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#Image Manga Title Chapters Started Date Finished Date Publish Start Publish End Priority
1 Bleach
- / 705
07-08-01 22-08-16 Low
2 Claymore
- / 159
06-06-01 04-10-14 Low
3 Devilman
- / 53
11-06-72 24-06-73 Low
4 Flip Flap: Okamoto Lynn Tanpenshuu
- / 9
19-03-08 19-03-08 Low
5 Hachimitsu to Clover
- / 71
24-04-00 28-07-06 Low
6 Komi-san wa, Comyushou desu.
- / 500
18-05-16 29-01-25 Low
7 Koukaku Kidoutai: The Ghost in the Shell
- / 11
00-03-89 00-09-91 Low
8 No Game No Life Publishing
- / -
25-04-12 Low
9 Shinseiki Evangelion
- / 97
26-12-94 04-06-13 Low
10 Soul Eater
- / 117
24-06-03 12-08-13 Low
11 Tokyo Ghoul
- / 144
08-09-11 18-09-14 Low
12 Tongari Boushi no Atelier Publishing
- / -
22-07-16 Low
13 Tower of God Publishing
- / -
05-07-10 Low
14 Yu☆Gi☆Oh!
- / 343
17-09-96 08-03-04 Low