Mar 17, 10:23 AM
A few months ago I did the same question but for drop offs so I thought that it could be interesting to ask the same but for improvements. My personal answer would be either Re:Zero or Solo Leveling. I don't like Re:Zero season 1 that much except for ep 15 and a couple moments of the last 3 or 4 eps of the season. Solo Leveling was fine the 1st season, but the second is insane. But season 2 is insanely good (especially the first half). Another anime for me would be Haikyuu from season 2 to season 3. Also, The Quintessential Quintuplets from season 1 to season 2 and Demon Slayer from season 1 to season 2. |
"Those words are meant for those that dare defy god's final warning... An epigraph of their stubbornness" - Maho Hiyajo (Steins;Gate 0) |
Mar 17, 10:24 AM
For me, it's probably Kiratto Pri☆Chan Season 2. Much better plot, characters, and soundtrack. Also, the last season of Symphogear is the best imo. Season 2-3 were pretty underwhelming, so the last one more or less saved the whole franchise, kinda. And I guess I could also mention Digimon Tamers/Frontier/Savers. I know they are standalone seasons, but anyway. I just like them more than Adventure, especially 02. The first season is obviously good. |
SerafosMar 18, 2:17 AM
Mar 17, 10:49 AM
Mar 17, 11:14 AM
World Trigger first and foremost and then Kingdom, but only because of drastically improved production value. Their first seasons would have been just as good if they weren't so poorly animated. I've never seen a sequel that improved so much purely in terms of writing to make me want to rate it more than one point higher than the first season. I forgot I rated AoT s4p1 two points higher because "EMA became terrorists" arc was kinda fun, definitely less boring than the other seasons. |
NirinboMar 17, 2:00 PM
Mar 17, 11:20 AM
As all agree, Promised Neverland's second season was a vast improvement over the first one |
Mar 17, 12:05 PM
Since we're counting different entries in a franchise, I was astonished how much better Love Live Superstar's story was compared to what came before it. Even if its later seasons dropped off compared to the first, the most telling thing is that they re-did OG Love Live's infamous study abroad plot, but with a much more satisfying ending (eventually). |
♪Strong from the inside, you're still my lifeline! I feel you wherever you are!♪ |
Mar 17, 12:32 PM
Classroom of the Elite S1 to S2 Konosuba S2 to S3 Arifureta S1 to S2 (not much but it's not cancer animation atleast) Re:Zero, SL, Quints are other good examples I agree. |
Mar 17, 1:03 PM
Yama no Susume second season feels like a big improvement to the first one. The first one duration is way to short to actually deliver a story and feel more like a introduction to the cast. Second season onwards is where the series truly shines. |
YN_ONMar 17, 1:09 PM
Mar 17, 1:06 PM
Nah, I dont agree with Rezero. It actually feels the other way around imo, it seems like it has gone from more to less, at least based on what I've seen in the anime. Apparently, there are better arcs in the future. i do agree with world trigger since the animation gets really good compared to s1. I think danmachi has improved quite a lot since s1. |
Mar 17, 1:18 PM
Everything about Birdy the Mighty Decode 02 was a step up from the first. |
Mar 17, 1:29 PM
Kingdom probably. It started off rougher but now it gets better each season. And personally Clannad. Clannad was ok,nothing special. But Clannad:After story is probably one of the best anime I have seen. |
Mar 17, 1:38 PM
The jump from db to dbz is pretty significant. |
Mar 17, 1:43 PM
3-Gatsu no Lion. The first season was good, but the second season was magnificent. |
Mar 17, 1:45 PM
The One I Can Think About Is My Hero Academia Season 6 Being a Better Improvement On Season 5, Season 6 Is More Better Paced, No Filler, Not a Rushed Adaptation of a Arc & A Perfect Adaptation Of The Dark Hero Arc. |
Todoroki/Light Yagami/Reiner/Aki’s Biggest Glazer |
Mar 17, 1:49 PM
So like first to mind would be Afterstory being better than season 1 Now Im a strong fan and defender of season 1 and I hate like the first 6 or 8 episodes of Afterstory that has 2 arcs focused on Sunohara but like everything after that so peak and elevates the material of things season 1 set up so well After that Id say II and T much better than I and S S is of course very good but its bogged down by filler after the good arc which a drag to watch with few good moments which T doesn't suffer from and actually just adapting one great arc and one good arc with interesting philosophic ideas. II Id just say is better due to the character progression from season one along with having much better funner arcs than season one had Final series to mind is Hayate the Combat Butler season 1 and 2 One could argue of course season 2 just better because not 60% or 70% filler that doesn't follow the manga but what truly makes season 2 better is because its adapts best girl's arc perfectly |
Mar 17, 1:51 PM
Reply to tchitchouan
The jump from db to dbz is pretty significant.
@tchitchouan but like DB much better than Z since more sex jokes and better martial arts fights |
Mar 17, 2:20 PM
i'll be honest, i feel like this basically never happens and i disagree with most examples people have already called out in the thread. anime quality usually dwindles, rather than increase and if i like something, having it retain consistency is the best i can realistically hope for, in a sea of diminishing production values, wackier and more convoluted storylines and frustrating character arcs. don't get me wrong, there are a lot of shows where i like the sequels more, but usually only by a small margin and thanks to reaching the payoff after the buildup or immersion of earlier seasons. for example, season 3 part 2 of attack on titan is one of the best seasons of anime that i have ever seen, but that is thanks to the work of previous seasons, which i liked quite a bit as well. another example can be later parts of jojo, but that has a lot to do with getting familiar with the vibe and style of the series and i liked earlier parts as well (though i guess something like part 4 is substantially better than part 1, but the first season is mostly part 2 which is also great and so on). i actually went through my entire list and basically found nothing other than shows where i increased my rating for the series by one so the biggest improvement for me would be something like what i mentioned above. |
Mar 17, 2:50 PM
Hibike goes from shitty yuribait for retards in season 1 to an actual well balanced anime and the best character focuse arc near the end for the best character (Asuka) Season 1 is unbearable to rewatch but I can nonstop watch the final season 2 arc. Comparing the animation. season 1 wastes all the talent and goes overboard for no reason causing jarring cuts and FORCED animation for yuribait scenes. Season 2 is more well balanced and applies the animation talent evenly with a much higher overall quality that once again makes season 1 impossible to rewatch. Reina goes from a wall to a real character. Taki sensei is also a real character now and a good one at that. And so on. |
This post has been fact checked by peer reviewed sources! |
Mar 17, 2:51 PM
Mar 17, 2:57 PM
Yes, Season 2 of The Quintessential Quintuplets is so much better than the 1st. Not sure why I stuck with it through the first Season, but since I could binge the show I did. Never have regretted it. Only regretted skimming ahead in the Manga & spoiling myself as to the Series ending. ( Me & 1/3 of the Fandom.) |
Mar 17, 3:39 PM
Reply to Zarutaku
From SAO S2 to SAO S3 is one of the biggest improvements I know.
@Zarutaku A friend of mine says that Alicization is pretty good. I have actually only watched SAO Abridged XD. |
"Those words are meant for those that dare defy god's final warning... An epigraph of their stubbornness" - Maho Hiyajo (Steins;Gate 0) |
Mar 17, 3:42 PM
Reply to Nirinbo
World Trigger first and foremost and then Kingdom, but only because of drastically improved production value. Their first seasons would have been just as good if they weren't so poorly animated.
I've never seen a sequel that improved so much purely in terms of writing to make me want to rate it more than one point higher than the first season. I forgot I rated AoT s4p1 two points higher because "EMA became terrorists" arc was kinda fun, definitely less boring than the other seasons.
I've never seen a sequel that improved so much purely in terms of writing to make me want to rate it more than one point higher than the first season. I forgot I rated AoT s4p1 two points higher because "EMA became terrorists" arc was kinda fun, definitely less boring than the other seasons.
@Nirinbo Yeah, the Kingdom manga is contantly incredible and much better than the first couple of seasons, but from what I've heard from the 3rd season onwards it actually is a pretty decent adaptation. |
"Those words are meant for those that dare defy god's final warning... An epigraph of their stubbornness" - Maho Hiyajo (Steins;Gate 0) |
Mar 17, 3:44 PM
Reply to JoeChip
As all agree, Promised Neverland's second season was a vast improvement over the first one
@JoeChip Naturally, no other answer ever came to my mind. |
"Those words are meant for those that dare defy god's final warning... An epigraph of their stubbornness" - Maho Hiyajo (Steins;Gate 0) |
Mar 17, 3:50 PM
Reply to Warlord53104
Kingdom probably. It started off rougher but now it gets better each season.
And personally Clannad. Clannad was ok,nothing special. But Clannad:After story is probably one of the best anime I have seen.
And personally Clannad. Clannad was ok,nothing special. But Clannad:After story is probably one of the best anime I have seen.
@Warlord53104 That is quite simply a problem with the production of the anime (both in terms of the animation and pacing). The Kingdom manga never had any big jumps in quality, it just stays incredibly good all throughout. I've heard that you basically have to "get through" Clannad to be able to experience Clannad:After Story. Its not like people say that Clannad is bad, but that it is much worse than After Story. |
"Those words are meant for those that dare defy god's final warning... An epigraph of their stubbornness" - Maho Hiyajo (Steins;Gate 0) |
Mar 17, 3:56 PM
Reply to tchitchouan
The jump from db to dbz is pretty significant.
@tchitchouan that's debatable. it's different for sure, but I wouldn't call it an improvement. I personally much prefer the slightly more grounded fights towards the end of Dragon Ball than the "my power level is higher than yours therefore I win" fights in DBZ. the Freeza saga had some cool moments, and the Cell saga has the best character writing of the entire series, but the constant ass-pull power-ups just drain all the tension out of the action. |
krautnelsonMar 17, 4:02 PM
Mar 17, 3:57 PM
The second season of Re:Zero is perhaps the worse decline in quality in the history of first to second season in anime. Solo Leveling by definition is not anime as it's Korean. What a fail of a topic. |
Taiga best girl forever. |
Mar 17, 3:59 PM
not sure if it counts, but the Haruhi movie is significantly better than all of S1+2. and I loved S1+2, including Endless Eight. |
Mar 17, 4:14 PM
Reply to betaweeb
i'll be honest, i feel like this basically never happens and i disagree with most examples people have already called out in the thread. anime quality usually dwindles, rather than increase and if i like something, having it retain consistency is the best i can realistically hope for, in a sea of diminishing production values, wackier and more convoluted storylines and frustrating character arcs.
don't get me wrong, there are a lot of shows where i like the sequels more, but usually only by a small margin and thanks to reaching the payoff after the buildup or immersion of earlier seasons.
for example, season 3 part 2 of attack on titan is one of the best seasons of anime that i have ever seen, but that is thanks to the work of previous seasons, which i liked quite a bit as well.
another example can be later parts of jojo, but that has a lot to do with getting familiar with the vibe and style of the series and i liked earlier parts as well (though i guess something like part 4 is substantially better than part 1, but the first season is mostly part 2 which is also great and so on).
i actually went through my entire list and basically found nothing other than shows where i increased my rating for the series by one so the biggest improvement for me would be something like what i mentioned above.
don't get me wrong, there are a lot of shows where i like the sequels more, but usually only by a small margin and thanks to reaching the payoff after the buildup or immersion of earlier seasons.
for example, season 3 part 2 of attack on titan is one of the best seasons of anime that i have ever seen, but that is thanks to the work of previous seasons, which i liked quite a bit as well.
another example can be later parts of jojo, but that has a lot to do with getting familiar with the vibe and style of the series and i liked earlier parts as well (though i guess something like part 4 is substantially better than part 1, but the first season is mostly part 2 which is also great and so on).
i actually went through my entire list and basically found nothing other than shows where i increased my rating for the series by one so the biggest improvement for me would be something like what i mentioned above.
@betaweeb I do understand your point, but I don't think that is true always. Every show has to do set up for later payoffs, not every show starts slow or boring. Kingdom is never boring or slow, yet the payoffs are basically as high as any AOT season (I'm not saying that Kingdom is better than AOT, I'm just saying that using the setup explanation for boring first seasons is not a completely valid excuse in my eyes and it depends on whether you actuallly think that the payoffs outweigh the setup itself). The most egregious case of this in my opinion is Hunter x Hunter. Yes, HxH has some of the greatest payoffs any anime has ever had, but imo like 60-70% of the show (probably 90-100) is either bad, boring or underwhelming (and a lot of the animes really badly paced). The only constantly good arcs in the entire anime are Yorknew and the 5 episode arc about Killua's family. Every other arc is either ass or deepy inconsistent. There is a 15 episodes run in the Chimera Ant arc where you have 3 10/10 insane episodes, 2 good ones and like 10 incredibly bad episodes. At some point you have to take accountable the show for having really bad setups or first seasons. Of course there are exceptions, but I personally think that sometimes there are undoubtedly differences between arcs or seasons of the same show. |
"Those words are meant for those that dare defy god's final warning... An epigraph of their stubbornness" - Maho Hiyajo (Steins;Gate 0) |
Mar 17, 4:16 PM
Reply to Sheol01
Yes, Season 2 of The Quintessential Quintuplets is so much better than the 1st. Not sure why I stuck with it through the first Season, but since I could binge the show I did. Never have regretted it. Only regretted skimming ahead in the Manga & spoiling myself as to the Series ending. ( Me & 1/3 of the Fandom.)
@Sheol01 I am also spoiled of who he ends up with and that is kind of the reason that I haven't watched the movie. But I surely have to watch it someday. |
"Those words are meant for those that dare defy god's final warning... An epigraph of their stubbornness" - Maho Hiyajo (Steins;Gate 0) |
Mar 17, 4:18 PM
Reply to krautnelson
not sure if it counts, but the Haruhi movie is significantly better than all of S1+2.
and I loved S1+2, including Endless Eight.
and I loved S1+2, including Endless Eight.
@krautnelson I think that counts because a movie is basically just a short season (kind of XD). |
"Those words are meant for those that dare defy god's final warning... An epigraph of their stubbornness" - Maho Hiyajo (Steins;Gate 0) |
Mar 17, 5:42 PM
Birdie wing season 1 to season 2. It was rushed, but the NTR arc is way better than the orphanage arc. |
Cucumber ice cream is the best! |
Mar 17, 6:09 PM
Reply to DarkFirefly72
@betaweeb I do understand your point, but I don't think that is true always. Every show has to do set up for later payoffs, not every show starts slow or boring. Kingdom is never boring or slow, yet the payoffs are basically as high as any AOT season (I'm not saying that Kingdom is better than AOT, I'm just saying that using the setup explanation for boring first seasons is not a completely valid excuse in my eyes and it depends on whether you actuallly think that the payoffs outweigh the setup itself). The most egregious case of this in my opinion is Hunter x Hunter. Yes, HxH has some of the greatest payoffs any anime has ever had, but imo like 60-70% of the show (probably 90-100) is either bad, boring or underwhelming (and a lot of the animes really badly paced). The only constantly good arcs in the entire anime are Yorknew and the 5 episode arc about Killua's family. Every other arc is either ass or deepy inconsistent. There is a 15 episodes run in the Chimera Ant arc where you have 3 10/10 insane episodes, 2 good ones and like 10 incredibly bad episodes. At some point you have to take accountable the show for having really bad setups or first seasons. Of course there are exceptions, but I personally think that sometimes there are undoubtedly differences between arcs or seasons of the same show.
@DarkFirefly72 i mean, it's definitely possible, but i just haven't really experienced it to such a degree in anime in any case i can think of (at least for seasons of anime, maybe for arcs i can find some examples in a few long running battle shounen). personally i don't feel that way about hunter hunter and don't share the same take in regards to some of the shows you mentioned in your original comment. for instance, i liked the first season of solo leveling a bit more so far (i can go into detail in regards to why if you wish), but find them pretty close in terms of enjoyment, for haikyuu, i think season 2 was a bit better than season 1 and season 3 a bit better than 2, but all three are pretty close for me as well. demon slayer is another one where i agree with you that season 2 is better, but again, not by much for me and i liked the first season too. some of your other examples like kingdom or quintuplets could potentially be true for me but i haven't seen those. perhaps we differ in our standards for pacing, rating anime or the degree to which we enjoy setup, but nothing wrong with that of course, to each their own. in my experience, an improvement in a later season is a mark of a great show and a rare one at that, but conversely, it's also possible that i haven't encountered a show that improved by so much for me since if i watch something and don't already like it, i'll probably not stick with it, so there isn't a lot of room for a huge positive change for me since i usually only keep watching if i already enjoyed what came first. |
Mar 17, 6:57 PM
Wow I disagree with literally all of your opinions lol. I like the first season the most out all of the series you'd mentioned, aside from Haikyuu. The second season for Haikyuu is my favorite. Anyways, Clannad: After Story is an easy answer. The first season was extremely boring, but everything after the time skip in the second season was great. Also gotta say Scissors Seven. The first and second season had a lot of cringe humor, but the third season was a lot more serious and emotional. Shout-out to Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S and Golden Kamuy S3. Ignoring the filler, the Sisters arc was amazing. Golden Kamuy S3 amped up the tension and comedy in all kinds of ways. |
"As promised, all that you seek, all that we desire, is prepared up there. On top of the Tower." |
Mar 17, 7:38 PM
Reply to Xiao
Wow I disagree with literally all of your opinions lol. I like the first season the most out all of the series you'd mentioned, aside from Haikyuu. The second season for Haikyuu is my favorite.
Anyways, Clannad: After Story is an easy answer. The first season was extremely boring, but everything after the time skip in the second season was great.
Also gotta say Scissors Seven. The first and second season had a lot of cringe humor, but the third season was a lot more serious and emotional.
Shout-out to Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S and Golden Kamuy S3. Ignoring the filler, the Sisters arc was amazing. Golden Kamuy S3 amped up the tension and comedy in all kinds of ways.
Anyways, Clannad: After Story is an easy answer. The first season was extremely boring, but everything after the time skip in the second season was great.
Also gotta say Scissors Seven. The first and second season had a lot of cringe humor, but the third season was a lot more serious and emotional.
Shout-out to Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S and Golden Kamuy S3. Ignoring the filler, the Sisters arc was amazing. Golden Kamuy S3 amped up the tension and comedy in all kinds of ways.
@Xiao Well, that's what opinions are for XD. I just don't connect that much with Aoba Johsai or Oikawa so I think that is the main reason that I don't like the first 2 season that much, but I know that the majority of people love both Oikawa an his team and I can understand why. But from the Shiratorizawa match onwards I just think the manga is a straight 10/10. I do have to watch Clannad and After Story, and of course I know the difference in opinion between those 2 seasons. |
"Those words are meant for those that dare defy god's final warning... An epigraph of their stubbornness" - Maho Hiyajo (Steins;Gate 0) |
Mar 17, 8:07 PM
Mar 17, 8:41 PM
Date A Live III -> Date A Live IV It was the third studio change, and the third season had atrocious quality compared to the first two (J.C. Staff, what can you do?), so anything would've been an improvement. GEEKTOYS invested into a heavier use of CG, though. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni -> Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai It's very weird that those are split cour, considering the visible improvement in quality of the second season. The first season had constant off-modeling issues. Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha A's ->Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS Went from 4:3 to 16:9 and felt more "solid", especially in the lighting department. Granted, there is one thing: The Lutecia scene in the first OP is re-used in the second OP, but it feels "weird" there. Probably the one with the least difference here, though. Senki Zesshou Symphogear -> Senki Zesshou Symphogear G New director, now only done by one studio, new character design, etc I mean, all the words in the world would be better than an image here: Also, pre-voting this one: Honzuki no Gekokujou: Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen 3rd Season -> Honzuki no Gekokujou: Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen - Ryoushu no Youjo |
Mar 18, 1:33 PM
Of course, anime is not improving by any means. It is getting worse and worse. Like everything else. |
Mar 18, 2:18 PM
Mar 18, 5:25 PM
Aria the Natural ---> Aria Origination (Note that there is a 30 minute-long OVA in-between). Judging by MAL scores of all the Aria seasons it looks like I'm an outlier on this, though (S2 is rated higher than S1). Love the characters, love the music but the writing and hence the episodes for most of S1 & 2 weren't memorable at all for me. Were they bad? No. Relaxing? Yes. If anything too relaxing as I was put to sleep half-way through at least three episodes. Tbh it was only the rave reviews for Origination that pushed me through. In truth rather than an abrupt improvement between Natural and Origination I found that the last 8 or so episodes of Natural finally improved over the preceding monotony. The writing seemed much more inspired. For example, episode 20 - That Shadowless Invitation... and the next, episode 21 - That Night Of the Galaxy Express... are very memorable and frankly brilliant (but insufficient to affect my scoring over 26 episodes). |
Avatar: Anzu Kadotani from Girls und Panzer. XMas awesomeness version by Charenji :) Sig by MissIntrovert. |
Mar 18, 7:52 PM
Gundam ZZ is a massive improvement over Zeta. Diamond is Unbreakable and Stone Ocean are also huge improvements over previous Jojo seasons. Nanoha too, but it never got good. The original was just that bad. |
その目だれの目? |
Mar 18, 8:02 PM
Reply to Lucifrost
Gundam ZZ is a massive improvement over Zeta.
Diamond is Unbreakable and Stone Ocean are also huge improvements over previous Jojo seasons.
Nanoha too, but it never got good. The original was just that bad.
Diamond is Unbreakable and Stone Ocean are also huge improvements over previous Jojo seasons.
Nanoha too, but it never got good. The original was just that bad.
Is the 2nd part of Jojo good or at least better than the first one? Because a friend of mine told me that the first 2 are pretty shit and from the 3rd onwards are better. I managed to watch te first one and a couple of eps of the 2nd part but I stopped because is was still pretty boring to me (I will continue Jojo someday but I feel like I kind of need a push or smth). |
"Those words are meant for those that dare defy god's final warning... An epigraph of their stubbornness" - Maho Hiyajo (Steins;Gate 0) |
Mar 18, 8:56 PM
Reply to DarkFirefly72
Is the 2nd part of Jojo good or at least better than the first one? Because a friend of mine told me that the first 2 are pretty shit and from the 3rd onwards are better. I managed to watch te first one and a couple of eps of the 2nd part but I stopped because is was still pretty boring to me (I will continue Jojo someday but I feel like I kind of need a push or smth).
@DarkFirefly72 Remember that part =/= season. The first season covers the first two parts (And yes, the second is better than the first). If you're referring to the second season (Part 3), know that ti is pretty terrible until the start of the Egypt arc. |
Mar 18, 8:57 PM
Reply to DarkFirefly72
Is the 2nd part of Jojo good or at least better than the first one? Because a friend of mine told me that the first 2 are pretty shit and from the 3rd onwards are better. I managed to watch te first one and a couple of eps of the 2nd part but I stopped because is was still pretty boring to me (I will continue Jojo someday but I feel like I kind of need a push or smth).
DarkFirefly72 said: I managed to watch te first one and a couple of eps of the 2nd part but I stopped because is was still pretty boring to me Everyone says part 2 is better than 1. I felt the same way you did, however, and I didn't think it got any better later on. Part 3 is worse. |
その目だれの目? |
Mar 18, 9:15 PM
Reply to thewiru
Remember that part =/= season.
The first season covers the first two parts (And yes, the second is better than the first).
If you're referring to the second season (Part 3), know that ti is pretty terrible until the start of the Egypt arc.
Remember that part =/= season.
The first season covers the first two parts (And yes, the second is better than the first).
If you're referring to the second season (Part 3), know that ti is pretty terrible until the start of the Egypt arc.
@thewiru Yeah, I know that part 3 has 2 seasons and that the first 2 parts are the first season. I watched the entire part 1 (9 eps) and like 4 eps after that and I didn't continue. From what I've heard the first 2 parts are unaninumously considered the worst and that parts 3-6 are pretty divided in opinion similar to what happenns in Whole Cake or Wano in One Piece (where some people think they are the greatest creation ever and others think they are shit). The only Jojo part I know of that is loved by everyone is part 7 which supposedly is one of the greatest mangas ever made. |
"Those words are meant for those that dare defy god's final warning... An epigraph of their stubbornness" - Maho Hiyajo (Steins;Gate 0) |
Mar 18, 9:18 PM
Reply to Lucifrost
DarkFirefly72 said:
I managed to watch te first one and a couple of eps of the 2nd part but I stopped because is was still pretty boring to me
I managed to watch te first one and a couple of eps of the 2nd part but I stopped because is was still pretty boring to me
Everyone says part 2 is better than 1. I felt the same way you did, however, and I didn't think it got any better later on. Part 3 is worse.
@Lucifrost From what I've heard the first 2 parts are considered the worst by everyone and parts 3-6 are pretty divided in opinion and it basically boils down to your taste and opinion (of course part 7 is considered a masterpiece). One day I will continue watching it but it is going to take a lot of willpower. It reminds me of early One Piece when some parts are really rough to get through. |
"Those words are meant for those that dare defy god's final warning... An epigraph of their stubbornness" - Maho Hiyajo (Steins;Gate 0) |
Mar 18, 9:35 PM
Reply to DarkFirefly72
@Lucifrost From what I've heard the first 2 parts are considered the worst by everyone and parts 3-6 are pretty divided in opinion and it basically boils down to your taste and opinion (of course part 7 is considered a masterpiece). One day I will continue watching it but it is going to take a lot of willpower. It reminds me of early One Piece when some parts are really rough to get through.
@DarkFirefly72 The first 4 episodes of part should be the Straits arc, IIRC. Yeah, it does get a lot better one we get to know Caesar and the whole Pillar Men arc. |
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