Alien 9 is an anime with a unique and somewhat whimsical touch, featuring girls with distinct personalities and highly detailed, original alien creatures. The contrast between these girls and the aliens adds a fascinating element to the show.
The artwork by the creator is impressive, as it effectively conveys the speed and intensity of the battles between the girls and the aliens without relying heavily on speed lines.
The story of Alien 9 is undeniably complex, and while the meaning behind the title becomes clear towards the end, it doesn't provide a neatly wrapped-up conclusion. The overall enigmatic nature of the narrative is, in my opinion, one
Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Alien 9 Complete Japanese: エイリアン9 More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 3
Chapters: 30
Status: Finished
Published: Jun 9, 1998 to Aug 24, 1999
Young Champion Authors:
Tomizawa, Hitoshi (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #68552 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #2038
Members: 10,393
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Your Feelings Categories Jun 22, 2019
Those are bizzare and surreal series that strongly resemble "Propeller Heaven".
However, the problem here is that story leaves less impact than propeller heaven. The story revolves around a group of school girls that have to fight aliens by wearing helmets (That are aliens themselves). It is not really possible to explain more without spoiling it. The series have old school character graphics with round and slightly cartoonish faces, but this is contrasted by detailed depiction of aliens, surroundings and the like. It is very difficult to make sense out of the story, until at some point it goes and explains half of it in an informational dump ... |