Dungeon Elf: Dungeon ni Takarabako ga Aru no wa Atarimae desu ka
Dungeon Elf: What's a Dungeon without Treasure Chests?
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Dungeon Elf: Dungeon ni Takarabako ga Aru no wa Atarimae desu ka

Alternative Titles

Japanese: ダンジョンエルフ ~ダンジョンに宝箱があるのは当たり前ですか~
English: Dungeon Elf: What's a Dungeon without Treasure Chests?
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Type: Manga
Volumes: Unknown
Chapters: Unknown
Status: Publishing
Published: Jul 5, 2024 to ?
Genres: Adventure Adventure, Fantasy Fantasy
Demographic: Seinen Seinen
Serialization: good! Afternoon
Authors: River, Slan (Story & Art)


Score: N/A1 (scored by - users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #251352
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #18813
Members: 785
Favorites: 3

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Ranked #25135Popularity #18813Members 785
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A question that even the most ardent of RPG lovers struggle to answer: Why are there treasure chests placed so conveniently throughout the dungeons? In the grass fields of the Forest of Beginnings, in deadly realms where even the greatest heroes must be prepared to face total annihilation, and even in people's homes―there, treasure chests sit, aiding unwitting adventurers and maintaining the world's balance. This is the story of someone, unbeknownst and unnoticed by anyone, who carries those chests.

(Source: Kodansha USA)


Dungeon Elf: Dungeon ni Takarabako ga Aru no wa Atarimae desu ka has been published digitally as an English simulpub as Dungeon Elf: What's a Dungeon without Treasure Chests? by Kodansha USA through K Manga.


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