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May 17, 2022 8:27 AM

Jul 2017
The opening scene of Yuichi counting money, it's like the adage of "Money Can't Buy Love, but it Might Buy Friends".

Yuichi and Tenji are literally stuck in a cave for 72 hours, and Tenji comes clean with the former that this is his 2nd inning into the game, that because of childhood friend Shiho, went awry with his clique of friends. And when it involves money, the Tomodachi Game comes to mind that he once played the same game and lost due to the attraction around Shiho, losing both his friends in a betrayal fashion and his dad's death.

To call bluff at Shiho being the real traitor amongst the 5 friends, Tenji's info comes as invaluable to solving an even bigger picture, but in the end, nothing is 100% certified unless it came from their own mouths. Tenji's plea for Yuichi to destroy Tomodachi Game and put an end to Shiho's family is one that's fueled by personal revenge, other than the innocent Shibe and Yutori being roped in just for their own personal gain.

The 3rd game begins with Yuichi and Tenji's alliance, and this is where the extra cast comes in: competitive friendship hide-and-seek, where the smaller team is at a disadvantage, and money is also on the line. Yuichi and Tenji are on their an unknown girl (Maria Misuze) to help them as the lone player from another group.

Let the game of wits and friendship begin...hide-and-seek!
May 17, 2022 8:28 AM

Jan 2021
Bruh... This show is wild.
Tenji's backstory explains everything. I like Tenji's character now.
The next game is hide-and-seek... I'm done already. the ptsd.
Good episode. Looking forward for destroying the managem- next episode.

Why Maria is so cute? Everyone is sus.
Edit: I'm so dumb. I just noticed she's the same girl from the admin room. The admins even mention it.
YuyuichiMay 18, 2022 7:14 AM
May 17, 2022 8:31 AM

Sep 2021
They start the third game and this time it's hide and seek, Maria Mizune one of those who watch the games goes down as an observer of Yuichi.
This time Yuichi and Tenji being at a disadvantage 2 seekers against 4 could be a big factor and more considering that Maria may not be much help.
And no ED in this chapter.
May 17, 2022 8:32 AM

Feb 2019
Holy shit I didn’t think it would be possible to have me go from hating Tenji to actually empathising with and liking him in one episode?? Obviously we don’t have all the facts available but it does seem like Shiho is up to some shit and is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. If tenji’s story is even 50 percent true, something is up.

Definitely a wild episode, looking forward to seeing how Yuichi deals with the spy management sent to the game next week.
May 17, 2022 8:41 AM

Oct 2021
First Tenji, now Shiho? Everyone is looking sus, this type the type of anime where you couldn't trust anyone. imo Tenji's backstory justifies his actions. Hmmm...he joined forces with yuuichi to crush tomodachi game.
Studio is doing justice to manga by not rushing things and art also improved in this episode, atleast for me.
May 17, 2022 8:55 AM
puer aeternus

Sep 2021
- Are they a girl?
- Huh? Yeah, she's a cute girl.
- In that case, it's okay.

It confirmed Yuuichi to be a simp
May 17, 2022 8:56 AM

Nov 2021
That girl was cute ngl
Curious if she'll betray or not tho
She is from the management but you can never know
May 17, 2022 9:09 AM
Sep 2015
Minus point for death, even if it's happened outside the game
Minus point for including a girl, this could be an all-boy game, and we all know Yuichi is gonna use that girl like a tool she is
But everything else is a plus so far, an all-boy Group K is very interesting, and some of them are hot!
I'm wondering if there's any point to make them wait 72 hours to start the game, other than waiting for other team to finish. Tenji should have use this 72 hours to continue that kiss LOL
May 17, 2022 9:14 AM
May 2021
the art looks better this episode and it wasn't rushed . Really good episode and now one of the best characters in the Manga joined the game !
May 17, 2022 9:22 AM

May 2020
Can't belive they still can talk about this friendship crap even after all those groundbreaking revelations. Whom to trust and whom not to, I wish I had a clue about it.
May 17, 2022 9:34 AM

May 2021
Great episode! They have to survive in a cave for three days with no water and Tenji told his story of how Shiho stole everything from him as well as what his first tomodachi game was like...
It seems Tenji's friends got in debt because they liked Shiho...
As well as his dad dying when he told him everything about the tomodachi game and was about to directly talk to Shiho...
To be honest, I now can understand where Tenji came from with his actions. 10.8 million yen is the total debt for group C meaning someone is lying about their debt
The next third challenge is with sergeant Manabu!
And the third challenge is Friendly hide and seek with other more numerous contestants (numbering 5). If you find the opposing teams hider then you win...
Your seeker can even switch teams but you won't win if they win though the losing team gets rid of their debt.
They are asked if they want to accept another person who won the third game alone and Yuichi says he would, despite the risk of them being an outsider. The girl is called Mizuse Maria.

Looking forward to the next episode!
May 17, 2022 9:39 AM

May 2016
So when do we get to see shino get her ass beat?

Also i don't think anyone can survive 3 fucking days with half a bottle of water lmfao
May 17, 2022 9:46 AM
Mar 2022
great episode third game start 🔥
May 17, 2022 9:47 AM
Apr 2022
Never thought I’d end up *sympathizing* with Tenji. I wanna insult Shiho but knowing this show so far, there’s GOTTA be reason for why she did what she did. It’d be too easy to go with the assumption that it’s all Shiho’s fault.

That purple-haired coach from Yuichi’s group is so proud of him. She’s like “nothing can stop my boy. Not your group’s ‘power of friendship.’ He has elevated beyond such trivial matters.” At least that’s how I’m thinking.

Friendship can’t bring you back to life…

Yuichi knows that brown haired girl* (Maria?) is sus. He knows they’d bring in a spy. Yuichi knows everything 🥲🥲🥲

He makes me so proud

*Everyone they LITERALLY admitted she was a spy. WHY??? are you shipping them??? I mean I can’t judge…but…
NazaSatoruMay 17, 2022 9:52 AM
May 17, 2022 9:49 AM
Apr 2019
1. Yuuichi x Maria the only valid ship

2. The pacing is so fast this eps, in a bad way. In term of plot, nothing really matters, but in term of Yuuichi and Tenji character, I feel like the manga explore their flashback and interaction better in those 3 days before game 3. They cut some stuff as well, not that big but quite important imo. Here if anime only wanna know the cut

3. To anime onlies, now that you get Tenji and Shiho story, I hope y'all learn not to believe everything easily 😂. This has nothing to do with spoiler, just from my experience, I suggest y'all to still suspicious to every one of our 5 main cast, but not easy to judge either. I read the manga with this in mind, and it made the show more fun to follow for me back then.
nabewryMay 17, 2022 9:59 AM
May 17, 2022 9:54 AM

Jun 2021
I didn't expect to join Tenji side in just a half episode. That explains why he was stalking Shiho, his dad death and the 1st Tomodachi game. I just hope if Yuuchi confront Shiho, she will not say that the true traitor is Shibe or Yutori.

I don't understand why group C was imprisoned for 3 days (scratches, fatigue) but group K wasn't. I am sure Yuuichi already know Maria is undercover from the moment he asked if the solo player is a girl.

I can't wait for next week.
May 17, 2022 10:04 AM

Oct 2017
kizumi91 said:
- Are they a girl?
- Huh? Yeah, she's a cute girl.
- In that case, it's okay.

It confirmed Yuuichi to be a simp

After that last episode, he has to clear up the misunderstanding
May 17, 2022 10:05 AM
Apr 2022
YES! YOU AGREE YUICHI KNOWS! I’m not crazy for not shipping them! A hole has been filled. Thank you
May 17, 2022 10:14 AM
Aug 2021
A good Episod. Maybe if they would explain a Little Better the rules It can be more fun. for Who doesnt understand the part when they sayed that you can surrender Is because the hider will have a botton that they can Press.
May 17, 2022 10:15 AM
Mar 2022
SuntProstMare said:
A good Episod. Maybe of they would explain a Little Better the rules It can be more fun. for Who doesnt understand the party when they sayed that you can surrender Is because the hider will have a botton that they can Press.

Don't spoil.....
Good you edited it.
May 17, 2022 10:16 AM
Aug 2021
Kenji_3 said:
SuntProstMare said:
A good Episod. Maybe of they would explain a Little Better the rules It can be more fun. for Who doesnt understand the party when they sayed that you can surrender Is because the hider will have a botton that they can Press.

Don't spoil.....

I cancelled It the part where i spoil. A question: how i can do the SPOILER Button?
May 17, 2022 10:30 AM
Mar 2019
bruuuh , art quality really improved in this ep , also they changed some of the dialogue from the manga , all in all very excited and cant wait for the next ep
May 17, 2022 10:32 AM

Dec 2010
Welp they've already started cutting out and generalizing a lot of stuff. Not that unexpected considering that they need to cover 1.5 times more chapters compared to the first half of the show. If you were considering to start reading manga it's the best time to do it now instead of continuing watching.
Chipp12May 17, 2022 10:50 AM
May 17, 2022 10:39 AM

Aug 2020
surf78987898 said:

I don't understand why group C was imprisoned for 3 days (scratches, fatigue) but group K wasn't

They didn´t explained it right in the Anime and cut out some dialoges.
Both must stay there but if you have more people in game 3 you will get more stuff.
For example group c became the water only because there were two peoples.
The 5 of the other group got 4 things.
If Yuuichi had been alone he would not have got the water.
May 17, 2022 10:56 AM
Oct 2018
I've got a few issues with the rules. They said a solo player can't win, but that's not true, the other side could still surrender.

Additionally, game 2 would nearly always end with a solo loser, so why the hell would game 3 not accommodate solo teams? That just seems like it'd be terribly uninteresting to the viewers of the games.

There's another way to control a group besides friendship and charisma. Fear. You can't commit violence within the game, but nothing says you can't kill em afterwards. If you could convince people in your group that you would be angry to accept the consequences, fear would be the strongest tool.

Not really needed here, but if a group didn't trust each other, why would anyone agree to be the hider? What happens if no one on a team accepts the position of hider?

Why did past tenji agree to play the first tomodachi game? Why was tenji's dad so dumb as to let someone clearly involved with the game know that he knew about the game. Confronting shiho only has one possible ending, and he got it, what an absolute moron. Although it also calls into question exactly how kids could end up so in debt without their parents finding out sometimes. They clearly run a lot of games so it can't be that rare of an occurrence

Why aren't group K more miserable from having to go 3 days with only bottle of water split 5 ways. In fact, thinking about it, rationing the water is a bigger test of friendship than this game is.

I assume we will get more info on the game next episode, but theres a lot of stuff that needs clarifying. Is there a time limit for the game and if so what happens when it runs out? Is there any food or water for the players? They've already been starved for 3 days, if theres no food or water, they won't last long regardless so managing your energy is more important than the rest of the game.

Seems I was right for suspecting shiho. With this shows twists and turns and I'm sure she will end up sympathetic again in the future, like she was forced to do it by her parents or something. Would make a contrast with Yuuichi who was also clearly raised to con people for money but was lucky enough to have someone tell him the "value of friendship".

As for how the game will go, theres only one reason I can think of that Yuuichi would care if the player was a cute girl. Presumably he will have her destroy the other group from the inside after switching, possibly without her even being aware thats his plan. They foreshadowed this with shiho doing the same thing to tenji's old friend group but the author cares more about wild twists than good writing so who knows if they'll actually go that way. Looking from the writers perspective, there needs to be a way for Yuuichi to actually do something or else it would be boring so theres also the possibility of Yuuichi swapping sides if he can convince the girl not to, and then Yuuichi destroys them from the inside.

Oh, they also didn't mention how win the game. Like, do you have to touch the hider, or is just seeing them enough. If you must tag the hider, then you could hide somewhere no one else can reach. Thats an angle to use potentially.

I'm hoping they did talk about this in the cave and just haven't showed us anime watchers yet, but why the hell didn't Yuuichi get as much info about the previous tomodachi game as possible?

I also wish I knew just how big the area is. Really hoping neither side is dumb enough to share the hider's location with the rest of the team. Oh, how is switching handled? Is it announced to the whole team by manabu? Can you switch back?

Alright, so assuming they have food and water, assuming seeing is enough, what would I do in Yuuichi's shoes? I'm guessing my only real play would be to negotiate my and the girls switch. I'm not sure what leverage I'd have though, other than bringing over a cute girl, but the game would end instantly if we both swapped anyway. That'd be about the only way to throw the other team off. If they think the game is about to end with our surrender, perhaps they'll leave a vulnerability open.

Finding the enemy hider first is 1/3 odds. Honestly that's not TOO bad for a gamble. I've got it, the weakness in the game. In order to keep those odds stacked in their favor, the other team HAS to split up. If they were to travel in groups of 2, it'd be very hard to manipulate them, but then it'd be a 50/50 shot they lose. This leaves a lot of room for manipulation. If Yuuichi and the girl don't split up, they can encounter the enemy seekers 2v1 and control the narrative. You need to be able to convince people that someone else on their team has betrayed them. So if it were me, I'd get the girl to stay with me and search for the other teams seekers. I'd talk to each of them until I felt like I found a weak link and pressure him into thinking another member had betrayed them and it was just a matter of time.

Now, instead of what I would do, what would the author do to make the story interesting? Choosing not to split up would be interesting. You could have the game keep going even if both Yuuichi and girl switch sides, if you convinced someone else on their team to also switch. That would be a really interesting play. Get the enemy to let their guard down because both Yuuich and the girl switch so they think the game is over, but really he just revealed crucial information that Yuuichi can use to end the game because he'd already gotten a weak link to swap. Foreshadowing wise, Yuuichi asked if the other player was a cute girl, so that needs to be necessary to the solution. Also they made a point of the other hider saying he would never give up, even if it kills him, so it seems likely that the author would want him surrendering to be the way the game ends.

I doubt it's a possibility, but Yuuichi can effectively threaten girl with murder if he figures out she was an admin watching them. She knows he is a murderer. Doubt they will go that way, but it'd be interesting.

Need more information or to think longer in order to come up with a better strategy.
May 17, 2022 11:14 AM
Mar 2022
Finn086 said:
First Tenji, now Shiho? Everyone is looking sus, this type the type of anime where you couldn't trust anyone. imo Tenji's backstory justifies his actions. Hmmm...he joined forces with yuuichi to crush tomodachi game.
Studio is doing justice to manga by not rushing things and art also improved in this episode, atleast for me.
They're actually rushing too many things tho. They cut off important dialogues between Yuuichi and his "mom" in the flashback, and also cut off scenes and info from Tenji's first Tomodachi Game and his past as a whole. Also I don't remember quite well but i think they should've already explained why they needed to be 3 days with only water right from the start (based on the manga). But at least they'll probably explain everything properly about how the game works next episode, i guess.
May 17, 2022 11:33 AM

Jan 2021
And let the third game begin but honestly I did believe Tenji when he told his story to Yuichi even tho it does contradict everything he said in the second game about him wanting Sawaragi to himself but after seeing how far Tenji went to go to the third round I’ll believe him but not 100%
May 17, 2022 11:36 AM
Mar 2021
It's nice you get to see what happend in Tenji's past. But there is no really like mind tricks so I was a bit disappointed but it was still great I like that they added a new group and showed us some more of Yuichi's past like finally a flashback with out cutting the scene in the middle.
May 17, 2022 12:28 PM
Feb 2021
nabewry said:
1. Yuuichi x Maria the only valid ship

Manga reader here, Yuuichi x Yutori all the way.
May 17, 2022 12:32 PM
Feb 2021
Jamk_ said:
And let the third game begin but honestly I did believe Tenji when he told his story to Yuichi even tho it does contradict everything he said in the second game about him wanting Sawaragi to himself but after seeing how far Tenji went to go to the third round I’ll believe him but not 100%

It doesn't contradict anything. The author was very precise in how he wrote Tenji's lines.

He never refers to liking Shiho (romantically or otherwise) in his internal monologues. It's only his dialogue (which are lies and manipulations) that would lead people to believe that he has feelings for her. In his head, he only talks about "isolating" her and destroying her friendships- goals perfectly aligned with getting revenge.

But because those monologues are paired with his dialogue about loving her, it's easy to assume that his motivations are akin to a yandere, even when that's the furthest thing from the truth. With no reason to suspect that he isn't in love with her, one might not notice, but a rewatch from the premise of "Tenji hates Shiho and wants to destroy her life" shows that Tenji's thoughts are perfectly in line with that motivation, it's his words that are lies.
May 17, 2022 12:51 PM
Mar 2022
MugenNoShirayuki said:
nabewry said:
1. Yuuichi x Maria the only valid ship

Manga reader here, Yuuichi x Yutori all the way.

Uhmm no..........
May 17, 2022 1:03 PM

Jun 2014
Damn so I guess Tenji had legit reasons for entering himself and the rest of the group into another Tomodachi Game. He and Yuichi are outnumbered in this 3rd game, even with this new girl joining them, but I'm sure Yuichi will figure something out to give them an advantage.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

May 17, 2022 1:14 PM
May 2020
these gyal aint worth it
May 17, 2022 2:12 PM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
So this isn't Tenji's first Tomodachi Game and Shiho is at the root of all of it. Tenji's reason for entering Yuuichi and the others in the Tomadachi game is to get back at Shiho for putting him in debt and break her so called relationships. Now Yuuichi and Tenji are playing a friendly game of hide and seek for the third game with a new girl against another group which make things very suspicious.
May 17, 2022 2:26 PM

Feb 2021
Good episode again, I'm really enjoying this series, one of my favorite from the season so far.

I have a feeling it only gets better from here but let's see.
May 17, 2022 3:40 PM

May 2021
Well, I quite liked Tenji's backstory and the revelation that there's more to Shiho. There's a good chance the other two might be evil as well.

May 17, 2022 3:46 PM
Sep 2021
kizumi91 said:
- Are they a girl?
- Huh? Yeah, she's a cute girl.
- In that case, it's okay.

It confirmed Yuuichi to be a simp

Heh heh, Yuichi doesn’t make any unnecessary moves or claims
May 17, 2022 3:51 PM
Feb 2021
friendship ended with shiho. now tenji is my best friend.
May 17, 2022 5:02 PM
Sep 2021
a mocha lá e do mal >:(
May 17, 2022 5:06 PM

Sep 2011
Tenji lies as naturally as he breathes. I look forward to seeing how sociopathic all five MCs turn out to be assuming the anime gets that far.
May 17, 2022 5:43 PM

Feb 2020
So Tenji entering the first Tomodachi Game as a victim to their poor friendship. 20 million yen debt worth of his life has been sealed and even its took his dad too. Once again not even Tenji's dad best friend can save his neck. So, well well well, Shiho, what have you done to Tenji. Now i truly curious what the hell exactly reason why Shiho dare to do that? I wonder if its related to her surgery. But then again, i need to patient with her color. Because the third game has been announced.

Sir Manabu in charge at this game. Hide-and-seek game with super suspicious rule as expected intacted. The opponent looks like having a huge advantage. Never give up hider which highly become the one that being switched, one genius which possibly leads them to pitfall, and 3 more person that stand-by just to reach the hell without knowing anything. Perhaps.

So, really interesting how Yuuichi manage to get out of those game, especially since he basically playing the game alone. Then don't forget about the only girl in the middle of the guys. Will she lend a hand to help or just simply observing the monster around? And what kind of help she lends? Well, why the next week can't be more fast, i am wondering....
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
May 17, 2022 5:48 PM

Jan 2021
The girls are battling their teams like Pokémon dang.

Nice to see Yuiju and Tenjin's backstories.
May 17, 2022 5:50 PM
Jul 2016
Today we learn that women are snakes and tear friendships apart. lmaooooo jk.
May 17, 2022 6:25 PM

Sep 2019
UnknownUser101 said:
Bruh... This show is wild.
Tenji's backstory explains everything. I like Tenji's character now.
The next game is hide-and-seek... I'm done already. the ptsd.
Good episode. Looking forward for destroying the managem- next episode.

Why Maria is so cute? Everyone is sus.

I am thinking the completely same. I am so curious. :"D
May 17, 2022 6:50 PM

Jul 2019
The origin of Men in Glasses

May 17, 2022 9:00 PM
Jun 2020
Nehiro-Azuro said:
The origin of Men in Glasses

Lmao is it even possible to start a business before you're 18?
"Anywhere Can Be A Paradise As Long As You Have The Will To Live." — Yui Ikari
"Mankind's Greatest Fear Is Mankind Itself." — Gendo Ikari
May 17, 2022 9:08 PM
Jun 2020
The pace of the last episode picked up quite a bit. I have a feeling it just went slow for the second game so that they could introduce us to how the rest of the games are going to work from this point forwards. I already started reading ahead, and man does it get way better from here. Since this game is more action oriented, I'm positively sure that this game will get finished by the end of episode 9, or less likely by episode 8 if they really rush it. I still worry for the pacing for the rest of the arcs, since the opening suggests that we'll keep going to at least chapter 35 of the manga for a good stopping point, and the arc after this one is pretty long, so I have no clue how they're going to fit it all in. Perhaps the the Second Game was a little too dragged out, or maybe it'll all just fall into place, who knows? I guess we'll just have to keep watching to find out.
"Anywhere Can Be A Paradise As Long As You Have The Will To Live." — Yui Ikari
"Mankind's Greatest Fear Is Mankind Itself." — Gendo Ikari
May 17, 2022 9:45 PM

Dec 2010
AssClapper69 said:
The pace of the last episode picked up quite a bit. I have a feeling it just went slow for the second game so that they could introduce us to how the rest of the games are going to work from this point forwards. I already started reading ahead, and man does it get way better from here. Since this game is more action oriented, I'm positively sure that this game will get finished by the end of episode 9, or less likely by episode 8 if they really rush it. I still worry for the pacing for the rest of the arcs, since the opening suggests that we'll keep going to at least chapter 35 of the manga for a good stopping point, and the arc after this one is pretty long, so I have no clue how they're going to fit it all in. Perhaps the the Second Game was a little too dragged out, or maybe it'll all just fall into place, who knows? I guess we'll just have to keep watching to find out.

Honestly I have no idea what's going on through director's head. What was the point of stretching episodes 3-4 (where each adapted just 1 chapter) just to start cutting corners in the episodes where explanations are actually important? It's also only a second full TV series by that studio so I don't really have many hopes for this adaptation.
May 17, 2022 9:50 PM
Apr 2019
SuntProstMare said:
Kenji_3 said:

Don't spoil.....

I cancelled It the part where i spoil. A question: how i can do the SPOILER Button?

[spoiler*]your text[/spoiler*]

delete the *
May 17, 2022 9:59 PM
Jun 2013
The art quality jumped a LOT in this episode, it made the entire experience even more enjoyable than usual and that new blond girl, what a pair she has huh? she's hot.
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