridicilous but it’s strangely working out in this series as they do take an effect in parts of the story depending on the setting which does fits the theme of the setting sometimes. The visuals overall were alright and the fights were cool, and storytelling wise were pretty tolerable but I had some obvious nitpicks from here and there especially on the last quarter of the episodes and overall wise, I did wish the side characters could do something more that could um stay in the adventure with the main duo instead of staying true to their own motifs.

Good thing is that it manages to get back to the game when Milo and the others had an action-packed oriented segment and now that Bisco got resurrected, for whatever the dumb he came out alive, people here just make it sound like it matters a lot when it’s already obvious that they live in a very strange, unusual, post-apocolypse, setting afterall. Moreover, Bisco back at it with another archery segment and fighting against colossal titan in a possible way was a nice comeback, everyone also gathered around: Tirol definitely knows her mechanism, Pawoo definitely knows others strength, also Pawoo x Bisco moment was pretty steamy here and THEY FUCKING KISSED, THIS IS UNEXPECTED LMAO (as an anime-only) AND TIROL AND MILO BEING THE WINGMEN IS SUCH A MOOD xDDDDDD. Kurokawa appearing though gave me another of the Attack on Titans vibe yet again and the power of friendship is interestingly shown here. Now that rust has ended, everything went fresh that the ending wraps up really nicely and refreshing to see Milo and Bisco back together c: !~ Everyone in the comments saying Bisco gonna have a gae moment with Milo is creeping me out though 0-0.

Definitely it’s an 8/10 + (was 7 but enjoyment is my main priority! ). For OZ’s first project, this is a pretty solid job I’d say and I’m going to miss the crazy and laughable moments I had out of this franchise!

CQLLISTMar 28, 2022 9:14 AM
Mar 28, 2022 8:57 AM

Nov 2011
Bisco's back in the flesh and honestly, he didn't change much at all especially his personality. No wonder the episode titled it the bow and arrow duo.

Pawoo with the kiss on Bisco though. I bet he wasn't expecting that but it was hinted that she was attracted to him in one of the previous episodes. Not the most exciting finale but glad to see the crew back. (yes, even Tirol returns again!)
Mar 28, 2022 8:58 AM

Oct 2017
So that's what the title meant all along, Rust Eater Bisco eh. Action scenes were okay and they won but more importantly Pawoo x Bisco sailed. That kiss was intense, Pawoo really is an intense woman.

Also Man Eating Panda lmao.

Pretty nice anime overall, really loved Pawoo x Bisco.
Mar 28, 2022 8:58 AM

Jul 2017
Bisco Akaboshi is Arnold Schwarzenegger "I'll Be Back" Bisco, and indeed he's back to face Tetsujin, renewed, risen from the dead, with the Rust-Eater mushroom within him all powered up. This is like Attack on Titan again.

The Bow and Arrow Duo and the gang together facing Tetsujin, but Tirol warning them otherwise that self-destruction rots from the head, and since Kurokawa is there they have to settle it regardless. I must admit I did not see Pawoo's kiss to Bisco coming (though he clearly hints it), but since it's a life-or-death situation, I guess it's appropriate.

It's time to separate the head from the titan beast, but taking Kurokawa down will not be easy, and Milo guides Bisco the way through in faith and belief to finally take both human and titan down, shrouded in Rust-Eating mushrooms enough to heal the world. Even till the end, their brotherly love to sacrifice for one another, it all finally paid off to treat everyone.

Hah, Bisco and Milo's heads now cost much more than before, and Milo is now the Man-Eating Panda.

A safe ending all things considered. A once-in-a-blue-moon show that impresses where it could, falters in some, and is a unique work that carves its own niche and charm.
Mar 28, 2022 9:01 AM
Mar 2020
Softhenic03 said:
It’s on me for having some “not-so-average” expectations out of this, and to say I'm utterly disappointed may be a bit of an exaggeration on my part, but still it doesn’t deny the fact just how predictable and plain the overall writing was. And to no one’s surprise they went for a happy-go-lucky ending like this.

Pretty forgettable, and would be glad if we never see any sort of continuation.
the art and soundtrack is really neat tho ! if people can like demon slayer they can certainly love this too :/
Mar 28, 2022 9:02 AM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
This was my least favorite anime of the season. These last couple of episodes were so disappointing.
Mar 28, 2022 9:04 AM

Feb 2019
Sabikui bisco felt more like an experience than a show. This was awesome and over the top in the best way. FLCL vibes.

Finale had a Pawoo bisco kiss and that’s all I could’ve asked for tbh, no use analysing the story or writing since it’s so over the top and wacky, it was fun that’s all that matters. Solid 8/10.
Mar 28, 2022 9:07 AM

Oct 2019
A rushed ending helmed by an amateur director with an author who also happens to be an amateur. Quite disappointing.
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Mar 28, 2022 9:13 AM

Mar 2010
Soundtrack is what really made this anime. The whole turning into a god thing was a bit much but that mech was too OP. Overall wish we saw more Pawoo and Akaboshi romance but twas nb.

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Mar 28, 2022 9:14 AM

Mar 2021
We finally get the PawooxBisco Ship. And I feel the quality of the animation was better compared to previous episodes(just a feeling). Some weird Ending to a weird show. but was full of entertainment. People were hyped because many ufotable staffs worked on this show, going to the extent of calling oz, "Ufotable 2.0". A 6/10 from me. The only thing that was great was the OST "RUN!!". it slaps real hard when you hear it in loop lmao
Mar 28, 2022 9:18 AM
A sandwich

Jul 2020
I don't really get the criticism of why the work in itself was disappointing. It is the debut anime for a studio comprised of very talented people with resounding portfolios yes, but it's still the first and it turned out to be better than it could have.

Not great character wise considering the relationship between Panda and Bisco and how each character plan to solve everything by themselves multiple times, but I wouldn't consider any of the main cast forgettable. I was also not expecting that "death" point to be honest and when he came back it wrapped up in a probably expected season finale. On that side I can see how the story didn't leave a big mark.

Nevertheless, production wise it did some pretty notable things. From the post apocalyptic world building to the consistent animation and a noticeably heavy soundtrack that distinguish itself from many others. Opening and ending sequences were quite good as well, so on that front I hope the studio can get more under their belt.

I personally had a good time with it.
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Mar 28, 2022 9:19 AM
Sep 2010
i see a lot of bisco x pawoo shippers here but that was so disappointing to me? like i don't think i consume a lot of... gay media and i'm definitely not mad about other straight ships out there but this one was just.... eh.... how is milo gonna say he loves bisco and then he just hands him off to his sister like that? idk, light novel readers pls tell me they don't actually get married lmao

other than that, i did enjoy the anime overall even though the ending felt a bit rushed. maybe if they had at least a few more episodes it could have worked out better but it was a good time anyway uwu
My candies:
Mar 28, 2022 9:21 AM

Jul 2011
What it took to finally kill Kurokawa? A guy spooning another, and the aftermath was so weird that Pawoo just looked and said "Nah, im good here."

Worst anime that I watched till the end this season.
Mar 28, 2022 9:24 AM
Oct 2016
A satisfying conclusion to this part of the story with Bisco and Milo. The giant Tetsujin still rampaging with Kurokawa attached to its head. The titan comparisons are even more on the money now. Bisco coming back from the dead makes a bit more sense although more info would be needed later especially the constraints of his new body. Reviving as a living god is pretty crazy, every arrow he fires now contains the rust eater mushroom. Definitely a little convenient but I'll let it slide for the most part. Because this final attack on the Tetsujin was totally badass. Pawoo splitting the helmet so that Bisco and Milo can strike Kurokawa directly that way the Tetsujin doesn't explode and make another rust crater. Some crazy action as they defeat Kurokawa finally this time. Love the bond between Milo and Bisco throughout this show. The two have become like brothers in their own right and can now trust one another to take that shot with the bow so to speak. Glad that things could wrap up in a nice way. Pawoo cured of her rust and the new governor while Bisco and Milo can journey around with their rust eater mushrooms and help people all over Japan. Overall this is one of those over the top crazy type anime stories that go a little too crazy for my tastes sometimes but is still fun. With interesting and dynamic characters and some solid action.

Mar 28, 2022 9:34 AM

Jan 2012
And so Tetsujin Kurokawa is dispatched, the rust eater vaccine thingy is spread, Bisco and Pawoo get engaged, and Bisco ntr's her for Milo while Tirol and Jabi watch, smiling. I hear Jabi couldn't stay too long tho, he had another appointment at the Great Boggly Tree.

I enjoyed the setup and much of this series, but I can't ignore how dumb and nonsensical it all got by the end when I stopped trying to understand any of it. You could argue it was always that way, but imo there was a definite shift around episode 9, or whichever one was the one where they just had 5 chances to kill Kurokawa and failed. I heard the original light novels actually made sense as to why that was and the anime failed to address it properly. Maybe so, I don't know, but I also don't care. I'm watching the anime here, I'll give my thoughts based on it. So yeah, by the end this was full-on farce to me. But it was fun I suppose, and if you're gonna drop all pretense of making sense, giving a sappy, over-the-top happy ending to the characters is probably the best way to go about it, so I can't complain too much. 6/10, bonus point for Pawoo, probably the sexiest character design this season. One of them certainly.
animefan8800Mar 28, 2022 9:39 AM
Mar 28, 2022 9:37 AM
Mar 2015
Bisco cae back to win The girl kissed him and returns to spreading Rust Eater with Dr Panga
Mar 28, 2022 9:43 AM

Nov 2016
I'm also in the camp "interesting concept and world carried this series"

Personally, I'm disappointed that Sabikui Bisco never went completely bizarre like Dorohedoro.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Mar 28, 2022 9:45 AM
Sep 2015
The only barrier that prevent Bisco and Milo from forming a romantic relationship is that they're both men. Because they tick every other boxes required. What's more interesting is that Milo and Pawoo know that, that Pawoo is the one who should be with Bisco, just because same-sex couple is not the acceptable norm in that world (in fact the real-world Japan still doesn't recognize same-sex marriage), but Pawoo let Milo has one last chance to cuddle with Bisco, which is nice, but it's not want I want. I don't want to see a platonic relationship or fraternity between Milo and Bisco. I want to see an uncompromised romantic relationship. If Pawoo can kiss Bisco then Milo can impregnate him.
Mar 28, 2022 9:53 AM

Aug 2020
Last few eps were disappointing.
Overall still enjoyable series(7/10) .Best part of show: Milo x Bisco bromance.
Mar 28, 2022 10:13 AM

Apr 2018
Hmm well yes like most people the last episodes were kinda disappointing compared to how strong it started especially with its original world building, it was still fine overall but it could have been really good with better writing regarding the plot and the characters
Mar 28, 2022 10:32 AM
Feb 2019
could anyone explain how Kurokawa turned into Tetsujin and how Bisco turned into the rust eater God? I did enjoy this series, either an 8 or a 7 for me
Mar 28, 2022 10:36 AM

Jan 2009
it was explained that Bisco become half human and half rust eater since he got drenched in that giant snakes blood in the past that have the rust eater spores and its mix now with his mushroom keeper blood

Bisco is now immortal eh but he wants to get rid of that so the journey of him and Milo is to find a way to remove that immortality curse

Pawoo x Bisco happened and that kiss of them removed the rusts from Pawoo
Milo x Tirol implied too

Pawoo is sexy in her office attire she is now the new governor

now that Rust Eater Bisco can finally make unlimited number of Rust Eaters they can save Japan from the Rust Disease

good enough conclusive ending, if this do not get a sequel im fine with it, but if this did get a sequel im sure the Evil Japanese Government and the rest of the Giant Tetsujins will fight against Bisco and the gang
Mar 28, 2022 10:45 AM
Aug 2012
Enjoyed the first half, but the second half it just got weird and by the last episode I did not know what was going on and am glad it is finished. A show I'm likely going to forget in a few months. 5/10 I score it.
Mar 28, 2022 11:03 AM

Jun 2017
Yeah, this could've honestly been much better had it lived up the potential and not nose dive in that final arc there. But well, this episode at least was decent and I'll take that.

Pawoo obviously stole the show with that kiss. But that cheeky remark of having a taste of the living god's tongue topped it off. Passionate, that's for sure Akaboshi. Didn't think she'd just go and become the new President though. I was certain she'd travel with the duo, or at least I was hoping that lol.

Kurokawa turned out to be a very one-dimensional antagonist but great work to Tsuda Kenjirou-san like the usual. I just can't get enough of that angst in his screams. Tetsujin seemed so overpowered but for it to have been reduced so easily just goes to show how strong Akaboshi got? Welp, not fully convinced if I'm to be frank but okay...

Hilarious how the kid in the end there clearly misunderstood a camera for a weapon. That was a nice addition. And wot, how'd Milo become the patient eater xD?

Despite everything, one thing's for sure and that's the show's got its own style and credits goes to the Studio behind it for crafting that. On the music side of things, there was a lot of hard rock kind of vibes which I'm not opposed to and the medium doesn't really employ this often, so that was nice too.

Solid 6/10 from my side.
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Mar 28, 2022 11:33 AM
Feb 2022
just saying it's great but it needs more spice to get excellent.


did you realised that PAWOO was cured because she kissed 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨💋BISCO .
Mar 28, 2022 11:34 AM
Jul 2018
Animation 9/10
Music 10/10
Characters 6/10
Voice acting 8/10
Story 5/10
Mar 28, 2022 11:42 AM

Jun 2014
Hmm well this got off to a decent start but the last 3 or 4 episodes left a sour taste in my mouth. This show definitely had its own flair and style to it but that wasn't enough to carry the show or make me overlook the problems I had with it down the stretch. It felt different for sure, but different doesn't always equal good. Still, it was ok enough for the most part and was decently entertaining. And at least we got to see Pawoo and Bisco kiss lol.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Mar 28, 2022 11:42 AM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
The first few episodes were an easy 8/10 at least and also easily the best anime of the season, at the time. It had batshit crazy concepts flying left and right, and never took itself too seriously. We got something bold and different, something comparable to the likes of the even more batshit crazy Dorohedoro.

But despite it all, about halfway through, it began feeling kind of bland. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but it was like all the crazy visuals we got on the surface were merely a dazzling coat of paint, hiding an ironically rusty interior. And by rusty I just mean bad, uninteresting, painfully basic. Dorohedoro was insane both inside and out. Sabikui Bisco looked quite insane on the outside, but on the inside nothing was really going on that could be of support to the insanity happening on the outside. And that became even more apparent with these last few episodes. They're just chasing around a massive walking piece of meat. This is just me... but there was nothing compelling about it, perhaps there never was.

Honestly it just feels like a waste of ideas like the battle hippos mounted with .50 calibers. It's not bad, just rather forgettable, as I would have no excitement whatsoever should they announce a season 2. I'll give it a 5 out of 10. Lots of room for improvement. I mean, giant sentient crab. I just hope the guys at this studio OZ which was dedicated to adapting this, had even a little bit of fun making this at least. It's not every day you get to animate a snail-plane.

whiskey tango foxtrot

Mar 28, 2022 12:38 PM

Nov 2011
I just a see a multitude of bad comments about the "last few episode" of Bisco being awful but there's no follow up to any of these comments. Personally everything from the world building portion makes sense.
Sabikui Bisco is a great SCI FI anime that I think people forget that it's Science Fiction and sometimes breaks the mold of whats realistic and what isn't.

I think the show overall was very unique in terms of Storytelling. Definitely had a Cowboy Bebop feel to it at times but mixed with Mad Max as well.

I thought the final episode was really well done. Some animation issues at times but for their first produced show Studio OZ did a tremendous Job.

Things are resolved in the Inihama district but now it's time to save the Rest of Japan. Personally I wouldn't mind another season and see what else is in Store for Man Eating Milo and Rust Eater Bisco.

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Mar 28, 2022 12:56 PM

Jan 2014
Ah, finally it's over. It had a promising start but fell flat on its story and characters.
Also, the animation was noticeably worse.
Well, I shall forget this exists by next week.
4/10 for me.
Mar 28, 2022 1:20 PM

May 2012
i stay clear of gay romance, but this one was just a pain to watch. this was clearly MiloxBisco.

Mar 28, 2022 1:21 PM

Feb 2021
Decent anime I guess, I liked the characters and setting overall, plus seeing their relationship evolve was pretty nice.

Just don't understand why Bisco was brought to life, cause he consumed the Sabikui? Well whatever, I still enjoyed my time with it, maybe I will read the LNs at some point, it did win an award after all.
Mar 28, 2022 1:25 PM

Dec 2020
Honestly, when I started this anime I had a lot of "wtf" moments, but between the interesting atmosphere and some awesome VAs, I stayed. Thank god I did.

I love the relationship between Milo and Bisco a LOT, and not as a romantic love, but as a deep, loving frienship - Why? Because malexmale friendships like this are rare. I'm glad Pawoo went for it and kissed Bisco, and goddamn it, I was hoping it would happen, I want to see more of them! (also Bisco is 17?!).

That said, the touching moments between Milo and Bisco, with the little cuddle, the love and the growth from Milo was the best thing in my opinion. I love seeing these kind of loving frienships because it feels like most of the time loving another person like that is strictly romantic, and that's not always the case.

Anyways, solid 8/10 for me and definitely will rewatch it!
Mar 28, 2022 1:29 PM
Apr 2018
overall really enjoyable and would love a second season if they ever decided to continue!

still wondering how pawoo kissing bisco wasn't even the most romantic scene in the entire episode tho lmaoooo you're insane if you think they had better chemistry than bisco & milo
Mar 28, 2022 2:39 PM

Jul 2020
This was a pretty solid series overall, it wasn’t anything revolutionary but it was a great casual watch. Hopefully we can get a second season!


"Truth is always a cruel thing."

Mar 28, 2022 2:42 PM

Jul 2014
The dumb, fun ride is over.

Very much a "turn your brain off" kind of show, but that's fine and it was more or less an enjoyable experience throughout once it found its groove midway through.

Mar 28, 2022 2:45 PM
Jun 2011
Ending was cap. But I still like the show. Got shot in the heart and came back.
Mar 28, 2022 2:55 PM

Dec 2018
A good finale for this wacky show lol, with Bisco back and also being part mushroom, he’s now shooting complete Rust-Eater mushrooms and uses them to defeat the Tetsujin/Kurokawa, but of course he has one last trick up his sleeve, becoming a walking nuke. With that, Pawoo steals a smooch from Bisco, I love how she said “I just helped myself to the tongue of a living god” lmao, but her mission in removing the mask was successful, revealing Kurokawa’s body, making it possible to defeat him without detonating the Tetsujin, to which Bisco does. The aftermath to the ED was pretty great too, getting to see the rust getting cured from everyone, including Pawoo which was nice to see, and she also becomes Governor, love her new look and glad to see her moving up. Lastly, we end with a final shot of Bisco and Milo after they visit where the show started.

The 2nd half was definitely rushed plot wise, but I still enjoyed the hell out of this show, so many over the top crazy ideas that work well, great OST, fun characters, a lot to love. It may not have been my favorite show this season but it’s definitely one of the gems, really enjoyed the whole ride. I’d definitely check out a season 2 if one was to come about.

And of course best girl was Pawoo lol, Tirol was great but Pawoo stole the show a lot of the time, definitely one of the best waifus this season as well.
Mar 28, 2022 3:35 PM

Sep 2017
I feel like the direction the story went in the final bit was pretty dumb and there were a lot of stupid moments where characters should have died if other characters would do more than stand around like assholes. Plus we had the overdramatic fakeout death with Bisco, but I mean it was a very original world/idea and was pretty fun. I still think it would have been better as a wacky adventure story at least for a first seasons amount of material.
Mar 28, 2022 3:45 PM
Mar 2020
A nice and enjoyable anime. What more do you need? Also the plot armour in this is extravagant.
A low 8/10
Mar 28, 2022 3:58 PM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
I have to admit that this anime was a nice carryover from Attack on Titan and I liked the unique art style in the animation. Would like to see another season of this as I felt that Bisco and Milo's journey was just getting started.

I give it an 8/10.
Mar 28, 2022 3:59 PM

Dec 2018
wow that episode flew by, awesome
the ost is bangin'
some real goofy moments in this show but i loved how crazy it was and the story of two outlaws becoming fast friends to save the world. kind gurren lagann reminiscent except MC survives by some weird mushroom logic. those gate guys were cool. i hope there's a second season, this was a lot of fun.
Mar 28, 2022 4:06 PM
Jun 2017
I loved this show.
Up until the point where Bisco "died", because:

1. Bisco's death was too soon for me to "care", so to speak. I really like his character, I loved the chemistry between him and Milo, but 9 eps was not enough to make me shed a single tear. I was sad, but somehow it seemed forced.
Just to prove my point, I dropped Death Note after L's death and only 5 years later I came back to finish the show. Not saying I needed 25 eps of Bisco x Milo x Pawoo but yeah, I needed a little bit more.

2. On the other hand, not being a famous studio or even a well known light novel (therefore not knowing if there's going to be a S2), I can appreciate all the good things this show had to offer and I understand why it had to be done in a 12 eps span.

Overall, I really did enjoy this adventure. If there's even a second season, I will be here eagerly waiting for it!
8 out of 10 in story.
9 in animation because it's unique.
10 in music and soundtracks. Both the OP and the ED are bangers.

Cya next time!
Zander_SenpaiMar 28, 2022 4:10 PM
Mar 28, 2022 4:15 PM

Sep 2018
It had its moments, and then it had its "other" moments.

Entertaining enough to keep watching, but ultimately forgettable.

Quantum ille canis est in fenestra
Mar 28, 2022 4:25 PM

Feb 2021
The best part of the anime: Milo and Bisco's bromance, what a duo!
Overall, it wasn't anything outstanding, but it was enjoyable and quite unique, 7/10 (more like 7.5)
Mar 28, 2022 4:54 PM
Dec 2021
fantastic anime. I ship Milo and bisco so much.
Mar 28, 2022 5:09 PM

Jan 2021
That duo fight scene was awesome I liked how things ended and this was really good
Mar 28, 2022 5:22 PM
Jan 2021
The ending was nIce.
Not to bad. Interesting characters with an interesting world. Though I think Bisco's death could have been shortened down or done better, overall I like this anime.

Will be interesting if a second season ever releases though it would be hard to create a good antagonist to fill in the shoes of the previous one. Likely would either need a new one or somehow bring back the old one which is unlikely. There seems to be allot of hidden detail that is never really explained and the world is very interesting. It makes me wonder how it all works. Giant elephants, slugs, hippos and gorillas that are all mechanized. Giant crabs. Really nice to see a unique world as so many worlds tend to stick with a predefined metric rather that building their own. Would say it's a mix of fantasy and sifi with some light supernatural at the end.

I definitely like abstract worlds that aren't afraid to push the boundaries of their world.
merlin2vMar 28, 2022 5:39 PM
Mar 28, 2022 5:27 PM
Feb 2021
spacewannabe said:
i see a lot of bisco x pawoo shippers here but that was so disappointing to me? like i don't think i consume a lot of... gay media and i'm definitely not mad about other straight ships out there but this one was just.... eh.... how is milo gonna say he loves bisco and then he just hands him off to his sister like that? idk, light novel readers pls tell me they don't actually get married lmao

other than that, i did enjoy the anime overall even though the ending felt a bit rushed. maybe if they had at least a few more episodes it could have worked out better but it was a good time anyway uwu

Honestly, I kind of saw Milo trying to set his sister up with Bisco as internalized homophobia. Like, he was thinking it made sense for Bisco to be with a woman and he could tell his sister was into him (just like how Pawoo made the comment about how she could just tell Milo wanted to be alone with Bisco at the end). Like, dude dropped a very intense “I love you” but he said it when Bisco couldn’t hear him.

I’m intrigued enough by the season to give the LNs a shot, so we shall see.

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