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Aug 20, 2008 5:18 PM

Aug 2007
I thought something like this was going to happen as the episode went on (you know, having Vincent on the boat instead of returning to Romdeau with Real).

I'm wondering whats going to happen now. o.o

And it seems that the head of security or whatever is the other/somehow related to the other Proxy.

Felli disapproves of this thread.
Sep 9, 2008 5:03 AM

Jan 2008
Wow, didn't expect the old guy to be in the ship. So many people dying...
Oct 6, 2008 10:23 AM

Jun 2008
yeah i didn't predict it to
Nov 17, 2008 5:21 AM

May 2007
old guy died for the greater good !

Dec 19, 2008 11:25 PM

Feb 2008
The old man was able to see, smell, feel, maybe touch...Romdeau again.

The mind is its own place, and in itself, can make heaven of Hell, and a hell of Heaven.
Dec 22, 2008 7:27 AM

Feb 2008
They sorta hinted that old man was in the ship cause Pino was on the boat and Pino haven't left Vincent's side ever since she meet him yet.

Felt a little sad for the old man in the end though.
May 28, 2009 2:30 PM

Dec 2008
im guessing they are going to the old dome where vincent first came from.

i feel sorry for the old man. it looks like that's what he wanted.
May 29, 2009 8:11 PM

May 2008
I too pity Hoody. It explained now, after the episode's conclusion the missing toy soldier and why Hoody was expelled from Romdo.

On another note, I never expected Vincent to be hiding in the boat and Hoody would take his place. As Nayahl said, I should've taken the clues that Pino has never left Vincent's side ever since they met.

Gotta love it when Vincent blushes when Re-l calls out for him, he's such a dork! LOL
"We practice selective annihilation of mayors and government officials, for example, to create a vacuum, then we fill that vacuum. As popular war advances, peace is closer"
Jun 8, 2009 6:47 AM

Aug 2008
Leibstandarte said:

Gotta love it when Vincent blushes when Re-l calls out for him, he's such a dork! LOL

I loved that.

Last few episodes have been pretty decent.

Poor Hoody. And now Quinn. Pino is so adorable when she says that she's lonely. Hell she's adorable full stop. Poor Timothy.
Jul 25, 2009 10:53 AM

Nov 2008
What a brutal episode! Hody, Quinn, and half of the commune bite the dust.

Kind of bittersweet for Hody, who got to see the city one last time before he died. It makes you wonder how long he was holding onto that toy soldier. It represented everything he had wished for.
Sep 18, 2009 2:59 PM
Jul 2009
So.. the old guy died?
Jan 8, 2010 3:48 PM
Dec 2009
wow, i never even expected vincent to be on the boat, then again pino being there did surprise me. i loved how they built that up though

damn, this episode was amazing.
May 5, 2010 3:00 PM

Jul 2009
So Hoody got expelled from Romdeau for stealing that toy soldier since they're not allowed more than they need. I couldn't help feeling sorry for Pino in this episode since she couldn't understand why people die.

P.S. How awesome is Re-l's eye make-up?
Jun 4, 2010 4:38 PM

Jan 2010
Leibstandarte said:

Gotta love it when Vincent blushes when Re-l calls out for him, he's such a dork! LOL
wow, this anime is so boring but i can't stop watching, rofl maybe is because of pino :'DD she's awesome.
Jul 17, 2010 6:22 PM
Jan 2009
Would be kind of cute if this anime had a bit of romance! :)
Jul 27, 2010 8:48 PM

Jan 2010
Leibstandarte said:

Gotta love it when Vincent blushes when Re-l calls out for him, he's such a dork! LOL

I agree :D It's so adorable. Oh Vince. Looks like Daedalus likes Re-L that much too, I wonder what'll happen next :). I didn't expect Hoody to be on the airplane/ship thing but then again, Pino was on the boat so I had my suspicions.

Glad that Vincent didn't listen to Quinn's lie about the vaccine :)
Oct 8, 2010 8:57 AM

Aug 2010
Glad that Re-l is back in the doom but what waits vincent in the up coming episodes. My guess is Re-l will want more Intel on the proxy and have him sneaked in the doom..
Oct 8, 2010 11:08 PM

Dec 2009
Poor Pino.
Poor Hoody.

Hoody coming out the plane was a big surprise to me. I'm glad Vincent was not so stupid that he would go to Romdeau and be killed.
SilentSympathyOct 8, 2010 11:11 PM
Nov 1, 2010 11:21 AM

Mar 2009
So Vincent and Pino are going to another dome or somewhere else?
I also thought Hoody was cool, it sucks about what happened though.. :<

Feb 6, 2011 2:29 PM

Apr 2009
I'm not surprised Daedalus knows how to play politics too.
You see there's no need to wonder where your god is,
Coz he's right here! ...and he's fresh out of mercy.
Mar 5, 2011 6:28 PM

Oct 2009
This is giving me the same feeling Evangelion did, hmm?
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Apr 24, 2011 1:17 PM
Jan 2010
Vincent had his eyes open the whole episode.
Apr 19, 2012 3:26 AM

Apr 2012
This episode got me excited for what may come up on episode seven. ^^
The way everything has been presented to me has been so exciting.
Off I go to sleep since it's 3 AM. :C
<img src="" />
Aug 27, 2012 3:39 PM

May 2012
Decent episode, but I lack a vast structure in the story line :/
Oct 6, 2012 11:49 AM

May 2010
Kinda sad to get killed when you just took a glimpse of what you've wanted. Last dying wish perhaps.

What's going to happen to Vincent, Pino, and the others now? And Daedalus is a male. =,=
Feb 2, 2013 4:57 AM

Jan 2012
What was the point in executing the old guy? Only Vincent was authorized to be killed on sight.

Mar 9, 2013 3:57 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
Nayah said:
They sorta hinted that old man was in the ship cause Pino was on the boat and Pino haven't left Vincent's side ever since she meet him yet.

Felt a little sad for the old man in the end though.

Yeah that's what I thought too. I was wondering why Pino would be waving to "Vincent" goodbye on the Usagi, but then I realized it was probably someone else going back to Romdo.

Vincent blushing was really cute btw <3 I'm also loving Daedalus countering Raul. On his character page, it says "he has a strange obsession with Re-l." It looks more like love to me though. Hm.
Apr 9, 2013 9:15 AM

Feb 2013
ownosourus said:
What was the point in executing the old guy? Only Vincent was authorized to be killed on sight.

Most likely because he was banished, I assume anyone who is banished and dares to return would be executed. Or maybe Rhaul was just pissed that it wasn't Vincent and took his anger out on him.

Good ep though, the part when Pino put her ear to Quinn's chest and said *I'm sad Quinn* made me tear up, it was so sad..
May 22, 2013 3:41 PM

Jan 2013
Great episode, easy to follow
Jun 26, 2013 5:11 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Another great episode. I never expected the old man to be up there with Re-l. And I'm starting to dislike Raul, he seems to have more of an agenda than I thought.
I love his series' soundtrack. So many great tunes.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Nov 3, 2013 10:58 PM

Nov 2009
That Daedalus guy is pretty clever . . . Using the creepy Security Bureau guy's suspicion against him . . . Anyways good episode, excited to see it start to move to even more new scenery if you could call it that.
Nov 9, 2013 12:46 AM

Oct 2013
xoSushi said:
Would be kind of cute if this anime had a bit of romance! :)

honestly i dont think this show is going for the cute feel
"Urushibara Ruka. The mannerisms and voice of a woman... No... More feminine than any woman. But he's a guy. Taller than Mayuri, but so very thin... But he's a guy. Looks great in a miko outfit... But he's a guy. It's already twilight And yet, it's so hot. The cicadas are crying. But... He's a guy."
Jan 2, 2014 4:57 PM
Nov 2013
This was a really good episode. Poor Pino :(

Was not expecting Quinn to die. Hopefully from now on Vincent will keep his eyes open and stop acting like such a bitch. Hoody really redeemed himself at the end there, was starting to hate him before that.
Jan 7, 2014 7:21 PM
Jul 2012
good episode.

What in the hell is Vincent doing not driving with Re-i? He's driving a second ago, but all of sudden he doesn't. Maybe I missed it or something. Once again that's stupid of him.

Apr 25, 2014 3:01 AM

Aug 2013
This is getting really sad >__<
"May those who accept their fate be granted happiness."

"May those who defy their fate be granted glory."
May 19, 2014 11:25 PM

Oct 2013
On to the next 1

May 20, 2014 10:34 PM

May 2008
Hoody being in the plane surprised me as well even though I was wondering why Pino got left behind right after she said she wasn't going to leave Vincent behind.

I liked Hoody's death even if I was perplexed for a while as to why kill him. It shows that death isn't always (completely) sad as he got what he wanted in the end and accepted his death.

It's always the redheads that seem to die. I liked Quinn too. *sigh*
Nov 22, 2014 2:21 AM

Jul 2014
That switch up... makes sense after seeing the episode but I couldn't have predicted that. Pino learning about emotions and recognizing she is sad at the end of the episode was really well done and so sad.

As for Daedalus. I really disliked him to start off, he came off as kinda creepy to me and untrustworthy. But then again, we don't know his backstory so can't really judge him. This episode, though, shows at least that he is smart and caring. I don't know his role or his goals, but as of right now, I'm starting to appreciate his character more than I thought I would
Apr 18, 2015 3:18 PM

Aug 2014
That was a very good strategy to put that guy in the flying thing. I knew it was gonna be someone else when the guy said, "Show me your face, Vincent Law".
Jun 13, 2015 9:18 AM

Jan 2015
Why Hoody had to die??
Aug 10, 2015 11:36 AM

Jan 2014
This arc has been really boring...
Aug 30, 2015 2:07 AM

Feb 2015
No! Not Quinn and Hoody! Killed off just when they were growing on me... sigh...
Sep 8, 2015 7:26 PM

Nov 2012
This episode revealed a lot of character information. About Hoody's past, Daedalus character, and Raul's intentions.
Dec 25, 2015 11:01 AM

Aug 2014
This Episode uncovered some of the mysteries in the plot .
This anime has a lot of potential but the plot and the characters somehow are hindering this from being a masterpiece , I hope i will be proved wrong in the late episodes .
Still i find this anime series to be pretty enjoyable .
The opening song is good , the OST is great .

Good Episode .
Feb 3, 2016 1:08 AM

Aug 2013
This bloody trap caught me off guard.
The bald dude died.. Quinn also died.. damn.
I'm really not liking that Daedalus guy.. seems like a stalker to me.
Raul also have some mental problems or something.
Feb 25, 2016 4:26 AM

May 2010
Zell182 said:
So Hoody got expelled from Romdeau for stealing that toy soldier since they're not allowed more than they need.

I legit laughed out loud lmao
Jun 2, 2016 4:35 AM

Mar 2014
I am kind of loosing track of what is haopening tbh ...

Sep 12, 2016 5:40 AM

Mar 2010
Hoodies dad was sad.. His crime isnt even that huge -_-
And when pino said im lonely T_T
Oct 10, 2016 12:46 AM

Jan 2010
"What's the point of analyzing a person under emotional control?"

It might be quite appropriate if the person in question is aware of that very fact.

Anyways, what is wrong with the outside world's atmosphere? Is it the sanitized inner walls of Romdeau making Re-l too weak to walk outside, or did some manner of warfare wreck the outside world so hard that it became near uninhabitable sans intense adaptation? Or was it some sort of illness that requires a level of immunity that isn't present with the inner city residents?
Nov 17, 2016 1:53 AM

Oct 2012
Sad Pino made me sadder :(

At this point I don't even know whether there'll be still anyone live at the end of anime besides the main characters
Oh well
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