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#Image Manga Title Score Chapters Volumes
1 Berserk Publishing
- / -
- / -
2 Boku no Chikyuu wo Mamotte
- / 138
- / 21
3 Chobits
- / 88
- / 8
4 Full Moon wo Sagashite
- / 35
- / 7
5 Fushigi Yuugi
- / 106
- / 18
6 Historie Publishing
- / -
- / -
7 Itazura na Kiss
- / 100
- / 23
8 Kuroshitsuji Publishing
- / -
- / -
9 Mekakushi no Kuni
- / 48
- / 9
10 Meteor Methuselah
- / 61
- / 11
11 Monster
- / 162
- / 18
12 Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
- / 302
- / 30
13 Special A
- / 104
- / 17
14 Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
- / 233
- / 28
15 X On Hiatus
- / 158
- / 18