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Mar 22, 8:18 AM
Feb 2017
Now that a week has passed, I'm curious on everyone's preferred interpretation for the ending of the series.

Personally I'm not the hugest fan of the alternate universe theory as it is very open-ended and implies that our characters' actions had no meaning to the end of the story. The timeline also does not match up because Lev is too old at the end compared to Rafal and Albert. There's also no explanation for the '10% to Potocki' since that letter was written by a Rafal studying Heliocentrism (which Rafal-sensei was trying to discover) and was the culmination of the rest of the story.

I do like the Albert wrote the story theory as it explains many of the parallels between Albert's arc and the rest of the story. But I do think it has a couple of issues. For one, it leaves the '10% to Potocki' letter unexplained. Another problem is that the story contains knowledge of Heliocentrism and elliptical orbits that Albert wouldn't have historically known about.

My preferred ending is the idea that Rafal-sensei is symbolism for the extremist side of being a scholar and also represents the spirit of what Rafal chose to die for. The execution is a bit rough and on-the-nose but it manages to neatly tie everything together and show that everything in the story mattered for Heliocentrism to eventually be discovered by Copernicus.

These were just the biggest theories I've found. The open-endedness of the conclusion means we might never get a definitive answer and perhaps there's another theory waiting to be discovered. Thoughts?

Mar 22, 8:27 AM

Sep 2016
Story written by Albert seems most likely.
Mar 22, 8:47 AM

Jul 2013

I like a blend of fiction & reality, as intended.
Albert wrote the story, but the characters weren't solely products of his imagination. The events of the series were an idea, but an idea that mimicked a reality that was otherwise lost to history - much like the story Oczy wrote.

In that way, the story is able to remain cyclical, orbiting itself & never quite having a definitive beginning or end point.

I think it's most satisfying when all of the symbolic aspects of Albert's story are embraced, while accepting that the events of the story & experiences of the characters still mattered & were nonetheless tangible, if to no one else but us, the audience.
cranky because your taste sucks, aren't you?
Mar 22, 11:04 AM
Sep 2024
"P represents Poland, and Rafal-Sensei is symbolic."

Other theories suggest that the struggles of the characters over 23 episodes were meaningless, and I don't like that.

However, if we follow this theory, then every sacrifice and hardship we witnessed in the first 23 episodes amounts to that brief conversation between the new tenant and postman Albert just happened to overhear—an event that ultimately led to Copernicus discovering heliocentrism. Heliocentrism was discovered because of the inspiration left behind by the characters. This also aligns with the conversation between Rafal and Nowak in episode 3.

Honestly I think author brought back Rafal mainly because of shock value.
NegativeReiMar 22, 11:10 AM
Mar 22, 11:15 AM
Apr 2022
I actually can't decide if I want it to be all real (for them) and Rafał sensei being symbolic or if it was all Albert's imaginative story where he portrayed his sensei as a child prophet and killing him off early in the story as a revenge for killing his father.

Honestly, I really don't know. The more I think of it, the more I'm confused. Like 5 minutes ago, I was more on the symbolic side, but now I think I'm on the story side.

Albert heard "10% for Potocki" and "movement of the earth," and since the letter was anonymous, he came up with characters that shaped the whole idea.

Edit: also when the story started if was kingdom of P not Poland. Like we knew it was Poland but the country's name nor any place's name wasn't mentioned. So it is another argument on story up until we meet Albert being fiction.
Baranka02Mar 22, 11:22 AM
Mar 22, 11:19 AM
Aug 2022
My preferred ending would be Albert finding Draka's message and simply making the book—becoming the sensei of Copernicus, that way the characters actually existed(Whilst this isn't how it goes in reality, this is a work of fiction) and i would have enjoyed this ending regardless.
Mar 22, 11:36 AM

Nov 2019
The ending is basically showing that the story could have happened in various ways, while leading to an inevitable outcome: heliocentrism acceptance.

The author knows they have crafted the tale very mechanically. Like there's a neat and convenient flowchart of limited people (actually represents many more, like Nowak is not one person) associated with the main events. Which is definitely slightly unrealistic (because it's representative). To compensate for the lack of chaos in the bigger story, the author simply uses the ending to show some of that. The book on Orb being published is the common goal anyway.

Rafal (science) and Potocki (Theology) are just the common points of "initiation". One of them have been twisted to show the extremism in science, but still the outcome doesn't change.

What Albert sees is also a version that omits things and people like Nowak, as the arc with Draka predicted. The opening visuals also show only blackness in place of those things at the beginning with Albert.

Orb is a show centered mainly around philosophy and (slightly) anthropology. So things shouldn't be seen literally but only their abstract be extracted.
"All truth is meaningless. In the end, 'meaning' comes from the mind of each individual human. Even when there is a single truth, it can mean different things to different individuals. The truth has no meaning in itself!" - Erika Furudo
Mar 22, 11:41 AM

Jul 2013
Baranka02 said:
I actually can't decide if I want it to be all real (for them) and Rafał sensei being symbolic or if it was all Albert's imaginative story where he portrayed his sensei as a child prophet and killing him off early in the story as a revenge for killing his father.

What makes you think it was revenge?

I can't help but think of it as Albert providing his tutor with a sort of absolution & inventing an idealized version of him who would rather die for his ideals than harm others.

I think he split Rafael into two: Rafał - the pure version of his tutor who sought his ideals of curiosity & truth with his entire being, & Nowak - the version of him who would not hesitate to murder innocents & purge the world of anyone who threatened his vision of the future, to protect what he valued most.
cranky because your taste sucks, aren't you?
Mar 22, 12:02 PM
Apr 2022
assignedgengar said:
Baranka02 said:
I actually can't decide if I want it to be all real (for them) and Rafał sensei being symbolic or if it was all Albert's imaginative story where he portrayed his sensei as a child prophet and killing him off early in the story as a revenge for killing his father.

What makes you think it was revenge?

I can't help but think of it as Albert providing his tutor with a sort of absolution & inventing an idealized version of him who would rather die for his ideals than harm others.

I think he split Rafael into two: Rafał - the pure version of his tutor who sought his ideals of curiosity & truth with his entire being, & Nowak - the version of him who would not hesitate to murder innocents & purge the world of anyone who threatened his vision of the future, to protect what he valued most.

I just said that. You don't have to read into it too much.

If sb killed my father and I had the opportunity to portray them in the story, I'd kill them off quickly too leaving only an idea of a person I thought the murderer was.
Mar 22, 12:12 PM

Jul 2013
Baranka02 said:

I just said that. You don't have to read into it too much.

If sb killed my father and I had the opportunity to portray them in the story, I'd kill them off quickly too leaving only an idea of a person I thought the murderer was.

I mean, I guess? He did make it pretty clear that he still held affection & respect for his teacher.
cranky because your taste sucks, aren't you?
Mar 22, 12:53 PM
Moving Orbs

Aug 2016
Preferred ending is happening right now - people feeling "Thaumazein". Viewers are questioning and analyzing the events, building their own theories and participating in discussions. Even haters are forced to take part in this process by the will of the author: they either think and choose a version that can be denigrated, or they draw a conclusion in their analysis and say that the ending is confusing and meaningless.

Rafal sensei is metaphoric, he is the reason of our "Thaumazein". Sticking with the second option, after checking some facts other versions become too contradictory to be real.

Mar 22, 1:16 PM

Jul 2013
@JettGroove 👏 👏 👏
cranky because your taste sucks, aren't you?
Mar 22, 2:56 PM
Oct 2024
It's obviously the second. This shouldn't even be a theory. It's a fact.
Mar 24, 12:21 PM
Mar 2020
I will write this post by Polish, cause I have no time to write in English. If you want to know my opinion, just translate my post in Google or somewhere.

Według mnie, do momentu pojawienia się Alberta/Wojciecha, wszystko było fikcyjne.

Dlaczego tak uważam? Przez względy historyczne. W Polsce nie było tak, jak w innych krajach europejskich i osoby wierzące w heliocentryzm, nie byli ścigani i mordowani na masową skalę jak w innych państwach. Polska na przełomie XIV-XV wieku była w miarę tolerancyjna religijnie, a sami władcy (Kazimierz Wielki i Władysław Jagiełło) nie stosowali krwawych represji na heretykach. Oczywiście zdarzały się przypadki, gdzie dochodziło do morderstw heretyków, ale były rzadkością.
Więc jeśli uznamy, że serial jest historyczny, to ma kardynalny błąd (znacznie większy niż ten, że architektura miast w serialu była typowo Pruska, a nie Polska). Nie sądzę by twórca mangi nie wiedział o czymś tak ważnym, sądzę że pierwsze 23 odcinki, rozgrywające się w Królestwie P, były fikcyjne, jednak nosiły za sobą pewną symbolikę.
Mar 24, 1:16 PM

Jan 2024
I choose to belive im second option.
All of the characters struggles going in vain by saying P is failed timeline rubs me of the wrong way. I don't think it's that but if it's that I won't believe otherwise it will ruin the show for me.

Story being fictional idk how that works with Potoswki one. P is Poland. No fiction no alternate timelines.
Mar 24, 9:20 PM

May 2016
I dislike all three and prefer to look at it from the author's point of view.

In the "main" story, Novak won, he killed everyone that inherited Hubert's box and stopped that line of heliocentrism. But like, what would be the message of that story? I mean, heliocentrism exists, if it ended on 23 it would have sent a weird message. I believe he panicked and chose an ambiguous ending where either the letter to potocki or rafal or both are a creative liberty because he wrote himself into a corner.

Personally, I think the ending should have been more explicitly against the church's repression of scientific inquiry. With ep 24 about an abridged version of some other advancement that might have been delayed during medieval times and ep 25 with Copernicus finally breaking through with heliocentrism. Pushing a message like "even if repression wins some times, human curiosity always prevails" or something like that.

Even though some people seem to like it, the ending doesn't seem very thoughtful and it cheapened the emotional impact of Novak's glove scene which, in my opinion, was the culmination of this show's entire buildup

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