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# Manga Title Score Chapters Volumes Tags
1 Akame ga Kill!
- / 80
- / 15
2 Break Blade
- / 106
- / 20
3 Code Geass: Nightmare of Nunnally
- / 26
- / 5
4 Gintama
- / 709
- / 77
5 Hoshi no Samidare
- / 65
- / 10
6 Koe no Katachi
- / 64
- / 7
7 Koukyoushihen Eureka seveN
- / 23
- / 6
8 Kure-nai
- / 55
- / 10
9 Kyou no Asuka Show
- / 48
- / 4
10 MÄR
- / 161
- / 15
11 Mirai Nikki: Paradox
- / 5
- / 1
12 Usagi Drop
- / 62
- / 10