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Viewing bom-'s Manga List
Chapters: 415, Volumes: 11, Days: 2.86, Mean Score: 0.0, Score Dev.: 0.00 More stats
#Image Manga Title Score Chapters Volumes
1 2.5-jigen no Ririsa Publishing
9 / -
- / -
2 BL Motel
91 / 155
- / -
3 Black Jack ni Yoroshiku
4 / 127
- / 13
4 Death Note
- / 108
8 / 12
5 Define the Relationship
89 / 109
- / -
6 Highschool of the Dead
- / 33
2 / 7
7 Limited Run
60 / 94
- / -
8 Placebo
52 / 58
- / -
9 Slammer Dogs Publishing
23 / -
- / -
10 Tomie
- / 20
1 / 3
11 Turn Off the Camera!
44 / 99
- / -
12 Yours to Claim
43 / 109
- / -