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Johan v/s L (Brain 🧠)
Mar 18, 7:33 AM
Oct 2020
Johan( Monster) or L( Ryuzaki)
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Mar 18, 7:54 AM
Mar 2025
Probably L but not by far in my Opinion
Mar 18, 8:09 AM
Apr 2023
If we're talking pure IQ and logic, L might be superior.
But if we're talking manipulation and long-term strategy, Johann is far more dangerous.
Mar 18, 8:31 AM
Mar 2024
Smart is tricky. L has databases and a small team throughout all of Death Note. Johan never had this, yet he still managed to elude persecution by his wits alone.

I think L may be smarter in the traditional sense, but Johan is just way more resourceful, manipulative, and cunning.
Mar 18, 9:21 AM

Jul 2015
Easily L.
For L it was only a challenge because Light was a worthy rival.

Mar 18, 9:23 AM

Feb 2024
L stands for loser so the answer is already in the question. And this is very much a nonsense comparison.
Mar 18, 9:24 AM
Dec 2024
SolitaryTea said:
If we're talking pure IQ and logic, L might be superior.
But if we're talking manipulation and long-term strategy, Johann is far more dangerous.

me too , I am going with this decision too.......I feel the same 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
Mar 18, 9:28 AM
Nov 2022
JoeChip said:
L stands for loser so the answer is already in the question. And this is very much a nonsense comparison.

same bitching as ever
u never change
Mar 18, 9:31 AM

Feb 2024
Reply to 0__Dante__0
JoeChip said:
L stands for loser so the answer is already in the question. And this is very much a nonsense comparison.

same bitching as ever
u never change

I am glad my post triggered you to make a post here. Stay mad and keep posting for me my boy, it amuses me.
Mar 18, 10:25 AM
Aug 2020
Obviously, Dieter.
Mar 18, 11:11 AM
May 2022
SOL_481 said:
Johan( Monster) or L( Ryuzaki)

think the better vs would be the kid from classroom of the elite. they are very similar. l is very over the top smart. johan was like a real human
Mar 18, 11:38 AM

Jul 2013
I ship @0__Dante__0 & @JoeChip
cranky because your taste sucks, aren't you?
Mar 18, 11:40 AM

Feb 2024
Reply to Avamarie316
SOL_481 said:
Johan( Monster) or L( Ryuzaki)

think the better vs would be the kid from classroom of the elite. they are very similar. l is very over the top smart. johan was like a real human

Avamarie316 said:
johan was like a real huma

Except for having powers to detect nearby serial killers and take them under his control, and somehow make people kill each other or jump off from elevators, surviving two gunshots to the head and being the king of money laundering when he was still a teenager, etc.

Neither character is really realistic though Johan is a bit more convincing.
Mar 18, 11:40 AM
Mar 2024
Avamarie316 said:
SOL_481 said:
Johan( Monster) or L( Ryuzaki)

think the better vs would be the kid from classroom of the elite. they are very similar. l is very over the top smart. johan was like a real human

You mean ayanokoji?

Yeah, him and Johan are pretty similar.
Mar 18, 11:54 AM
May 2022
Angel-99 said:
Avamarie316 said:

think the better vs would be the kid from classroom of the elite. they are very similar. l is very over the top smart. johan was like a real human

You mean ayanokoji?

Yeah, him and Johan are pretty similar.

yeah him. more realistic. l can tell what bakery you went to from where the crumb lands. other two do normal human things and Johan seems like he could turn up in classroom of the elite
Mar 18, 12:04 PM
Dec 2022
L is smarter in many fields, Johans a better manipulator and has seemingly better emotional intelligence like interpersonal and intrapersonal understanding. Thought L is also up there in that regard, L is also shown better deduction, logical thinking, abstract thinking, academic is iffy but im also willing to go with L but you can argue Johan as well.
Mar 18, 12:08 PM

Jan 2022
Whoever realizes some things are overrated as fuck, is the smartest here.
Mar 18, 12:28 PM
Oct 2024
Johan in my opinion
Mar 18, 1:42 PM
Apr 2021
They are both smart but Johan had a really dumb opponent so...
Mar 18, 2:32 PM

Jul 2013
pipilolo said:
They are both smart but Johan had a really dumb opponent so...

If you think Light wasn't also a dumbαss...Meanwhile, Tenma was a brain surgeon. Everyone is fallible.
cranky because your taste sucks, aren't you?
Mar 18, 3:01 PM
Mar 2022
pipilolo said:
They are both smart but Johan had a really dumb opponent so...

johan's was smart?The guy only manipulated mentally incapacitated and stupid people,what's smart about that
Mar 18, 3:05 PM
Apr 2021
yeah its not what I meant he is not dumb dumb he is a very good doctor but doesn't mean he is good in investagating (cathing their oponent) meanwhile Light was very good at exposing L
Mar 18, 3:07 PM
Apr 2021
assignedgengar said:
pipilolo said:
They are both smart but Johan had a really dumb opponent so...

If you think Light wasn't also a dumbαss...Meanwhile, Tenma was a brain surgeon. Everyone is fallible.

yeah its not what I meant he is not dumb dumb he is a very good doctor but doesn't mean he is good in investagating (cathing their oponent) meanwhile Light was very good at exposing L
Mar 18, 3:08 PM
Apr 2021
Red3103 said:
pipilolo said:
They are both smart but Johan had a really dumb opponent so...

johan's was smart?The guy only manipulated mentally incapacitated and stupid people,what's smart about that

To be able to manipulate people you must have some brain Light also manipulated people to work in his favor and we really can't say he is dumb
Mar 18, 4:03 PM

Apr 2020
L piloted a helicopter intuitively with no prior experience, which is level of intelligence so absurdly high that it's almost stupid.

However, Johan attended law school and maintained perfect grades, just to learn how to get the drop on Schuwald's private investigator. Not only is that more impressive to me, but it's also much more believable. My vote is Johan.
GurschachXMar 18, 4:07 PM
Mar 18, 5:39 PM

Apr 2022
L easily but of course johan would be winning in the monster forums.
Mar 18, 8:08 PM

Jul 2013
ryzxgum said:
L easily but of course johan would be winning in the monster forums.

Light couldn't beat Johan, but he sure beat L.
cranky because your taste sucks, aren't you?
Mar 18, 10:25 PM

Apr 2022
Reply to assignedgengar
ryzxgum said:
L easily but of course johan would be winning in the monster forums.

Light couldn't beat Johan, but he sure beat L.
@assignedgengar johan couldn't beat light, nor could he beat the twink allegations, but he sure beat some 6 year olds.
Mar 19, 1:22 AM
Mar 2022
pipilolo said:
Red3103 said:

johan's was smart?The guy only manipulated mentally incapacitated and stupid people,what's smart about that

To be able to manipulate people you must have some brain Light also manipulated people to work in his favor and we really can't say he is dumb

Idiots can manipulate as well,see Jagi from HnK with Shin,it's not a special trait,you just need to exploit people's interest and use it that's about it
Mar 19, 1:30 AM
Apr 2021
Red3103 said:
pipilolo said:

To be able to manipulate people you must have some brain Light also manipulated people to work in his favor and we really can't say he is dumb

Idiots can manipulate as well,see Jagi from HnK with Shin,it's not a special trait,you just need to exploit people's interest and use it that's about it

I didn't watch HnK so I can't really say. Still I think you need some brain to exploit people. if characters look and act dumb doesn't mean they are dumb.
Mar 19, 1:33 AM
Mar 2022
pipilolo said:
Red3103 said:

Idiots can manipulate as well,see Jagi from HnK with Shin,it's not a special trait,you just need to exploit people's interest and use it that's about it

I didn't watch HnK so I can't really say. Still I think you need some brain to exploit people. if characters look and act dumb doesn't mean they are dumb.

That may be true,but I'm callin him stupid cuz of his decisions and ego that led him to kickstart sth stupid,but alas every human is different from one another and can decide by his own will what decisions or how to be influenced heck I'd say there's many variations to how a person work but as long as you achieve your goal it shouldn't matter for yhese types
Mar 19, 3:15 AM
Jun 2019
Avamarie316 said:
SOL_481 said:
Johan( Monster) or L( Ryuzaki)

think the better vs would be the kid from classroom of the elite. they are very similar. l is very over the top smart. johan was like a real human

You say that but sometimes L acted irrationally and didnt pick up on obvious tells on top of not considering that the shinigami was gonna kill him if he targeted misa, whereas Johan never made such mistakes
Mar 19, 8:29 AM

Dec 2021
pipilolo said:
They are both smart but Johan had a really dumb opponent so...

Lunge is Smart as hell idc what anyone says
Mar 19, 8:44 AM
Apr 2021
vinnywizanime said:
pipilolo said:
They are both smart but Johan had a really dumb opponent so...

Lunge is Smart as hell idc what anyone says

I was talking about Tenma. Idk Lunge was a character I couldn't decide if I like or hate definitely better than Tenma.
Mar 19, 10:50 AM
May 2022
Shlaghetto said:
Avamarie316 said:

think the better vs would be the kid from classroom of the elite. they are very similar. l is very over the top smart. johan was like a real human

You say that but sometimes L acted irrationally and didnt pick up on obvious tells on top of not considering that the shinigami was gonna kill him if he targeted misa, whereas Johan never made such mistakes

oh agreed just meant l is from supernatural anime and classroom of the elite and monster are based more in the real world. all detective shows are too over the top for me I like them but they go to far with smartness
Mar 19, 12:35 PM

Feb 2024
Reply to Avamarie316
Shlaghetto said:
Avamarie316 said:

think the better vs would be the kid from classroom of the elite. they are very similar. l is very over the top smart. johan was like a real human

You say that but sometimes L acted irrationally and didnt pick up on obvious tells on top of not considering that the shinigami was gonna kill him if he targeted misa, whereas Johan never made such mistakes

oh agreed just meant l is from supernatural anime and classroom of the elite and monster are based more in the real world. all detective shows are too over the top for me I like them but they go to far with smartness

You might like it's kinda detective anime with a not too smart MC
Mar 19, 12:54 PM
May 2022

I'm watching to right now even if I have to download it. will let u know after
Mar 19, 12:59 PM
Oct 2024
I think L probably
Mar 19, 5:02 PM

Jul 2013
ryzxgum said:
@assignedgengar johan couldn't beat light, nor could he beat the twink allegations, but he sure beat some 6 year olds.

Tell me how Light could beat him. I'll wait.
cranky because your taste sucks, aren't you?
Mar 19, 6:01 PM

Apr 2022
Reply to assignedgengar
ryzxgum said:
@assignedgengar johan couldn't beat light, nor could he beat the twink allegations, but he sure beat some 6 year olds.

Tell me how Light could beat him. I'll wait.
@assignedgengar in every aspect of the word. don't act like that twink could do anything, that's comedy.
Mar 20, 7:56 AM

Jul 2013
ryzxgum said:
@assignedgengar in every aspect of the word. don't act like that twink could do anything, that's comedy.

So, you just have no media retention. Got it.
cranky because your taste sucks, aren't you?
Mar 20, 5:03 PM
May 2022
Avamarie316 said:

I'm watching to right now even if I have to download it. will let u know after

this anime is so good better then you made it sound only on episode too but loving it so far
Mar 20, 5:59 PM

Apr 2022
Reply to assignedgengar
ryzxgum said:
@assignedgengar in every aspect of the word. don't act like that twink could do anything, that's comedy.

So, you just have no media retention. Got it.
@assignedgengar talking about media retention while defending urasawa's most overrated work is the most ironic thing you could've done. no need to get offended because i'm not a pretentious cornball like you.
Mar 20, 11:06 PM

Jul 2013
ryzxgum said:
@assignedgengar talking about media retention while defending urasawa's most overrated work is the most ironic thing you could've done. no need to get offended because i'm not a pretentious cornball like you.

It's okay to like different things, bestie.
cranky because your taste sucks, aren't you?
Mar 21, 12:25 AM
Jul 2023
JoeChip said:

Avamarie316 said:
johan was like a real huma

Except for having powers to detect nearby serial killers and take them under his control, and somehow make people kill each other or jump off from elevators, surviving two gunshots to the head and being the king of money laundering when he was still a teenager, etc.

Neither character is really realistic though Johan is a bit more convincing.

"power to detect nearby serial killers" tro it aint a power people who murder often share the same traits 💔
Mar 21, 12:48 AM
Jul 2023
ryzxgum said:
@assignedgengar talking about media retention while defending urasawa's most overrated work is the most ironic thing you could've done. no need to get offended because i'm not a pretentious cornball like you.

avoiding the question and then insulting them is wild work
Mar 21, 3:10 AM

Apr 2022
Reply to assignedgengar
ryzxgum said:
@assignedgengar talking about media retention while defending urasawa's most overrated work is the most ironic thing you could've done. no need to get offended because i'm not a pretentious cornball like you.

It's okay to like different things, bestie.
@assignedgengar if you're able to process that then get off my dick already. and that's corny, yuck.
Mar 21, 3:11 AM

Apr 2022
Reply to LiterallyDennis
ryzxgum said:
@assignedgengar talking about media retention while defending urasawa's most overrated work is the most ironic thing you could've done. no need to get offended because i'm not a pretentious cornball like you.

avoiding the question and then insulting them is wild work
@LiterallyDennis i answered the question and insulted back after getting insulted. stop being a dumbass on purpose and learn to read next time before sticking your throat where it doesn't belong.
Mar 21, 3:43 AM

Jul 2013
ryzxgum said:
@assignedgengar if you're able to process that then get off my dick already. and that's corny, yuck.

Yeah I'm gay, but I'm married, bro. Relax.
cranky because your taste sucks, aren't you?
Mar 21, 3:50 AM

Apr 2022
Reply to assignedgengar
ryzxgum said:
@assignedgengar if you're able to process that then get off my dick already. and that's corny, yuck.

Yeah I'm gay, but I'm married, bro. Relax.
@assignedgengar i don't recall asking. but married and still seeking attention here, i can only pity your spouse.
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