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Chapters: 517, Volumes: 49, Days: 2.97, Mean Score: 8.1, Score Dev.: -0.27 More stats
#Image Manga Title Score Chapters Volumes
1 Bakuman. 8
7 / 176
1 / 20
2 Dragon Ball 9
251 / 520
21 / 42
3 Fire Punch 7
18 / 83
2 / 8
4 Freesia 7
12 / 84
2 / 12
5 Kokou no Hito 9
92 / 170
9 / 17
6 Magi 8
17 / 369
2 / 37
7 Pluto 8
47 / 65
6 / 8
8 Shonan Junai Gumi! 8
26 / 267
3 / 31
9 Vinland Saga Publishing 9
47 / -
3 / -