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Mar 22, 1:28 PM
Dec 2018
Kano Chinatsu is a really cool character indeed, and she has some traits and quirks that really seem to relate to ADHD.

The hyperfocus on basketball really is evident. She even neglects other parts of her life, like her romantic one, to hyperfocus on her sport. She doesn't miss an early practice not due to sheer diligence and discipline, but through the impulsive passion that is seen usually in ADHD. She also impulsively goes running even when it's not suitable to.

Besides, her constantly losing focus on the conversation or being deep in thought and paying attention to normal/casual things that someone normally wouldn't makes me think that she might have it. She's constantly out of line with other's thoughts train, and always in her own world inside her head. She's also really forgetful, which can be another sign of ADHD.

What do you guys think?
Mar 22, 1:49 PM
Oct 2023
I love this analysis. I always thought there was something about Chinatsu that was different from other female characters I’ve seen in anime; never would’ve guessed ADHD but you have completely sold me on this.

On a personal note I know a few people in my family who have ADHD and Chinatsu seems to behave similar to how they would. Sure some will see it as something of a disadvantage or something negative but there a positive in every negative, there’s beauty in all aspects of life and that what I think is being done here too.

It also makes the ship between Taiki and Chinatsu that much cuter because they are both quite practically opposites to some extent and I feel that Taiki resonates more with Chinatsu’s vibe more than anyone else but maybe that’s just me.

Overall, great post my friend. I can’t not imagine Chinatsu just minding her business with her head literally in the clouds now just doing her thing haha it’s so sweet! Thank you 😌
Mar 22, 1:50 PM
Feb 2025
I also think Taiki has down syndrome what do you think
Mar 22, 1:51 PM

Jul 2021
no. stop trying to diagnose psychological conditions on characters that are just not completely ordinary. adhd and hyper focus don't go together. also the lack of meltdowns. those are not the kind of impulses that someone with adhd has. very broad interpretation of "doing something out of pocket when it's not really appropriate". it'd have to be like slamming the desk during an exam, breaking out in a dance during practice, shit like that. everything you said is ridiculous and unknowledgeable. just stfu already with the mental disorders on anime characters.
IhnalakoKainaMar 22, 2:00 PM
Mar 22, 1:55 PM
Jan 2022
UpToNoGood said:
I also think Taiki has down syndrome what do you think

Down syndrome? I thought he has three leg syndrome.
Mar 22, 4:05 PM
Dec 2018
IhnalakoKaina said:
no. stop trying to diagnose psychological conditions on characters that are just not completely ordinary. adhd and hyper focus don't go together. also the lack of meltdowns. those are not the kind of impulses that someone with adhd has. very broad interpretation of "doing something out of pocket when it's not really appropriate". it'd have to be like slamming the desk during an exam, breaking out in a dance during practice, shit like that. everything you said is ridiculous and unknowledgeable. just stfu already with the mental disorders on anime characters.

Hyperfocus is a very common and well-documented phenomenon in people with ADHD. Quoting, "ADHD hyperfocus happens when a person becomes so absorbed in an activity that they tune out to everything around them. This usually occurs when the person is engaging in something they find fun, rewarding, and stimulating."

Besides that, 30~40% of people with ADHD do not have hyperactive traits. That's one of the reasons why ADHD is such a terrible name for the condition.

And in the end, ADHD is not a lack of attention, but difficulty controlling where attention goes, which includes both distractibility and hyperfocus. It can also be seen as an advantage in certain lights, and it's nothing to be ashamed of.

So, I wouldn't get so offended by someone suggesting an anime character shows traits similar to those of ADHD.
Mar 22, 5:32 PM
Mar 2025
rexmuseum said:
Kano Chinatsu is a really cool character indeed, and she has some traits and quirks that really seem to relate to ADHD.

The hyperfocus on basketball really is evident. She even neglects other parts of her life, like her romantic one, to hyperfocus on her sport. She doesn't miss an early practice not due to sheer diligence and discipline, but through the impulsive passion that is seen usually in ADHD. She also impulsively goes running even when it's not suitable to.

Besides, her constantly losing focus on the conversation or being deep in thought and paying attention to normal/casual things that someone normally wouldn't makes me think that she might have it. She's constantly out of line with other's thoughts train, and always in her own world inside her head. She's also really forgetful, which can be another sign of ADHD.

What do you guys think?

From what you've said, I think you've only seen the anime. Because later on, the manga refutes everything you've said.

Chinatsu is a calm person who doesn't like getting into trouble, she has goals and many responsibilities.

You mention that she's hyperfocused on basketball, but later in the story we're shown that she often loses focus to watch Taiki train. She works so hard at basketball because that's what she stayed in Japan for, otherwise, she would have moved abroad with her parents. Plus, she's the team's vice-captain and its best player. She should set an example as such. She places so much importance on basketball because it's her priority when it comes to staying in Japan. You also mention that she neglects love. A lot of people mention this, but I don't understand why. Love isn't her priority, but she didn't neglect it. She went on three dates with Taiki (aquarium, beach, concert). In fact, she herself requested the concert date. So I don't understand why people say she neglected love when those are the only dates we've seen on the show.

You mention that she never misses a training session because of her impulsive passion. This doesn't make sense in the manga today, basically because she no longer has the same passion she had when the series began, as she herself says. She doesn't skip training because she has a goal and wants to improve. Plus, in the mornings, she can also see Taiki, and it's just the two of them. Plus, everyone thinks she's perfect and a very good player. So she often thinks she's not good enough and feels insecure, so she trains harder because of that. So, she does train hard out of discipline, trying to improve and meet the expectations placed on her.

Finally, you mention that she's often distracted and very forgetful, but the manga has taught us that this isn't true. Throughout the story, we've been taught that she remembers things from when she was little and things from years ago, something a forgetful person couldn't do. As for her distractions, it seems normal to me, because as I said, she has many obligations and thinks about many things throughout the day. She's the vice-captain and best player on the team, which forces her to think a lot about basketball. Her goal to achieve is also about basketball. She lives apart from her parents, can't neglect her studies, and is also slowly falling in love with Taiki, so she thinks about many things.

I don't think you wrote this in a bad way, but I felt like responding because I found your post interesting. I'm sorry for the long explanation, and I'm sorry if my English wasn't understood. I'm not from an English-speaking country.
Mar 22, 6:50 PM

Jul 2021
rexmuseum said:
IhnalakoKaina said:
no. stop trying to diagnose psychological conditions on characters that are just not completely ordinary. adhd and hyper focus don't go together. also the lack of meltdowns. those are not the kind of impulses that someone with adhd has. very broad interpretation of "doing something out of pocket when it's not really appropriate". it'd have to be like slamming the desk during an exam, breaking out in a dance during practice, shit like that. everything you said is ridiculous and unknowledgeable. just stfu already with the mental disorders on anime characters.

Hyperfocus is a very common and well-documented phenomenon in people with ADHD. Quoting, "ADHD hyperfocus happens when a person becomes so absorbed in an activity that they tune out to everything around them. This usually occurs when the person is engaging in something they find fun, rewarding, and stimulating."

Besides that, 30~40% of people with ADHD do not have hyperactive traits. That's one of the reasons why ADHD is such a terrible name for the condition.

And in the end, ADHD is not a lack of attention, but difficulty controlling where attention goes, which includes both distractibility and hyperfocus. It can also be seen as an advantage in certain lights, and it's nothing to be ashamed of.

So, I wouldn't get so offended by someone suggesting an anime character shows traits similar to those of ADHD.

can't understand the difference between offense and annoyance. of course you wouldn't understand the difference between having a psychological disorder and just slightly deviating from the normal.

this shit is like those idiots categorizing anime as right wing and left wing. It's all delusions, misinterpretations and reading far too much into shit, attributing intent on the author that's completely baseless, trying to develop retarded logic on flawed premises and biased or incomplete knowledge. It distorts and waters down words' meanings, and it's cringe and annoying to see everywhere there's such a character, which has been like 6 different shows just this season.

it's enough already.
Mar 22, 11:31 PM
Jun 2021
This is so forced it's actually laughable. Clearly you didn't see Episode 21.

Maybe actually see the episodes instead of overanalysing every little footage in the show?

Mar 23, 4:50 AM
Dec 2018
Goonsii said:
rexmuseum said:
Kano Chinatsu is a really cool character indeed, and she has some traits and quirks that really seem to relate to ADHD.

The hyperfocus on basketball really is evident. She even neglects other parts of her life, like her romantic one, to hyperfocus on her sport. She doesn't miss an early practice not due to sheer diligence and discipline, but through the impulsive passion that is seen usually in ADHD. She also impulsively goes running even when it's not suitable to.

Besides, her constantly losing focus on the conversation or being deep in thought and paying attention to normal/casual things that someone normally wouldn't makes me think that she might have it. She's constantly out of line with other's thoughts train, and always in her own world inside her head. She's also really forgetful, which can be another sign of ADHD.

What do you guys think?

From what you've said, I think you've only seen the anime. Because later on, the manga refutes everything you've said.

Chinatsu is a calm person who doesn't like getting into trouble, she has goals and many responsibilities.

You mention that she's hyperfocused on basketball, but later in the story we're shown that she often loses focus to watch Taiki train. She works so hard at basketball because that's what she stayed in Japan for, otherwise, she would have moved abroad with her parents. Plus, she's the team's vice-captain and its best player. She should set an example as such. She places so much importance on basketball because it's her priority when it comes to staying in Japan. You also mention that she neglects love. A lot of people mention this, but I don't understand why. Love isn't her priority, but she didn't neglect it. She went on three dates with Taiki (aquarium, beach, concert). In fact, she herself requested the concert date. So I don't understand why people say she neglected love when those are the only dates we've seen on the show.

You mention that she never misses a training session because of her impulsive passion. This doesn't make sense in the manga today, basically because she no longer has the same passion she had when the series began, as she herself says. She doesn't skip training because she has a goal and wants to improve. Plus, in the mornings, she can also see Taiki, and it's just the two of them. Plus, everyone thinks she's perfect and a very good player. So she often thinks she's not good enough and feels insecure, so she trains harder because of that. So, she does train hard out of discipline, trying to improve and meet the expectations placed on her.

Finally, you mention that she's often distracted and very forgetful, but the manga has taught us that this isn't true. Throughout the story, we've been taught that she remembers things from when she was little and things from years ago, something a forgetful person couldn't do. As for her distractions, it seems normal to me, because as I said, she has many obligations and thinks about many things throughout the day. She's the vice-captain and best player on the team, which forces her to think a lot about basketball. Her goal to achieve is also about basketball. She lives apart from her parents, can't neglect her studies, and is also slowly falling in love with Taiki, so she thinks about many things.

I don't think you wrote this in a bad way, but I felt like responding because I found your post interesting. I'm sorry for the long explanation, and I'm sorry if my English wasn't understood. I'm not from an English-speaking country.

Hey! Your English is great, don't worry :)

Yes, you're right! I have only watched the anime, and I still have to start with the manga. I'm still getting over the heartbreak of the last two episodes so I haven't started it yet.

If you say she gets different when the story progresses in the manga, then I completely believe you!
Mar 23, 3:49 PM

Mar 2019
IhnalakoKaina said:
no. stop trying to diagnose psychological conditions on characters that are just not completely ordinary. adhd and hyper focus don't go together. also the lack of meltdowns. those are not the kind of impulses that someone with adhd has. very broad interpretation of "doing something out of pocket when it's not really appropriate". it'd have to be like slamming the desk during an exam, breaking out in a dance during practice, shit like that. everything you said is ridiculous and unknowledgeable. just stfu already with the mental disorders on anime characters.

Things like ADHD or autism are so common that they are basically personality types and less of a "condition" (although that's not to say you shouldn't get treatment for it if it helps). It's totally valid to interpret a character this way even if it's never explicitly stated that they are. Most people are undiagnosed or self-diagnosed anyway.
Mar 23, 5:25 PM
Mar 2023
Some of you people are so weird. Adhd? Yall live in this weird fantasy reality in your head in he real world and try to bring that stuff into the anime and things you watch/consume and it's so weird. You don't have to project your weird out of touch with reality view points with everything you come across,

"Oh look someone who wakes up early and has discipline in their life for something their passionate about, they must have adhd because according to me that's not what normal people do. Waking up early for something your passionate about is something someone with mental problems would do"

Thats what you sound like.

Have you ever played a sport? Had a hobby? A dream? A goal? Anything in life that actually connectsd with you? Like if you check yes to any of that, there is 0% you could come up with your conclusion that she had adhd.

And for any flaws she shows, she's literally a teenage higshcool girl. Like come on. Sorry she's not a perfect Ai program or something?

This weird reality you created and project everywhere ain't gonna help you out much

Mar 23, 6:34 PM

Mar 2019
Reply to TheDefCrypt
Some of you people are so weird. Adhd? Yall live in this weird fantasy reality in your head in he real world and try to bring that stuff into the anime and things you watch/consume and it's so weird. You don't have to project your weird out of touch with reality view points with everything you come across,

"Oh look someone who wakes up early and has discipline in their life for something their passionate about, they must have adhd because according to me that's not what normal people do. Waking up early for something your passionate about is something someone with mental problems would do"

Thats what you sound like.

Have you ever played a sport? Had a hobby? A dream? A goal? Anything in life that actually connectsd with you? Like if you check yes to any of that, there is 0% you could come up with your conclusion that she had adhd.

And for any flaws she shows, she's literally a teenage higshcool girl. Like come on. Sorry she's not a perfect Ai program or something?

This weird reality you created and project everywhere ain't gonna help you out much

TheDefCrypt said:
"Oh look someone who wakes up early and has discipline in their life for something their passionate about, they must have adhd because according to me that's not what normal people do. Waking up early for something your passionate about is something someone with mental problems would do"

You seem to be hung up on the idea that having ADHD is somehow not "normal" and a "mental problem". It's very common and it affects many people's attitudes, personalities, and behaviors. So much so that, if you bother trying to understand it, it's just another kind of personality type. People assign personality types to characters all the time, just look at all the -dere types. You wouldn't get upset at someone for calling a character tsundere even if the author never explicitly called them that. Similarly characters can have ADHD traits and it's totally valid to point those out. It's not saying something is wrong with them (well it is saying that if you insist on perpetuating the negative stigma around mental health).

Btw, I didn't particularly think that Chinatsu displayed any significant ADHD characteristics when I watched but I just wanted to chime in and defend anyone who thought she did. I sometimes read characters as autism-coded and would face similar criticism.
Mar 24, 9:58 AM
Nov 2024
dear god this is stupid...

they are anime characters. they are ALWAYS over the top. ALWAYS. That does not fucking mean they have autism, ADHD or whatever.

All this does is to water down the condition for real people.

No! Chinatsu definitly does not have ADHD, at least nothing about her behaviour seems to show in that direction.

You know what? There are disciplined people, who love their passion without the need of ADHD or whatever.. and just because she sometimes is daydreaming also does not mean she has ADHD. Thats totaly normal too...

dear god, you people make me angry.

this is nearly as stupid as the guy who thought that shisei from "married to the girl in class i hate" has down syndrom...

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