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Mar 13, 9:21 AM

Nov 2011
The old man is back! About time not that I doubt he wouldn't make it.

Seems like they calmed down a bit with the chaos at Kyoto but Ten Swords are still an imminent threat. Kenshin of all people won't be forgetting anything he experienced so far in this arc.
Mar 13, 9:26 AM

Nov 2007
tsubasaloverMar 13, 10:12 AM
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Mar 13, 12:15 PM

Jun 2015
Its great that they managed to stop the great fire. Thanks to the sacrifices of the police and the hard work of the civilians and the firefighters. Megumi's trio of helpers sure were amusing. Considering the scale of the assault the loss of 41 men while tragic could be considered light losses. Misao's tantrum was adorable. If anything Anji could be seen to be something of a moderate within the ten swords. Nice to see Okina regain conciouness. Curious about that dual challenge though.
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Mar 13, 12:37 PM

Aug 2020

i was afraid with the remake but we can feel the emotions etc
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Mar 13, 1:00 PM

Mar 2014
I watched the original anime ages ago and don't remember most of the details from the story, but the ones who are more familiar with it, is the one episode left of the season enough to close the arc properly or are we assuming there will be a third season announced at the end?
Mar 13, 1:15 PM

Aug 2022
I love that quote from the old dude at the end "Old soldiers never die they simply fade away"

Generally this arc has been very disappointing Shishio hard carried this season for me so if a third season isnt announced I will be left extremely dissapointed
Mar 13, 1:16 PM
Jul 2024
Reply to justtvalerie
I watched the original anime ages ago and don't remember most of the details from the story, but the ones who are more familiar with it, is the one episode left of the season enough to close the arc properly or are we assuming there will be a third season announced at the end?

the 1 epsiode left will most likelly be about everyone getting ready for the final battle against Shishio an his Juppongatana squad
in the OG anime, some fights took between 2 to 3 episodes each but some scenes dragged, id say if theres a new season announced, it should take between 10 to 12 episodes to finish whats left of the arc
Mar 13, 1:21 PM

Mar 2014
Reply to silversain2

the 1 epsiode left will most likelly be about everyone getting ready for the final battle against Shishio an his Juppongatana squad
in the OG anime, some fights took between 2 to 3 episodes each but some scenes dragged, id say if theres a new season announced, it should take between 10 to 12 episodes to finish whats left of the arc

Thanks, I was thinking it was something like that. There are obviously a bunch of fights that still have to take place that they can't do in a single episode. Fingers crossed for a new season then.
Mar 13, 1:29 PM

Nov 2020
Great moments with Misao and the Ken-group finally reunited, I gonna miss the Kenshin thursdays.

Best anime of the year to me.

One episode left and I hope the 22 they will announce the new season.
Mar 13, 1:31 PM
Jul 2024
Reply to justtvalerie

Thanks, I was thinking it was something like that. There are obviously a bunch of fights that still have to take place that they can't do in a single episode. Fingers crossed for a new season then.
@justtvalerie the thing is, if a new season is announced an its a 20 plus episode season, we should get the Jinchu arc which was never animated an was for a long time the final arc of this franchise, at least before the author deciced to returnsome years ago with a sequel that hasnt been well received, not to mention that the author got involved in crimes apparently
Mar 13, 1:39 PM

Dec 2018
Strange to have a buildup episode this late, this is going to require another season.
Mar 13, 1:40 PM

Mar 2014
Reply to silversain2
@justtvalerie the thing is, if a new season is announced an its a 20 plus episode season, we should get the Jinchu arc which was never animated an was for a long time the final arc of this franchise, at least before the author deciced to returnsome years ago with a sequel that hasnt been well received, not to mention that the author got involved in crimes apparently
@silversain2 yeah, gross crimes too, it's the reason why so many people chose not to watch this remake, which is understandable. I'm actually surprised it got made at all. It would be great if they could adapt the entire original story of the manga, though. But at least finishing the Kyoto arc would be acceptable for me. I'd hate to see such a great arc left unfinished.
Mar 13, 2:01 PM

Nov 2020
Hokkaido continuation manga is one of the best selled mangas in Japan.

I want to get Jinchuu new year but something says to me that new season will have 23 episodes too with Master of Flame and more new moments, perhaps 22 they say number of episodes.
Mar 13, 2:04 PM

Feb 2012
Kyōto was able to put out the fires and Megumi has been worked to exhaustion at the clinic; the result was fewer civilian casualties than anticipated. Still. 41 policemen lost their lives to the Juppongatana.

Cho chilling on the roof lol

Kenshin is happy to see Kaoru at Aoiya since they only had a brief reunion at Seijuro's hut. With Yahiko Sanosuke, and Megumi, too, the gang is all back together. Now Sanosuke knows Anji saved, Kaoru, Yahiko and Misao last night, he rethinks what Anji means by salvation. Kenshin is grateful for the amount of work Megumi put in as a doctor.

Okita's recovered and he makes Misao face the reality of being the okashira; what it means to defeat her enemies especially when they are a former ally; but Kenshin is hopeful there is still some humanity in Aoshi; he will not break is vow, it brings Misao to tears.

We're those separate duel challenges? I'm guessing next is Saitō Vs Usui and Sanosuke Vs Anji.

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
Mar 13, 3:03 PM

Nov 2011
Kenshin considerate as always. And diplomatic. Proposing other solution is much better idea than simply refusing the request.
Mar 13, 3:56 PM

Feb 2019
Beautiful fucking episode and perfect way to start winding down the season. Couldn’t have asked for a better outcome. Arata is gonna be ok, albeit probably will need a cane, relatively few casualties, Kyoto is fine and Okina is alive!

I’m still like fuck Aoiya, BUT I hate to admit that Kenshin is right here. If Aoiya truly were completely gone, he would’ve killed Okina. I think he did just enough to incapacitate him so he could have that showdown with Kenshin as he knew Kenshin would be coming to town. Idk, still just feels like he’s a spoiled brat and it was no guarantee everything would’ve worked out the way it did with no one dying or any serious damage to the city and that would’ve been on his hands for hampering the response.

Seeing Misao finally go back to being the girl we all have come to know and love was sweet. She deserved to let those tears out and hopefully Kenshin can give she and Aoiya that happy reunion like he had with Kaoru today. Speaking of which, poor Megumi ain’t have her hair ready at all to see her crush 😂

Can’t wait to see how things wrap up next week
Marinate1016Mar 13, 4:54 PM
Mar 13, 6:20 PM

Jul 2017
It's definitely a relief that Misao's grandfather Okina is well and alive, if not for Aoshi just mercilessly killing him out of spite, but still being regarded by Kenshin as his humanity is not lost yet and to the point that it warrants killing the former leader of the Oniwaban Group. That would just bring a shock to Misao, though thankfully Kenshin assured that Aoshi would be brought home as his own sane self, which brings tears of relief to Misao. Thank God for that.

The momentary reunion with Kaoru and Megumi were also great, espeically for the former since it's been the whole season that they're apart facing the curses of Shishio's clan, only to have the Great Kyoto Fire be consumed by fire, killing lives, but also saving as much of the city as possible thanks to Saito and the Kyoto police, plus the Oniwaban Group's involvement in toppling the unsalvageable houses down, thus minimizing damage. Still, with him, Kenshin and Sanosuke back, plus the revelation of the latter's master Anji as part of the Ten Swords, though saving Misao, Kaoru and Yahiko out of Usui's harm, he's gonna have a serious wrecking ball coming.

The duel challenge sent to Saito, which is passed onto Sanosuke, revenge is coming way soon...towards the next season whenever it comes.

Also, cuss Marinate with the one liner replies (before edit). Don't think you can cover your tracks and not be noticed.
Mar 13, 6:36 PM
Jul 2024
A temporary quiet at best. I'm sure the 10 swords are not giving up, just because Plan A failed.
Mar 13, 7:10 PM

Dec 2018
KANLen09 said:
Also, cuss Marinate with the one liner replies (before edit). Don't think you can cover your tracks and not be noticed.
Yeah I’ve seen him do that often if I happen to be early enough to see the placeholder post, it’s definitely a dirty tactic to get high up on threads (although in this case he’s not near the top) but I don’t know if there’s a rule that says you can’t do that lol, I choose to ignore it usually because I don’t like making enemies on this site.
Mar 13, 7:22 PM

Dec 2018
The first time we’ve truly slowed down since the Kyoto Fire arc began, it felt good to see the success of the good guys after such a devious plot from Shishio, it’s a damn shame so many officers died but what they accomplished was very great, respect to Saito for recognizing that. I also really loved Kenshin’s reunions with both Kaoru and Megumi, both were incredibly sweet, although Megumi’s I think was the better of the two, she was nonstop busy the entire night and even the morning after, so her melting at the sight of Kenshin really felt like she was rewarded for all of her work.

And good ol’ Okina pulled through after all, nice to see the old fella still kicking, and speaking of old fellas, the old cop survived as well, really nice to see. But with Okina’s awakening came a big ask for Kenshin, being to not simply defeat Aoshi, but kill him, I can see where Okina is coming from but thankfully for both Aoshi and Misao, Kenshin still sees the human in the man, and I get why he does, Aoshi probably could have ended Okina if he wanted to, so the fact he’s still living and breathing now could be proof of the good in Aoshi. That being said, Aoshi still roughed Okina up terribly bad to near-death, and his actions in assisting Shishio could have done a lot of damage, so even if I agree with Kenshin, I still don’t think Aoshi deserves forgiveness completely. But mainly for Misao’s sake, I’m glad the lad won’t die by Kenshin’s blade, that cry was a heartwarming one.

And there’s just one episode left, man it’s gonna hurt saying goodbye to Rurouni Kenshin for a second time, but hopefully they pull through and give us a continuation, with this pacing surely they gotta right?
Mar 13, 7:30 PM

Jan 2020
Reply to TheColonel76
The first time we’ve truly slowed down since the Kyoto Fire arc began, it felt good to see the success of the good guys after such a devious plot from Shishio, it’s a damn shame so many officers died but what they accomplished was very great, respect to Saito for recognizing that. I also really loved Kenshin’s reunions with both Kaoru and Megumi, both were incredibly sweet, although Megumi’s I think was the better of the two, she was nonstop busy the entire night and even the morning after, so her melting at the sight of Kenshin really felt like she was rewarded for all of her work.

And good ol’ Okina pulled through after all, nice to see the old fella still kicking, and speaking of old fellas, the old cop survived as well, really nice to see. But with Okina’s awakening came a big ask for Kenshin, being to not simply defeat Aoshi, but kill him, I can see where Okina is coming from but thankfully for both Aoshi and Misao, Kenshin still sees the human in the man, and I get why he does, Aoshi probably could have ended Okina if he wanted to, so the fact he’s still living and breathing now could be proof of the good in Aoshi. That being said, Aoshi still roughed Okina up terribly bad to near-death, and his actions in assisting Shishio could have done a lot of damage, so even if I agree with Kenshin, I still don’t think Aoshi deserves forgiveness completely. But mainly for Misao’s sake, I’m glad the lad won’t die by Kenshin’s blade, that cry was a heartwarming one.

And there’s just one episode left, man it’s gonna hurt saying goodbye to Rurouni Kenshin for a second time, but hopefully they pull through and give us a continuation, with this pacing surely they gotta right?
@TheColonel76 No they finna end Kyoto Arc next episode with even faster pacing than the OVA version.
Mar 13, 7:32 PM

Dec 2018
Reply to KatoWorks
@TheColonel76 No they finna end Kyoto Arc next episode with even faster pacing than the OVA version.
@KatoWorks Damn, guess I gotta get ready to strap in for that jet propelled pacing lol
Mar 13, 8:02 PM

Jul 2021
Obviuosly 47 chapters were not enough to cover all the story... I didn't watch the original anime so I'm wondering, what will happen after next chapter? are we getting a movie? another season?
Mar 13, 10:54 PM
Jul 2023
Reply to Ecarteo
Obviuosly 47 chapters were not enough to cover all the story... I didn't watch the original anime so I'm wondering, what will happen after next chapter? are we getting a movie? another season?
@Ecarteo Another season
Mar 14, 12:32 AM

Feb 2016
I've always loved Misao but I dislike how she never got over Aoshi even after everything he has done, the dumbas left the clan, talked shit to her, almost killed okina, "joined" Shishio, and is trying to kill Kenshin, yet she is still in love with him, that's so forced lol
StallionXDMar 14, 6:11 AM
Sorry if my english is bad (っ˘▽˘)っ~~~
Btw, cry about it.

Mar 14, 1:11 AM

Jan 2017
-Hyunckel- said:
I hope the 22 they will announce the new season.

They are doing an event at AnimeJapan right after the last episode airs. Chances of the announcement of the next Season is extremely high.
"Genius lives only one storey above madness."
– Arthur Schopenhauer.

"Stupidity is a talent for misconception."
– Edgar Allan Poe.

"I'm tired... and hungry."
– Alexioos95.
Mar 14, 5:29 AM

Jul 2016
Reply to StallionXD
I've always loved Misao but I dislike how she never got over Aoshi even after everything he has done, the dumbas left the clan, talked shit to her, almost killed okina, "joined" Shishio, and is trying to kill Kenshin, yet she is still in love with him, that's so forced lol

I agree. If I murdered my wifes grandfather in front of her I doubt I am standing here today.
Mar 14, 8:02 AM

Oct 2016
Meh first part, decent second part.
Mar 14, 2:12 PM

Apr 2012
How does Yahiko know about Egyptian mummies when the opening of Tutankhamun's tomb, which introduced mummies into global pop culture, will happen in at least 20-40 years?
Mar 15, 2:12 AM

Jul 2008
And everyone survives....cliche but it is what it is.
Mar 15, 10:07 AM
Feb 2025
Misao-chan was really nice- loved the scene when she cried .. 🥹
Mar 15, 10:08 AM
Feb 2025
RobertBobert said:
How does Yahiko know about Egyptian mummies when the opening of Tutankhamun's tomb, which introduced mummies into global pop culture, will happen in at least 20-40 years?

Really …. lol 😂
Mar 15, 2:21 PM

Jan 2020
Reply to StallionXD
I've always loved Misao but I dislike how she never got over Aoshi even after everything he has done, the dumbas left the clan, talked shit to her, almost killed okina, "joined" Shishio, and is trying to kill Kenshin, yet she is still in love with him, that's so forced lol
@StallionXD I mean she grew up with him, age-gap thing aside it's hard to just throw away all those years of sentiment and it's especially confusing and frustrating for her to comprehend the spree of events in such a short amount of time, especially at her age where they'll succumb to overthinking.
Mar 15, 3:56 PM

Apr 2012
Reply to Raneem-chan
RobertBobert said:
How does Yahiko know about Egyptian mummies when the opening of Tutankhamun's tomb, which introduced mummies into global pop culture, will happen in at least 20-40 years?

Really …. lol 😂
@Raneem-chan Yahiko's incredible encyclopedic knowledge of Egyptology is probably left somewhere behind the scenes, lmao.
Mar 15, 8:23 PM

Jul 2016
Not gonna lie, that one Shishio follower actually dying kinda moved me a little. Guess his partner will now live with the guilt of having accidentally killed him for the rest of his life.

Solid episode covering the aftermath of the "great" Kyoto fire. The gang is finally reunited but will have to part ways again soon, so I gotta appreciate all the interactions they had this episode. And in that regard, I particularly loved the anime-original scene between Megumi and Kenshin. That was such a sweet exchange~

RobertBobert said:
How does Yahiko know about Egyptian mummies when the opening of Tutankhamun's tomb, which introduced mummies into global pop culture, will happen in at least 20-40 years?

Yahiko's time traveler subplot is gonna go hard next season.
Mar 16, 5:49 AM

Apr 2018
Fortunately the old man woke up... but yeah Kenshin will not kill Aoshi of course, so it's time for Kenshin to save him.
Mar 16, 7:00 AM

Feb 2020
Well too bad with the fatty bandit, he doesn't make it in the end!

Meanwhile everything looks fine with 41 policemen died. Now gonna take the duel challenge a great consideration and hopefully its not coming that far, i wish it by one year gap only.

So yeah the tears title is just a gimmick. I don't really care about Aoshi and Misao drama. Let's just focus on why Hoji so determine to plan the perfect duel challenge held by Shishio clan.

Gonna give the same score of this with previously....
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Mar 17, 8:02 PM
Mar 2015
On to the last battle of the war
Mar 20, 5:57 AM

May 2020
If it wasn't for so much Aoshi towards the latter part of the episode, this was a nice follow up to most of these orginal events.

They'd announce a sequel after the next one.. I think and I hope.
Mar 20, 1:42 PM

Apr 2016
Misao face! Cool!!!
Everything is ready for the final duel!!!

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