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Dec 1, 2012 7:05 AM

Oct 2010
Nice episode. The flashbacks were the most impressive with the visuals. Among them being the following one,
This is what should be mentioned. Along the excellent SFX and BGM present. It surely heighten VN’s perceptions in many ways. To the best it should have exceed the original VN during that part.

Noumi/Komari duo kills a lot in MOE in the following,

next to Kurugaya poses and surely much to many, a perfect House Wife figure under such clothing as she wears.

In fact it can be said the Noumi makes the day for me but most of all the different setup being of the kitchen itself.

The mystery looming around as such with the cat got a nice focus. As one can see from the methods used around that cat to show out a mysterious emanation. That of being a perfect element that adds to the general atmosphere of the episode.

The food gags were great and Masato was quite comedic in this episode. Haruka got her gags good whom among her movements created rather gagging laughter precisely around Masato.

Rin on the other hand also got great roles over the course of this episode namely her movements once again like Haruka had their means and laughter coefficient. Particularly them finger pointing parts. Aggressive/anger episodes were really good with her.

In general the whole episode leaves a good feeling of rather light comedic proportions with some drama. That may make some emotional.

Rest of the thoughts follow in the BLOG as time allows them to be written.
Yumekichi11Dec 1, 2012 7:20 AM

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Dec 1, 2012 7:35 AM

May 2011
Ah this was a fun episode. ^^

A lot of chaos going on with the dinner preparations, lol.

Some parts of Rin's story have been brought out fairly well too.

Not a lot happened this episode other than some plot introductions and the inserted comedy, but it's still a common route adaption.

Next episode looks like it will be focusing on Nishizono. Looking forward to it!
Dec 1, 2012 7:36 AM

Feb 2012
was a nice episode ^_^ overall the story wasn't the most interesting part of LB, but they adapted it well :D Sasasegawa was awesome yet again ^_^

Would have expected to see Mio in atleast one scene this episode like Kud and Haruka got prior to their episodes, but meh.
Dec 1, 2012 7:49 AM

Nov 2011
This series seems just medicore to me, calling it now judging on this episode and what's being presented so far.

I lol'd @ the baseball match in the beginning with the Lizbeth throwing that baseball. What a boss. Those girls were quite annoying in the cafeteria with those absurd laugh of theirs tbh. I guess some of the parts that involved Riki were interesting to watch even if it was briefly.

Lizbeth looks good in almost anything tbh:

Dec 1, 2012 8:07 AM

Sep 2011
I'm having a weird feeling that they're recycling some certain scripts. Anyway, boring episode for me.

Dec 1, 2012 8:09 AM

Nov 2011
Sa-chan_ said:
I'm having a weird feeling that they're recycling some certain scripts. Anyway, boring episode for me.

Same here, pretty much my thoughts.
Dec 1, 2012 8:11 AM

Aug 2012
Great episode this week like usual, always fun to watch each week
Dec 1, 2012 8:38 AM

Aug 2011
OMG. J.C Staff finally used the baseball BGM!!! Glad to see another appearance by Sasami and her gang. I was wondering when they will show up again since episode 1. It's too bad that the battle between Sasami and Rin wasn't shown. Must be for budget reasons... =/

Young Rin is so cute!
CrimsonPhantomDec 1, 2012 9:11 AM
Dec 1, 2012 9:29 AM

Oct 2009
I shall ask again...
Dec 1, 2012 9:31 AM

Sep 2011
Tou said:
I shall ask again...

I'll say this again.

JC Staff is just only teasing and I really found it hilarious.

Dec 1, 2012 9:40 AM

Dec 2011
how is Little Busters being received overall by the Japanese audience so far? if anyone knows
Dec 1, 2012 10:32 AM

May 2012
How dare Haruka for interrupting kyousuke...
aside from that i have a feeling this series is going to be very very very long if they are dedicating episodes to certain events. and sasasasasasasami why do you guys keep calling her a tsundere when she is a damn queen.
Dec 1, 2012 10:34 AM

Oct 2010
Tou said:
I shall ask again...
As well as the SATURN PLANET SYMBOL AGAIN! It's all over the place. In case no one figures out why:
Saturn's connection with agriculture suggests the nature of time.

I think I made my point.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Dec 1, 2012 10:45 AM

Aug 2011
felt short.. they recycled ring ring ring twice and unnamed song twice. there were ALOT of stills with super weird colorful backgrounds.

other than that i think the episode was ok-good.
TL & founder of Refrain Subs.
Website: Check us out for weekly releases!
Dec 1, 2012 11:41 AM

Sep 2011
planetarian said:
and sasasasasasasami why do you guys keep calling her a tsundere when she is a damn queen.

Her Tsundereness will show only when her story begins. In Common route as well as other heroines' stories, she only shows her Ojou-sama archetype.

Dec 1, 2012 12:24 PM

Jul 2010
Watching the gang make food in the cafeteria was very amusing to watch, especially Masato and Kengo showing off their mad skills.
Dec 1, 2012 12:34 PM

Jul 2011
Tr1ckR said:
how is Little Busters being received overall by the Japanese audience so far? if anyone knows

Last time I heard anything about the japanese reception, it seemed to be divided - but then, it was a month ago. I guess that guy symbv knows more details (though I haven't seen him in Little Busters! threads recently).

"Like this too we met in a dirty and ugly world; Thank you for this miracle."
Dec 1, 2012 1:13 PM

Nov 2009
Sa-chan_ said:
I'm having a weird feeling that they're recycling some certain scripts. Anyway, boring episode for me.

the only problem i had about this episode was not animating the student body in the cafeteria during and using still-shots instead, other than that i don't mind them nostalgic recycled scenery scenes, and the rest of the still-shots =w=
MagicFlierDec 1, 2012 1:42 PM
Dec 1, 2012 1:25 PM

Jun 2011
Time went by so fast. By the time I noticed, the cooking took the whole episode.
Dec 1, 2012 2:15 PM

Nov 2007
Really liked it, the anime is imo doing a better job at showing how close the group is becoming during the common route.
Dec 1, 2012 2:33 PM

Aug 2011

i actually thought i was done bashin on the animation but it's hit a new low. the scene where rin was attacked to the ground by her cats was litterally 2 frames, there were 15 fucking still shots 8 of which were with sparkles and bubbles, kyousuke's hands looked weird as hell, once again we didn't get a fight scene but instead got a still shot.

they show them laughing WAY too much. we get it, they're happy. PLEASE find another way to convey that.

i think it's safe to say that this anime has the worst animation this season. Mind you i said animation, NOT art. jeez, i find myself being relieved at parts where they show the damn trees swaying in the wind cuz thats the only source of sakuga we get.

Tr1ckR said:
how is Little Busters being received overall by the Japanese audience so far? if anyone knows

they're like mal, some people like it but most people esp. vn veterans seem to be bothered by the director, production values.

next episode we got the director from episode 3
Funya-UsagiDec 1, 2012 4:48 PM
TL & founder of Refrain Subs.
Website: Check us out for weekly releases!
Dec 1, 2012 6:08 PM

Apr 2010
JC Staff. Seriously, hitting a new low. I might start disliking this adaptation.

And seriously, Sasami's new voice actor is TERRIBLE.
Dec 1, 2012 6:26 PM

Feb 2010
Hahaha Kengo! Anyway, Little Busters will be on hold for me... I'll be waiting till all the eps are aired... Sucks when you know the story because you played the VN.
jarylcDec 1, 2012 6:32 PM
Dec 1, 2012 6:39 PM

Jul 2012
Well I enjoyed this episode more than the previous ones for some reason. Not bad but I can see why people find it boring.
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Dec 1, 2012 6:53 PM

Jun 2012
This episode is the worst of all of them. They took a simple three minute mini-game from the visual novel and wasted an entire episode on it. Not to mention Rin's fight with Sasa-whatever was once again, ignored. And to top it off they have the worst music placement I've seen yet.

I should just go replay the VN again for the hell of it. It looks like Mio's route is coming up. Better than Kud's (most hated) route, I guess. I thought it was.. ehh. It's interesting.

But the inconsistency of the plot, bad music placement and half-assed animation as well as bullshit (first we watch Kud find a roommate and then this, when the roommate could've been solved in five minutes and happened at the same time the story really progressed rather than stretching it out to a whole episode) is making me consider dropping this.

I should just pick it up once they get into Rin 2, but that'll be forever. The worst part is I wasn't expecting much more than we got.

EDIT: As someone said, making the food was interesting to watch. Masato and Kengo anyway. I thought the noise Kengo made when he was chopping up the lettuce was bad, but still a bit funny.

EDIT 2: To be positive, I do like how they are showing the group together as a team more, although if I recall correctly in the VN they didn't have the girls (Except Rin) help. It was just the original 5 little busters. They are doing some things right with this episode, but a LOT of things wrong.
Malus92Dec 1, 2012 6:59 PM
Dec 1, 2012 6:56 PM

Dec 2009

Yeah, that's how it usually goes when I play that minigame too ;_;
Dec 1, 2012 6:57 PM

Nov 2012
Two Frames in loop for the Riki, Kyousuke, Komari, Kud and Rin laughing animation.
I can't help but notice the animation at that part (the start of the episode). Most of the laughing animation don't look natural at all like when Kyousuke is just moving his mouth and body. Also, Rin's laugh makes her look epileptic.
- Riki: That's so not laughing! -

Other than that, it's just an OK common route episode. There are still 17 episodes + season 2 left and JC Staff will always get feedbacks. I'm pretty sure episodes will improve especially on endings of character routes. You can see it at the ending of Komari's arc (personally, I like that part).

Komari Kamikita    Mio Nishizono      Rin Natsume    Yuiko Kurugaya   Haruka Saigusa  Kudryavka Noumi
Dec 1, 2012 7:05 PM

Jan 2011
Tou said:
I shall ask again...

Ah all dat black censoring!, though i feel like they are just trolling us hard haha

alright episode friends be bonding seems like their giving anime viewers hints on the letters just hope they don't give away to much

still those animations..*not Art* i really wish i could just let it go but sometimes i just wonder how they let some of them pass!
Dec 1, 2012 7:07 PM

Apr 2010
ClannadIsLove said:
This episode is the worst of all of them. They took a simple three minute mini-game from the visual novel and wasted an entire episode on it.

The important part is that it once again shows they aren't planning on rushing it and trying to fit it into 2 cour like you originally expected. I'd take some episodes where they develop the characters and don't rush things over trying to fit the entire thing in one series.

Dec 1, 2012 7:09 PM
Oct 2010
dat loop. i never saw sasamamis tsundereness D:

i think it comes out a bit in a route other than her own tho. rememebr that
Dont bother replying to my posts in forums, dont check them afterwards.

Dec 1, 2012 7:12 PM

Sep 2012
Still shots. Still shots everywhere. Wasn't there like two animation directors this episode, what happened?
I don't remember the encounter with Sasami in this ep so i think they added it since she hasn't shown up since the first ep.
I literally face desked when Rin fell down with the cats on her. There were like 2 frames used for that.
When Kyouske said mission start, what the hell happened to his fingers, they freaked me out.
The direction of this episode was so different from last ep, they are overusing the soundtracks again which is a shame since it was used so well in the last ep.

I liked the baseball part in the beginning, Rins hair in the wind with the ost and Riki's narcolepsy was executed pretty well with the music. But this episode was one of the least enjoyable for me because of the budget crash ( I personally think they should stop using those yellow blocks to indicate chatter, not sure what its called) and not so great directing.
Dec 1, 2012 7:12 PM

Aug 2011
i was SO expecting more than just cafeteria mini game.... i was almost for sure they were going to add kengo's ordeal, newspaper fight, or at least shaka shaka hey. i hate the direction of this anime. There's hardly any character interaction (they simply do activities together, we dont see any damn 1 to 1 interaction between characters! besides riki/rin), we get way too much vague activities as a group. Riki does NOT feel like the main character anymore.

dear kill me baby director: i had somewhat faith in you, that somehow despite your messy credentials you might have what it takes to do this... i am thoroughly disappointed again for the 5th time.

and it's irrational that i forgive them so hard when putting out a "good" episode
Funya-UsagiDec 1, 2012 7:16 PM
TL & founder of Refrain Subs.
Website: Check us out for weekly releases!
Dec 1, 2012 7:15 PM

Nov 2011
I'm not too surprised tbh since J.C. Staff is handling this right now. I'm just hoping the series will pull off something interesting soon. I also recall that a lot of Key series (like Clannad's first 10 episodes) that started off slow but eventually got its point through. I wonder if it'll be the case for LB!
Dec 1, 2012 7:16 PM

Apr 2010
Hm, I never even noticed any of these bad animation things people were talking about. I was watching it and was engrossed with what was going on instead of trying to find things to complain about, I guess.

Dec 1, 2012 7:16 PM

Sep 2012
Wow, still a lot of animation rage here, but whatever, people are entitled to their opinion.

I like these kinds of relaxing episodes, as it would be too rushed to just hop from one route to another (Kanon kind of fell into this). Sure, some low frame numbers, but meh, I don't care. I mean, the VN has NO animation.

Nice to see all the LB help out with the tasks now, and it does seem like the anime is focused more on Rin's actions. I was a little disappointed that there was no mention of Haruka's egg specialty...

Also, maybe it's just me, but I think they need to show the LB in class more often. Were it not for their constant wearing of uniform, I would probably occasionally forget that they attend school...

Overall I quite enjoyed this episode. Plenty of people are bashing it for whatever reason, but I don't mind. Sure, the animation wasn't great, but story is more important anyway. I like how they inserted more stuff about narcolepsy and the secret of the world. Good foreshadowing stuff. Also, sneaky censoring of the date...

Next week is Mio! Hooray!!!
Dec 1, 2012 7:20 PM
Jul 2012
Next week for Mio!
Dec 1, 2012 7:20 PM

Jun 2011
Wow, I think Riki is the one who can predict things. I mean, he mentioned the Lennon's letter and suddenly another one appeared, then talked about his sickness and that's exactly what we've got. Completely unexpected! Also, I find annoying some of their voices (specially those laughing girls).
Dec 1, 2012 7:20 PM

Aug 2011
at least clannad's first 10 episodes had a good sense of direction! after watching the whole series, you can look back at it and see that everything was done at the perfect pace, comedy was spot on, not to mention animation, art, or music NEVER was a concern. when you look back at LB!'s first 10 episodes, it wont change the fact that they had terrible direction, animation, music placement.

oh damn, how much i would LOVE to watch this series without having to worry about the budget showing.
TL & founder of Refrain Subs.
Website: Check us out for weekly releases!
Dec 1, 2012 7:21 PM
Jul 2012
blubberflub said:
at least clannad's first 10 episodes had a good sense of direction! after watching the whole series, you can look back at it and see that everything was done at the perfect pace, comedy was spot on, not to mention animation, art, or music NEVER was a concern. when you look back at LB!'s first 10 episodes, it wont change the fact that they had terrible direction, animation, music placement.

oh damn, how much i would LOVE to watch this series without having to worry about the budget showing.

I'd just read the visual novel but then again if it's the 15th times you read the thing like me your mileage isn't running a high
Dec 1, 2012 7:22 PM

May 2011
Feel sorry for Masato there, getting hit by a ball.

So next week about bookworm girl I suppose.
Dec 1, 2012 7:23 PM

Oct 2010
I guess I have a weakness for cooking shows and episodes (darn Yumeiro Patissiere). But I still find this episode to be irrelevant. It's important to learn when to omit stuff from the source material. I hope that we get to a character route soon. The animation was bland and there were derpy frames all over. The quality was especially glaring since I just watched an episode of After Story right before it. Still, I'm excited to see where this goes.

Dec 1, 2012 7:24 PM

Apr 2010
blubberflub said:
at least clannad's first 10 episodes had a good sense of direction! after watching the whole series, you can look back at it and see that everything was done at the perfect pace, comedy was spot on, not to mention animation, art, or music NEVER was a concern. when you look back at LB!'s first 10 episodes, it wont change the fact that they had terrible direction, animation, music placement.

oh damn, how much i would LOVE to watch this series without having to worry about the budget showing.

The complaining by this point is getting kinda old. It is what it is... its not KyoAni, and it never will be KyoAni. Accept it for what it is and try to enjoy it instead of finding reasons to hate it. I'm enjoying it a lot more with this kind of mindset.

shirayuki75 said:
I guess I have a weakness for cooking shows and episodes (darn Yumeiro Patissiere). But I still find this episode to be irrelevant. It's important to learn when to omit stuff from the source material..

Its an important part that can't be omitted. Maybe made into half an episode but thats about it.

Dec 1, 2012 7:25 PM

Nov 2011
blubberflub said:
at least clannad's first 10 episodes had a good sense of direction! after watching the whole series, you can look back at it and see that everything was done at the perfect pace, comedy was spot on, not to mention animation, art, or music NEVER was a concern. when you look back at LB!'s first 10 episodes, it wont change the fact that they had terrible direction, animation, music placement.

oh damn, how much i would LOVE to watch this series without having to worry about the budget showing.

I kinda agree with this.

Clannad's first 10 episodes involving Fuko Ibuki (I think from what I can remember) started as a bore for me but later became amusing to watch as I got used, especially the comedy/drama.

I'm still hoping LB! can turn things around soon.
Dec 1, 2012 7:26 PM

Jun 2012
RyanSaotome said:
The complaining by this point is getting kinda old. It is what it is... its not KyoAni, and it never will be KyoAni. Accept it for what it is and try to enjoy it instead of finding reasons to hate it. I'm enjoying it a lot more with this kind of mindset.

Only JC Staff would have this kind of bullshit. I mean other shows that aren't KyoAni are better than this bullshit.

RyanSatome said:
Its an important part that can't be omitted. Maybe made into half an episode but thats about it.

Indeed. They should have had this entire episode condensed into the first half. It's important to the overall plot but I mean... they're just fucking around. They didn't need an entire episode for this.
Dec 1, 2012 7:30 PM

Aug 2011
also relevant
"My only complaint is that they need to just have the Narcolepsy hit. Stop reminding us he has it 5 minutes before you have him get an attack. It's annoying."

but you know what, i have no reason to not expect good things from now on. episodes 10-24 SHOULD be good based on the content they're adapting. these episodes will really decide whether this show will be a hit or miss.
Funya-UsagiDec 1, 2012 7:33 PM
TL & founder of Refrain Subs.
Website: Check us out for weekly releases!
Dec 1, 2012 8:11 PM

Dec 2007
Can somebody please tell JC Staff that there are supposed to be Rin's cats on the baseball field during practice? It's really getting irritating. Unless they're not even going to bother with
Dec 1, 2012 8:30 PM

Aug 2012
ClannadIsLove said:
RyanSaotome said:
The complaining by this point is getting kinda old. It is what it is... its not KyoAni, and it never will be KyoAni. Accept it for what it is and try to enjoy it instead of finding reasons to hate it. I'm enjoying it a lot more with this kind of mindset.

Only JC Staff would have this kind of bullshit. I mean other shows that aren't KyoAni are better than this bullshit.

If that is really what you believe, why are you still watching this? you dont seem to enjoy watching this so why waste 20 minutes of your day watching something you call "bullshit"
Dec 1, 2012 8:36 PM
Aug 2007
To be honest, my main complaint about this episode is that it feels slow and that it will make more plot-moving episodes' pace much more rushed.

Though, yup that minigame. This ep is exactly how I usually do when I play >>
Dec 1, 2012 8:43 PM

Dec 2011
I am interested in this person who sends the trials through Lennon.

My assumption is that this person is Kyousuke.
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Dec 1, 2012 8:49 PM
Nov 2011
Fiji said:
I am interested in this person who sends the trials through Lennon.

My assumption is that this person is Kyousuke.

are all the cats picked up by Kyousuke?
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