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Chapters: 1514, Volumes: 18, Days: 8.41, Mean Score: 8.7, Score Dev.: 1.25 More stats
#Image Manga Title Score Chapters Volumes Magazine
1 3-gatsu no Lion Publishing 10
12 / -
- / -
Young Animal
2 Abnormal-kei Joshi On Hiatus 10
15 / 15
- / 3
Comic Meteor
3 Akarui Sekai Keikaku 9
15 / 23
- / 3
Gangan Online
4 Ase to Sekken -
47 / 104
- / 11
5 Ballroom e Youkoso Publishing 9
43 / -
- / -
Shounen Magazine (Monthly)
6 Beast Complex Publishing -
6 / -
- / -
Shounen Champion (Weekly)
7 Bokutachi Otoko no Ko 7
6 / 10
- / 1
Zero-Sum Online
8 Cherry 8
19 / 41
- / 4
Big Comic Spirits
9 Chi no Wadachi 8
37 / 153
- / 17
Big Comic Superior
10 Dead Dead Demons Dededede Destruction 9
40 / 101
- / 12
Big Comic Spirits
11 Fukakai na Boku no Subete wo 10
6 / 28
- / 5
Comic MeDu
12 Gojikanme no Sensou 9
11 / 27
- / 4
Young Ace
13 Haikyuu!! 8
25 / 407
- / 45
Shounen Jump (Weekly)
14 Haru to Natsu 8
14 / 31
- / 5
Young Animal
15 Heroine Shikkaku 9
36 / 42
- / 10
Bessatsu Margaret
16 Hitoribocchi no ○○ Seikatsu 7
4 / 101
- / 8
Comic Dengeki Daioh "g"
17 Hoshino, Me wo Tsubutte. 8
73 / 107
- / 13
Shounen Magazine (Weekly)
18 Houseki no Kuni 9
57 / 108
- / 13
19 Jealousy 8
6 / 29
- / 5
20 Jigopuri 7
9 / 29
- / 2
21 Joshi BL -
8 / 10
- / 1
22 Joshikausei Publishing 8
15 / -
- / -
Web Comic Action
23 Joshikousei ni Korosaretai 9
1 / 14
- / 2
Go Go Bunch
24 Kasane 9
10 / 126
- / 14
25 Kase-san Series 8
24 / 25
- / 5
26 King of Idol 8
10 / 61
- / 6
Shounen Sunday
27 Koko ni Iru yo! 8
5 / 21
- / 5
28 Kono S wo, Mi yo! - Cupid no Itazura 10
82 / 155
6 / 15
Big Comic Spirits
29 Kounodori 9
10 / 328
- / 32
30 Kuchi no Naka no Shita 8
5 / 8
- / 1
Magazine Be x Boy
31 Kuro 9
22 / 22
- / 3
Tonari no Young Jump
32 Kyou no Asuka Show 9
14 / 48
- / 4
Gekkan! Spirits
33 Made in Abyss Publishing 10
38 / -
- / -
Web Comic Gamma
34 Mahou Shoujo Kazumi★Magica: The Innocent Malice 9
1 / 23
- / 5
Manga Time Kirara Forward
35 Mahou Shoujo of the End 10
21 / 64
- / 16
Bessatsu Shounen Champion
36 Mahou Shoujo Ore 8
5 / 12
- / 2
Comic Be
37 Mahou Shoujo Site 10
18 / 141
- / 16
Champion Tap!
38 Maid-san wa Taberu dake Publishing -
23 / -
- / -
Comic Days
39 Mono Publishing 9
1 / -
- / -
Manga Time Kirara Carat
40 Mujaki no Rakuen 8
10 / 93
- / 13
Young Animal Arashi
41 Nana-iro Kakumei -
9 / -
- / 8
Ribon Magazine
42 Naze Toudouin Seiya 16-sai wa Kanojo ga Dekinai no ka? 9
2 / 39
- / 8
Shounen Rival
43 Ohana Holoholo 9
7 / 42
1 / 6
Feel Young
44 Ore Monogatari!! 9
10 / 55
- / 14
Bessatsu Margaret
45 Otome no Teikoku Publishing 10
88 / -
2 / -
Grand Jump
46 Poputepipikku Publishing 10
26 / -
- / -
Manga Life Win
47 Prison School 10
113 / 278
- / 28
Young Magazine (Weekly)
48 Qtμt Publishing -
4 / -
- / -
Big Gangan
49 Renai Boukun 8
13 / 61
- / 14
Comic Meteor
50 Renai Idenshi XX 9
2 / 17
- / 2
Comic Yuri Hime
51 Saint☆Oniisan Publishing 9
8 / -
- / -
Morning Two
52 Sakuranbo Syndrome - Cupid no Itazura II 10
58 / 98
5 / 11
Young Sunday (Weekly)
53 Shikii no Juunin 8
8 / 56
- / 7
Comic Beam
54 Shingeki no Kyojin 10
83 / 141
- / 34
Bessatsu Shounen Magazine
55 Shisei no Otoko 8
1 / 6
- / 1
56 Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou 9
25 / 47
- / 6
Kurage Bunch
57 Suki tte Ii na yo. 10
44 / 73
- / 18
58 Taiyou no Ie 9
44 / 53
- / 13
59 Ten Count 5
32 / 51
- / 6
60 Tonnura-san 9
16 / 52
- / 9
Comic REX
61 Uramichi Oniisan Publishing 10
9 / -
- / -
Comic POOL
62 Uwa-Koi 7
16 / 36
- / 6
Young King
63 Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui! Publishing 8
60 / -
- / -
Gangan Online
64 Watashi ga Motete Dousunda 9
26 / 60
- / 14
Bessatsu Friend
65 Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii 10
- / 105
4 / 11
Comic POOL
66 Youjo Senki Publishing 8
2 / -
- / -
Comp Ace
67 Zombitch wa Bitch ni Fukumaremasu ka? 7
4 / 40
- / 6
Gangan Joker